Hello! I'm new to the whole writing Fanfiction thing, so I would appreciate any feedback I can get.
WARNING: This Fanfiction does have homosexual Lemony/Lime sweetness. It is rated M for this reason as well as for language. It's also very fluffy. Please enjoy :) One-shot.
I don't really ship Spirit/Stein, but I could see it happening. ;p
Deathscythe Spirit Albarn was stumbling home early one morning from a long night at Chubra Cabra's.
"Ah man, those girls were hottttttttttttt! Heehee they could get me to do pretty much anything!" he slurred.
"Hey there Sempai."
Spirit jumped out of his skin at the sudden intrusion. "Shit Stein!" he gasped as he leaned against the nearest building. At this point he was scared shitless out of his drunken stupor. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Shinigami-sama sent me to find you. he wants to make sure you're ok." Stein puffed, then took another inhale of his cigarette as he turned his head crank 2 turns.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Spirit shrieked.
Spirit fell silent. It was true, Maka had bitched him out about his "behaviors." What she had then done was use her advanced Soul Perception on Spirit, to see why her Papa had cheated on her Mama so much. What she had seen shocked her and she ran off, leaving Spirit unable to explain.
Stein had only seen Maka's soul reach out to Spirit's, then her run off. Afterwards he explained to Shinigami, who decided maybe a little bit of prying was needed. He couldn't have his current Deathscythe fighting with one of his best 2 star meisters (who also happened to be Spirit's daughter) if in a rare case the two needed to work together.
"So what exactly happened Sempai? All i know is Maka was yelling at you, then she got all quiet and ran. I saw using my own soul perception that she was using her advanced soul perception to get a good look at you're soul, but that was all. What'd she see that upset her like that?" he asked monotonely, cigarette held between his teeth.
Spirit stood straight, dropped his head, and said just above a whisper, "I can't tell you."
"Why not Sempai?" Stein questioned, trying to convey some sort of concern, when all he really felt was intrigued. Stein was now in the process of making a procedure to conduct the experimentation and dissection of Spirit's mind; to find out more than he ever could have with just Soul Resonance with Spirit as he had countless times in his youth.
"I'm going to the DeathRoom." Spirit huffed, scuffling away.
This did not please the very curious Stein; he did not like his experiment subjects walking off so soon in the dissection-especially a long-running experiment such as Spirit. "Hold on Spirit-Sempai-" he grabbed Spirit's wrist as he tried to scuff off.
Spirit then whipped around, grabbed Stein by the back of his neck, and forcibly put his lips on Stein's. Stein then fell back on his ass at the force of Spirit's mouth. Sein looked up and the now running Spirit from the ground.
"Damn." he breathed, standing up and rubbing his sour ass. "That explains a lot."
After a few hours of sleep Stein tried to confront Spirit about what had happened earlier that morning (or night, for Spirit).
"Hey Spirit, how drunk were you last night?" he snickered.
"Shut the hell up Stein." Spirit huffed, as he trudged down the halls of Shibusen.
Stein snickered. This was becoming a very interesting experiment indeed.
"Maka, can I see you?" Stein stated loudly just as class was ending.
"Yes Professor Stein?" Maka asked sweetly, clasping her hands behind her back as she walked up to his desk at the front of the semi-circle (but completely symmetrical) shaped class.
"I'd like to ask you about yesterday-about what happened between you and Spirit-Sempai."
Maka's now (and usually) cheerful face fell; all color in her face lost. "...oh. What about Papa?" she questioned irritatedly, with a sharp edge at the word 'papa.'
Stein cranked his headscrew 3 turns. "Whell, you and him have always had a rocky relationship, but now it seems more tense than usual. Mind if I ask what happened yesterday?" he asked dryly, masking his intrigue in the matter in his usual monotone demeanor.
Maka sighed.
"Well, I searched Papa's soul. You know, to find out about his lustful ways with all those other women. I wanted to understand why he cheated on Mama. And-" she choked, trying to swallow her tears and emotions. "I saw a lot of denial and frustration. Once I pushed past that, I saw the reason. I saw his soul; a bustling city. It was almost like he had so much going on in his sould he couldn't keep track. But when I found him within his busy city-like soul, he seemed to know every nook and cranny of the place. He walked the streets without problems at all. The thing is, each street he took was a choice he was making."
Stein contemplated this as Maka continued.
"But at one street, he stopped. He couldn't decide which street to take." she paused, almost choking again. "Then his shadow appeared, similar to what I saw when I was in Chrona's soul. Papa's shadow was a little different though... either way, his shadow started to question Papa; well i guess it was more self questioning..." Maka started rambling to avoid the point.
Stein decided to help her get to the point. His intrigue was reaching critical levels. "So what happened next?" he questioned dryly.
"Well, the two streets; choices, were straight..." she choked again. "Or gay... his shadow then questioned him.
'What will happen if you choose the gay road, Don't you think you'll be teased? Harassed? Just look at the street, it's all messed up and grimy. Sure it gets you to the destination you want to go, but the straight road is nicer, and it's path leads to a nice destination as well. Do you want to go the easy way?'
Papa remained silent, not responding to his shadow. His shadow continued warning him off all the teasing and such he would get for being...himself. It was in this way that Chrona's shadow was different, his shadow seemed more true to who Chrona was, while in Papa's case, it was the shadow that was the one that was afraid." tears began whelling up in Maka's eyes. "Finally, Papa agreed, and wend down the road labeled 'straight.' Which lead to the road of my Mama, which resulted in me-guess my parent's had a bit of a shotgun wedding." She giggled slightly, if only to lighted the mood a little in an attempt to brighten her own spirits.
"But his shadow kept warning him of the predjudice for homosexuality, so Papa began to search for new roads and choices to further confirm his heterosexuality. This lead to Papa overcompensating to hide his... homosexuality." the word was still hard for Maka to utter, as she had always seen her father as a womanizer. "Thus he..." Maka began sobbing at this point, which Stein felt was rather out of character for Maka. "Chose the road of drinking, which made it easier for him to walk down street's of other various women..." she sputtered out between sobs. "he seemed happy about the road of having a child though, even though the other roads he took reluctantly. I don't think Mama ever knew..." Maka then buried her hface in her hands. "At that point I ran away from his soul."
"Does Spirit know you saw all of this?" Stein questioned.
"I think so. Because when I stopped he had this horrified look on his face."
"And then he went to Chupra Cabra's?"
"...yea, I think so, I ran away after that." She said as she started to regain composure.
"Thank you Maka, you're excused."
"Thank you Professor" she said as she trotted off trying to rub any left over tears off her face.
Stein was very intrigued now. he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, and took a very long drag, pondering the next step in the experimental procedure.
"Hey Sempai." he cranked his headscrew 2 turns. "I spoke with Maka." he breathed nonchalantly.
Spirit jumped out of his skin and backed into the corner of the janitor's closet he'd been hiding in all day; hiding from the very man standing before him. "How the hell did you find me?"
"We were partner's a long time Spirit-Sempai. I can identify your soul wavelength from miles away." he lit up a cigarette.
Spirit slurred a string of curse words under his breath. "Go. Away." he sneered. "And we're still in school, you can't smoke here."
Stein ignored him.
"Sempai, I think you should talk about this. Stop kidding yourself. You're denial is going to make you mad, especially with Asura's madness still around." Stein said as earnestly as he could possibly muster; he couldn't really have cared less.
Not like he really had much say in the field of madness, as he was partial to insanity himself. However, upon consoltation, Shinigami-sama felt that Spirit's denial could lead to a release of pent-up feelings if he was influenced strongly enough by Asura's mad soul wavelength. If Spirit lost the fear all at once, he would go mad. Shinigami decided Spirit should slowely let go of some of the fear and be himself without losing himself to insanity.
Stein didn't really have much of a conscious, he just wanted to see what sounding earnest would lead to in his test subject. New approaches can yield to different results.
"Stein, it wouldn't matter."
"Why not Sempai?"
"...because...nobody would understand."
Stein was taken aback by this sudden admission, but he kept his surprise hidden and continued to listen to Spirit.
"Take you for example. You just know action. Researching, experiments, soul manipulation, dissection.. I bet that's what you are doing right now. Trying to dissect my brain."
"Damn-" Stein thought. "he was always one of the only people who really understood me."
Stein pondered for a moment, then decided on a new direction based on Spirit's back-handed admittion. It had been awhile...
"You are right Spirit. I don't understand. But I do know action, as you said yourself. I'll always be a man of action. Spirit, would you be willing to help me in my research?" He lifted up his foot and dug his cigarette into the heel of his shoe, effectively putting it out. He then flicked it onto the floor, to be forgotten about.
"...What do you mean Stein?" Spirit huffed, not even bothering to look up from his corner.
Stein removed his lab coat, revealing his skin-tight shirt he had custom-made with stitches. He dropped his coat in a heap on the floor, and threw his glasses on top of the coat. He then took a step towards Spirit.
"I want to research homosexuality and lust, since my knowledge and understand is lacking as you pointed out. You seem to be an expert in those areas; at least in the lust compartment. Care to teach me?"
Spirit looked up at Stein, bewildered.
"This is going to work." Stein thought smuggly to himself.
"I figure a good place to start would be to experience lust; and I know you of all people are very lustful." Stein muttered emotionlessly, as monotone as physically possible.
Spirit snickered, getting the idea. "I guess so." He loosened his cross-tie and stood up, half a smile on his face. He walked over to Stein, who was standing ridgidly in place. Spirit traced the stitches on Stein's face with a feather-like touch, silently cursing himself at succumbing after all those years of denial, and also silently rejoicing for being able to be with a man; something he'd always secretly wanted.
Stein was loving this. Not only had he successfully dissected Spirit's mind, but he had helped Spirit admit it, which was exactly what Shinigami-sama had wanted, AND he was going to get some physical satisfacton out of it too. And damn, Spirit was doing a good job at making him feel good. It was almost as good as madness.
Spirit was now lightly tracing the stitches of Stein's shirt on his chest. Stein was beginning to grow a little impatient and Spirit, who was taking an unbaringly long time to get to the real action. Stein quickly forgot his agitation when Spirit started pulling up his shirt. He lifted his arms, and once his stitched torso revealed, Stein noticed just before his shirt was pulled over his head that Spirit was still clothed. Spirit noticed this too apparently, as when Stein's shirt was off, Spirit removed his own tie, jacket, and then shirt quickly, tossing it into the far corner he had been hiding in only moments ago.
Stein then started snickering at the small stitch scars on Spirit's body, smaller but similar to his own.
"You told me the scars had finally faded Sempai."
"I lied." Spirit sighed, fluttering against Steins neck, pressing his bare, toned torso against Stein's own pale, toned, stitched one.
Stein became rigid. "How the hell could something so small make me feel so good?" Stein thought fleetingly. He was now becoming his own test subject.
Spirit kicked off his shoes and socks while continuing to lick and nip at Stein's neck, while Stein also kicked off his shoes and socks, following Spirit's lead. He then cranked his head 3 turns, almost as a distraction from his now throbbing manhood. "What's next?" he stated dryly, as if Spirit had no affect on him at all.
"You're letting your head get in the way Stein. You have to lose yourself in the feeling." Spirit groaned in a burst of confidence, slightly irritated but very turned-on. He lightly pushed Stein to the door behind him, then pushed Stein against the door, rubbing his own erection into Stein's upper thigh, right by his groin. Stein's breath caught, as Spirit made the next move. It was Spirit's game, and Stein was no longer in control of this experiment. But in this case that suited him just fine, he was exploring his own feelings of lust as Spirit continued to make him feel it, and in the meantime Spirit was fulfilling the conclusion that Stein had earlier come up with in his original experiment.
Spirit then traced his hand down Stein's chest and abdomen, then his mouth followed the path his hand was making. He spent a few seconds on Stein's nipples, reveling in the feeling of Stein's hard chest-it made all the tits he'd ever had in his mouth feel like nothing. Stein too enjoyed this short-lived gesture, but was greatly looking forward to the main event.
It was then that Spirit sunk to his knees. Stein watched as spirit did this, feeling his dick twitch at the sight.
Spirit unbuckled Stein's belt, and slowly undid his pants. Stein began to grow impatient again. Spirit noticed; as Stein had begun to rock back and forth on his heels at a high speed. Instead of increasing his speed, Spirit drug out the removal longer, partly due to fear of an action he'd always wanted but had always denied himself, but also partly to spite the meister that was towering above him. Stein growled under his breath impatiently.
Once the pants were off, Spirit was about to remove the boxers, but in a flash Stein had removed his own boxers. "I'm not a patient man Spirit, you should know this. Let's continue the experiment."
Spirit had turned his head away quickly as Stein had removed his boxers, and was using his long red hair to cover his face. he then slowly turned back, glancing,m then eyeing the erect penis that was eye level. It had scars as well, just like the the rest of his body.
Spirit then dropped to the floor, howling in laughter.
"What the fuck is so funny?" pursed a pissed and very turned-on Stein.
"You-" Spirit sputtered out between howls of laughter, "SHAVE!"
Stein was not one to blush. He brushed off Spirit's sudden outburst, commenting "It was for a recent experiment I did on myself."
"i was expecting to see at least a few grey curls, but NOTHING!" Spirit continued guffawing.
"Can we get on with it already?" Stein hissed.
"Right." Spirit was now all business, back onto his knees, face-to-face with Stein's dick. "Impressive..." he thought. He considered the thought of Stein augmenting himself in one of his experiments, but let the thought fade away as he tentitavely stroked Stein's right ball.
Stein threw his head back at the sudden touch, hitting his head on the closed door that he was up against. His grey hair fell back, some of it getting into his eyes.
Spirit began massaging Stein's balls, prompting Stein to let out a stifled moan, which only prompted Spirit to continue.
Stein began to feel the loss of control in his reasoning, which he realized scared him. What was he without reason? Was he going mad? But he then realized he had to embrace the fear, as it was fear that was the only thing that kept him from going completely mad. He realized that just like Spirit, this situation would let out some of the pent-up feelings without an outburst of insanity. he then accepted the loss of reason and let go of it completely, letting and and welcoming both fear and extreme pleasure, as well as the possibility of maddening lust.
Spirit then grabbed Stein's shaft abruptly, sending Stein into a fit of shivers. Spirit becan to slowly stroke, then over time he increased the speed. As he increased the speed, he used Stein's precum to make the experience more enjoyable. As Spirit was pumping, Stein let out multiple grunts and groans, occasionally thrusting his hips into Spirit's hands. Stein then took his hands and put them into Spirit's hair, and began to rub and dig into Spirit's scalp, ruffling his long red locks, as well as slightly pulling him closer to his cock, hoping Spirit would get an idea.
Spirit smirked at Stein's monotone grunts of plearsure, fealing very proud of his handiwork; it was enough to ignore the aching strain his pants were giving his hard dick. He was slowly acceptin and being at peace with his sexuality. "Damn, who knew a dick that wasn't his would feel so good in his hand? So smooth (ignoring the stitches that is) and hard...he lasts a long time too." he thought.
Stein began to feel an orgasm rise from the pit of his stomach. His grunts became faster and more freverant. Just as he was about to release, Spirit stopped to his dismay.
Just as Stein was about to look down and give Spirit a look that could kill any man, he felt something warm and wet at the tip of his head. It was like his pride had been licked. His head was then enclosed in the warmth, and in spite of himself, he looked down in the name of observations for the experiment.
Spirit had Stein's dick in his mouth (or as much of it that could fit in his mouth), and began to encircle the head with his tongue. Stein then let himself become engrossed in the feeling again, and he tossed his head back into the door again, thankful that Spirit had gotten the hint, and glad his pride was getting some much needed attention. Stein moaned rather loudly, digging his nails further into Spirit's scalp.
Spirit didn't mind his scalps demolition, and instead took it as a compliment, and began to double his efforts. after slowly slipping his tongue into the slit of Stein's penis, he began to lick all the sides of the shaft, then took the head back into his mouth a long, hard suck. He continued to suck and lick at Stein's dick, then bobbed up a down a few times on Stein's cock. He then began to suck on the head again, using his right hand to pump the shaft, and his left hand to massage Stein's balls again. Spirit was very satisfied with his handiwork, as Stein had begun to curse aloud along with continue to moan, grunt, and groan.
Stein's orgasm began to rise again from his stomach, and then it reached the top and overflow, and Stein went stiff, then began to erupt with pleasure- and with stifled utterance of every curse word known to man, he came, every nerve on fire and every part of his body shaking, even his toes curling under. At this point Spirit's scalp may have been bleeding.
Spirit had not been warned however. When Stein came in his mouth, he was caught very off guard to the hot liquid. This taste ws foreign to him, but not completely horrible. Just very salty.
With a pop he removed himself from Stein, swallowing out of courtacy. He then whiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
Stein noticed through the afterglow of his orgasm, curious of Spirit's actions. He didn't mind though, and decided he would ask later, not while still panting. When the shivers subsided he stepped past Spirit and bent down to the heap that was his lab coat to put his glasses back on.
"Thank you Sempai. I thoroughly enjoyed this experiment." he said, again monotobne, as if nothing had happened at all.
Spirit chuckled. "I don't mind these experiments either."
"Well then Spirit, next time, I'd like to see what it's like on the other side of things, but right now I have a meeting with Shinigami-sama and Deathscythe Azusa about the possible locations of Asura, and you know how it is with Azusa if I'm late.
Spirit tried to contain his excitment at the promise of Stein returning the favor. "Gotcha."
Stein dressed himself and then left the closet.
Spirit then undid his pants, whipped out his own dick, then quickly took care of his own boner. He then left himself, looking forward to the days to come.
Discovery, not love. Maybe one day Spirit and Stein will find love.