Thanks so much for all the lovely reviews, and to the anonymous reviewer - I'm sorry I can't reply as the site won't allow it.
So we left John in trouble, but where are the team?
None of Sheppard's team slept as the storm raged through the day into yet another night, but despite the persistent rain, the sky looked a little less dark when dawn broke the following morning.
Ronon pulled his coat a little tighter as he walked into the downpour, followed by Teyla, with Rodney taking the six. The geek was already soaked, his wet hair clapped against his head, but for once he wasn't complaining. That was what he admired about McKay. Rodney might be a pain in the ass at times, but he was brave and in his own way fearless. Hours stuck in the lab meant he wasn't as fit as the rest of them, and Ronon was concerned the scientist might not be up to the trek, yet he knew nothing would stop Rodney helping one of his own. Ronon respected him like hell, but would never let on. If he did, McKay would never let him hear the end of it.
When they'd first met McKay had been hanging upside down from a tree, his face as green as the surrounding forest. Ronon had been a runner then, a man used to being a figure of fear. His haggard appearance adding to the mystique, as men and women alike fled from his presence. Yet Rodney had barked orders at him, the short motormouth more afraid of throwing up than losing his life to a stranger. Now he considered the geek to be one of his best friends, but it was Sheppard to whom he owed the greatest debt. Sheppard was the one who trusted him, even though they'd only just met. It was Sheppard who saved him from a life of misery, gave him a home, and became the brother he'd never had.
"Mister…Mister!" A child's voice grabbed his attention, just as a small hand tugged at his coat. Ronon looked down on a scrawny kid, with a shock of dark hair that stuck up just like John's.
"What is it, kid?" Ronon didn't stop, but slowed down enough so the boy could ask the question clearly on his mind.
"Have you seen Funkle?" The boy asked, sounding slightly breathless as he tried to keep up.
"Funkle?" McKay stared at the boy. "Okay, I'll bite – what's a funkle?"
"Funkle is my puppy." The boy explained. "He's black, and has a big white patch over his eye…I haven't seen him since the storm began."
A large tear started to fall down the small cheek, and Teyla put out a hand to make Ronon stop.
"What is your name, child?" She asked smiling.
Teyla got down on her knees to look him straight in the eye. "I tell you what, Karmel. Our friend is also missing, but I promise that during our search we will also look for Funkle."
"And what the bloody hell is a funkle?"
"Carson!" Teyla's relief was visible in her wide smile. "Thank goodness you have returned - John is missing."
"Hell's bells." Carson's face fell. "I knew this was a bad idea allowing him to come. There's no such thing as an easy mission where Colonel Sheppard is concerned." He wiped a hand over his eyes, blinking away the excess water. "Do we know what happened?"
"Well, he obviously thought it would be a good idea to go for a walk in the middle of a force ten gale!" Rodney rolled his eyes, his clipped sarcastic tone getting louder as he spoke. "Of course we don't know what happened – that's why he's missing!"
Before Carson could respond, Teyla drew Rodney a look. "Rodney is just worried, as we all are."
Lorne ran towards them. "Where's the colonel?" he asked, looking around for his CO.
Rodney had his mouth open to answer, but Ronon interrupted. "Sheppard's been missing for nearly a day – we need to find him."
The major nodded, taking them all in with one glance. "Then what are we waiting for…"
As the party began to leave, Ronon stopped and turned back to the little boy who was still standing there. "Go home, kid. If we find your dog, we'll bring him back."
"Sorry for troubling you, and thank you for your help." Teyla barely managed to keep a smile on her face as the farmer's wife nodded, and closed the door. The smile quickly fading as she wandered down to join the men, their worried expressions mirroring her own concern.
Rodney scraped a hand through his soaking hair, as he stared up towards the continuing downpour, then back towards his team mate. "Another dead end? I don't believe this." He ranted to no one in particular. "No-one knows where he is? He has to be on this planet somewhere!" Rodney's face twisted when his foot got stuck, and it took him a minute to pull it out of the mud. "I'm going back to the jumper to find out what the hell is wrong with those sensors. If Sheppard is here – I'm going to find him."
"What do you think, Major?" Carson asked, concern making his Scots twang more pronounced than usual. "Do you think the sensors are knackered?"
Lorne shrugged, but his face had clouded over. "Honestly, Doc – I don't know. Zelenka had checked them out just before we left, so I don't think so." He too looked heavenward. "This storm could be running interference, or it could be because the colonel's signal has been blocked by something."
"Blocked?" Ronon raised an eyebrow. "You mean like he's being held underground, or a cave?"
"Yeah…could be." Lorne's face lit up and he clicked his fingers. He smiled at the remaining trio. "There was a large rock formation not far from that second farm we visited."
"I do believe you are right, Major." Teyla agreed. "However, when we showed the farmer's wife a picture of John, the woman said she didn't recognise him."
"Was that the pretty lassie with the brown curly hair?" Carson asked. When Teyla nodded, his expression became unreadable. "When you came back from the house I thought you said she just hadn't seen him." He muttered a curse under his breath, then let out a long sigh. "Well, either she has a bad memory, or she's hiding something." At the puzzled looks, Carson explained. "Just before Major Lorne and I left to tend to the burn victims, I saw her with the colonel. The hussy was all over him like a rash. It was pretty obvious John was relieved when he saw me coming, but I could tell she wasn't happy at the interruption."
Lorne, Ronon, Teyla and Carson all looked at each other before rushing towards the jumper. When they got inside, Lorne ran past Rodney to slide into the pilot's seat. At McKay's indignant expression he gave him a grim smile. "Buckle up, Doc. We're going to get the colonel and bring him home."
Teyla was about to knock, when Ronon stormed forward and kicked the wooden door off its hinges.
He barged straight into the simple living room immediately scanning the area. Sheppard was nowhere to be seen, but the woman they'd met earlier was sitting on a rocking chair beside a log fire. There was a livid bruise on her cheek that hadn't been there on their last visit, but more significant, was the black puppy with a white patch over its eye sitting on her lap.
"Funkle?" Teyla called out. At the sound of its name the puppy barked, and jumped down from the chair. He ran to Teyla with his tail wagging.
"I'm only going to ask this once." Ronon towered over the terrified woman. "Where is he?"
Apart from the bruise her face was already devoid of colour, but the woman went a shade whiter and started trembling "He left. I'm so…sorry. My husband is a good man…I pushed him too far and…and he lost his temper!" She mumbled, then broke into a sob.
Teyla handed the dog to Rodney who was standing behind her, then moved in front of the Satedan. "Let me handle this, Ronon."
Ronon was reluctant to move at first, but eventually gave way to his team mate.
In a quiet voice filled with anger Teyla stared at the woman. "You will tell me everything – now! Leave nothing out, because I give you fair warning. My friend's anger is nothing compared to mine."
The sobbing stopped, and the woman's eyes grew wide with fear, but as she opened her mouth to speak, a drunken man appeared from the adjoining room.
"Who the hell are you?" He staggered towards them, then his eyes went wide. "Wait a minute - I know who you are!" He went up to Ronon and began prodding him with his finger. "You were with that good for nothing wife stealer." The man swayed as he gave a cruel smile. "Well get out! Before I give you the same lesson I gave that lecherous boss of yours – arggh!"
The man went flying across the room, hit the wall with a thud and slid unconscious onto the floor. Ronon rubbed his fist in satisfaction.
Carson went over and checked for a pulse. "He's alive, but I think you've broken his jaw."
"Step back, Doc." Ronon had his blaster in his hand. It was set to kill.
"Don't do it, son." Carson implored him. "He's not worth it, and we both know John wouldn't want you to kill him. Besides, I'm sure the Chief Elder will want to make a special example of the man who kidnapped his new best friend."
For a moment Ronon stood where he was, blaster in hand until he reluctantly holstered the weapon. He turned to Teyla. "Well. Did she tell you where he is?"
Telya shook her head sadly.
The woman ran towards her husband, and got down on her knees beside him. "Truly…I don't know. When Jaulan released him he was hurt, but the colonel was still lucid when I last saw him."
"Your moron of a husband hurt him!" Rodney raised his voice, shaking his head. "What is it with you people? Wasn't the big white cast on his ankle a clue? He was already injured!"
"How long?" Lorne asked her. When she didn't immediately answer, he raised his voice. "I said…how long ago since the colonel left?"
"It was about five hours ago, maybe six – I haven't seen him since." She replied, almost in a whisper.
At the sound of the heavy rain battering off the roof, the Atlantians shared a worried look.
Ronon glared at the man still lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. He wanted to kill him. Sheppard was probably out there, somewhere, lying injured in the middle of the storm - at least he hoped he was. It wasn't the best scenario, but if John was dead, regardless of what anyone said he would come back and take the coward's worthless life. For now, revenge would have to wait - it was time to find his friend.
It was pouring, and Carson shivered as the driving rain dripped from his hair and down the back of his neck.
As a Scot he was used to the rain, but back home the people dressed for the inclement conditions, whereas he knew for a fact the colonel had only been wearing his BDUs when he was taken. He checked his watch and frowned. It was just over an hour since they'd searched the shed where Sheppard had been held.
There was dried blood on the floor, and the drops on the metal bit of the bridle told their own grim story, but fortunately there wasn't enough to indicate he was seriously hurt. Regardless, with a bad leg and weakened from a beating, John would not survive in this weather for long. Carson was worried, and he prayed that his friend had managed to gain shelter hours ago.
Rodney was getting paler with every step, and he wondered how long it was since he'd eaten.
Carson reached inside his poncho for a power bar. "Here – eat this."
Rodney caught it, nodded gratefully and tore open the silver foil. "Thanks."
"I don't want two casualties on my hands." Carson pressed the issue, gently reminding him of his condition.
Rodney, more subdued than usual went scarlet. "Um…I forgot to stock up before we left. I was - "
"You were worried about your friend, Rodney." Carson patted him on the shoulder. He smiled. "That's understandable, son, but it's my job to worry about you too."
"I've found him!" Ronon shouted from the entrance of a large cave a few metres away. "Sheppard's alive, but you'd better get over here, doc."
Between dealing with burn victims, and searching for the colonel, Carson hadn't had much sleep during the last forty-eight hours. He was shattered, but the relief at finding John kicked his adrenaline into overdrive, and Carson sprinted the remaining distance.
When he arrived his heart sank. The colonel looked half-dead, his face practically translucent against the puffy lips that were caked in blood. He was lying deathly still with his head on Teyla's lap, but Carson was pleased to see the Athosian had already carried out basic first aid. The top half of his sodden clothing was lying discarded off to the side, and Sheppard was now covered with an emergency blanket.
"Good lass." Carson smiled at her as he started taking his vitals. Without turning round, he spoke to Lorne. "Bring the jumper as close as you can, Major, and take Rodney back with you. Make sure he gets something to eat."
"I'm not leaving." Rodney stood with his arms folded. He looked paler than ever, but more determined than Carson had seen him in a long time.
Carson and Teyla shared a concerned look, and she opened her mouth to speak, but Carson forestalled her. "We have everything covered here, Rodney," The Scot told him in a firm voice, "but I need you to go back with Major Lorne to get the jumper prepared for the colonel's arrival."
"Oh…Okay then." Rodney mumbled, some colour rushing back to his cheeks. He looked uncertain, and Carson thought he was going to say something else, when the scientist turned to Lorne. "Well…you heard the man, Major – let's go!"
Carson winked at Teyla, but wasted no more time and immediately resumed assessing the colonel's condition.
John was alive, but only just. His pulse was weak and thready, and upon further examination Carson saw large areas of livid bruising all over his torso, back and legs - then he spotted the broken cast. There were a least a couple of cracked ribs, but as there was no rigidity in his abdomen, Carson didn't think there was any internal bleeding. He couldn't be sure until he got him under the scanner, but at the moment the main area of concern was hypothermia. If he didn't get Sheppard into a warm dry environment soon, John might not make it.
He started a saline drip, wishing he'd had the facilities to heat it first, but aware it was the best he could do under the circumstances. In the quiet of the cave Ronon and Teyla were just watching him, their eyes flying to the entrance at every sound – watching for Lorne's return.
Carson looked at the pale, gaunt face of his friend and prayed they hadn't been too late.
Their friendship hadn't had the best of starts, when he'd nearly killed the man with a drone in Antarctica. In Atlantis, he'd treated him from everything from a head cold to a bullet wound, but Carson would never forget the day, or the guilt he still carried, when John was infected by his retrovirus.
The damn thing had nearly killed him in the worst possible way, but at least he'd managed to reverse the process, although John's long painful recovery still haunted him. Despite it all, or maybe because of the life of adversity they shared, they had become good friends. It wouldn't be fair if John were to lose his life because of the rage of a jealous man.
He was cold, but not the deep gnawing chill of before, and his damp clothes were gone. The sounds were different too. The howling wind and driving rain were replaced with the rhythmic crash as the waves lapped against the pier. John smiled – he was home.
There was a dull ache all over his body, and his head was pounding. His leg was throbbing too and when he tried to move John gasped, then yelped at the sharp pain shooting through his mouth.
"Easy, Colonel, don't try to talk son, your mouth is pretty cut up."
John cracked open an eye, and saw a relieved Carson Beckett watching him with concern.
"How…gah!" His fuzzy brain had instantly forgotten the warning Carson had just given him, but the searing agony piercing through his mouth made sure he wouldn't forget again. He squeezed his eyes shut; only opening them again at the sound of Rodney's voice.
"What did the man just tell you?" Rodney ranted, but his friend sounded worried. "Here." Rodney reached for a cup from the bedside cabinet. "This might help."
It hurt even to open his mouth a slit, but the ice tasted like heaven and cooled the fiery pain down to a dying ember. John cracked open his eyes wider, and nodded for more.
"What do you think I am…your man servant?" Rodney raised an eyebrow, but John could tell he didn't mind.
Beckett shook his head, folded his arms and gave Rodney one of his glares. "If you're quite finished, teasing the man, Rodney? I think the colonel has suffered quite enough for one day."
"Very funny." Rodney rolled his eyes.
"There's nothing funny about being beaten senseless while bound and gagged, son." Beckett muttered, while continuing to check John's vitals.
"I didn't mean - " Rodney mumbled.
Carson stopped and looked at the scientist with remorse. "I know you didn't, son." Then the doctor turned to John. "It's me that's sorry for letting you down, Colonel. I shouldn't have allowed you to leave the base while you were still injured."
John grabbed his wrist, and with his other hand motioned for a pen.
Carson placed a small white pad of paper on the bed, and a pen in his right hand. "I thought you might be wanting this, Colonel – but I don't want you 'talking' too long. You need your rest."
John hurt all over and his hand shook as he tried to keep the pen steady. He handed Carson a note. "Not your fault."
Carson went scarlet. "Yes…it is. If you had been fully fit -"
"It still would have happened." John scribbled, then drew a circle with an upside down smile. "I'm unlucky."
A ghost of a smile started to grow on the Scot's face.
John wrote again. "Down time – how bad?"
He heard Ronon's smirk, before he saw the big Satedan standing beside Teyla at the foot of the bed.
"You owe me ten bucks, McKay." Ronon called over to Rodney. McKay's face twisting as he reached deep into his pocket, making a grudging show of handing over the money. "I told him that would be the first thing you would ask." Ronon said, seeing John's confusion.
Carson rolled his eyes. "What are you people like…"
Teyla glanced at the doctor, looking indignant. "I hope you did not think I took part in this wager, Carson?"
"Of course I didn't, love." The Scot patted her shoulder and Teyla smiled at him. Her smile quickly turned to a glare as she gave her two team mates a scathing look, before going to sit by John at the other side of the bed.
"Now…if you're all quite finished could I be allowed to answer the colonel's question?" Carson raised his eyebrow and stared them into silence. "Good…well, Colonel, you have a slight concussion, three cracked ribs and a bruised kidney on the left side. Unfortunately the bastard caused the bone in your ankle to separate, so once we finally got your hypothermia under control, I operated to reduce the fracture. Its set you right back, and then some. Recovery wise, we're talking at least a couple of months with some physical therapy to follow, still, with the condition you're in at the moment I don't think you'll feel up to going anywhere for quite a while."
The pain which had been slightly muted was now notching up, and John grimaced as he squirmed slightly in bed. He felt rather than saw the drugs being put into his IV, and as the pain began to ease his eyes became heavy. Still there was one more question he needed the answer to.
"Did you get the psycho?" John wrote furiously, the force of his anger nearly tearing the paper.
"Yup! The chief elder has him under guard…in the prison infirmary." Rodney beamed, patting Ronon on the shoulder. Ronon grunted and Rodney quickly removed his hand, but the smile only faded for a moment to come back in full force as the scientist continued. "You should have seen the guy's face, Sheppard – it was priceless! One minute, the moron is mouthing off, then he's flying without the aid of the jumper." At John's worried look, Rodney paused. "He's going to be okay -"
"I wanted to kill him," Ronon interrupted, with a sour expression, "but Carson wouldn't let me."
Teyla gently swept back the hair from John's brow, and they shared a smile. He was glad the guy had gotten a taste of his own medicine…but killing him? While he'd felt like doing the deed himself during the painful beating, at the end of the day he'd let him go. Okay, so maybe it was only to die in the storm, but he had survived, and would eventually recover to get on with his life.
As for Jaulan, he'd ruined his own life with his insane jealousy.
John didn't know the penalty for kidnap and serious assault on Mondolan, but he reckoned Craemal would hand down the harshest sentence he could. His wife would also suffer from the repercussions of her behaviour, as without her husband to manage the farm, she would need to fend for herself. John couldn't feel sorry for either of them.
Even with the broken ankle John had still been in good shape before the assault. If Jaulan had unleashed his rage on someone else less able to deal – then the outcome might have been far more serious. One thing was for sure. He would never, ever hoodwink Beckett into letting him go off world until he was fully fit, ever again. At least not unless it was for a very good reason…
"Has the colonel time for one more visitor, Doctor Beckett?" Lorne asked.
"You have a minute, son, then I'm chasing you all away." But Carson was smiling as he made way for Lorne holding the puppy John had rescued from the storm.
The little guy seemed pleased to see him, as it licked his hand while John ruffled the small dark head.
Ronon came over and gently lifted it into his arms. His expression softened as the small creature nestled into his chest. "This kid asked us to look for his dog." Ronon explained, unaware of the role the puppy played in John's abduction. "We found it in the farmer's house. Lorne's taking me over so I can return Funkle to his owner."
"Funkle?" John wrote, and everyone laughed at his expression on hearing the funny name. He smiled, sharing the joke, and happy to be amongst his family once again John finally allowed sleep to pull him under.
At the sight of their slumbering friend the group went quiet as Carson lowered the bed, tucked the blanket over his shoulders and dimmed the lights. Rodney stayed behind to take first watch, and as the clattering of keys began, Carson walked with the others until he reached his office.
"This is going to make interesting reading on the report." Carson said, to no-one in particular.
Teyla looked confused. "I know John is still far from well, Carson, but surely his injuries are nothing extraordinary?"
"Doctor Beckett means Colonel Sheppard's report, Teyla." Lorne broke into a wry smile, as he exchanged a glance with the Scot. "I'm looking forward to reading how he's going to explain why this happened to him. Being kidnapped and beaten all because a woman thought he was cute…is going to make quite some reading."
The End.
Well that's the end of the tale, and I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks again to sheppardlover928 for the story idea, and of course to my wonderful beta Sterenyk Strey.
Thanks also to all of you who read the story, and especially those kind souls who took the time to review - I appreciate it. Its your support that keeps me at my computer long after I should have gone to bed! And of course I want to wish the birthday girl, flyboyfan23 a great day when it comes!