I was writing this as my summer reading project for school. I loved writing it, so I decided to post it. It's a two shot. There's a return letter. Em =D
DISCLAIMER: I don't own HP!
Dear Tom Riddle,
Oh, that sounds pathetic doesn't it? But really, should I write Dear Lord Moldywartsor something equally as inadvisable yet completely hysterical. And there is no way on Earth you are getting me to call you Milord, honestly, so don't even bother asking. Well, that is if you decide to respond-which I believe is highly unlikely, so I'm guessing you'll do it just to prove me wrong-and not just kill me while I sleep. Though, if you could find me, I think you'd have done it already. I'm rambling aren't I, oh well, what's done is done. Unless I start over, of course, but that's a heavy waste of parchment and ink, and prices are skyrocketing now that everyone knows your back but…I'm rambling again aren't I? *Sigh* Anyways (finally) I actually wrote you for a reason.
The Department of Mysteries is downright creepy; it's so eerie, especially the prophecy room. I suppose even a big bad Dark Lord can get scared of the dark *insert snigger*, and no, that's not a typo, I really did mean *insert snigger*. I'm getting off track again; it must be getting on your nerves...I would do it more often if it wasn't for the whole you-want-me-dead thing, although why I put it in hyphens is beyond me. Back on track: I do have a question, in fact, I have several. And since Dumbledore doesn't know-and is smart enough not to ask the source, unlike me I'm afraid- you are the only one with the answer. So combine my cat-like curiosity, a few spare pieces of parchment, a well of green ink, an over-protective owl, and an insanely bored Harry Potter, and what do you get? I'll give you three guesses, though none of them count, as you're technically reading the answer. Anyways, let's get back on track.
So, first question (I'm tempted to use a muggle saying, just to annoy you), why didn't you use the link earlier? I mean, come on, it was right in the middle of my History of Magic exam, the poor examiner thought I was having a breakdown! Why did you choose that particular exam? Why the exam time at all! Do you know how annoying the O.W.L. examiners can be when they're agitated? He nearly dragged me to the hospital wing! You do realize that if he had managed to do that, I wouldn't have been there; Madame Pomfrey would've stunned me to keep me in the hospital wing over night…hmmm, maybe I should've done that.
Next question then: how did you know I was there-in the atrium- and how on Earth did you manage to talk to me in my head? Seriously, I could hear you egging me on, do you know how creepy you can…never mind, you probably do. Having a fifteen-year old point out your mental problems is probably rather agitating. *insert chocked laugh-my relatives are sleeping-* Last question: if you wanted the prophecy so badly, badly enough that you dragged me into visiting the DoM, then why didn't you get it yourself! Seriously, might've saved some time and effort. And my godfather… (the last word was smudged).
Yours Sincerely (you wish),
H.J. Potter =D