Summary: I'm just a speculator who happened to be in love with everything that's happening around. Lurking is my specialty, after all.

Author's Note: I wanted to keep a short note for the readers, but in the end, it turn out to be long. I don't expect people to give this story a review since this won't make sense unless they're part of the AoGA group. If you're one of the people that I mentioned here and you felt offended, I would like to apologize. I don't intend to hurt anybody, I just wrote the story in my own perspective/view. Some scenes are not in order and I rephrased some of the lines here. This is happening around facebook.

Transcript OO1: Hotaru's Labour
GA Characters: Ruka, Hotaru, Nobara.

If there ever comes a time when Kei asks how was his birth like, even before Hotaru and Ruka could even give him an answer, I would say: Kid, you're lucky. You got loads of people to deliver you and it was charged for free. Well, I'll be damned.

Seeing both my favourite pairings finally have their own family makes me giggle in happiness. Just last July 29, Hotaru gave birth to a blond boy named Kei. The birth was... chaotic. There were no words to describe it best other than chaotic. Vacuum cleaners, chainsaws and teleporting Alice can be seen around the area.

"Hotaru-sis' water broke." Nikki's voice drifted in the crowd. It only took a few seconds before somebody could respond to her statement. And with that, it signalled the long night of my lurking.

Just through the words, the emotions can be conveyed easily. With that said, you would really notice that everyone was panicking over the situation. They were calling Ruka Nogi at the first parts but he didn't respond to it until later on.

With no Ruka to rely on, they could only rely on one thing left: Kage.

Kage Tsubasa is Tsubasa Andou's shadow, famous for his flirty ways and mingling with girls. Nobody can deny he's hot as the shadow-manipulator, but his flirting manners are a no-no.

Everything made sense when a member of that group named Natsu asked, "He was pregnant before?" Of course that made sense and it hit them like a torpedo. Even though this Kage is undeniably a shadow, he's still a male after all.

"No, not Kage," Hotaru insisted with a frown carved on her lips. "Please not Kage."

In the end, they crossed Kage out of the possibilities of being the sole key to deliver Hotaru Imai's baby.

With another chance to seek the person who could help them with this matter, they turned to Nobara Ibaragi. Whilst this commotion was happening, I was grinning behind the scenes, eating a box of chocolate to fully enjoy myself. I know I should have helped them but joining them isn't really my style, I prefer the silent watching action.

This is going to be good, I thought as I took another bite.

"I nominate everyone but me." Natsu said, making me laugh at her remark.

When one of the members informed Nobara on what was happening, she was caught surprised and didn't know what to do at all. Of course, the Ice Princess won't know how to deliver a baby, she's still a happy single woman.

And once again, they called for Ruka's name again and this time they mentioned Subaru next. It was a smart move to call him. In my honest opinion, I believe out of all the members there he would surely have an experience or two about delivering babies (if not then... well, let's just hope he has, okay?). But unfortunately, out of all the days he have to be offline, it was the day where his own sister gives birth. Tragic, I say.

Kelzi's suggestion was to call Narumi. I didn't know who she was referring to: the gay or the mature one but in the end, they just concluded that he ran away.

Out of all people who step forward to help the patient, it was Sadz Awesomness. It's always been a wonder for me why her surname lacks an 'e'. Probably, it's awesome that way.

"Breath and push." She said, signalling the others to know that it's up to them to deliver the child.

"Push." Kelzi said while giving out a laugh.

Hotaru followed Sadz's advice. She turned to the laughing Kelzi and gave her a quick, intense look.

"Don't laugh Kelzi." Hotaru hissed with her eyes wide open from surprise.

"Sorry, can't help it." The girl said as she mustered another laugh.

The sudden appearance of Chinky made me laugh more, especially at what she said, "I hope the baby has a teleportation alice and just teleports outta Hotaru's womb." I just hope they deliver this baby to safety.

And once again, everybody stopped on their tracks, thinking of ways on how to help the patient. "How about we do this the simple way?" Natsu suggested. "We take the baby by force and cut the cord. Done." I don't know what she meant by force though, did she mean someone will just pull the baby out of Hotaru's va... er... nevermind.

"Ruka! Ruka! Ruka!" Kelzi called, making me lose count on how many times she called him. We actually, it was just only four times so yeah, that's about it.

And do you know what the first thing Ruka ever said during his wife's delivery? It was a fat 'Hello?'. I couldn't help laughing more with his action. Oh, how I wanted to pull his hair that time for appearing so late.

"PUSH PUSH BREATH N PULL DA BABY OUT." Those were the eight words that Sadz said during the delivery and with those words I could make a song because it has a rhythm to it. Try it, make some random melody and use that as the lyrics. You'll be called a songwriter within the day.

"By force? What the heck, Natsu!" Hotaru said, her eyes widen in shock.

"I can't exactly to persuade it to come out," She reasoned out. "It can't talk yet."

"What's happening?" Ruka asked in curiosity as he watched the other members panicking.

"Ruka, your wife is in labour!" Kelzi said, almost practically screamed at him. "And you're just standing there."

"Who's giving birth?" Ruka asked, his eyes started to widen as Hotaru's.

"Hotaru is." Chinky replied, amidst the commotion.

In the back of my mind, I was thinking, how many wives did Ruka have? How could he have not known that it was Hotaru when Kelzi said that his wife was in labour?

"Ruka, she's giving birth. Do something."

"Yes, Ruka, do something."

"Pull the baby out."

The spotlight that has been transferred to many members has found its way to Ruka. Under the hot beam of the light, he could feel that everybody focused their attention to him. He gulped, he stayed silent for a while.

"Pull the baby ouuuuuuuuuuut."

"What?" Ruka shouted in disbelief. Was his ears playing trick on him or did he heard them right?

"Ruka, you should be by her side while this happening." Kelzi stated firmly.

"TAKE IT BY FORCE." Natsu claimed.

"Or your relationship is over." Kelzi added.

"Massage her lower back gently using the heel of your hand." Othelia read out load from a book about maternity and childbirth.

Natsu shook her head in disappointment, "Yank the thing out."

Sadz gritted her teeth in frustration, "Shut up Natsu! You're not helping."

Chinky could feel the heavy atmosphere loitering around. She closed her eyes and silently frown on her spot. What. Should. They. Do?

In my opinion, get an ambulance. But of course, if that happened, there would be no fun.

Sadz noticed Ruka's face turning pale. "Ruka, don't faint!" She cried but it was too late, he already did. He lied on the cold surface of the floor, motionless. If you squint, you would see his eyelids moving a bit. Was he faking it?

"Be a man, Nogi." Natsu said who found herself looking at him in discontent.

"Ruka," Sadz called. "I'll slap you."

"Don't faint, Ruka." Nikki cried.

"Don't faint," Kelzi stated. "Darn it."

Ruka Nogi, if you're ever reading this, I would like to say, "Thanks for making this story interesting with your actions."

With Ruka not doing anything other than remaining motionless, Nikki couldn't handle it anymore. Even from afar, you could hear her voice shouting deafeningly at the blond.


"Pull what?" Ruka asked as he rose from his spot like a zombie who rose from its grave.


How he would ever do that? I don't know.

"You know what? How about using a vacuum cleaner to pull the baby out?" Nobara suggested, appearing out of nowhere, her left hand pointing to a vacuum.

"WHAT?" Chinky screamed, giving Nobara a weird look.

"AWESOME." Kelzi said as she gave a thumbs-up.

"There's a birth delivery method called the Vacuum Delivery. So, I guess, we shall do it that way." Nobara said, getting everyone's full attention locked to her.

Actually, I did a little research on it. There's a vacuum delivery method and it's called Ventouse. It's a vacuum device used to assist the delivery of a baby. They say that it is generally safe to use but it has negative effects on both child and mother. For more information, use Google.

"Pull it Ruka," Nobara said. "Before I lug the vacuum cleaner here."

"I'll pull my baby out!" Ruka screamed.

"Ruka," Sadz said. "Don't touch the baby. Don't do it."

"You'll kill the baby, don't do it." Nissa said, who passed by to see this commotion happening around Hotaru.

Honestly, I'm getting confused. First, they wanted Ruka to pull the baby out. Then now, they don't want Ruka to touch the baby. What in the world is happening?

"I can't afford seeing Hotaru suffering like that!" Ruka shouted back at them. He was getting frustrated, I could sense it. Being the husband of the labouring patient can be pressuring at times but at these kinds of moments, they have to be strong to show their wives their support.

"I'm going to get the vacuum cleaner." Nobara said.

"Ruka, pull the baby," Kelzi said then she turned to Hotaru. "Hotaru, push really hard this time."

"It got stuck." Ruka said in disbelief.

"What do you mean, 'it got stuck'?" Natsu asked, staring weirdly at the blond boy. "A woman does not want to hear that."

"The baby's head?" Othelia asked.

"Cut her stomach and get it out." Sadz suggested with her eyes widening at the same time. I call that look: the usual Sadz face. Period. Teehee.

"Don't kill the baby for God's sake!" Nobara shouted, looking at them in dismay.

"I don't want my stomach to be cut open like poultry." Hotaru stated, her eyes broadening in horror.

"Just one more goddamn big push." Sadz said.

Hotaru gave one big push and suddenly the baby came out, making everyone look relief but there's still one more thing to do: cutting the umbilical cord.

"Cut the umbilical cord now..." Hotaru whispered in a soft voice.

"Chainsaw time?" Natsu proposed. She looked around the area, trying to find a certain someone. "I don't think Jam's here." She took a chainsaw out of nowhere and turned it on. The loud, waspy sound lingered in the air.

"No chainsaw." Ruka said, trying to cover his wife with his body.

"Chainsaw?" Hotaru muttered with a shock expression etched on her face.

Natsu gave out a disappointed groan and put away the chainsaw to its proper place. "What if it crawls back in?" She asked, making some turn to her. "What if it doesn't want to leave?"

"Is it breathing?" Othelia asked, referring to the baby.

"Is it alive?" Sadz asked, quite curious on the baby's state.

Frankly; I, too, was quite curious. Why wasn't it crying? Is it shedding silent tears? Or was it...

"It was born dead." Natsu stated, her hands covering her eyes as if it's a way to stop her tears from flowing.

Ruka look horrified more than ever. What ever did he put his effort for? He should have called a doctor as soon as possible. He shouldn't have risk. As for Hotaru, she was almost to the point of crying. She didn't want to accept the fact that she gave birth to an already dead baby. No, this couldn't be happening. It just can't.

"Just kidding." Natsu said, making everyone gave out a relief sigh.

"Should I slap it to see if it's moving?" Another person asked. "So it'll cry."

"Don't slap my child!" Ruka cried in terror.

"You need to spank it!" Another girl said. "It needs to cry."

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH." The crying sound loitered in the area, making everyone look at the baby as if something unimaginable happened.

"My son!" Ruka exclaimed, his joy overflowing at what's happening right now.

"Where the hell did a new born baby get a facebook account?" Sadz asked, slightly confused on what's happening right now.

Suddenly the chatbox was filled with loads of hearts, it was a wonderful moment. Ruka hugged the baby, making everyone in awe.

"You look like me," Ruka stated as he stared into the kid's face. A small smile is pursed in his lips. "Daddy is so happy."

"It looks like Tamaki." Sadz muttered under her breath.

"You don't take all the credits, Ruka." Hotaru said.

"But he's blond like me!" Ruka replied, overjoyed at the fact that his son is blond. Pfft.

"He got my eyes!" Hotaru asserted as she stare into the loving kid's amethyst eyes.

End of Transcript