"Does everybody have everything?" questioned Winry as they got to the train station.

"For the 15th time, mom, yes everybody has everything." Answered James slightly annoyed at his mother's paranoia.

"Don't sass me, James."

"Yes ma'am." He said, effectively ending an argument he knew he wouldn't win. As the giant family walked threw the station toward the ticket booth they heard a noise from the departure station.


As the said parents turned, four young adults, and three small children filled their line of sight. The eldest of the four was a tall man reaching about six foot three with a head full of cleanly cut chocolate colored locks, two emerald colored eyes on his young face with a smile that could light up even the darkest of places. This was Edward and Winry's son-in-law, Darry Peterson. Beside him was his wife, at an average height, Caroline stood proudly and pregnant with her light blonde locks swept half back. Her baby blue eyes beamed with pride as she saw her family for the first time in half a year. At the parent's feet, a young toddler stood, with one hand fisted on her father's pants and the other stuffed in her mouth, her emerald eyes puzzled in question at these people. The tiny, pig tailed, blonde couldn't every remember seeing so many similar people at once.

Next to the family of soon to be four, stood a tall man with shaggy bronzy-blonde locks and two cerulean colored irises. This was the eldest of all the Elric Children, Elijah, whom resembled more of his mother and uncle than the rest of all the Elric's. In his arms was his baby girl, Kyler, whom had fallen asleep with her brother on the train ride up from South City. Short chestnut colored locks rested on her head that leaned on her father's shoulder. Beside Elijah stood his wife of 3 years, Helen; her mocha locks fell to her shoulders, right where her son's golden head lay. The small three year old rested easily in his mother's arms, blue eyes slowly but surely awakening to his mother's skinny but strong frame and her chocolate eyes on him.

The families approached their own family now all as one.

"Elijah, Caroline, when did you get here?" questioned Edward, smiling yet confused slightly at the same time.

"Oh, the train from South City got here about 20 minutes ago, and then we met Caroline and Darry with her kids about 10 minutes ago, when the train at Central got here." Answered Elijah.

"Well it's so good to see all of you." He smiled and continued, "Let me buy the tickets while you guys reacquaint yourselves with your Uncle and Aunt." He walked off to the ticket booth.

"Uncle Al, Aunt Mei, it's been awhile." Smiled Caroline, "This is my husband Darry and our daughter Katharine."

"And my wife Helen, my son, Eddy, and my daughter Kyler." Elijah continued.

"It's nice to meet you all," replied Alphonse and a nod was received from Mei.

"So I guess everyone is here but your children, Alphonse. Speaking of witch, where are they?" questioned Winry.

"Don't you remember? I told you when you first asked about the, they're with Ling and LanFan, on there way to Rizembool from Xing. They had to finish up there year of schooling, so we came in before them to make sure everything was settled." He explained as the group of people met up with Ed and each grabbed their ticket. The Elric Clan then proceeded to head to there designated cart, which had been designated and reserved for them only.

"Now this is nice." Said Ed as he sat down in their private cart. Luggage had been slung into the separate rooms and now everyone had decided to relax in the main room.

"Yeah, no kidding, it's so much nicer now than when we were kids." Said Winry with a smile as she sat on the cushioned bench next to her husband.

"Elijah, tell your uncle what you're doing with your life." Ed started, smirking toward his younger brother.

"Oh, I'm a state alchemist, they call me Nuts n' Bolts because of my efficiency with machinery and metal working in my alchemy. They've got me stationed down in South City." The young adult blabbed with slight pride in himself.

"That's great, Elijah, it sounds like you have a pretty nice setup down there."

"Well I figure, since I've got the ability, I might as well use it for the country. I don't care what people say about me, there's nothing better I can imagine doing than helping other."

"It would be nice if more of the alchemist thought like you, Elijah. And Caroline, I understand you've taken after your mother's talent?"

"That's correct uncle," The pregnant blonde began, "Even though Daddy taught all of us Alchemy, it was never my favorite thing. I always felt something stir inside of me when I would help mom in the shop. So when I was 16 I started apprenticing under Mr. Garfiel and that's when I met Darry. After we graduated we moved to Central to expand the line and start our family."

"Hang on. Ed, you've taught all of them alchemy?" Alphonse questioned.

"All but Charlie, she's not old enough yet."

"And how old do you start them?"

"Eleven. I teach them the basics of alchemy and how to defend themselves incase the need arises. I don't force them to pursue alchemy any further unless they want to. And so far only Eli and James have continued."

"Ok, I can understand that. But they all have the ability?" Alphonse questioned his brother.

"Yup, and I'm sure they'd all make great alchemist if they pursued. Or in some cases, weren't so lazy." Edward emphasized the last part, making a mock glare at Penelope, who was lounging in one of the single chairs by the window. A book was in her lap, though she looked up when she felt her father's stare on her.

"Dad, we've been over this." She said with a sigh, turning back to her book.

"Yes, but it's never been resolved because "I don't feel like drawing circles," is no a reason as to why you say no." he replied a slight irritation in the bottom of his voice. His golden eyes traced her teenage body while she remained her same lazy position.

"And you said you wouldn't force me to pursue something I didn't want to do with my life, but what are you doing now?" she sassed, silently calling him a hypocrite.

"Penelope, don't put yourself on thin ice with me."

"Whatever," She made it obvious she was done talking when she pulled her knees up in the seat and rested her book on the to read. But though the book was in front of her, her eyes trailed to window where she saw her desert homeland rapidly disappearing. Feeling somewhat curious about what laid before her, she propped her head on the window and turned her golden irises to her book so she could finally started really reading.

Back on the other side of the room, Winry began questioning about the guest list of the wedding.

"Of course we've invited you guys, Ling and his family and my mother. And we've also invited most of those military people you all know." Mei began.

"By those military people, she means The Mustang's, The Havoc's, The Breda's, The Furey's, and the Falman's. We also invited Ms. Gracia. And when I called Ms. Gracia to ask about Elicia I found out where she was and invited her and her family." Alphonse explained.

"Elicia's married?" questioned Edward, slightly shocked her hadn't heard about what had happened to the now 26 year old.

"Yes, Gracia informed me that Elicia and her Husband Tucker Mayfield, a boy she's been sweet on since upper school, eloped 9 months ago. They recently had twin girls, Ansleigh and Mackenzie." Alphonse finished informing.

A low whistle sounded from Edward's lips, "It seems like she was three years old yesterday." He felt nostalgic and old now.

"I can't believe that everything happened so long ago." Winry spoke, as if reading Edward's thoughts.

In the other corner of the room the twins, Ellen, Troy and Charlotte sat with the three grandbabies of the family.

"Is it just me or are we kind of ignored over hear?" Questioned James, whom was holding Little Eddy in his lap.

"Its not that we're ignored, Brother" started Matt while Kyler tugged on his ponytail, "Its just that Penelope is being antisocial, and the adults can't communicate with us awkward young folk." His tone was of the usual, intelligent but with the undying sarcasm hidden underneath.

"Who are you calling awkward young folk; Mattie, Troy and I are adults." Countered Ellen.

"Ah, but your forgetting that you and Troy still aren't married and live under the comfort of Mom and Dad's money. You are not on your own and have no children. To that crowd, your nothing more than an overconfident teen." The 14 year old finished a smirk planted on his face.

"And your nothing but a 14 year old twerp." Smirks were traded, while Kyler plunged Matthew's ponytail into his mouth. In Ellen's lap, Katharine squealed with delight as Matthew's smirk turned to a terrified grimace.

"Kyler, my hair is not a chew toy." The teen complained, pulling the bronze locks away from her. "Elijah, take your daughter."

The said parent moved from his place next to Helen and walked over to where the teens occupied the middle of the room. He reached down and took the appeased 1 year old from his younger brother.

"When she sucks on your hair, it means she likes you, she used to do it to me all the time." He explained while Kyler reached for the short tendrils of hair at his neck. "Which is why, I cut mine off, because her slobber was ruining my hair. Eddy did the same thing when he was her age."

"Did not." The three year old started, his little fist pounded on James's thighs.

"Did too." The father badgered back at his son.

"Did not!"

"Are those your favorite words?"

"NO!" the toddler squealed.

:"That's right, no is your favorite word."


"Eddy, calm down or you can sit with mommy."

That was all it took to calm down the toddler. In Elijah's arms, his daughter was starting to fuss a little.

"Looks like someone's hungry." He looked to Helen, "Where's her bag?"

"Right bedroom, on top of the bed in the back left corner." Answered Helen.

"Gotcha," he said as he went to appease his child.

"Hey, have we decided who's sleeping with who?" questioned James.

"Well lets see, 6 beds to two rooms. Girls are in one, Guys in another. That's 8 guys and 9 girls. Um, guys wise, James can share the big bed with Matt and Eli can have Eddy sleep with him. Everyone else, pick a bed. Winry what's the ladies verdict?" spoke Ed, having already maid his final decision.

"Me, Penelope and Charlie have the big bed, Katharine and Kyler have a make shifted crib in another bed. Everyone else can pick a bed." The blonde answered.

"Well alrighty then."

The rest of the day passed without much commotion, aside from the constant "I'm bored," comment from Charlie. To witch Penelope would attempt to find a way to appease the young girl. The day drew to a close and soon everyone found themselves in their respective quarters, awaiting the sandman to bring them their sleep.* There was one person whom refused sleep however.

"I'm not gonna sleep until you do it." Charlie said, arms crossed upon her pajama covered chest. Pink polka dots covered the lavender material that had been crinkled by the almost tantrum.

"Yes, you are, Charlie. Your six years old and you don't need to depend on me to always do this." Retaliated Penelope.

"But it's the only way I can get to sleep!" the stubborn blonde whined.

"Alright, alright, what's all this commotion about?" questioned Winry, coming into the bed room from the bathroom.

"Penny won't do the ritual!"

"What ritual?" she questioned, unsure about what her youngest was speaking about.

"Oh for the love of all things good and peaceful I will do it if you just be quiet!" exclaimed Penelope, finally having enough.

She sat down by her sister and placed her lips on her forehead.

"Goodbye bad thoughts," she kissed her forehead then moved to her right cheek, "Hello good thoughts," another kiss and she was to the left cheek, "no more nightmares," this kiss led her to her nose, "Only sweet dreams," she kissed her nose and said, "No go to sleep."

And that was all it took to calm Charlie down enough to lay down by the wall where they had put her to sleep so she wouldn't fall off the bed.

"That was cute, Penny."

"Mom, don't start."

"Shut up and go to sleep. That goes for everyone; we've got to get up bright and early to get ready to be at Rizembool." Winry ended every conversation right then, accenting her statement with a flick of the lights and piling in next to her daughters.


"Alright, Kiddies, rise and shine!" an enthusiastic blonde squealed, excitement picking up in her voice as she could practically feel her hometown getting closer. The loud voice that had sounded had already woken most everyone else up.

"Mom, it's," Ellen started, pulled a tiered arm that held her watch on it in front of her eyes, "7 in the morning and the train won't reach the station until 9, leave us alone." She slapped her arm back under the covers and pulled her extra pillow across her face.

"Yes, and by the time all the ladies are done with the bathroom, it will be 9:00 so get up if you want to use it first."

"Say no more, I'm up already." She replied, jumping first from her bed and grabbing her bathroom bag and rushing to the single room in the hallway.

"Everyone else, it's every man for themselves if they want to be prepared for the rest of the day, so get up now and let the race begin." Winry had already gotten herself ready before she had woken all the ladies up, and in the guys room, Edward had done the same.

"Penny wake up, I need your help." Charlie said to Penelope, shaking her shoulder. However the teen simply rolled over in response. "Penny, get up."

"Leave me alone Charlie." She said, voice muffled by the pillow.

"But I need you to do my hair." The 6 year old countered.

She lifted herself from the bed, "Fine, get your brush and sit in front of me." She commanded. And that was all it took to have the young child up and running for said object. And within a minute she was in front of her elder sister. "What do you want?"

"Two braids like yours please!" And so for the next 15 minutes Penelope separated Charlie's hair down the middle and quickly braided each side in a Cretan braid, and at the ends she tied in each a small lavender ribbon before sending the child off to finish getting ready while Penelope made her way to the bathroom to prepare herself for the day.

She quickly washed her hair in the sink with the shampoo in her bathroom bag and then proceeded to finish off with combing through her long locks, brushing her teeth, and finally dressing in her desired clothes for the day. A pair of faded blue jeans, a sleeveless red gingham button down and her brown laced boots.

She left the bathroom, hair still down and damp and headed to the bed room to pick up her stuff and make sure everything was in place.

"Ok, I realized your hair was long, but it's that long?" questioned Ellen from her side of the room.

"Yeah, Ellen, that's what happens when you don't cut it." She said smartly.

"We realize that, Penelope, but we haven't really seen it not in a braid since you were little." Responded Caroline equally shocked at the length.

"It's only a little past my waist, I don't see why it matters so much."

"It's just really pretty, Pen, and you never where your hair down anymore, why?" questioned Caroline.

"I don't know, it's just kinda annoying when it's hanging in my face, so I just braid it back out of the way." She replied, pushing said hair out of her face and flipping it over her shoulder.

"Well if that's the case, can I fix it Pen?" questioned Ellen, with general enthusiasm.

"No, Ellen, don't touch my hair." She replied flatly.

"Aw, come on Pen, you never let me do anything fun!" she complained.

"That's because you're too over the top about everything, El." And with that she was out of the room, her elder sisters trailing behind her.

"Pen, please tell me there isn't hair all over the sink." Elijah said as Penelope walked into the big room.

"No I cleaned it all up, and it's free, whoever wants it next."

"That would be me, if you would excuse me." Elijah replied, scurrying to the bathroom to prepare himself. And as he passed her, Penelope went to her single window seat where she sat and immediately went to plainly braiding her hair.

"Are we there yet?"

"James Ethan that is the 5th time you have asked that and for the 5th time, it is 8:30 and we will not be there for another 30 minutes so just shut up and wait." Winry snapped, her patience growing thin with her son.

The half hour left passed relatively quickly, and before they knew it they heard the all call over the intercom.

"We have now arrived at Rizembool station!"

"Finally!" sighed James, going stir crazy in the boxy compartment of the train. The clan of Elric's soon gathered their luggage and exited the station, at the door their was a silent question of how they were going to get from point a to point b, point b being the old Rockbell house.

"Edward Elric!" it was a shout from a distance away, which way, however, could not be determined, which was why Ed simply turned his head to both sides and searched for the said shouter.

"Over Here! To Your Right!" it was calling him again. So to the right he searched, finally spotting that old buddy from so long ago.

"Havoc! That you?" he questioned, heading toward the said man in the rusted blue truck. His heard followed him, unsure of what to do next.

"Yeah, Al called me the other day said all of you were coming out and told me to be ready to pick ya'll up." He had stopped shouting, as the herd was surrounding his vehicle, now Edward and Alphonse had come to the driver's side window.

"Well, I hate to break it to ya, but you're little cab isn't going to hold all of us." Edward said, a small smirk dawning on his face.

"That's what the bed is for Chief, also my wife has the wagon over their for all the luggage and a you're kids. I figure most of the adults can fit in the bed of the truck, and the cab, and the kids can fit in the wagon bed."

"Oh, didn't see that." He said, peering around the truck to see Rebecca Catalina-Havoc at the reigns of their wagon. "Well you heard the man everyone, now let's load up."

As the truck and wagon began out on the road, Ed couldn't stop himself for questioning his old friend in the cab of the truck.

"So, a truck huh? How'd you manage that, Havoc, even we don't have one."

"Well it pays to own a general store that everyone in town buys from. So when I had some extra money, I bought this used over in Silver Hill."

"Well, when you live in the Automail Capitol and that's your profession, their isn't as much extra lying around. Plus, we don't even use the wagon we have that often."

"Word of advice, don't get one, the gas for these is worse from the T-cars that are in the cities."

The adult's conversation drifted off as they soon arrived at the age-old Rockbell home.

"It looks exactly like the way it was last time." Was all Winry could manage to say.

"Yeah the last time we were here was when Penelope was born, so almost 16 years ago." Ed followed up.

"So that's why it was so dusty! I've had my kids sprucing the place up for a couple days and the layers of dust in there is unbelievable, but it should be pretty much back to it's old standard." Havoc said, heading up to the door to make sure his children were still their. "Hey kids, hope you're done cause the family has arrived!" he called to them. And as his calling ended, soon a thunderous amount of footsteps was heard as a band of four ran out the door.

"Kiddies, why don't you introduce yourselves?" the father of the said bunch asked. Attention quickly turned to the two tallest of the bunch, as the curly, blonde headed girl began.

"I'm Cassidy and this is my twin Adam." She began quickly pointing to the boy with the dark brown hair. There identical blue eyes sparkled when Adam finished their thought of, "And we're both 16."

"I'm Carter and I'm 12." The shorter girl next to them said, her eyes, like her siblings were blue but she had curly chestnut hair like her mother. "And this is Daniel Jean, but we just call him Danny. He's 6 and he doesn't talk much." She finished pointing to her younger brother who was basically a mini Havoc.

As introductions of the other families concluded, the band of Elric's entered the home, quietly wondering how on Earth they were all going to fit.

"Ok, Al, when will your children be getting here?" questioned Winry who was attempting to get a count of people per room.

"Um… I think tonight."

"Well then, looks like we're going to have the four married couples in the main bedrooms, that is the master, my dad's old room, uncle Jake's old room, and my old room. The youngest kids can stay in their parent's room, meaning Eddy, Kyler and Katherine. While the other girls can take the girl patient wing in the basement and the other boys can take the boy patient wing in the basement. So that's 5 on each side and there are exactly 10 beds down stairs." Winry stated, her delegating side coming out. She added on, "Ellen notice I said married. That does not me you. Just because you're engaged does not mean I will allow you fooling around under my roof."

Her orders were solid and soon people were scrambling through the house to pick their beds, while the 10 in the basement had little choice as to where they could be, the four couples scrambled through the house all hoping for the big master bedroom.

"I have 2 kids in my room!" Helen hollered, her patience growing thin."

"Caroline's pregnant, isn't that enough reason?" This time it was Darry arguing.

"I'm getting married for real this time!"

"You are aware that the bedrooms upstairs have their own bathrooms right?" questioned Edward.

"MINE!" it was the younger couples who were now sprinting away.

"And Mei, the other bedroom is closer to the bathroom and I know you're going to need it on that special day." It was Winry who was swindling them this time.

"Have fun with the master bedroom!" she called, leaving the last couple in the hallway.

"Well, Edward, we have still got it." The sly blonde turned to her husband, a smirk plastered on her face. Edward was equally smug seeing that their scheme had worked, because what the other three didn't know was that not only was it the master bedroom, but it was also the master bathroom as well.


The Havoc children had helped the other Elric's with their luggage; all helping them settle into the large basement, the eldest soon began conversing with the other family's eldest, while the younger played around.

"You said your name was Cassidy right?" questioned Penelope while she placed her clothes in the small dresser.

"Yeah, and you're Penelope?", she returned, "that's a mouthful, you got anything shorter?"

"When she was little we called her Penny," Ellen butted in, "But normally we just shorten her to Pen." Ellen had taken the bed across from Penelope and now joined the conversation, seeing that her unpacking had been finished.

"You're Ellen, right?" Cassidy was full of questions, normally finding a question after the previous was answered. "Is that Troy guy your fella?"

"Troy and I are engaged, yes. We're getting married in the fall."

"That's nice, what about you Pen? Got a guy back home?" her cerulean eyes were full of curiosity and her dirty blonde curls shook as her head bobbed in her excitement.

"No, I don't date idiots, therefore I have no boyfriend." Her voice was flat, and absolutely no emotion was shown in her facial expressions.

"You sound depressed." The curious blonde commented.

"No, I'm realistic. The guys back home don't think at all, and I won't spend my life watching a guy act a fool forever. So until I meet a guy with a real brain, I won't date."

"Don't try to convince her otherwise, Cassidy, she's stubborn just like the rest of us and won't see reason." Ellen commented, speaking from experience.

"You know me so well, Sis." The teen smirked. A knock sounded from the door to their side of the room.

"Are you decent?" it was Troy, poor lovesick fool couldn't stand to be 10 feet from Ellen.

"No! We're all naked!" the fiancé lied. "Kidding, Love, the doors open!"

He walked in, a smile on his tanned face,

"Ok, so apparently your Uncle's children will be arriving sometime tonight, and they will be rooming down here with us, so I suggest you get yourselves situated before their here, less you want to fight over who wants what bed." Troy explained.

"You here that Charlie?" questioned Penelope, "That means you better pick your bed now, understand?"

"Yes, sissy, can I have the bed next to you?"

"Of course, do you even need to ask?" the teen sarcastically questioned.

As Penelope rallied her sister into unpacking her items, similar doings were being done throughout the house. It was a very light affair, and it seemed as if nothing could change the family from having a happy evening. When Alphonse's children arrived, the cousins quickly met and exchanged pleasantries. Matthew and James bonded immediately with Adrianna, who was the oldest of their bunch at 14, due to both her mischievous and intelligent ways. While Anthony and Rei tried their best at entertaining Charlie, Rei having more fun with her due to him being only eight, while Anthony at 11 felt more like he was babysitting.

Little Carson however, only 4, was mostly left to play with her dolls while her older cousins made sure she wasn't into anything that she shouldn't have been.

The night drew to a close after a great supper was held in the dining room, with all the food on the table and mostly the adults at the table, while if you fell under the age of 19 (that is Troy) you were left to find another spot in the house to eat, whether it be the living area or the front porch, where Ellen, Troy, Penelope and Matthew had chosen to go.

"So what do you think of those Havoc kids?" questioned Ellen to her sister.

"Cassy's cool and Adam's alright, the others are a bit younger then me though, but they seem like sweet kids." Answered Penelope her mouth quickly filled with spaghetti soon afterward.

"Yeah, I thought about the same, except that Carter girl is so loud." Complained Matt, pushing his thin glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Sounds like Matt likes someone." Teased Troy.

"I do not!"

"The quick denial makes it even more evident!" joined in Ellen.

"Does not!"

"Children, Children, do I need to separate you all?" sarcasm was Penelope's gift and she always used it to her advantage.

"You can't say much Pen, I saw the way you were talking to that Adam guy." Teased her younger brother.

"I know not of what you are talking about. I was merely enjoying conversation with another intelligent being."

"That's called flirting, darling." Ellen supplied the true answer.

"I have never flirted in my life."

"Riiiiggghttt…" drawled Troy.

"Whatever, look, it's getting late and I'd like to get some rest before we meet more people tomorrow." Penelope ended the conversation and she reminded them of the upcoming guest that would be there for the wedding as well, all of them friends of their father and uncle.

"Yeah, guess your right," Ellen then followed her younger sister inside effectively bringing all of their nights to an end.


And their you have it, chapter five. I know it's taken forever but here it is, all 23 pages of it. I believe I've given you all faithful readers plenty to chew on until the next chapter, that I will hopefully bring much sooner. Because I, Songbird, have come up with a plan. A plan that has me actually plotting the story line, instead of making it up as I go. Sure I've known what I basically wanted to do for a while now, but I haven't actually had it in a written format to follow as I put it all in prose. But now, I have found my organization! And look I know it was a lot of introduction (and also a lot of minor introduction), and I'm even getting tiered of it, but I have to get all my characters out their so I can mostly develop the minors and develop the majors. Yes they are big families but ya know what? I can't picture them any other way. So here's a brief overview of who was introduced today.

Cassandra Rain Havoc (16)

Adam Jonathan Havoc (16, Cassandra's twin)

Carter Ashton Havoc (12)

Daniel Jean Havoc (6)

Adrianna Rose Elric (14)

Anthony Mitchell Elric (11)

Rei Li Elric (8)

Carson Mallory Elric (4)

Also I've began posting profiles of the characters online at Deviantart. My link is in my profile. So far all I have is Penelope but I am working on more people (like Cassandra and Adam).

Next chapter their will be more people, but I promise I do have a plan as to where this story is going. Believe it or not there is a method to my madness, so just bear with me and let me get past this stage of the story.

Also to my one review of the last chapter, I have already spoke with you on what you said, which I have taken into consideration.

I would like to remind you, that I am interested in your feedback, I read all the reviews and thoroughly enjoy hearing your comments, constructive criticism, and request. Please review and read please!

Nos Vemos
