The Arrival And Man What? Pt. 1

Disclaimer: I dont own ohshc

"Brianna I'm booored!" cried a red-haired, 15 year old girl.

"Shut it Carissa whada ya want me to do 'bout it" retorted a brown-haired, 15 year old girl.

Giggling, Carissa said "Bri you're using you're 'gangsta' talk again!"

Said girl only sighed at her friend's poor attempt to talk gangster.

Brianna 'Bri' Lunar was a Latina, natural caramel colored skin, and average height girl, with a curvy figure, dark brown eyes, and mid-back length brown hair.

Carissa 'Char' Tsuki was Japanese, pale skinned, average height girl, who had small curves (her cute face made up for it), coal black eyes, and barely touching the shoulder- red hair.

These two friends had currently moved from America to Japan due to a school scholarship to Japan's number one school – Ouran Academy! Which they were currently outside of.

"Bri this school is so HUGE and PINK!" squealed Char.

"Damn…" Bri muttered.

"Don't hate the color pink or else the pink monster will come and get you!" cried Char as she had one of her infamous 'random' moment. Brianna sweat-drooped at her friend's stupidity.

As the girls walked through the gate they were soon overcome by the beauty of the school. "Well it ain't a rich kid school for nothin" Bri thought.

"Come on lets go check out the inside!" Char said dragging her friend into the school.

Once inside they started to walk around occasionally peeking into classrooms (it was the last day of the kid's unneeded break). Until they stopped at a room marked 'Third music room'. Pushing open the door, they were met with a bright light and ambushed by rose petals.

"Welcome." Came the reply from inside the door, but the welcome was lost when Brianna promptly screamed: "Holy freakin shit man! I'm fuckin blinded! Who the hell lets freakin rose petals fly out of a door! What the hell is with that light?"

Sorry but i promise that the next few chapters will get better! I'm new at this so please bear with me