Sorry for not updating my stories! My internet has been down for a while and I just got It fixed! Expect updates from my other stories soon!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Warnings: Yaoi and Lemons, Language

The Akatsuki Loves Deidara

Chapter 1: Itachi

The Akatsuki was abnormally quiet today. There was only one reason why, Hidan. Hidan had been sick for over a week. He was bed ridden after being poisoned on a mission. Ever since then he had been unconscious in his room. Many of the other members just continued on with their lives like nothing happened and others were glad the foul-mouthed Jashinist was quiet for once. The only one seemingly worried was Deidara. He checked on and took care of the sickly immortal. There were no problems until the immortal woke up.

Hidan opened his eyes to find the blonde bomber asleep in a chair next to his bed. What the hell? Why would Deidara of all people be in his room? As far as he knew the bomber hated his guts. The last time he talked to the artist he glared at him and walked away.

"Deidara why the fuck are you here?" The addressed jolted awake and quickly made his way out of the room leaving a very confused Jashinist behind. Not only did Deidara fall asleep next to his bed, he also ran out of his room as soon as Hidan uttered a word to him. Strange.

For the next couple of weeks the artist seemed to be avoiding Hidan. As soon as he entered the same room as him he would say he needed to work on his art and leave. Deidara also seemed to be spending allot of time with Itachi. Now that he thought about it that worried him the most. Every member of the Akatsuki knew of the mutual hate shared between them. So why would Deidara be hanging around with the Uchiha? Hidan decided he needed help from the smartest person he knew to help him investigate, Sasori.

He knew exactly where to find the puppeteer, his workshop. Turning a corner he found himself facing the hard wooden doors of Sasori's workshop. Hidan knocked loudly causing the sound to echo through the empty hall. Within seconds an aloof redhead appeared before the immortal.

"What do you want Hidan, I'm busy." Hidan pushed pass Sasori heading into the room ignoring the glare he received. Sitting on a stool in the corner of the room, Hidan explained how he needed Sasori to help him figure out why Deidara was avoided him.

"I'll help you on one condition." Hidan knew he should just leave now but he needed to figure this out before the bomber killed him in his sleep or something.

"Anything, as long as it isn't too fucking weird."

"Just kill two powerful shinobi and bring their bodies to me." Now Hidan wasn't the must sane person in the world but he still found it creepy what the puppet did with those bodies. Shaking down the shiver going up his spine he quickly agreed and left the room.

Deidara was currently lying next to Itachi on his bed running his fingers lightly over the Uchiha's chest. They had been dating for a couple months now and everything was going fine. That was until the Uchiha found out Deidara had a little crush on Hidan. Deidara was checking on Hidan one day during his recovery and place a kiss on his forehead. Unfortunately Itachi had decided to come in that same moment. Ever since then Itachi had banned Deidara from seeing or even talking to the immortal. The best way to do that, avoid him. He was broken out of his thought by a gentle kiss placed on his forehead.

"What are you doing awake?" asked the sleep deprived Uchiha.

"Hmmm? Oh, I was just thinking that's all, un." He cuddled further into Itachi's embrace.

"Hn." One thing about dating an Uchiha you have to learn their language. This 'Hn' meant 'about what?' He knew he couldn't tell him it was about Hidan without conflict. He had to think of something and fast.

"U-ummm, I was thinking about when we would tell the other members about us. They will found out eventually won't they, un?" It was true. Even he was curious how the other members would react. Some of the other members even hit on him before but he never really paid attention to it until Itachi.

"Hn, whenever you're ready." Of course, never expect more than one sentence when speaking to Itachi.

"How about today, un?"

"Hn." Getting a yes in Uchiha language Deidara shifted to lay on top of Itachi. He placed a soft kiss on his lips then tucked his head underneath his chin. Maybe this could work out after all.

Later on that day all the members of the Akatsuki were gathered in Pein's office for an announcement. Hidan was curious why a nervous looking Deidara was standing next to a seemingly stoic Itachi in front of Pein's desk. Pein moved to stand in front of the pair and then cleared his throat to gather all of the member's attention.

"I ordered you here today for an announcement from Itachi and Deidara. Itachi, Deidara, please inform us on what you needed us here for." With that Pein moved to take a seat next to Zetsu.

Deidara shyly shuffled from foot to foot before nudging Itachi.

"Hn, fine. Deidara and I would like to inform all members on our relationship. We have been dating for the past couple of months. Any questions?" Yeah, Hidan had a question.

"Fucking HOW?" That seemed to be both Konan's and Pein questions because their hands immediately went down. Deidara blushed before deciding to answer.

"W-well, Itachi admitted that my art was beautiful and so was I." He muttered the last part before hiding his face on the side of the Uchiha's left arm. Anger started to bubble in the pit of the Jashinist's stomach. Didn't the blonde hate Itachi?

"Deidara-sempai how come you didn't date Tobi? Tobi thinks your pretty!" Pssh, like the blonde would ever date that moron.

"Y-you think I'm pretty Tobi, un?" Another blush from the blonde and a glare from Itachi.

"Tobi always thought Deidara-sempai was pretty!"

"Thanks, Tobi-kun." Sasori sensed Itachi getting angry and decided to end the conflict before it started.

"Congratulations, now Deidara we have a mission so follow me." After they left the rest of the members questioned the Uchiha on his relationship.

"Are you going to buy him gifts?" Why can't Kakazu think about anything other than his fucking money?


"You really like his art?"


"Do you really like him?"


"Have you had sex, yet?" Ok, that got Hidan's attention. They couldn't have had sex yet could they? Deidara seemed too innocent. Unless the bastard forced him! He would kill the Uchiha if he raped the bl-

"Yes, we have." With that Itachi left the room. So they have? How dare he touch his blonde in that way! He would save HIS blonde if it were the last thing he did in his immortal life!

When Deidara got back from his mission he noticed Itachi was absent. He still felt bad for Itachi after learning how Tobi decided to fight for his honor. Itachi won but suffered a pulled calf muscle. So, Deidara decided to make it up to him.

Itachi limped into his room to find it lit by candlelight. What in the world? As he traveled further into the depths of the dim room he found the most arousing sight in his life. There on his bed was Deidara naked with only his cloak on. With all the buttons undone he got an eyeful of lightly tanned skin. His hair was out of it's normal half-ponytail and curled in soft waves. He looked delectable.

As soon as Deidara spotted him he crawled off the bed and sauntered up to Itachi.

Wrapping his arms around his neck and pressed his lips against the Uchiha's. Feeling Deidara's lips against his snapped him out of his lustful daze. He aggressively pressed his body back against the blondes while pushing his tongue past sinful lips. As he mapped out the mouth of his uke he slowly moved them towards the bed. As soon as Deidara's back hit the mattress Itachi was on top of him. Breaking the kiss Deidara pushed on Itachi shoulders so he could gain his breath.

"S-so you l-like your s-surprise, u-?" He was cut off by another harsh kiss.

"Love it." The next several minutes passed by with Itachi passionately kissing Deidara while removing clothes. When they were both naked Itachi attacked Deidara chest with kisses before taking a nipple into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the nub until it was hard before giving it a harsh suck.

"Nngh, Itachi w-wait, un!" The Uchiha looked up with a look made of pure confusion and hurt. Seeing the look on his handsome lovers face Deidara moved to flip Itachi underneath him.

"I'm supposed to pleasure you not the other way around. You're hurt because of me, so let me just do this one thing for you, un." Itachi was going to interrupt and say he wasn't really that hurt but why ruin what the blonde wanted? He was brought out of his thoughts by a lick to his aching member.

"Nnngh, D-Deidara what are you d-doing?" Hearing the normally stoic Uchiha moan just encouraged Deidara to continue. Twirling his tongue around the head of the hardened shaft he engulfed the erection into his mouth. He started sucking eager to please his lover. He traced his tongue along the vein on underside trying to bring his lover to orgasm. Itachi was determined not to cum until he was inside his lower. Gathering his strength he pulled Deidara off his member.

"I wasn't finished Itachi." The bomber pouted thinking he failed at pleasing Itachi. Still panting Itachi slowly moved his finger to circle the blonde's entrance causing a confused but please moan to fall from his lover's lips.

"You did wonderful. I just want to be inside you when I cum." He pushed his finger gently into his lover to find him already stretched. He raised a confused eyebrow to the now blushing blonde.

"W-well, you were gone for a while and I thought I should use my time wisely, un?" The bomber was so cute when he was embarrassed.

"Naughty, Dei. Now I thought you said you were going to please me?" Deidara blushed yet again before moving to sit over the Uchiha's member. Taking a deep breath he carefully lowered himself to be fully seated on Itachi's lap. Both let out moans of pleasure.

"Nnggh, uhhmm. Itachi you won't make me do all the work, will you?" He really hoped he didn't. The last time he was so sore he has to ride on top of Hiruko the whole mission. Sasori was so pissed he even tried to poison him!

"Hn, will see." In other words if he did well for a while then he didn't. Pssh, how long could it be for Itachi to consider it a while?

Four Hours Later

Deidara had barely any energy left. After riding his lover for four hours straight his ass hurt like a bitch. He lifted up once again and clenched his muscles around the Uchiha's hardened flesh. This seemed to do the trick because he was flipped onto all fours with his ass lifted into the air. Itachi set a brutal pace slamming into the exhausted bomber. Deidara became a moaning mess after that.

"ITACHI, nghhh. Mmmmm, please! Harder, un!" Obeying the demand Itachi starting enhancing his thrusts with chakra. Aiming for the blonde's prostate Itachi continued slamming into his love.

"ITACHI! I'm cumming, nnggh. ITA-," With a keening cry Deidara came. Feeling the blonde clamped down on him Itachi came inside his lover with a low groan. Using the last of his energy he pulled out and brought Deidara to lie on his chest. He slowly combed his fingers through honey locks until he heard light snores echo in the small room.

Itachi knew he had to go find Hidan and talk to him soon. He found out from Sasori that Hidan was trying to get Deidara to stop avoiding him. He also learned the immortal wanted the blonde for himself. That could not happen! Ever since he found out about the blonde's crush on the immortal he knew he couldn't let the blonde anywhere near him. Hidan wouldn't care if the blonde were his. He would take him anyway. Itachi tried to move but received a tired groan from the sleeping blonde. He could confront Hidan later.

Hidan could not sleep. Whenever he tried to go back to sleep a loud moan would echo throughout the halls of the hideout. Normally he would just be pissed because someone woke him up but this time it was who woke him up. Deidara was moaning out the bastard Uchiha's name! It was bad enough he learned they were dating; now they were fucking!

"ITACHI! HARDER, UN!" Yeah, he wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

The next morning when he finally woke up he decided to visit Sasori to see if he gathered any information on why Deidara was avoiding him. Seeing the redhead enter the kitchen he quickly followed.

"Hey Puppet-fucker! Any new information?" Moving out of the way of the knife thrown his way he took a seat at the table.

"Itachi told Deidara to stay away from you beca-"

"Fucking why!"

"-use he learned the little blonde brat had a crush on you." Huh? Deidara had a crush on him? I guess he doesn't hate me after all.

"How do you fucking know this?"

"Itachi told me." Oh. That made sense.

"Itachi went on a mission so this is the perfect time to talk to Deidara." See the fucking puppet was useful. Hidan quickly left the kitchen and ran into the bomber's room. Deidara was working on a piece of clay that looked strangely like Pein. Weird. Well maybe he was going to blow it up. Hopefully.

"Dei-Chan." Deidara turned around with a scowl on his face until he saw whom it was. Now blushing he quickly hid the clay sculpture in his cloak before walking over to Hidan.

"What do you want Hidan, un?"

"Are you fucking avoiding me because of that Uchiha-bastard?" Deidara froze at the question. How did Hidan know that?

"Sasori fucking told me." Oh. Stupid puppet. "He also told me the reason." Fuck. "You have a crush on me?" Can you buy termites?

"Y-yes, un." The next second Deidara found himself pushed against the wall with the Jashinist's tongue shoved down his throat. Hidan pushed his right knee in between the blonde legs rubbing his member.

"Ngghh, Hidan s-stop!" Deidara pushed Hidan off before quickly straightening his clothes out. "What about Itachi?"

"Fuck 'em." Deidara really had to resist the urge to face palm. Really Hidan? He can't just walk up to Itachi and be like 'It was fun these last couple of months but after having Hidan shove his tongue down my throat I've seen the light.' That would end well.

"Listen Hidan. I like you a lot but I just can't leave Itachi like that. He would know you had something to do with it if I starting dating you right away." The blonde did have a point.

"How about you don't fucking date at all. Just be single for a while. There would be no fucking conflict." Hidan might not be the smartest member but he wasn't on Tobi's level just yet. He could be single for a while and just have fun. It sounded pretty good really.

"Ok, un." Deidara walked up and gave Hidan a chaste kiss before leaving his room. Once gone Hidan realized a flaw to his plan. How the hell would Itachi take this?

Bad. Itachi was on a rampage. After calling Deidara a whore about twenty times he decided to use Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi on the poor blonde. Now Deidara was recovering in Pein's room to insure his safety.

Deidara woke up with a major headache. Where the hell was he? Taking a look around he noticed blood red walls, black furniture, and a wine colored silk blanket covering his waist. Only one person in this organization could afford a room like this without being murdered by Kakuzu, Pein. Why is he in Pein's room?

"Oh, your awake." A deep monotone voice took Deidara's attention off of his findings. Purple ringed eyes, orange spiky hair, multiple piercings, and pale skin. The voice belonged to none other than the Akatsuki's leader Pein.

"Leader what am I doing in here?" All he could remember was breaking up with Itachi.

"Itachi was furious when you decided to end things with him. After using both Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi on you he left saying he would be back. Before he could come back and harm you further I took you into my care to insure your safety. I finished paperwork and am very exhausted so I came for some rest. You wouldn't mind if I laid next to you, would you?" Lay next to my sexy leader? Hmmmm, why not?

"N-no, not at all." Deidara watched as Pein removed his cloak before moving toward the bed. Pulling back the comforter Pein moved into the bed next to the artist. Deidara blushed at the proximity of their bodies. He felt arms wrap around him before he was pulled into a hard chest. Was Leader spooning with him? Deciding it was best to go to sleep before he embarrassed himself, Deidara snuggled further into his pillow. Pein might just be a better roommate than Itachi.

Sasori was pissed. His plan to have Deidara to himself back fired. He was hoping pinning Hidan and Itachi against each other would push Deidara towards him. Deidara was pushed but he was pushed toward Pein. Why would their Leader take care of the injured blonde? Normally when a member was injured they were sent to Kakuzu to get sewn up and given pain pills. Deidara was sent to stay in their Leader's room with with said man taking care of him. Strange. Something was not right here and he was going to find out.

Deciding the best way to investigate was to take a look into the feared Leader's room Sasori walked down the empty Akatsuki hallway. Coming up to the double-door bedroom of his Leader, Sasori gently pushed the door open. Scanning the room Sasori found his beloved blonde brat curled up with Pein in his bed. Yeah Pein sure was taking care of the bomber. It was more like fucking him! Sasori left the room plotting his next plan to make the blonde his.

Deidara woke up strangely warm for someone who just broke up with his boyfriend. Turning around Deidara came face to face with his Leader, Pein. Remembering yesterday the blonde calmed down a bit. Sleeping in your boss's bed with your boss isn't too bad, right? Who was the blonde kidding it was frowned upon, but so was killing and shinobi did that every day. Deidara soon found himself staring into ringed eyes.

"Watching people sleep, I see."

Which Akatsuki member do you want to see Deidara with next?

Maybe he will date people from other villages?

Read and Review Please!