



::Hidden Leaf Village::



The dead silence in the room only made Sasuke feel uneasy. He wasn't sure about leaving the apartment or at least peek his head out the door, mostly in fear of bumping into Ino.

What the blonde woman told him still racked his brain, the mental images were obviously disturbing. What he couldn't come to comprehend, was that if he longed for Sakura for so long, why would he go after her best friend.

It made no sense to him since the rose haired girl was all he could ever think about.

Forming a more united family with her was now his ambition.

Growing old with her and be surrounded by numerous cute little grandchildren.

But more importantly; listening to her say how much she loved him everyday, at every moment of his life.

If he had that, Sasuke was sure that he would never trade it for anything in the entire world.

Much less for a manipulative woman like Ino. He never liked the woman, he never did. Sai had been the poor unfortunate soul that got himself tangled in her elaborate web of lies and sin.

In this place, the tables turned and instead it was Sasuke who met his demise with the blonde female.

Perhaps this wonderful dream he thought he was living in, was beginning to crumble and in the end he will live his worst nightmare. He couldn't expect for everything in life to be all peaches and cream, but the terrible deeds he's done against Sakura didn't really add up.

Sasuke didn't know who to turn to for answers, he felt stranded in this place with strange people. It was as if his entire memories from before were just dreams and just now he was taking in reality. It sucked, this whole situation had its ups and downs. He thought everything was wonderful by just having Sakura by his side, but the situation only got difficult when Ino appeared in the picture.

Sasuke was so confused and tired.

The plip-plop sound of the rain failed to distract him. The lone Uchiha laid down on the bed with his eyes tracing the crack on the pale ceiling in apparent tranquility.

"How am I going to tell her when I don't even know what actually happened?" Sasuke asked out loud, not really expecting a reply. "I don't want to lose her"

How to answer with the truth when she asks him how and why when he didn't know it himself. What ever it is that happened between him and Ino, he didn't know all the details. Sasuke could remember nothing of his life; it was pretty much as if he stepped into the life of a complete stranger. An unfaithful man who took what he had for granted.

Had he always been a loving boyfriend?

He had to guess not, after remembering how confused Sakura had been by his strange behavior as she called it. Then that probably meant he was a cold person towards her and other people.

This only made him angrier to think that he could have been better to Ino rather than his fiancée. More loving, tentative and caring. That he could have been intimate with another woman while on a relationship with Sakura.

What could have him do such things? What?

"Ugh! Was I fucking high when I did all this crap?" an angry growl formed in his throat when he couldn't form any words to apologize. He turned to a side and grabbed one of the fluffy pillows to his face, holding down the need to scream out loud, Sasuke placated himself by performing a countdown in his head. Perhaps he would need to start over again, this time from a higher number because ten seconds weren't enough to cool him down.

His mind was lost in seventy–four; mind gone numb and fuzzy when the words that Ino spoke to him bounced inside his brain.

"…you better break your engagement or I will open my mouth. And believe me, my word has more credibility than yours. She will hate you!"

Hate him.

Sasuke didn't want for that to be the result of confessing. He didn't want to be despised, not by her of all people. But what intrigued him the most is that Sakura would believe the Yamanaka over him, the fiancé. Sure Ino was the best friend, but it appeared as if their relationship wasn't precisely the strongest at the moment. What with Sakura believing that Ino is not at all convinced with their marriage; which she was right. Still, what the blonde had said didn't make much sense to him.

"I knew there was a reason why I never liked her…"


Sasuke immediately sat up in bed to stare wide-eyed at his rose-haired fiancée. She had obviously just entered the room, her bag pack she carried to the hospital with her spare clothes on the floor near the door.

Sakura lifted a pink brow when she didn't receive a reply right away. Swaying, she made her way slowly towards him until she towered over his stiff form, soon falling down on his lap and cradled her face in the conjuncture of his neck.

"You're tired"

The young woman slowly nodded in reply. An arm snaked around his neck to pull herself closer to his body. The act only made him smile; Sasuke hadn't known her to cuddle. But he wasn't about to object, the male wrapped his arms around her lithe form and rested his chin on her bare shoulder– nipping at her soft flesh.

"You didn't answer"


A content sigh escaped her lips when his own warm pair trailed further up her neck. Sasuke closed his eyes to the feeling, slowly massaging her back in small circles until she turned basically into putty in his arms. Her limp arms dropped from around his neck, only to rest on his chest –hands smoothing over the hard muscles there, absolutely loving the feeling of how they clenched from under her touch.

"Were you talking about me?" she murmured at his ear, nipping his earlobe softly. He briefly smiled at this.

"No, I was annoyed at some random crazy lady"

At that moment Sakura could only think that another villager must of bothered Sasuke about his past; once again. The pink haired female pulled back from her lover, snaking her arms around his neck again and effectively wrapping her legs around him so she straddled completely his lap. She gave him a soft peck on the lips before gazing into his onyx eyes in a way that Sasuke has never been looked at before by anyone.

Her emeralds showed so much love that he felt his heart about to explode. In a good way, because he felt in that moment the luckiest guy alive.

He leaned closer to her until their foreheads were touching, the hazy look in her eyes encouraged his next action. Emerald eyes fluttered shut with his kiss; a sweet caress, sweeter than anything she's ever tasted before. Softer than soft petals: enticing, sensual, loving, full of feeling.

Sakura hummed happily as she replied to his tender touch just as eager. To the fullest enjoying the rare moment.

Nimble fingers thread through silky dark locks, entwining and pulling him closer. She loved the feeling of his lips on her own, the passion her lover put into what could have been only a simple kiss.

She moaned his name, as he her own in response.

Sasuke groaned at the sensation of her small warm body being pressed intimately close to his own. Dragging a lone hand up her smooth thigh painfully slow until it came in contact with the elastic end of her biker shorts. Then down again; repeating the action. Memorizing the texture of her smooth ivory skin.

The Uchiha later realized his pink lover wasn't as tired as she had initially said. The roseate had suddenly pinned him down on the bed, pearly teeth nipping at the skin on his neck until she left a mark. After a while, fully satisfied about her handy work, Sakura removed herself from him with one last kiss to his lips.

A giggle escaped her mouth when he groaned in protest. His lips pouting, begging she resumed their moment. Although in the end, Sakura declined with a smile, even though he had begun to tug at her skirt to ease her forward.

"Sorry Sasuke-kun, I got to take a shower"

The sudden devious smile that lit his face startled her for a moment, she could only guess his lewd thoughts. The young medic had to specify just how many people could go into the shower before he could get his hopes up.

"Alone Sasuke-kun" with that she ran inside the bathroom to avoid falling prey to his adorable pout. It was practically obvious the medic wasn't about to comply to his requests, knowing fully well where their activities would lead to.

While the pink woman took the longest shower in history. Poor Sasuke sat at the edge of the bed with the same gnawing problem.

Now more than ever did he not want to tell Sakura about Ino.



The following morning he woke to Sakura's feathery touch on his cheek. She was brushing his stubborn dark locks behind his ear, only to giggle at how they sprung back into place. It was a fascinating discovery that the longest parts of his silky hair could curl if twisted around her finger. She had obviously done just that when his bangs refused to stay put.

Sasuke remained still and silent while she did this; enjoying to the fullest the peaceful moment. Although giving himself away when his eyes shifted and his lovely fiancée noticed. The rosette plopped herself up on her elbow, she then leaned closer to him and pecked him on the cheek next to his now dissolving dark curl.

"Good morning"

Before she could pull away, he had weaved his hand through her soft hair and pulled her down for another kiss. This time pressing his warm lips to her own pink ones, "good morning"

"Are you going to train today?" Sakura hummed against his smooth lips, but the only answer she got was another kiss.

"Naruto is been wanting to train with you since yesterday, Sai got sick to the stomach already; too many ramen invitations"

"The dobe can wait," he smirked down at her before dipping down to peck her lips, "I rather spend my time with you"

"Sorry to disappoint you Sasuke-kun, but tonight I'll be out of town with Tsunade-shishou. She has to run some personal errands, I thought it would be good for me to tag along in case I see something of interest for our wedding night"

"Fine, I'll baby-sit the dork"

She laughed, "He's been bragging about some new technique he learned, you guys better try not to go overboard on your training because I will not be around to heal your boo-boos"


Sakura rolled out of bed, her fiancé following suit behind her as she walked inside the bathroom to get ready. She growled in frustration when she couldn't straighten her mane, grabbing the attention of her lover who stood bemusedly behind her.

"I swear I'm temped to cut it short again"

"Don't," he said almost immediately, "your hair looks really pretty"

"It's such a hassle in the mornings though"

The Uchiha threaded his fingers through her rosy hair, disentangling the stubborn knots with his fingers gently. He took the wooden brush from her and began brushing was he had undone, proceeding to do the same with the others after.

"I remember my mother always had the same problem, so she'd ask me to brush the back for her since she couldn't see it herself"

His words had Sakura paralyzed and speechless. After all it wasn't often that Sasuke spoke of his parents and when he actually did he was never in the greatest of moods. She bowed her head in silence, allowing him to relate the moments he had spent with his mother.

"I wish I could of done more for her, I mean I'm not the best of sons, but I love her"

"I know Sasuke-kun"

His fingers finished threading through the last knots, with a smile he brushed the curls until they straightened down against his palm. Sakura's hair was easy to brush, she just wasn't very patient.

"I'm sure she'd be glad to meet you," he remembered his mother's words about Karin and suddenly he realized that meeting Sakura as his girlfriend would have been a thousand times more appealing to Mikoto than meeting Karin. He could only imagine the way these two would get along, they were practically similar in attitude that Sasuke was sure his mother would love Sakura.

Once he was done he found himself hugged tightly by his rose haired girlfriend, the wet spot on his chest alerted him that she was actually crying. He dropped the brush on the sink and held her flushed face with his hands, only watching how Sakura just tried to force back her tears.

"Why are you crying?" Sasuke asked flabbergasted by the sudden waterworks.

Sakura in the other hand couldn't really summon up the words to speak to him. Specially now that he was enthusiastically talking about his mother. Something she'd never witnessed before.


"Nothing, Sasuke-kun," Sakura bowed her head so she could discretely wipe the tears away, she only looked up and smiled at him when she made sure she wasn't tearing anymore. "you know how weird I am"

"You're not that weird" he smirked at her. Taking the moment to kiss her softly on the lips, "you're perfect"



Thankfully Sakura had walked with him to the training grounds, for he would of found it extremely awkward to ask her for directions. Their blonde teammate was already there, practicing on his taijutsu with Rock Lee. Both sweaty males waved at Sakura as she left Sasuke there with them and told him to wait until they were done with their spar so that the Uchiha could begin his training with Naruto.

About fifteen minutes later, Naruto was on his back gasping for air and Lee was doing his happy dance that consisted of jumping around with his arms in the air screaming at the top of his lungs "GAI-SENSEI!"

Only did Naruto's annoyed grumbles halted the green youth in his screams.

"This was a great warm-up, Naruto!" Rock Lee boasted, with a goofy smile on his face. The Hokage wannabe threw him a 'are you crazy?' look, but didn't manage to say anything in return this time. The need of air was greater. "I shall leave the both of you to continued your training. I will be continuing mine, by walking around the village a hundred times on my hands!"

"You…go do…that" the blonde gasped for air, swatting his hand after him.

It left Sasuke wondering though. On how far he could actually get on his hands.

Them being done, the Uchiha hopped to his feet when the Kyuubi container stood with his arms behind his head and stretching his limbs from their sudden numbness. He didn't know what to do, but when Lee said spar, he supposed they had to fight hand to hand.

"Sasuke…" said male turned to him, just in time for the well aimed fist to the face. Hearing his nose crack under his fist, gave Naruto the satisfaction, but not enough to make him smile. He shook the Uchiha's blood from his fingers, swaying on his feet as he looked down on his friend with a menacing glare on his face.

"What the–"

"Don't you dare play stupid, teme!" Naruto interrupted with a tone the Uchiha hadn't heard coming from the blonde in a long time. It meant that he was obviously very pissed. "How could you kiss Ino!"


Sasuke felt like he'd swallowed nails. He couldn't look at his friend in the face, but only managed to drop his hand from his nose to lay numb beside him.

"And to top it all in Sakura-chan's house? You idiot!"

Naruto had seen them.

"Naruto, I–"

"No!" the blonde took a step back, holding his fist tight to his sides. Probably from jumping at his friend and beating him to a bloody pulp. "I knew you were cheating on Sakura-chan, Sai told me on our mission which is why I rushed back early. What he failed to tell me is that you were cheating on her with Ino!"

Now, he felt like the biggest jerk in history.

When he looked into his friend's angry blue eyes he felt like he was shrinking on the spot. And perhaps Naruto didn't want a silent reply, he turned and growled to the ground a couple times before turning back to his friend.

"I warned you about hurting Sakura-chan! Didn't I?" the blue eyed male threw himself at his friend with his fist ready to go down on his friend's face. He held the Uchiha pinned by the throat.

Sasuke didn't know the warning, but he could tell he was about to feel it.

"Didn't I?"



::Konoha City::



The feeling of being the one attending school as a student instead of a teacher, never left him up until the bell rung for lunch break. The Uchiha had gone along with his life in this unknown place, attempting to make the best out of it. He didn't know how to teach, not at all. But upon reaching his classroom that morning, Sasuke discovered numerous notes relating to future lectures. So there he figured he'd just make work for the students out of those and hopefully pick up after the text books to they will have something to do. Thankfully that plan worked out fine, even though most of kids picked out the strange ways in which he taught them the lesson that day. Far slower and less homework, surely nearly all of them were pleased with the results of the awkwardness.

When the lunch period came around he was guided towards the teacher's lounge by Naruto none the less. And the principal to the school - laughable as it was, Sasuke could only smile to himself. Surely the blonde hyperactive man couldn't have the patience, seeing as his history with children wasn't the best. But Sasuke wasn't one to talk either, so he was back to square one in wondering how he even became a teacher himself. And of History to top it off, after all he despised the topic.

"Are you feeling better today?" Naruto questioned the Uchiha with a not so modest smile on his tanned face. He handed the Uchiha a cup of coffee, not missing the way the Uchiha's brows rose in question.


"That's good," the blonde took a sip of the brew before directing that annoying amused stare back to the other male. "you know, I heard about your little incident yesterday with Sakura-chan"

Sasuke's stoic stare didn't waver. The cup of coffee in his hand only seemed to shift momentarily in his hand as he made himself more comfortable in his seat.

"Can I honestly think that you've ended your relationship with the screeching banshee?"


Naruto had to quickly shield his mouth from making a bigger mess, he'd sprayed the hot coffee all over his lap, successfully missing Sasuke. He had to take note from now on the Uchiha's bluntness, which he has yet to get used to. Sure, back when they were in school, Naruto ignored the rude comments and snide remarks coming from the egomaniac. But they were young and stupid, thinking the world was as big as the universe. Now that they are older and with responsibilities on their shoulders, Naruto just couldn't keep up with Sasuke's shifty moods.

One moment he was all weepy- that in Sasuke was a strange occasion, but regularly the blonde headmaster noticed that his best friend was stressed out because of his relationship with the banshee. Next moment it was anger- again, all because of the insufferable woman he has for a girlfriend. Later he was tired, depressed all over again, annoyed at everything and everyone even his own shadow. And when Naruto asked him what was going on, his response always included his girlfriend, Karin.

And right now, his reply was that of indifference. It obviously shocked him, since he actually expected Sasuke to start a complaint about the redhead.

Naruto frowned, "What about Sakura-chan?"

"What about her?"

"Why did you kiss her then?" the blonde shouted, becoming more agitated by the second. The Uchiha merely shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't go thinking that a kiss means anything"

That did it. Naruto abruptly stood from his seat across from him, in his head debating whether to chuck his mug at the crazy man or not. In the end he didn't, only deciding to slam his fist into the hardwood table as hard as he could. Sasuke could of sworn he heard the wood snap under the blonde's fist.

Sasuke glanced at Naruto, waiting for his response. Even though the man was by now seething from Sasuke's apathy.

"I guess it's a good thing Sakura-chan is over you for a very long time now. I would of hated to see her all depressed because of you"

They stared at each other for a while longer, until Naruto sighed in defeat.

Dealing with Sasuke was exhausting, extremely tiring.

"Don't do that to Sakura-chan," he muttered softly, avoiding the Uchiha's stare, "I told you before, if you are tired of going out with Karin, then break up with her. But don't get Sakura-chan mixed up with your frustration, it's not her fault you're miserable"

He didn't have to wait for a response from the man, the look in his eyes said it all. Sasuke understood that he's not supposed to play with the woman's feelings and he will do just that.

"I won't do it again"

But somehow Sasuke knew that he would. Deep down he might be happy with how his life is in some points. But not in everything. He was static that his family was alive and well, even if his romantic life was a disaster; his family really did made up for it.

He felt like trash for lying to Naruto. After all, he was Sasuke Uchiha. And Sasuke Uchiha never gives up on what he wants. He wanted Sakura, at least a part of him did. Call it stubbornness, or because he doesn't like to lose. In his mind, having her and his family alive made everything complete. And that maybe this change was a second opportunity to live happy.

A clean slate he had to take advantage of.



It was the end of the day and Sasuke was feeling mentally and physically drained. He swore that when the time came he would quit this job of a teacher and move into something less irritating.

Noisy students all day long really didn't appeal to the Uchiha. Therefore he wondered if this world had a job that was more exiting and less boring. He considered a cop. It was a very nice option at the moment.

He threw his bag over his shoulder and walked out of his now empty classroom with a tired sigh leaving his dried lips. Not being able to drink through the classes in fear those students would begin to rip each others throats any second. He kind of wondered how it was that he ended up with the social rejects and troubled kids. His class was simply not normal in the slightest. Half the time in class he had to keep his watch on a certain group that sat at the very back of the room. Shady students with dyed black hair and rings covering most of their faces. One had a tattoo on the right side of his neck of an intricate design that didn't have any shape at all, but it probably held meaning to the student. That one kid was probably the one commanding the rest of the student group around him, because his glare never left Sasuke even until they had to leave for the end of school day.

He had to rescue a poor student that was being picked on by the same group; that boy reminding him a little of Naruto, since he didn't really take the crap without inflicting some damage himself. Once or twice, Sasuke watched the group throw paper balls at the young kid's bushy head, and both times the victim turned to retaliate.

Aside from bullies, he had to deal with girls. Underage girls that loved to pretend they were older. A few of them sat awkwardly on their seats, lifting their skirts higher than necessary to give their handsome sensei a show.

Of course Sasuke was used to these kind of girls and their antics. He ignored all of them successfully, spoiling the young girls' plans.

Sasuke did really get the worst bunch in school there was.

He rubbed his right temple with his free hand to attempt rid himself of the upcoming headache. His head was pounding, yet he had to remember about the appointment with his mother. Skipping dinner with mom and dad was unacceptable this time around.

Continuing to massage his temple as it began to throb annoyingly, their annoying laughs and shouts were still echoing inside his head, that Sasuke considered pounding his head against the nearest wall until the noises stopped. But that would hurt, and he didn't really want to deal with another headache after he awoke from unconsciousness.


The Uchiha ignored the calling for he knew exactly who it was.

Another annoyingly loud person didn't appeal to him.

"Don't ignore me, teme!"

He was yanked back by the firm hold Naruto took on his jacket, only steadying himself on his feet helped him not fall on his ass right then and there. The man sent his friend a deadly glare after he was released, that goofy smile of his friend irking him further.

"I don't have time for you"

"Harsh," Naruto flinched, fake pout and all, "Geez, and here I just came to let you know that Itachi is upfront waiting for you"


"That's what I get for being such a great friend to you"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. He briskly walked down the hall to the stair case that led the fastest way to the main entrance. Meanwhile Naruto tailed after him with his ever lasting list of complains. He even depicted of moments that in all honesty didn't make sense or were humanly possible. And Sasuke should know that much; after all he came from a world that did the impossible for a place like the one he was in now.

"Cold shoulder, ouch!"

"Why don't you just go home?"

Naruto laughed as he patted the man's shoulder, "Have to check that my buddy doesn't go loco again and actually leaves with his bro for their dinner with mum and dad"

"That wont happen again"

Now that he knows where he stands, Sasuke doubted he'll speak without thinking first. Chances are high that his family will send him to the funny farm if he keeps acting strange around them. Or any other person around him for that matter.

"Hey Itachi!" Naruto shouted, waving enthusiastically even though the older Uchiha brother was just three doors away from them.

Itachi waved and smiled in return, it was obvious he was used to the blonde's embarrassing frolics. He met the pair halfway, only to poke his younger brother on the forehead as a greeting.

Annoyed by the action, Sasuke began to notice where Itachi was before he could even greet him back. The door to Sakura's office.

He stared at the open door, just over his brother's shoulder. She wasn't alone.

"Ready to go?"

Sasuke nodded in response, staring back at him.

"Well then I'll leave him to you," the blonde announced, "I got a hot date tonight!"

"Dinner with Kushina-san doesn't count as a date"

"Not with my mother, you teme!"

Both Uchiha brothers sniggered at Naruto's flushed angry yet embarrassed face. With no other witty reply, the blonde left them standing there.

"Hold on a sec," Itachi ran back to Sakura's office, and Sasuke had to hold himself back from even following after him. He heard her laugh out loud, along with his brother and another man that sounded awfully familiar.

Yet he stood frozen beside the door, unable to go after Itachi. He didn't want to see her yet after what he'd done the day before, but on another note, Sasuke wanted to see who and what was causing her to laugh like that.

Suddenly what Itachi asked him yesterday decided to replay in his head again. Wondering if Sakura was seeing another man. Maybe that other man was in there with her. Maybe it was Itachi.

Sasuke felt an uneasy feeling in his stomach, like vile rising and clogging his throat enabling him to swallow. The nasty sensation that alerted him to realize that she probably had someone else now.

Sasuke didn't like it one bit. He didn't even like to think the rosette had someone else beside her rather than himself. That plan of his to have everything suddenly crumbled beneath him.

'You're over thinking,' he thought to himself, attempting to calm his nerves, 'it's probably just a friend'

But what about Itachi? Surely he didn't ask about Sakura's relationship status for nothing.

"I'll talk to you guys later, gotta rush to my parent's house before they wonder what happened to us"

The young Uchiha froze in place when Itachi walked out, suit case in one hand and his blazer in the other. After waving one last time to the pair inside, he turned towards his younger brother so they could head home.

"Dad will be pissed if we–"

"Tomorrow is Kisame's bar inauguration. Don't forget!"

Sakura shouted from behind them, sounding a little too excited. Itachi turned and gave them a face that clearly questioned why she would even say that. That, he could remember, Uchiha Itachi was never late for anything.

"I don't forget anything"

"If I had a penny for every time you say that"

At the sound of the new voice, Sasuke had to turn. The sight before him not at all pleasant.

"That hurts you know…"

He couldn't register anything they said after that. For the only thing he could focus on, was Sakura's hand entwined tightly with Sasori's. What left an unpleasant taste in his mouth was that instead of shying away, Sakura returned the kiss the red head had given her.

On the lips.



He was absent throughout the entire trip to their parent's house.

Perhaps he was doing something bad, because before he knew they were outside what appeared to be the place and Itachi was scolding him for touching something.

Sasuke grumbled incoherently when his brother slapped his hand away from the door lock, that smack had left a red mark on his hand, slowly shaping into four lined fingers.

"What's wrong with you?" Itachi asked him, removing his seat belt in the process. "we're here already, don't act weird in front of mother. She's worried about you as it is"

"I'll be fine"

"You better"

They hopped off the car, Itachi holding a box of what smelled like a cake. Too sweet actually for Sasuke's liking. Perhaps he was staring for too long, for Itachi told him what was there exactly.

"They like chocolate cake, that one shop by the train station in Ookami Ave" the older brother took a quick whiff of the nauseating sweet aroma. Seeing how his brother was wincing at the package, Itachi waved if in front of his brother's face, "I personally like the strawberry shortcake. It's sweeter than this one and the cream is delicious"

"It smells disgusting"

Itachi couldn't hold back his loud bark of laughter at the funny faces his younger brother was making. He always enjoyed torturing his little brother when it came to the foods he disliked.

It only took them one set of knocks to have the happy Uchiha mother nearly tear the door open for her babies. The short lady with long wavy dark hair stood on the other side of the open door with open arms and a broad smile showing her pearly white teeth to her boys. It was Itachi the first who responded to her open bubbly attitude, throwing his arms around the woman's smaller frame, he squeezed the Uchiha matriarch carefully enough as to not damage the dessert in hand.

"My baby, look at you!" she squealed into her son's chest, "you're too skinny my boy. Have you been eating well?"

"Yes mother" Itachi replied with a smile. He stepped aside so she could greet her other son who was by now frozen on spot on the second step to the front portico. With shaky feet he took the last steps until he was right in front of his mother.

Sasuke knew the smile he tried to display was an awkward one, still his mother pulled him in for a hug like nothing mattered. This was what he would call a bear hug.

"My other baby!" she pulled him back so she could stare into his eyes, "I'm glad you didn't bring that awful girl with you"

"I – wont bring her around again"

"Good" Mikoto beamed happily. She threw her arm around her eldest son's arm and guided them both inside the house, where the smell of mother's dinner was the strongest. Sasuke could smell the fish and other delicious foods his mother probably spent all day making.

When they went inside the kitchen they met with a sneaky Fugaku roaming around in the fridge. He had no time to put the piece of tart back in, he met the dangerous glare of his wife plus the amused snickers of his older son.

"You just couldn't wait, now could you dear?"

The man gaped at her, "a little snack wouldn't hurt"

"It would spoil your dinner! Now sit down, the family is complete now"


Sasuke didn't see it coming when his father pat him hard on the back, that is until he had to put his arms in front of him to stop himself from falling on his face.

"Glad that you've made it"


Sasuke had never seen his father smile, but when Fugaku smirked at his son's reply, he couldn't help the swelling of his chest. Or the sudden stinging in his eyes.

Almost immediately he realized he was about to cry, so not too smartly Sasuke slapped himself on the face over his eyes to stop them. They turned to him in surprise, holding back their laughs when they saw his face and the red hand print now becoming redder before their eyes.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"F–Fly" He felt his entire face burn up when Mikoto began giggling.

This was obviously not how he wanted to be in front of his mother. If he could only go back in time, he wouldn't make a fool of himself again.



To Be Continued…



A/N: I'm sorry to have burst any bubbles (because some thought Itachi was the one intended for Sakura) I thought that Sasuke already held a huge grudge against Itachi and that one more problem wouldn't help the cause. Sasori however is what I'd call "neutral", for he would be a rival. All Itachi works as is a wingman.