Resident Evil: Potter style

Chapter 9:

(I own nothing)


Leon steadied his breathing, trying to keep his cool while fighting back against the attacking villagers that were surrounding the cabin he and Ashley had run to. To his surprise, he had found Luis there as well. The Spaniard had been calm and cool, chatting up the presidents daughter until he found that they were being attacked.

After sending Ashley up to the second floor to hide, he and Luis blocked the windows and doors to hold them off for as long as possible.

But soon, they broke through the old wooden bookcases they had used and began to climb in.

Leon pushed the rounds into his Red9 and took aim, splattering the head of a villager that was climbing in while Luis, armed with a Red9 of his own, kicked one back out of the window causing the one standing outside the window to be knocked back as well.

"Damn these villagers are persistent," Leon cursed, drawing his knife and stabbing one in the head, killing it.

Luis shot another in the chest but didn't reply.

Suddenly the sound of glass breaking from above them reached their ears.

"Shit!" Leon yelled as the pair bolted upstairs, finding that the villagers had placed ladders there and were now climbing in.

Luis pushed one down while Leon got the other two, earning yells from the ones who were near the top.

This continued for a while, knocking the ladders down and killing those that came up the steps.

But soon, the villagers gave up, cursing at them in their native language and leaving.


Harry watched the entire thing with a smirk on his face, amused at how well Leon was fighting. He had originally been a bit perturbed at this, seeing as that cabin was the meeting place for Ada and Luis. If Luis were to die then this operation would get much tougher, seeing as Luis was a main source of information for them.

He planned to go down and back them up should the mob get the upper hand, attacking from the rear and thinning them out for the agent and researcher. But Leon held out and demoralized his attackers.

"Good work Leon," he mused to himself, looking at the retreating villagers who were still alive. "You might be useful in the future... I do believe that I may have found a new subject for future study."

Pulling out his Radio/Phone/PDA he used the touch screen to send a message to his base and chuckled darkly before vanishing from his tree branch.


Heading back downstairs as the villagers left, Leon and Luis looked around to make sure there were none left behind.

"Looks like their backing off," Leon said as he lowered his pistol, taking a deep breath and looking out the window at the retreating groups.

"So..." Luis mused while stepping around the table heavily, lazily swinging his gun back and forth, "What do we do now?"

Ashley came downstairs, stopping in the middle and looking at the two men while holding onto the railing.

"Well," Leon started, "The bridge we crossed to get here is out, so we have no choice but to keep moving,"

The other man nodded, sliding his gun into his pocket, "I forgot something," he told the agent, "You two keep going, I'll meet up with you later,"

Before Leon could say anything, Luis had unbarred the door and walked out into the night.

The american followed to the door, watching his... somewhat of a friend leave, "Luis..."

Ashley walked the rest of the way down the stairs, shaken up by what was happening. She made her way towards the table in the middle of the room and walked around it, stopping and sitting down on the stone ledge of the fireplace.

"Leon..." she started, her voice more timid and worried than before instead of bitchy and snobbish. "What now?"

Leon turned around and saw her sitting there, obviously stressed out by what she had just been through. "We'll rest here for a little while, then keep going and find a way out of here."


"So you are the Merchant that has been aiding the American,"

Harry stopped his leisurely stroll towards the gondola station, having used his inhuman power and magic to get ahead of Leon and backtrack to where he had saved Ada from a gruesome fate.

Standing just a few yards from the steps of the old rusty gondola station, he turned and say the towering figure of the village chief as he exited the large gate that had been locked using a eye scanner.

He studied the towering man, standing over seven feet tall and wearing a dirty gray trench coat. His left eye was a pinkish red while the other was blue and the only hair on his head was a long beard that grew to his upper chest.

"Indeed I am... and your the chief of this pitiful area," Harry said evenly with only the bandana over his face, having lowered the hood as it started to get uncomfortable and limited his vision.

"My name is Bitores Mendez, outsider," Mendez spoke, his voice scratchy and rough yet not deep or too high. "We do not like outsiders to meddle in our affairs."

"Affairs?" Harry snipped, "Well you have no need to worry about me, I don't intend on meddling with your 'affairs', you fucks can inbreed all you want. That's probably why your freakishly tall. What is you mother also your sister or something?"

He had to duck and roll out of the way as Mendez attacked him with surprising speed considering that he was so tall.

"Oh... did I touch a nerve?"

Mendez turned to him, not an emotion on his face, "I have orders to kill you,"

Harry nodded, "I see." he spoke while flexing his muscles and popping his neck. His taunts didn't seem to work. Not surprising really, the other villagers he had observed were controlled by the Plaga inside them, not really feeling anything at all.

His muscles tensed up and he felt his strength increase as the Chief attacked once again, slapping the fist aside, Harry planted his fist into the mans chest and sent him flying back.

Mendez flew through the air for a few feet, landed with a thump and rolled a few more feet before he came to a stop.

"Your power pales in comparison to mine," Harry smirked as the man groaned on the ground. "But I will not kill you, no, not now... you still need to fight Leon."

He turned and walked away, heading up the steps to the gondola and boarding one of the cable cars as the chief managed to get up.

Along the way, Harry got a message from base alerting him that there was some trouble with one of the prisoners he had transferred there and hummed to himself. Taking out a pen from his pocket, he clicked it and vanished, revealing it to be a portkey.

He arrived back at base and called in another wizard to take his place, said wizard was originally meant to be the one playing the Merchant but Harry took over the role, much to their distress seeing as he could be in danger.

He walked down the hallways and approached the area where live experiments were held for observation and found a researcher being carted off towards the med-bay while guards had stunned the prisoners.

"What the hell is going on here?" he demanded harshly as he looked around.

The guard closest to him turned, "I'm sorry sir but the prisoners tried to escape, the female one was screaming for help and when the researcher came to help the male, who seemed to be hurt, the male attacked."

Harry looked at the two prisoners and sneered, both were the two from the Yacht incident. Bruce McGivern and Fong Ling, he had taken an interest in them and had them moved here, both had shown a slight immunity to the virus despite having been bitten on the ship and he wanted to study them in the long run. Both had been doing as told so he had allowed them to be in the same cell as a reward, allowing them to become dependent on each other.

"I do believe that they need to learn who their masters are," Harry mused coldly, "If they want to act like savage dogs then we'll treat them like savage animals. Tie the girl to a chair and collar her, take the man and chain him from the ceiling in the middle of the room, make sure they can see each other."


When Fong Ling awoke she found herself tied to a chair with a heavy metal collar around her neck, but her attention was drawn to something else, something that made her blood run cold.

Hanging fifteen feet away was her fellow prisoner and only friend for the past two years, Bruce McGivern, the man whom she developed feelings for over their years during their captivity.

His wrists were cuffed over his head to a chain that hoisted him off the ground while another pair of cuffs forced his legs to stay together, preventing him from kicking. But from how bad he looked, she doubted that he could even gather the strength to fight back.

All he wore was the gray pants they were given, splotched with red from the blood dripping out of his mouth and nose. His chest, now covered in dark, discolored bruises and welts tensed and relaxed with every painful breath as two guards and a medic stood in the room. Two off to the side with another person standing between them while the third guard was flexing his arms, fists covered in blood.

"Again," the other man commanded, just before the guard unleashed another brutal series of punches all across Bruce's torso.

Fong looked at the man in command and recognized him as the Guai-wu (Roughly translated to Monster in Chinese) whose been their captor for the past two years. Their tormentor whose controlled their life ever since they've woke up in some secret prison, labeled as KIA when the Cruise ship was destroyed.

Bruce coughed painfully, blood coming up as he wheezed in pain, shaking from it and unable to speak as his voice had given out.

"Stop it!" Fong Ling cried out, "Your hurting him!"

Harry turned and saw that she was awake, "Ah... Ms. Ling, I see you have awakened," he spoke evenly, "I hope you had a nice rest."

"Please... please stop it, he's hurt."

Harry chuckled cruelly, "That is usually the point of torture my dear, to cause untold pain and suffering while keeping the subject alive," He told her while nodding to the medic next to him.

The guard who was physically beating Bruce, now tired and out of breath from the extended beating, stepped away as the medic pulled out a can of magically enhanced First aid spray and started healing the physical injuries on the man before stepping away as the other guard approached holding a Stun Rod.

"NO!" Fong yelled just before Bruce was hit with 50,000 volts, locking his muscles up painfully, not even letting him make a sound except for a pained grunt as his body shook involuntarily seconds later.

This continued until the once cold hearted Chinese agent was reduced to tears, pleading for them to stop.

Harry approached her, grabbing her face and forcing her to look up at him, "I have shown you both mercy in letting you be together, yet you spit in my face. Next time either of you do something like this, it won't be him getting a beating, it'll be the guards taking their frustrations out on you, Got it!"

She nodded fearfully in the face of the mortal devil before her.

"Good," He sneered, pushing her face aside and standing back to face the guards, "Take them to their cells, zero human contact until I say otherwise."


When Harry returned to retake his place as the Merchant, he learned that Leon had just had a run in with Mendez and killed the man, taking his eye to use on the scanner.

"Amazing," he said to himself as he saw the smoke in the distance, apparently, Leon had been trapped in the warehouse up the road from the other gondola station and had set it on fire, hoping to kill Mendez quickly. Only Mendez had a special Plaga and survived, forcing Leon to fight him.

He followed after Leon, going through the tunnel behind the technologically advanced door and came out just in time to see Leon stop an old truck with his pistol, shooting it and killing the driver, causing it to crash and flip.

Making himself unseen, he followed behind the pair, only for a group of villagers to craw out of the back of the truck. So as Leon shot at them and killed them, Harry went on ahead to the large castle that Leon was headed to.

"Ashley run!"

Hearing Leon yell, Harry turned back and saw another mob of villagers chasing after them, having followed them through the tunnel.

He sprinted across the bridge unseen as Leon and Ashley raise the bridge, keeping the villagers from following.


As they both finished raising the bridge using the two old cranks, Leon and Ashley took a minute to catch their breath.

"We can stay here for now," Leon told her, "Another helicopter should be on the way."

She nodded, breathing heavily.

After a minute, they entered the courtyard only to be greeted by the Merchant.

"How did you-?" Leon started with a confused look, "But... we passed you at the Gondola station... didn't we,"

"Yes you did," Harry said from underneath his hood.

"Then how in the hell did you get her before us?"

The Merchant started to speak, causing Leon and Ashley to lean forward. "Trade secret,"

Grinning under his bandana, Harry looked at their disbelieving faces before asking, "Would you like to buy anything?"

After a moment, Leon nodded and Harry showed him his stock, revealing that he now had new weapons, including a semi-auto sniper rifle, a Riot gun (Shotgun), TMP submachine gun, and a Blacktail.

Despite liking his Red9, Leon sold it along with the treasure he found and bought the Riot gun and the Blacktail pistol.

"Hehehe, tell you what," Harry started with his chuckle, "Since your such a good customer, I'll give you this. Free of charge.

He pulled out a utility belt with some pouches on it and handed it over to Leon, giving him some more places to store whatever he needed to.

Leon took it with a 'thanks' all he really had was his holster and the small pockets it had for two extra clips and the pockets on his pants, luckily, he had chosen to wear cargo pants and had those two extra pockets on his legs.

When they left, Harry smirked and pulled out his PDA, good customer or not, Leon would've gotten this anyway. It was easy to track him in the village and the outlaying forest, but inside the castle would be a bit tougher. So he had quickly sacrificed one of his own belts and hid a tracker on it, now he would always know where the man would be.

To be continued...



It's a short chapter to me, but with how things are going right now I'd say it's luckily that I even update.