So…another chapter! I hope you all enjoy this one! Summer vacation officially starts Thursday so I'm going to try and update more! Anyways, enjoy!

WARNING: this chapter has a slight mention of pedophilia, if you are not comfortable reading it, please skip over the part. It'll be marked with a * sign.

Memories of America (Kyoya)

It was the end of the day and the end of host club activities and everyone was helping to clean up.

"So…yesterday Hikaru and Kaoru shared their story." Carissa began, locking eyes with Brianna who frowned as she realized what the girl was doing. "What about the rest of you?"

The others shared looks, before Kyoya sighed and pushed up his glasses.

"I guess I'll share my story next." Carissa and the others all sat down and watched as Kyoya made himself comfortable.

Brianna fidgeted as she remembered that the last time, when the twins had told their story, she had been reminded of the fact that she had met them before, but the girl quickly brushed away her worries, there was just no way she could've met any of the other hosts…right?

"Well…" Kyoya began. "The memory that stayed with me the most is from when I was ten years old…"

Seven Years Ago…

(A/N: Same MO as last time)

Kyoya sighed as he began to get dressed for the party being held later on. Him, his father, brothers, and sister, had all flown to America to attend a dinner party hosted by one of his father's close associates. He did not care much for these parties, especially since he was even more reminded of his position as the third son at these functions than ever before, but he knew he had to bear it.

A knock on his door caused him to snap out of his thoughts and he told whoever it was to come in.

"Kyoya? Are you ready?" Fuyumi asked him, peeking her head through the door.

Kyoya nodded his head; grabbing his coat and walking pass his sister. The nineteen year old smiled widely as she took in her ten year old brother.

"Oh! You look so handsome, Kyoya!" Fuyumi squealed.

Kyoya sent her an irritated look before answering.


"Ok, come on, father is waiting for us in the car."

The bespectacled boy followed his older sister out to the car and slid in next to her and across from his father.

"Now then…seeing as we are all here, I want to tell you all to be on your best behavior, is that clear? Mr. Smith is an important business partner of mine and I don't want any of you to embarrass me." Yoshio stated, looking all of his children in the eye.

"Yes, father" the Ootori children replied.

Finally, they arrived at the party and as soon as the chauffer opened the door, they all got out and walked towards the guards to get their names checked off the lists and matched to their photos. As soon as they were let in, Yoshio immediately walked off to find the host, leaving his kids to trail after them. As they walked, Kyoya looked around at the guests, when he noticed one guest in particular.

It wasn't that she looked out of place, no, it wasn't that at all. On the contrary, she looked too in place, almost as if she was trying to go unnoticed and in a world like theirs, being noticed was what it was all about.

Suddenly, as if feeling his probing stare, the girl turned and cool black eyes clashed with vibrant purple. The auburn haired girl continued to hold his gaze until Fuyumi interrupted their staring contest.

"Kyoya? What is it? Come along, you don't want to be left behind." Kyoya nodded his head at his sister, but before following her, he looked back at the place the girl was at, only to notice that she had disappeared.

Sighing in frustration, Kyoya walked behind his sister. After exchanging greetings with the host, Kyoya walked off and began wandering around, eyes taking in his surroundings.

"Truth be told…I was probably searching for that girl instead of really taking in my surroundings. I knew just by looking at her that she was different from the other bratty children that ran amuck at those parties."

After about an hour of wandering and talking to guests, Kyoya went to the food area and got some food. As he leaned against the wall, a voice called out to him.

"Hello." Kyoya turned his head and met a pair of vibrant purple of eyes.

Kyoya stared at her in shock for a moment, before snapping out of it and giving her his 'business' smile.

"Hello." The girl also returned his smile, though Kyoya noticed it seemed off, like she didn't smile often.

"I don't think I'll ever forget that smile. It was so broken and unused that even though it probably would have fooled someone else, to someone who was as observant as I was, it was…pitiful."

The two stood next to each other for a bit, and Kyoya took this opportunity to study the girl next to him.

She had to be about a year younger, with purple eyes, auburn hair, and caramel skin tone. She had on a red dress and small black heels. He made his way back up to her face only to notice that the look on her face had changed. While her face was still expressionless, her eyes showed a calculated look. Following her gaze, he found her staring at Heff Jamison. Kyoya quickly went through what he knew about the man. In the public, he seemed like a nice guy and honest business man. However, there had been reports that he was involved with dealings in the black market and repeatedly visited brothels, even going so far as to help the human trafficking chain. Anything deemed illegal, he dabbled in. However, there was no hard proof so no one could ever convict him.

Kyoya let his eyes stray back to the girl, only to notice that she had left. Shocked, he quickly scanned the room looking for her but she had disappeared.

"I didn't know how she had disappeared that fast. One second she was there, the next she was gone."

Kyoya began to roam the room, looking for the girl. Once he got by the back of the room, he noticed a flash of red slipping out the back door. Following it, he sneakily followed the red out into a dimly lit hallway. He heard a patter of footsteps and, as quietly and fast as he could, he chased after the noise.

Rounding the corner, he quickly ducked behind a vase as he noticed the girl up ahead, her hand grasped in the hand of none other than Heff Jamison.

"So, are you sure you saw my mommy and daddy go this way, Mr. Jamison?" the girl asked cutely.

*Kyoya shivered at the leer the man was giving her and the perverted glint in his eye.

"Yep…just right up ahead in that room." The man dragged her a little bit faster and pushed open the door and dragged the young girl in behind him.

Kyoya contemplated what he should do. He knew if he returned to the party and tried to tell someone, it would either be too late or no one would believe him.

"I was faced with one option. I do not like doing things without merit, but that was something I couldn't ignore."

Steeling his resolve, Kyoya grabbed the vase he was hiding behind and rushed into the room.

The sight he saw was not one he was expecting.

Instead of finding a helpless girl, he saw Heff Jamison on the ground with his hands up, staring wide eyed into the barrel of a gun, held by none other than the girl, the expression on her face still emotion less.

They both stopped what they were doing and turned to face him. The man had a relieved expression on his face, while the girl still looked at him with an expressionless face.

"What…?" Kyoya stuttered, lowering the vase in his hands.

"Get out." The girl said, her voice sharp but emotionless.


The girl sighed and walked over to him. Grabbing his arm, she hauled him out of the room and slam locked the door. Kyoya sat outside; staring sat the door for what felt like hours, but could have only been ten minutes, when the girl walked back out of the room cleaning the gun.

The girl nodded her head to a nearby balcony and Kyoya followed her. Once they were outside, Kyoya began to question her.

"What did you do to him?"

"Took care of him."

"How old are you?"


"Why do you have a gun?"

"It was given to me."

"By who?"


Kyoya let out a frustrated huff as he glared at the girl.

"Who are you, really? You honestly don't expect me to believe that you are just an average nine year old."

"You're smart. Why do you play down your abilities?"

"The same reason you play down yours. Survival."

Kyoya watched in shock as a small, barely noticeable, cynical smile appeared on the girl's previously emotionless face. Once it became clear to him the girl wasn't going to answer his question, he turned his back towards her and began to head back inside.

"What's your name?" Kyoya paused but didn't turn around.

"Kyoya Ootori."

"Kyoya Ootori…I'll have to remember that."

"And what about your na—?" Kyoya had turned around, but cut himself off when he realized that the girl was gone.

Rushing over to the end of the balcony, he peeked over the edge, but didn't see her anywhere.

Kyoya stood there for a while, until he decided to go back inside and rejoin the party. With one last glance at the door the girl and Jamison had been in, he walked back towards the party and slipped back into the party room unnoticed.

Seven Years Later…

"And after that, I never saw her again." Kyoya finished, glancing at everyone in the room who all had slightly disturbed looks on their faces (however, Brianna had her head bowed so he couldn't see her expression.)

"What happened to the man?" Haruhi asked a little shakily.

"In the news, I read that he had been shot, and the reason no one heard it was because the perpetrator had shot him in the chest through the pillow.

"That's…wow…" Tamaki muttered.

It was silent for a while, until Brianna stood up, head still bowed, and began to walk out.

"Thanks for sharing the memory, Kyoya. See you all tomorrow." The girl quickly walked out, with Carissa hot on her heels.


"Brianna! Wait up!" Carissa shouted after her friend.

Brianna paused and let her friend catch up.

"Brianna, what was that? Why'd you just leave so fast?" Carissa questioned her once she caught up to the girl.

Brianna mumbled something, but Carissa didn't hear her.

"What? What was that? I didn't hear you."

Brianna looked up, wide eyed and worried.

"I…I…Kyoya and I, we…we met…that girl was me."

Carissa's mouth dropped open as she stared at her friend.

"Holy…so you…met Kyoya?!" Brianna nodded her head.

"Ok…so…yeah….ok…well, obviously you can't tell him that girl was you right? But wow…you've met three of the hosts…" Carissa rambled, trying to wrap her head around the situation.

"Yeah…weird huh?" Brianna tried to joke, but it was weak and Carissa only gave her a half-hearted grin.

"Ok…I think I need a nice tub of ice cream right now." Carissa muttered, walking off.

"Same." Brianna replied, trailing after her friend.

Ok, so how was it? Good? Bad? Let me know! Sorry for the 'darkness' of this chapter, but the story will start to go away from it's light hearted tone to a more deeper, serious one. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter!

Review replies:

qweenoa: Thanks! And yep, she has met another host!

Kimiko Hiroshi: thanks so much!

Anyways, I hope you all have a good night/afternoon/morning! Till next time~