
A graveyard, a snake. And still the same nightmare. Every night he was watching the death of the second Hogwarts' champion. And every night he was living Lord Voldemort's death again. He was feeling the rage that had overwhelmed him when he had seen Cedric fall. He was seeing the dome that the twin wands had created and his parents' ghosts. But when they had told him to break the bond, he got stubborn, as the Gryffindor he was. The Expelliarmus had eventually beaten the death.

He was still seeing the Dark Lord's smile, full of confidence, sure of his victory. Suddenly, Lupin and Sirius were there, raising up their wands in front of the one you used to be part of the Marauders. Wormtail didn't survive that night, however Harry's mind wasn't filled with any kind of regret. Why would he feel this way towards the man who betrayed his parents ? After Remus and his godfather, the other members, of what he found out was the Order of the Phoenix, had arrived. They had arrested the deatheaters who hadn't had the time to escape.

Harry woke up, sweating, like each night. Hedwige hooted and the young man got back to sleep.

Cold and despair were creeping into him. He knew why they were there but he couldn't believe it. He looked at his mother, standing straight and proud, and his father, full of pride and ice. However he couldn't stay impassible.

"Feelings are made for weak people!"

The sentence had slammed, dry and cold through the huge and dark hall of the Malfoy's Manor. Draco nodded and put on his mask of despise and ice. Three knocks at the door. Three stab-wounds in the young man's heart. But nothing on his face. He would wait, like his mother. He would wait to be alone to let go his anger and his sorrow. The door opened, showing Dalwish with Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, recently found innocent from all the charges against him.

"I nearly had to wait..."

The last words he heard from this mouth. From his father's mouth.


Pain. Deaf, crawling. Then it all blew up. The burning was straining muscles, the shouts were tearing his throat.

" You'll never be anything ! A useless, foolish Gryffindor... You are nothing."

As the pain was even more unbearable, the yells became whispers whispers then silence. Only the tears wouldn't dry up. He glanced at his mother whose look was empty and cold. She has never fought over him, today will not be an exception. She will just attend her only son's torture, senseless. She didn't move or blink when the teenager stared at her intensely. He kept staring at this woman who gave him birth. The tears stopped dropping and he bit his bottom lip to choke back a sob although he had the right to after have lived what he felt like an eternity of torture. In his hazel eyes the hate was shining.

Blaine woke up in panic. He only calmed down when he recognize his cousin's room. However, each time he closed his eyes, he was seeing his father's expression, almost happy to torture his Gryffindor of a son.

Corridors, that's all he could see. Corridors without an end and dark. Then a scream tearing the darkness. He began to run almost immediately, breathless. He was looking for where the sound came from. He was turning, following what seemed to be the seat of an intense pain, but yet he couldn't find anything. Nothing was happening. Then, little by little, the shrieks became quiet, almost faint like a moan. When he finally reached the room, it was to late. His father was standing in front of him. By his feet his mother was laying still and wan. The man who used to be his mentor was smiling.

Graves. He was walking and he knew where. He knew it very well because tonight He was gonna die and He will never be able to hurt again. He knew nobody wanted him to find out. However he thanks Merlin for this precious and unexpected piece of information. Tonight he will have his revenge.

"Look who we've got here Commodius. You're son is joining us."

The Dark Lord was smiling. But the cold answer made the dark wizard himself shiver.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken. Tonight I've come to kill."

A gesture of terror. The movement of a wand. A green lightning. A body falling down, a smile fading away. Voldemort felt the rage rushing. How could a pure-blood kill his own father who appears to be one of his best followers! As the wizard raised his wand to cast the spell of death, two figures appeared in the darkness. The teenager took advantage of the situation to run away. No one would ever know he was there. No one would know that he killed his father.

Kurt opened his eyes. Today was the start of a new school year. He would never go back to Salem. This year Hogwarts was waiting for him.