OK everyone!
What would life be like if Ponyboy were a...Girl?
Ponyboy still has his (her) original name. But Ponyboy's a bit of a tomboy.
This story goes out to: ClarkKentsgirl96
Ponyboy's POV
My name is Ponyboy Curtis. Even though I have a boyish name I'm a girl all the way threw. I'm born a girl, I'll stay a girl. I'm twelve years old and my grade I skipped a grad so now I'm in Eigth grade. I woke up in the bed I fell asleep in. My mother's old bed suited me well, it was a comfortable one, with a white canopy and pink lace. It belonged to her when she was a teenager and thought I would like it.
I woke up and went to my closet. Where all the "brother approved" clothing was waiting for me. My brother's Darry and Sodapop would kill me if they found me in a tube top or in short-shorts. Anything past the knee or belly button they don't like. (Anything my BFF Angela Sheppard wears besically) So I went with a pair of jeans and a Pepsi-logo T-shirt. I looked at the shirt, it brought out my boobs. I mena they were C's so I can't help but not have them being shown.
I brushed my long, long auburn hair. It went past my butt but I don't care. I smiled my big bright green eyes (which I hate) were sparkling and full of life I picked out a pair of shoes sneekers. I loved them they were more comfortable then the MaryJanes I had.
I bicked up my bag and walked into the kitchen.
"Hey, Doll" Sodapop smiled. Sodapop is my older brother, he's super tuff and should be a movie star.
"Hey, Sody-pop." I smiled.
"Sody-pop? Well, that's a first." He smiled. "Suites me too."
"Hi Darry" I smiled. Darry smiled back at me. Life has been hard since mom and dad died last spring. But since Darry's 20 the state lest him keep us.
"Ponyboy, what are you wearing?" He asked.
"Darry, it's a t-shirt and some pants." I said not letting my anger out on him. Darry nodded in approval. I sighed.
"Darry, I'm not a hooker, I'll wear what feels comfortable." I said.
"One, you better not be a hooker, and Two-"
"Darry, don't start." Soda had my back I smiled at him. soda was sixteen he's working at the DX full time I'm going into the eigth grad next year and I'm confident in myself.
I clutched my stomach. I didn't feel good. But I shrugged it off. I had to go to school, these was an important test today. Math, I suck at it, but I'm better at it then I was last year, thanks to Darry's help. I'm thankful for my brothers, I love each and everyone of them. I'm so blessed to have them-
"Come on Pony-we gotta go." Darry smiled. I noticed Two-Bit he had parked outside and I picked up my bookbag and left the house. Another morning and day at school, here I am.
I groaned as I sat in the front seat, my stomach was killing me and Curly sheppard was in the back seat being sexist and it was pissing me off.
"Hey, Two-Bit, why can't Wemon go skiing?" He asked. Two-Bit had a smile on his face but every time he looked at me he told me with his eyes he wasn't liking what Curly said.
"Why can't wemon go skiing?" He asked.
"There's no snow between the kitchen and the bedroom." Curly burst out laughing. I groaned Curly was being an asshole and he knew it.
"Stop the car." I said.
Curly and Two-Bit kept on laughing and singing, knowing I had a headache coming on the second there was a stop sign I just opened the door, holding my bag with me.
"Where ya' going?" Two-Bit called.
"Away from you!" I screamed. curly was such an asshole! why does he have to be like this? I mean, yeah sure Curly looks out for me and he's a nice guy once you get to know him but at times he drives me crazy! I started walking the backrouts to the high school, where I had to cut threw a few yards and ditch some dogs and lawn sprinklers.
I jumped over the last fence and saw the school, I smiled. I was about to cross the street then a Soc car blocked my way.
"Hey babe, wanna' take your top off?" They asked. Some hooted and hollered. Yeah sure I have big boobs and that's what guys like but it makes me mad. I tried to walk past but they wouldn't let me over.
"Come on babe," The blonde soc got out of his car.
"I just wanna' have some fun, you got no first period right?" I had a study hall, but it wasn't technacally a class.
"Go away." I said. Trying to sound like Angela, she taught me how to speak tuff when I needed to. Angela is my best friend. we've known each other since second grade.
"Go away? Is that what I heard?" The soc got even closer.
"Leave me alone you fat-headed fucker!" I yelled. The socs in the car laughed and the soc infront of me got a little red, he took me by the shoulders and tried to-
"Hey!" I turned to see Curly and some other friends.
"What do you want?" The Soc called.
"The girl said leave her alone, so be it." Curly growled. I smiled thank you Curly. I told him in my mind. The soc let go of me then went back into the car.
"You okay?" Curly asked.
"yeah," I said. "Thank you"
"No prob, sorry for being a jackass." He said. I nodded and that's how we left it.
School was long and hard, it made it even longer when some Soc cheerleaders decided to get on my ass about wearing long skirts when it was "in fasion" for mini skirts. I can't wear a mini skirt! My brothers would kill me. I sighed. Maybe if I buy one and sneek it in m bag and wear it at school, they'll leave me alone. But then again, two-Bit and Curly are some of Darry and Sodapop's spies. I learned that the hard way when Two-Bit asked me if my "see-threw shirt" fit fine and dandy. I got a three hour lecture from Darry and grounded for a week.
After school I remembered Curly and two-Bit got a detention for starting a few fights so I would be walking home. It wouldn't be that bad I mean I could walk up to the DX and wait for Sodapop to get off work, maybe we can hang out. I don't ever get time with Sodapop, he's usually with some other guy friends. I know it's "not cool" to hang out with your baby sister, but sometimes I feel very lonley when it's just me.
I walked to the DX and smiled when I saw Sodapop...get in the car and drive off with some friends. I sighed, well so much for THAT idea. I walked up to the front porch with tears in my eyes when I heard a car horn honk. I tunred to see Darry. He's home.
"Hey babe." He smiled. I smiled back, I bit my lip to prevent from crying again. He got his work tools out of the front seat and walked up to me, I wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled. He gave me a kiss on the head and opened the door for me.
"how was school?" He asked. I didn't tell him about the soc.
"Fine." I said. I pulled out my math book.
"How'd that math test go?" He asked. Darry, I failed. I sighed I didn't want to tell him that I think I flunked becuase the Soc girls behind me were talking about me. and I got distracted by them and didn't finish.
"O...K." I said. Darry looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. I just continued to look at my math book and try and figure out the problems. That's what I'm good at, being quiet. Not like Johnny. He'd beat me in that record. Johnny and I are best friends. Darry and Soda approved of him being my best friend becuase Johnny would never hame me in any sort of way. I smiled, I wonder where Johnny was...Prpbably out with Dallas. Dallas Winston...I smiled. He was super cute. But I don't think he'd go for a girl like me, I mean, I think he's super sexy. But he's got a girl (Who by the way I don't ever want to cross)
"Ponyboy, how bout after dinner you and I go play some catch." He smiled. I used to play catch with Darry all the time when I was a little kid. I nodded agreeing that we'd go to the lot and toss a football around all day.
"Where's Sodapop?" Darry asked.
"Dunno." I said. That was half a lie and half the truth. I knew where he wasn't. But not where he was. I knew that he wasn't with me. And was somewhere else.
"Hey." Darry said he held up a package of chicken. Baked chicken. I love baked chicken it was my all time favriote. Mom used to make it a special way I got up from my chair and went to help him make the chicken. It was just Darry and I that night. No one came which was odd. Soda called saying he'd be home around elevan and that he was at a party.
I loved my brother Sodapop. I'll crawl threw glass for him. I'd lie, I'd steal, I'd kill for him. But I just wish he'd do the same for me. I mean, he probably would but...I wished he'd show it more.
I forgot how much fun Darry could be. I forgot about the piggy back ride's he'd always give me. I forgot it all...How could I? I smiled at Darry as we tossed the football around, and he showed me how to tackle. Then, while we were racing back to the house. I stopped him he was almost going to step on a lost puppy and by that I mean Johnny.
"Hey Johnnycakes." Darry smiled.
"Hey." He smiled back.
"Where were you today? I didn't see you at school." Johnny is in a few classes with me so I was a little worried about him not being at school.
"Played hookey, Didn't feel like going." Darry rolled his eyes and I almosted cried. Johnny you don't know what your missing out. Johnny told us that he also had a dentist appointment to go to. He had to go becuase the state was getting on his Dad's ass about his health care. Johnny walked with us back to the house no way in Hell was Darry going to let Johnny go back to his house where his dad was waiting for him, Probably.
Johnny and I met up with Dallas. I smiled sweetly at Dassla, he's so cute...I sighed silently. But broke out of my daze wouldn't want him to know that I have a crush on him. I mena, yeah I do have a thing for him but It's going to be embarassing to tell him that in front of Darry!
It was ten at night when Darry told me to hit the hay, ten minutes later Sodapop showed up at the house. I pretended to be sleeping when he came into my room. Darry and Sodapop do that becuase of my frequant nightmares. Soda gave me a hug which I didn't return. He told me in a whisper that he'd have a surprise for me when I woke up. I don't know if It was more or a considence or not, becuase I had a surprise for them actually. I woke up and went to the bathroom, but I came out screaming.
"AAAAAAH!" I screamed.
"what's wrong?" Darry-who was in the kitchen-yelled.
"AAAAAH!" I screamed some more. I don't know what I did but the second I took a piss there was blood! I started crying now. we learned about puberty in school, but I didn't know it would be like this!
I didn't want to talk to Darry about this either!
"Ponyboy...What's wrong?" He asked.
"I-I- want a girl!" I said. "To talk to."
Darry cocked an eyebrow but called Two-Bit's mom. Two-Bit's mom has been my mother's friend for a long time, they met in high school and Two-Bit's mom has also baby sat Darry, Soda and I when we needed it and our parents couldn't.
Two-Bit's mom arrived and Darry pointed to the bathroom.
Two-Bit's mom got the memor and pulled out a tampon.
"Here, hon...You put this in your-parts." She said. "Do you need help?" she asked. I shook my head no. I watched the video I knew what to do. It felt weird in my body. I remembered the the string was to take it out but I'd have to wait atleast three to four hours before doing that.
I got dressed and walked into the kitchen. I felt so weird. I couldn't decribe it. I was a woman. It felt nice too. But then I was scared becuase what if I like a boy and we have sex? But then I remembered I probably wouldn't be albe to have a boyfriend due to Darry and Soda's stupid rules.
"We're going shopping, Pony." She smiled.
Darry cocked an eyebrown again.
"What for?" He asked. Soda walked into the room and asked the same question.
"A certain "Woman." Will need things when she grows up." Two-Bit's mom smiled and waited for me in the car.
Darry and Sodapop looked at me, horrified. Darry put his head in his hands and shook his head. Sodapop looked like he was going to be sick.
"No, No, No!" Darry moaned. "I can't do this!"
I laughed. "Darry, it's just a tampon and some bra's." I said.
"EVEN WORSE!" He cried.
I laughed hearing the scarcasm in his voice Darry still looked uncomfortable and Soda-well, I don't know where he went but I couldn't worry about that, TwoBit's mom took me to the department store where I bought some more Bra's. They were C's so I got to pick out some pretty pink ones. I also bought my first tampon box. It wasn't pricy at all either. Mrs. Matthews bought two boxes knowing that I lived in a house with brothers...Well, it can get a little stressful.
I arrived home feeling confident and happy. I'm a woman now. I smiled but Mrs. Matthews also told me that my moods would change a lot and I would feel tired and have cramps a lot so when I had my period to relax, take more hot baths then showers and try and have a quiet place.
I did feel one of her warnings. And that was: crapms or known as PMSing. I clutched my stomach I just changed my tampon so I couldn't feel this bad.
"Darry~" I moaned.
"What's wrong, Ponyboy?" He asked. "Cramps?"
"YES! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I'M CRYING ABOUT?" I screamed I didn't mean to, it's just somthing inside that told me to. Darry nodded without saying anything and went to heat up a towel.
"Hey, Kid." I looked up from the couch to see Sodapop.
"I got somthing for you." He pulled ouit a pair of white skinny jeans I've never had a pair of skinny's before! I smiled and hugged Sodapop.
"Thank you!" I cried. Darry walked in and put the towel on my stomach but I moved it down cloaser to my...Belt buckle. Darry looked at the pants and shook his head.
"Take them back, Angela Sheppard has the same pair of pants."
"Darry!" I yelled. "Sodapop paied for them, and is giving them to me! I should be able to wear them!" I said.
"You're not dressing in skinny jeans! Any other pair is fine!"
"You let me wear leggings!" I cried.
"With a skirt!" He said.
"Leggins are more of a tramp cloathing them skinny jeans!" I said.
"Should I take them back then!" Darry yelled. It wasn't a question.
"No!" I cried. I leaped up and took (mre like grabbed) the jeans out of Sodapop's hands and I put them under my butt so I sat on them.
"Move over." Darry said.
"No." I said. I've never taked back to Darry before.
"Darry, she's PMSing, leave her alone." Soda said.
"If you make me move you, I will move you." Darry said. I didn't feel like having him do that to me so slowly I pulled the jeans out from my butt and Darry took them out of my hands.
"I'll just buy some of my own." I said, quietly and with a smart-ass tone.
"Buy all the skinny jeans you want, waste your money, you're not wearing them." Darry said. I quickly got up and clutched my stomach.
"OW!" I cried. I didn't care if Sopda came to my rescue, I pushed him back and walked (stomped to my room) I slammed the door shut and cried on my bed. Mom and Dad would of let me wear skinny jeans.
That night, I came out of my room only to use the bathroom. I think Two-Bit's mom must of told Two-Bit that I becuase a woman becuase soon enough I was getting crap from Steve.
"Hey Ponyboy...!" He called I didn't answer.
"You PMS'd yet?" Just then there was laughter. I sighed and pulled the hood closer to my face. It used to be Sodapop's old sweatshirt. They were giving them out for free at the DX one day and sodapop found the Pepsi logo he got it for himself but I guess he changed his mind and just gave it to me.
"Hey! yes she did do that to me today, and I'd be quiet she has my permittion to yell and scream at you!" Darry stuck up for me. I still hated him for not letting me wear the jeans Sodapop bought for me only.
I skipped dinner which wasn't a good idea, becuase since I'm on my period I was hungry like Darry and sodapop were. They ate like a heard of starving mustangs. Which means, I EAT LIKE A HEARD OF STARVING MUSTANGS! i felt like such a fat-ass when I do. I mean I have high metabolism. So whever I eat I immediately burn off the carloires.
I only came out of my room for one other thing...Er...Person. Dallas Winston. But I wished I stayed in my room this one time becuase he brought that tramp with him! Sylvia. I mean she's polite and doesn't give me crap but I wished I would of atleast got the chance to strangle her I held in my anger as she kissed Dally a few times on the cheek. Or when Dallas slapped her on the ass when she tried to get a beer out of the bottom shelf of the fridge.
Sylvia was a pretty girl. She had long blonde hair that was at her shoulders. she had bright brown eyes. (That was full of lies) she had on a hooker's shirt, meaning it was above her belly button. Her flat tunny had a piercing in the belly button too. She had on a short mini leather skirt and fish hook stockings they were blue. She had a ton of make up on. She cursed out Two-Bit and Steve in less then five minutes, didn't pay any attention to Johnny (which I think how Johnny likes it) and winked at Sodapop at times.
Dallas loved Sylvia, I loved Dallas. I felt so retarded in my long pink skirt that was at my knees, my tight white socks and blue sweater. It was "appropiate" in Darry and Sodapop's eyes.
I sat next to Johnny at the table. I didn't (couldn't) take part in the poker game. And really (wanted to) take part in the smoking dares. When Dallas and Sylvia left it was around eleven. It was a saturady night so Johnny and Steve and Two-Bit went to a movie. I really didn't want to go so I went to bed. I wonder if that movie was any good. How would I know? I got two over-protective brothers.
I sighed. Puberty sucked.
There's more where that came from LOL
review please.