Taming the Princess

Hiya! Want to bring to you all a story about one of my favorite anime. I'm new at this but pls read and enjoy. And also read and enjoy!


The sound of footsteps always made her quizzy. So she ran, ran has fast as her legs could carry her, all in blur. She didn't know where she was coming from neither did she know where she was going. She just knew she had to run, just run just run just run JUST RUN! But the footsteps where gaining up on her getting louder by the second. She had to do something, but what?. She didn't know where she was going. As she was feeling hopeless, she saw ahead a faint light "a way out!" she said. As she hastened her steps towards the light she felt relief wash into her, safe at last.

The light was soothing and she felt at peace and suddenly it vanished, opening way to hundreds of pairs of eyes. She was not alone. SHIT. She could now see she was on a podium, all eyes on her. Then the eyes swarmed around her, making her feel naked. The crowd burying her in the centre, asking and shouting, Cameras flashing here and there, blinding her temporarily. She felt scared and alone, she needed comfort.

And then she saw a hand pull her up from the crowd, relief again. Another hand wrapped around her waist. She felt comfort. As she looked up to see the face of her rescuer…

The alarm went on…

"…" Cagalli woke up to a big empty room. Another dream.She thought. Cagalli looked beside her bed where the alarm was still ringing.5:45am, it said. Another day, she thought. But wait, this day was different, yeah, she is going to a new school starting today. For a girl of seventeen, she had an awful record of being kicked out of schools. Even her dad was getting fed up of her rebellious ways. Cagalli was sure that if he hadn't threatened her, she wouldn't have succumbed. She still remembers their discussion two days earlier….


The room was filled with silence; only the sound of the wood burning in the fireplace could be heard in the living room. Uzumi stood looking at the embers, and how each fragment of wood fell to pieces. Cagalli on the other hand sat down on a sofa, head down even though her dad was not looking at her, but she still kept it down just in case he turns.

"I do not understand why you love to rebel against me. I give everything you want, shower you with lots of love and I make sure I play both roles of father and mother, so you will not hurt or suffer for a day. But it seems it is not enough to you"

Cagalli had just been suspended from her current school on the grounds of what the school called 'Misused Conduct'. But Cagalli knew it was a way of the school rejecting her artistry. She had done graffiti in every classroom in the school, which by the way took Cagalli and her team eight hours to complete. Only a true artist would have understood it, not some bunch of middle-aged men and women who only understood black and white. She felt in her entire life, nobody had taken the chance to understand her. They had assumed for her, trying to turn her into a human robot, but they hadn't had any luck yet. But you couldn't blame them, they were just following traditions, after all she was the heir to the throne of Orb Union. The mention of it made her want to vomit. But she will have to save that for later, cos she was in big trouble now.

Her father, Uzumi who had been quiet for a while finally spoke,

"Being a king has its privileges and one of them is being able to get you into another school, even with your past records" Cagalli's head was raised after hearing this.


"Don't 'huh' me. You'll be resuming Zaft High beginning Monday. Unless you want to consider Orb Military Academy" Her father's last sentence made a shiver run down her spine. Anything but OMA (A/N Orb Military Academy) was good enough for her. And her dad took her silence as a yes.

"Very well then, I'll begin arrangements for the transfer" her father said, still looking at the fireplace. Cagalli couldn't say anything but mutter to herself "so much for standing my ground" and seeing that the discussion was now over, Cagalli decided to leave. As she was about to leave the room, she heard her father say

"And please don't burn down this new school"

Cagalli had to laugh at that, cos she wasn't even thinking of such…yet….


Cagalli looked over to the clock by her bed side which said 6:00am.

"Time to go" she said. Smiling, she thought to herself Zaft High huh, I'll soon see what this school is all about. With that she got up from her bed, ready to start a new day.


The sound made footsteps in the hall way heavier; nobody wants to be late to class on a Monday morning. Lockers closing, students shouting and running. And in a matter of moments the hall was empty. No sign of the customary red and white uniform.

Cagalli was standing outside the school gate when the bell rang. Talk about adrenaline. As she watched students run to different direction. And within a minute she was left alone outside the school. Still surprised at the rate people ran, she decided to go in

"Here I go again" One will think that she was used to changing schools a lot, but guess what, she was not. The idea of being a new girl still gets her on the edge. Her first day in this school will determine the rest of her days here. "Thank God I'm a senior. Won't have to put up with high school much longer" she said to herself as she entered the school hall. Everywhere was quiet and it seemed like she was the only one there. Scratch that, she was the only one there. This made Cagalli remember the dream she had. Now she was afraid. Amber eyes searching frantically for a living soul or any sign that she was not alone, but she found none. I'm alone, no I can't be. This is a school for crying out loud. Where thousands of people learn….everyday. But reassuring herself won't help. She has to find the administration office, fast.

Still looking around to find anybody who could give her directions, she felt something bump into her, making her fall flat on her butt. She was still cursing whatever was responsible for the pain she felt when she saw a hand before her, suggesting 'to help'.

Tracing the hand to the body of the owner, showing a nice well built chest, still following to the shoulders, midnight blue hair coming in view. Raising her head further, that's when…..

Cagalli saw the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen. Emerald eyes looking at her with a mixed expression and a face as cute as a button. Huh? Cute, Cagalli thought to herself. Realizing that she hadn't accepted the hand offered to her, put her hand in his, blushing. The stranger drew her up without much effort. After waiting for her to dust herself off, he said

"You should be careful to watch where you are going Miss."

Angel voice, Miss. Who tha heck is this guy?

Looking at him squarely, she said "hum you should be the one to watch where you are going, Sir". She emphasized the sir. But the stranger just looked at her and then smiled. This got Cagalli confused and nervous cos she was trying to hold her blush.

"You are obviously new here. My name is Athrun Zala" Athrun said, extending a hand to Cagalli. Cagalli shocked by this gesture looked at the hand as if she was seeing it for the first time. And this was her second time. But she reluctantly shook the hand, hiding another blush.

"So to find the administration office you need to take a right turn and then a left and then another right and keep on walking straight till you see a room with a heading admin office, you found your X." All through the time Athrun was talking, Cagalli just stared at him. He was weird….in a cute way.

Athrun noticing Cagalli said "Just a right then a left then a right. Should be pretty easy to understand now, even if you are new" But Cagalli was just looking at Athrun. He was practically the most handsome boy she has seen. She was in a daze…

Whereas, Cagalli's stare made Athrun uneasy, not because she was staring but because of the way she stared. She looked cute with the way her amber eyes became all glassy, almost as if she was day dreaming.

"Athrun" an angelic voice called behind Cagalli. When she turned back, she saw a girl with pink long hair not too far from where they were standing. She's pretty, Cagalli thought.

"I'm coming Lacus" he called out to the girl. Looking back at Cagalli "Well I gotta go now, but I hope you find your way. Like I said, turn right then left then turn right again. See you later" And with that he dashed off to the lacus' side.

Cagalli watched both of them walk side by side until they turned a corner. Most be his girlfriend, she thought. And somewhere inside, Cagalli wished that it was she who was walking beside him

What? Snap out of it! Kay, turn right, then left, then right again. Should be easy.


Whadya think? Pls make sure to review, and also be gentle, this is my first fic. Till next week.

Bye. And pls remember to review
