I Want What I Want

Author's Notes: This will be my first ever story published here on this site or any site. It takes place when the twins are in their last year, Hermione in her 5th. It doesn't go by the book or movie's story line at all so please forgive me for that, but this is a fanfiction. I thought of this after watching many a twin and Hermione shipper videos online. The story however is completely my own (excluding the fact of course that the characters/places/names are those of J.K Rowling's creative mind.) I hope I did the character's justice and that you all enjoy the first chapter along with many more to come :)

Chapter 1: Worthwhile

"Come on?"

"In a minute mate."

"We've been waiting here for hours!"

George took a break from spying over the hedge they were both hiding behind "It's only been 10 minutes Fred. But it'll be worth your while in the end." He turned his head back peering ever so slightly over the top branches of the bush.

Fred remained crouched down, facing the opposite direction pulling up blades of grass and looking very bored. "I doubt that."

"Hey look!" George whispered excitedly. He put his hand on his brother's shoulder and began to shake him.

Fred moved his shoulder from George's grasps. "Hands off the merchandise, I'm looking I'm looking." Fred unenthusiastically turned towards the hedge and slowly witnessed what his brother promised would be "worthwhile".

Coming down from the Astronomy tower was a long wavy haired, young girl carrying about 5 books that could be seen snug in her arms. She had glowing silk like skin and shining light brown eyes. She was wearing a flowing skirt and a blue half sleeved blouse which fit her nicely. As she passed them George's eyes followed her and Fred's eyes followed George.

His brother had gotten into the habit of waiting at the bottom of the hill to the Astronomy tower for this very moment. At first Fred didn't mind tagging along; it was funny to see his twin go stupid over a girl. He hoped he never looked like that when looking at someone he liked. Still it had been a month now that they had continued this hobby and to Fred the view wasn't that amazing.

Fred glared at his brother. "Wooow…" he said in a mono tone voice.

"Isn't she amazing Fred? What I wouldn't give to be one of those books." George stupidly continued to grin at her even after she had left his sight.

"It's just Granger." Fred said disappointedly at his brother. "She's our brother's kid friend, remember?"

"Ah, Freddie…" George now turned his attention to his best mate, throwing his arm around his twin's neck and putting him in a type of hold. "Kids grow up you know?"

Fred struggled to break loose from beneath his brother's arm pit. "Yeah well she'll always just be a kid to me. Hey lay off me George!" The more Fred fought the more his brother squeezed. He always became chummier after seeing Hermione. Fred hoped he wasn't imagining that HE was Hermione. If this was how he was going to treat her, she was in for a rude surprise.

When George first told Fred he fancied Hermione, Fred was completely surprised. He had no idea his brother even liked Hermione as a friend, having rarely talked with or about her. He was happy for his brother though, George had never liked a girl before. He had looked at them many a time with Fred and had talked about girls he thought were pretty but never persuaded them for a relationship. So for him to confess to liking Hermione was a big deal!

Fred on the other hand had already dated more than his share and they never lasted very long 2, 3 weeks at the most. "I just don't know what I want" was Fred's excuse for not finding Ms. Right. George however seemed to know Hermione WAS Ms. Right and planned to make her his.

"If I could only talk to her." George mumbled as they headed to their next class.

"Why don't you put her in a choke hold" Fred said rubbing the back of his neck. "That'll get her attention."

George laughed. "Stop whining, I said I was sorry."

"No you didn't."

George stopped to remember. "Oh yeah, guess I didn't." He nodded in agreement at Fred. "Well let's get to class then!" George walked on grinning.

"You great git!" Fred ran up behind him and smacked him on the back of the head then proceeded to run down the corridors as George chased after him.

A/N: Not the best opening I know but it gets better I swear! lol I appreciate all readers/reviews so please let me know what you think of the story :) Thank you!