Everyone at T.U.F.F. was doing their own thing. Most were checking their e-mails, others were in training, Keswick was testing some new inventions, and the Chief was listening to the oldies station on the radio. Kitty had already finished checking her e-mails, and so was relaxing by searching for a new antique to put in her home. Dudley was enjoying his chew toy webpage, and deciding whether or not to purchase a new one.

Snaptrap then appeared on the giant TV screens. Everyone was used to this, so they drew their attention to the screens without being startled.

"Agents of T.U.F.F., I, Verminious Snaptrap, Supreme Leader of D.O.O.M., am going to destroy all the cheese in the universe! And none of you can stop me!" Snaptrap declared evilly. "That's right, I'm looking at you Agents Puppy and Katswell! Snaptrap out!"

"Huh, I wonder what his plan is?" Dudley asked, walking up to Kitty.

"Knowing him he doesn't have a plan, otherwise he would've bragged about it to us." Kitty replied.

"Right, Snaptrap isn't nah-nah-known for being a cah-cah-clever thinker." Keswick added, just arriving from his his lab.

Everyone looked at his lab coat, which was smoking and covered in holes.

"Another acid-spitting weapon Keswick?" Chief rolled his eyes.

"Old habits are hah-hah-hard to bah-bah-bah-bah..." Keswick got stuck.

"Break?" Dudley guessed.

"Eh-exactly." Keswick nodded.

"I know what you mean." Dudley said just before chewing on his butt again; Kitty cleared her throat, stopping him. "Heh, sorry." He said sheepishly. "Still working on that one..."

"Agents Puppy and Katswell, despite Snaptrap obviously not having a plan, it's still your duty to stop him!" Chief ordered.

"We're on it Chief!" Kitty saluted.

"Right, to the T.U.F.F. Mobile!" Dudley declared, pointing in front of him.

"Uh, Dudley, the garage is that way." Kitty pointed in the opposite direction.

"I knew that, I knew it." Dudley said, leaping in the direction Kitty was pointing.

Kitty drove them to the D.O.O.M. Lair. When they got there they snuck in through the ventilation system.

"Now careful Dudley, Snaptrap is expecting us and so most likely set up a trap." Kitty whispered.

At that, the two of the fell through a trapdoor in the ventilation system and landed in a cage suspended over a shark pit.

"You mean like this?" Dudley asked.

"Exactly." Kitty sighed, annoyed that they fell into a common trap.

Snaptrap then appeared.

"Okay, what's your crazy 'ruin pizza forever' scheme this time Snaptrap?" Dudley glared.

"I don't have one, I was just luring you into my trap." Snaptrap smirked.

"Great, we fall for an obvious trick and land in an obvious trap." Kitty said sarcastically. "What next?"

"Being sent into the obvious shark pit?" Snaptrap guessed.

"That was rhetorical, come on even I knew that." Dudley rolled his eyes.

"So sue me, the only sarcasm I'm used to is my own." Snaptrap retorted.

"I have a better idea." Dudley smirked, pulling out a weapon.

Actually, it was the Flash-Baker. Dudley carried it around often due to loving cakes. He pressed a couple buttons, and two cakes appeared behind Snaptrap. One was a cheesecake while the other was a chocolate cake.

"Nice try, but I'm not falling for the cheesecake trick again." Snaptrap frowned before smiling: "I'm having the chocolate cake!"

At that, he grabbed the chocolate cake and started stuffing it into his mouth.

"Ew, you know I still can't figure out what my mom saw in that guy." Dudley winced.

Then, to both Snaptrap and Kitty's surprise, Snaptrap started bloating! He continued bloating until his body drew really close to the cage, allowing Kitty to grab the keys to the cage out of his pocket. She and Dudley broke out and jumped on top of the bloated Snaptrap, running on top of him and causing him to roll onto the top of the shark pit.

"Aw great, don't tell me I'm allergic to chocolate now." Snaptrap frowned.

"Actually," Dudley chuckled. "That was a cheesecake disguised as a chocolate cake, the other was a soy-cheesecake."

"Soy-cheese-" Snaptrap was stunned. "I forgot about that stuff."

Then, his expression and a chomping sound hinted that one of the sharks just bit him in the...tail. This was confirmed when Snaptrap leapt into the air, screaming in pain, and Dudley and Kitty saw a shark attached to Snaptrap's...tail. Snaptrap then landed on the floor, dazed. Dudley pulled the shark off Snaptrap while Kitty handcuffed Snaptrap.

"It's back to jail for you Snaptrap." Kitty said.

"Can you at least have Larry give me my antihistamine shot first?" Snaptrap asked. "Those cells are bad enough without them being smaller than you."

Kitty and Dudley allowed Larry to deliver the shot, but Kitty administered the shot herself to prevent Larry from sneaking anything to Snaptrap. Snaptrap shrunk back to his normal size, and was taken to jail.

"Good work Agents Puppy and Katswell." The Chief said proudly. "Especially you Agent Puppy, Agent Katswell told me that the cake trick was your idea."

"Aw, it was nothing." Dudley rubbed the back of his head. "It was Kitty who got the keys and took Snaptrap to jail."

"Which I couldn't have done if you hadn't tricked Snaptrap." Kitty put a hand on his shoulder with a smile. "I think you deserve a reward, right Chief?"

"Right. Keswick?" Chief called.

"Cah-cah-coming!" Keswick arrived with a box. "It's a gah-good thing we get extra-speedy deh-deh-delivery."

Dudley opened the box to find a new squeaky toy. It was shaped like a steak and was wearing a mailman outfit.

"All right, it's the one I was thinking of getting!" Dudley wagged his tail. "How did you know?"

"I saw you looking at it yesterday when I went to get some coffee." Kitty explained.

"Thanks Kitty! I'm going to go play with it right now!" Dudley hugged her and ran off to the exercise room of the building.