Hey people. Thanks for the reviews. This chapter is small because i wasnt going to update the story but because of the reviews i am, so yeah if you want me to keep updating then keep reviewing :)

Max's POV

I yawned and stretched, making a sound like a dying cat before sighing and getting out of bed. I made my way to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and got dressed. I flicked on my computer as I pulled on my shoes. I sat down on my chair and flicked through my emails. I had one from Iggy saying he'd be late to school, he was getting questioned about a robbery, and he swears he didn't do it. I had some spam and a note from Dylan, my cousin, saying he wanted to see me at school. I then noticed I had a new email from Fang.

To the air headed Max

I am not deranged. It's ok, your forgiven, lucky for you. Sounds like you have fun at school. Iggy hey? That's who my sister Ella got. Funny that. You flooded the hall? Cool (Add impressed look) So tell me about your life

The one and only Fang

I laughed and quickly typed my reply.

To the delusional Fang

Phew, good thing you forgave me, how would I go on if you didn't? So your sister is Ella? Protect her innocence, I feel sorry for her. Well it is quite hot down here, so we decided to make an inside swimming pool. Hmm, about me? Well I like dogs more then cats. I think batman is the best superhero. I think pink is over rated. I hate stuck up people and I'm not very popular. So tell me about yourself.

The bad-ass Max

P.s I think I'm going to stick with the leaving sentence, I like it

I turned my computer off and headed to school.

Fang's POV

I was lying on my bed, school had finished a while ago. I waited for a reply from Max, but she'd probably be still in bed. Ella was out shopping. Well when I say shopping, I mean stealing. We couldn't afford anything, so Ella had learnt the 'five finger discount'. I tried to stop her, but she was so dam good at it. My computer beeped and I read the message from Max. I smiled and typed my reply.

To the loner Max

I am not delusional. Protect her innocence? More like protect Iggy's criminal record. Ella is one hell of a criminal. Indoor swimming pool? Really? You two are weird. Well I agree with everything you said, except that Spiderman is totally the best superhero ever! Duh. Pink is defiantly overrated, along with stuck up people. And I have a dog, kind off. There is a dog that roams the streets and he doesn't have an owner. He's a black Scottie and Ella and I named him Total, he sleeps with us sometimes, he's well behaved. So….yeah.

The one and only Fang

P.s I'm sticking with mine as well.

I smiled and jumped off the computer. Today had been hell, again. I laid down on my bed as I replayed it over again in my head. Lissa, a bitch at school, was annoying the hell out of me, then Sam hit me because he thought I was hitting on her. I got beat up a lot at school. It's not like I'm weak, I'm really strong and others know that, so they usually gang up on me. I never told Ella because she is one tough little chick and would go crazy on them. I hear Ella walk in and Total followed her and jumped up on my bed. I patted him as I watched Ella sort through what she had 'brought.'