A/N: Thank you each one of you for the favs, alerts, and reviews! I appreciate it! :)

Special thanks to NindroidDragonlord as my lovely beta reader!

Chapter 2

The furious sound of tapping against glass woke Harry up the next morning. He groaned as the sound picked up speed, and he threw the blanket off of him and sat on the edge of the bed, mindful of his wayward tail. He raised his arms high above him and stretched his body before he walked over to the window, working out the kinks and cricks which settled into his body while he slept. As he lifted the latch, Harry watched as a flood of owls carrying packages flew past in a flurry of colors and down towards the kitchen where he knew Kreacher would take care of them.

He yawned loudly as he scratched his stomach, lazily shuffling into the bathroom. As he started on his morning routine, a loud crack sounded in his bedroom. Unfazed, Harry stepped out of the shower, grabbing a white towel and wrapping it loosely around his waist before walking out into his room.

"Kreacher wants to be alerting Master Harry breakfast is ready," the house-elf croaked upon seeing him. Despite Harry having told Kreacher many times to address him with only his first name, the house-elf refused and insisted adding the title on whenever he addressed him.

"Thank you, Kreacher," Harry said, smiling, "Have you eaten anything today?"

Kreacher nodded before he asked, "If Master Harry wants nothing else?"

Harry shook his head, and Kreacher bowed before snapping his fingers, disappearing from sight. Although Kreacher had been quite spiteful to him in the beginning, Harry had worked with the cantankerous house-elf by treating him with kindness and respect. Soon enough, the house-elf mellowed out and started treating Harry with respect as well, even though he continued to bad mouth people he did not like under his breath away from Harry's ears.

After returning his towel back on the bathroom rack, Harry stood in front of his wardrobe, debating on the clothes he should wear for the day. When he could not choose between which shirt he should wear, he decided to forgo it all. He bent down to grab boxers from one of the drawers before slipping them on, shutting his wardrobe and heading off towards the kitchen.

It was not like anyone dropped by often enough for him to wear clothes constantly, and the house was impossible for strangers to come knocking on the door. His friends were busy with each of their respective families, and Remus had responsibilities to take care of within his pack. The Order of the Phoenix only met twice so far during the entire summer now that Voldemort was lying low and keeping tight-lipped about his next move. Overall, he had absolutely nothing to do other than work at the club and sketch. Occasionally, he cleaned and cooked when he could persuade Kreacher, but the house-elf could be quite possessive with his duties around the house.

As he rounded the corner and entered the kitchen, he saw a pile of packages with letters attached on the table next to the breakfast plates Kreacher had prepared for him. The owls were gathered on top of the fridge, some grooming each other while others dozed. He grabbed a few dry owl treats from a bag in the cabinet, and he tossed them to the owls one by one before tucking into his meal. Once he finished eating, he cleared the table and placed the dishes in the sink, unsurprised when Kreacher immediately popped next to him to wash the dishes.

After he had washed up, he sat back in his seat at the table and went through the packages, smiling as he read through the letters. From Hagrid and Mrs. Weasley, he received boxes of food – though he was unsure if the cakes in Hagrid's present were edible as they looked remarkably similar to rocks. He got a beautiful chess set from Ron, various fun gag items from the twins' new joke shop, a book of creature myths from Luna, a plant blooming the Gryffindor colors from Neville, and a broom polishing kit from Hermione.

When he read Hermione's letter, however, he frowned a bit. She wrote that she had no further information on his inheritance from the last time she wrote to him. Although she tried to look up any relevant materials in regards to his being, she could not find anything of significance to what he was. She said she would have to research when they arrived at school since Hogwarts had a rather extensive amount of Wizardry books than most other sources.

Harry went into the study and grabbed several sheets of parchment. He also gathered the inkwell and found a quill before returning to the kitchen to scrawl his proper response to each person, thanking them and promising he would put each of his birthday presents to good use. He tied the letters to the owner's respective owl and sent them off with another owl treat.

As he tied the last note to Errol's leg for the Weasley family, the sound of flapping caught his attention. He looked over and beamed when he saw Hedwig fly in with a soft hoot. She dropped a letter on the table and landed on his shoulder, her sharp talons digging into his skin but not piercing it.

"Hey girl," Harry greeted, smiling as he stroked her feathers.

He grabbed two owl treats from the bag in the cabinet, feeding one to Errol and the other to Hedwig. He watched as Errol squawked before flying off, hitting the fridge, the wall, and then out through the kitchen window, as opened by Kreacher. Harry pet Hedwig's head as she nipped his ear and fingers affectionately while grabbing the letter off the table. He unrolled the scroll and read the contents within, bouncing excitedly on his heels as he finished Remus' letter. Hedwig screeched at the movement before she flew off his shoulder and out of the room. Remus wrote that he would be visiting him at eleven today.

Glancing at the Muggle clock in his kitchen, he noted Remus would not arrive until a little later. Intending to pass the time, Harry decided to read the book Luna sent to him, hoping it might give insight into his unknown creature inheritance, even though he knew the chances would be rather low. He grabbed the hardback book and set off towards the living room where he threw himself onto the couch, his dark tail arching above his back and brushing his shoulders lightly.

As he was reading the chapter on dragons, the low-lit fireplace caught his attention as it flashed and sputtered outward. He watched the fire flare green before Remus walked out, patting and dusting his clothes from the soot which clung onto his mangy rags. Harry immediately jumped from the couch and launched himself at the werewolf, grinning as his tail circled around Remus' shoes.

"Whoa, Harry! Happy birthday!" Remus exclaimed, laughing as he caught an armful of Harry, "It's nice to see you too."

When Remus managed to untangle himself from Harry, he lifted an eyebrow at his lack of clothing. While Remus, as a werewolf, understood the freedom lack of clothes brought, he was rather relieved his friend's son wore something to cover his manhood. He considered Harry as part of his family, but there were some things family members should not have to witness.

"So I see clothing has been affected by your inheritance as well?" Remus teased, smiling.

Harry blushed before he said, "Most of my clothes feel constricting and itchy, but if you'd like, I can wear something?"

"Ah, no. It's quite all right, pup," Remus said as he sat down in an armchair, "I understand."

About a month ago when Harry sent him a letter, he was surprised to read Harry had suddenly come into a creature inheritance. James never once mentioned, nor showed any indication he had a creature in his blood back in the Marauder days. It was puzzling because he knew Lily was a Muggleborn; so either James lied about his heritage or Lily was not who she said she was.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief at Remus' answer, glad he did not have to put any clothes on while in the werewolf's presence. Suddenly remembering the household manners Aunt Petunia had drilled into him while he had lived with them in regards to guests, he snapped his fingers. Kreacher popped in front of them and bowed before him and Remus in greeting.

"Could you please brew us up some tea, Kreacher?" Harry asked, and the house-elf nodded before disappearing.

Walking back to the couch he had occupied earlier, Harry bent over and picked up Luna's gift he accidentally knocked over in his rush to greet Remus. He searched for the page he was reading before dog-earring it. He placed the book gently on the side table and sat on the cushion, smiling as he focused his attention on the werewolf.

"How have you been, pup? I haven't seen you in so long, and now you are sporting a pair of horns and a tail," Remus said as he leaned over his knees and studied Harry. He eyed Harry's horns and tail, darting back and forth as though enforcing the fact Harry had definitely changed. "Are you going to tell me you've gone barmy and started drinking blood as well?"

"Oh, bloody hell! I forgot to add that in your letter," Harry said as he laughed, "But I've been all right. Better now you've come to visit though, Remy. It's been way too long."

Remus gave him a wary smile. He leaned back into the armchair, his eyes drifting towards the fireplace and watching the crackling fire.

"I'm sorry I couldn't visit earlier, Harry. I would if I could, but my pack depends on me," Remus said. "I've only recently managed to stop the pack from killing any member that gets injured during hunting. And there's still other things that need to be worked on as well."

Harry's eyes widened. He was aware Remus' pack in Finland was a work in progress through his constant contact with the man, but he did not know exactly how bad the situation was.

"Hadn't they been together for a while before you came along?" Harry asked. When Remus nodded, he continued, "Then why would they go starkers over something so trivial?"

"It's what they are used to, pup. They grew up in a competitive world where strength and power is the leader. If you're considered weak to the pack, then you would be killed off. Simple as that," Remus sighed. He picked at a frayed piece of thread on his jacket and brought it up to examine it before flicking it away. "I'm working on changing their mentality, but it is hard when it's been ingrained into them. If I have to stay away a while to save them from themselves, I will."

"I'm sure you're doing great, Remy," Harry said with a smile.

The clinking of china signaled Kreacher's arrival with the tea. Harry got up from the couch, helping the house-elf place the tray on the coffee table. Harry thanked him before he disappeared, and he took the nearest teacup which had been prepared for him and gestured for Remus to do the same. The werewolf nodded gratefully and sniffed the contents of the tea before he arranged his cup the way he liked it. As Harry mixed in sugar while blowing over the surface of his drink to cool it down, Remus looked at him while pouring in a spoonful of milk.

"So, what have you been up to, Harry? You've told me nothing in your letters but your inheritance."

"I've been cleaning this house top to bottom while wrestling with Boggarts, Pixies, and other nasties mostly. I haven't gone out much because of these new additions," Harry said, tapping a finger on one of his horns in emphasis. He most certainly did not want to tell Remus he worked at a nightclub as a performer and a waiter in his spare time.

"Ah, right," Remus said, sipping his tea. His eyes shifted up to Harry's horns and down to his tail which was sweeping in a languid manner on top of the couch, curled in a spiral. His eyebrows furrowed as he thought of something. "Couldn't you hide them with glamours? Yes, I think you can use a glamour to conceal them."

"Erm, I don't know. I haven't thought of that," Harry said. "But I can't use spells, Remy. I'm still underage, and the Ministry still has the Trace on me."

"Right, but I know a spell which will fly under the Ministry's radar. I would know because I made it," Remus said, the last sentence thrown in rather offhandedly as he twirled his teacup in his hand. When he saw Harry's eyes widen, the corner of his lips twitched into a small smile. He started to recollect a memory which had become one of Remus' fondest moments as he remembered James back when they had been at Hogwarts.

"When your father was first practicing his Animagus form during the summer after the Third year, he couldn't complete it. He always had his antlers and bobtail sticking out from his body whenever he tried the transformation. It turned out to become a rather permanent feature on him for a long while, and it lasted close to three years before he could successfully transform from human to stag instead of a human with a bobtail and antlers," Remus chuckled. "I made a spell that hid his tail and horns from others so he wouldn't be questioned during school, especially by Lily. She would've had our heads if she knew what we had done."

Harry laughed, trying to imagine what his mother's reaction would have been if she had found out James had been a human-stag hybrid at some point. After he managed to stifle his amusement, Remus smiled at him.

"So, pup, would you like to have it cast on you then? The spell I made makes it easy for you. All you need to do to conceal them is to touch your horns and tail, and then 'will' them away in your mind. To make them reappear, you do the same except you imagine them into existence," Remus explained, "However, there are limitations to this spell. First of all, they are only visually hidden, so if anyone touches them, they would feel them. Also, try and take the spell off every once in a while so the spell can refresh itself. Over time, the spell will wear off and your inheritance will come back into view." Remus looked off into the distance as he grinned and mumbled, "That was a fun one to explain to Professor McGonagall."

"Wow, that would be great! Thank you, Remy," Harry said, smiling.

Remus placed his empty teacup back on the tray as he hummed, "And how about after I finish casting the spell on you, we can go get lunch? My treat - I'm feeling quite peckish. As much as the tea warmed my stomach, I don't want to spend all day on your birthday drinking like an old ninny before I have to leave you again for my pack."

Harry laughed. "I'd like that."

"Then afterwards, maybe we can get you some new clothes that aren't as itchy? You do need to wear them when you're out in public, you know," Remus joked.

"I hadn't realized," Harry said, smiling as he placed his empty teacup on the tray as well.

Remus grinned before standing up from his chair and crossing the few paces across the rug to Harry, taking his wand out from an inner pocket. His other hand was outstretched, large enough to ghost over the blunt tips of Harry's horns. With pure concentration, Remus muttered a string of words underneath his breath, his wand waving and flicking in an unknown but distinctive pattern. Harry shut his eyes when he felt a strange pull coming from the direction of Remus' wand. He jumped when Remus' large hand applied pressure to the tips of his horns before it moved to touch his tail. He shivered when he experienced a rapid cold then hot sensation pulse over both his dark outgrowths when the pressure lifted away from his tail. He opened his eyes and saw Remus grinning down at him.

"It's done, pup. You just need to touch them and will them away. Now, march to your bedroom and put some clothes on," Remus said, "We're going out."

Harry feigned a look of outcry at the werewolf before he dropped it with a chuckle, running up the stairs to check the full-length mirror. He pressed his face rather close to the mirror, studying his horns and trying to distinguish any noticeable changes from the spell. When nothing seemed out of the ordinary, he stepped back and grabbed his tail to inspect it before placing a tentative hand around a horn.

He closed his eyes and imagined his body without them, feeling a slight burning sensation around his temple and tail bone before it faded away in an instant. He opened his eyes and gaped when he saw how normal he looked. Although his hands were still gripping and feeling the ridged texture of his horns and the smoothness of his tail, it looked as though he held nothing in his hands. He reflexively curled his tail around his hand, relieved he could still feel and control it. For extra measures, Harry closed his eyes again before willing them into existence, his stomach flipping in excitement at the spell.

Once he was done experimenting with the spell, he made them disappear again before walking over to his wardrobe. He chose a larger shirt which had been 'gifted' from Dudley and loose cargo shorts that fit snugly underneath his tail. Harry hoped when he went shopping with Remus that he did not attract anyone's attention, as the treatment he had on the streets was drastically different from the attention he had in the club. At least in the club as Lust, he had control over the amount of recognition he received by how often he worked the club. As Harry Potter, he had no control over his fame.

He grabbed his wand off the nightstand and pocketed it before returning to the living room where Remus stood waiting for him. Harry smiled as he approached Remus, who toothily grinned back as he wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulders with his wand out.

"Let's go, pup. Kreacher already took the tray to the kitchen," Remus said. He saw Harry fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "And if you'd like, we can go buy clothes in Diagon Alley first?"

"If you don't mind, please."

Remus smiled before he tapped a quick Disillusionment charm on Harry, who shivered at the sensation. Harry grabbed the pot of Floo powder off the fireplace mantle and offered it to Remus before he took a pinch for himself. He placed it back where it sat as Remus gently pushed him towards the fireplace.

Taking the hint, Harry threw his powder into the fireplace and called out "Diagon Alley" before stepping forward and disappearing in a swirl of green.


The beat of the music ran through his entire body as his heart pounded rapidly in his stomach. He peeked at the crowd through the red curtains and swallowed a lump that seemed to manifest in his throat. The club tonight was packed more so than usual. There was a whole swarm of people crowded around the raised platform near the pole, and he saw the other Sins rushing around in the background serving trays full of drinks before the show began.

Nervously adjusting his black mask for what seemed like a hundredth time, Harry hoped stage fright would not hit him like this every time he had to perform. Although he knew he would do fine during his debut thanks to his inheritance, he could not help but run various scenarios through his mind of him failing miserably, which made him even more anxious. It also didn't help that he was forced to wear an uncomfortable form-fitting shirt with matching low-riding black jeans. Hades wanted all the Sins who were dancing to wear casual, and since he was one of them, he had to adhere to the theme even if he did not like it.

When he heard the music smoothly transition into the music of his choice, he knew it was time. He glanced sideways at Hades, who smiled and made an urging gesture towards the stage with her manicured hands. He nodded and took a deep breath before striding confidently through the red curtains out towards the front of the pole, his hips and tail swaying to the beat. The crowd of people cheered at his appearance, shouting and calling at him with lewd propositions.

He licked his bottom lip and gave a seductive smile, his anxiety gone the instant he heard the vulgar suggestions thrown up from the crowd. He knew he was in his element. He rolled his body as he raised his hands up to rub at his chest, the motion causing his tight black shirt to ride up a little against his midriff. He opened his mouth and moaned when he grazed his nipples before he brought his left hand behind him to grip at the metal pole. He arched his back as he dipped down, his jean clad butt grinding against the pole. His tail wrapped around it as he came back up, his other hand traveling down toward his waistband as he let go of the pole and bent the arm behind his head. He hooked his right thumb around a strap of green cloth he wore for tonight and pulled out the lacy thong to show to the crowd. When the catcalls and offers grew louder at the sight, he released the strap and deliberately ran his hand up his chest, dragging his shirt with it.

As he threw his head back while rolling his hips, he looked at the audience through his long, dark lashes. His eyes swept across the floor to look at the faces of his audience, gauging their reactions to his movements. His breath quickened when he saw two very familiar people he did not expect to be sitting at a table in front of him, sipping from their drinks and having a conversation with each other.

It was Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape, the revered professor and Potions Master of Hogwarts. He could not believe it; they were sitting there and watching him, Harry Potter, dance in a gay club. It was quite exhilarating in a way he could not describe. He couldn't help but feel flushed under their strong gazes, especially from his teacher. Even though Lucius looked stunning and aristocratic as ever in his dark dress robes, it was his professor which captivated him in a different way. He looked quite different outside of the school environment – approachable even. His black shoulder length hair did not shine with unwashed grease and his pale, sallow skin had rather a healthy pallor to it. His finely pressed white dress shirt layered underneath a dark cape over his shoulders and black dragonhide trousers with matching boots made him look, dare he say it, rather fanciable; it certainly gave Harry a new perspective on his dungeon-dwelling professor.

As his eyes connected with the man's dark and heady gaze, his heart skipped a beat upon seeing that smirk on his face. It was so reminiscent to his sneers at school that if it were not for the current setting they were in, it would have sent Harry cowering under his scrutiny in a heartbeat. Here at the club, he regarded those leers as something different, and he sincerely hoped he would not mess up in his dancing. He wanted to milk this once-in-a-lifetime experience to the very last drop, even if it became his dirty little secret.

Keeping his eyes on the dark, surly Potions Master, he released his tail from the pole and strutted over to the few steps down to the floor which Hades had added for tonight. He twirled around on the topmost step as he felt up his own body, hands running up from his hips to his chest and up in the air above where he hooked his arms behind his head as he moved and rotated his body to the beat. He intended to kiss that smirk off his professor's face, to make it show something other than the solid expression his professor was known for.

He took the steps down slowly and danced his way over to his professor, his hips and tail swaying erotically while his hands rubbed against himself. The crowd around him chorused even louder, hands trying but failing to grip at his person through Hades' barrier which only allowed a one-way touch through the dancer. Once he reached the man, he leaned over him, his jeans slightly touching his leather, and his hands pressed against the back of his wooden chair. Professor Snape smirked even wider at him before Harry pressed his chest up against him and kissed those thin, almost bloodless lips. The instant their lips touched, Harry felt a rush of magic surge through his body.

If Harry had not been pressed so close against him, they would have seen a golden line form and connect between their hearts the moment they touched before disappearing.

The man licked and caressed his mouth and tongue expertly, making Harry breathless and lightheaded. His kisses were unlike any Harry had and given the nature of the club, he had had quite the share of them – but none that made him gasping and moaning for more. Reluctantly, Harry drew back, panting as he looked down at his professor with lust ridden eyes. That smug bastard did not even look afflicted, and his smirk was still there, albeit wider and somehow sexier.

Harry spun around so his back was to the man and undulated his body as he danced, slowly stripping his dark shirt sensually and throwing it into the crowd. His left hand traveled from the back of his head down to his chest then to the top of his trousers, where he unbuttoned them easily with one hand. He leisurely pulled down the zipper while his other hand tugged his trousers down halfway on his hip until the crowd could see his lacy green thong. Looking back at Snape, he threw him a licentious smile and started to shimmy out of his tight jeans, his tail lifting to stroke at the underside of the man's jaw faintly as the crowd roared at his actions. As he leaned over to toss his jeans at the base of the pole, he gave the man a lovely view of the green cloth rubbing in between his cheeks. He smacked one of his cheeks with his tail as he slowly rolled his body up, letting his back muscles ripple as he resumed dancing.

As he strutted his way back to the raised platform, his tail playfully cuffed and caressed wandering hands that could not touch him back. He leaned back on the pole before he arched his back against it and dipped down with his legs spread out, giving the audience members a lovely view of his smooth inner thighs as he finished up his routine.

Once the music ended, he threw the throng of people a small smile and almost jumped when he heard a bag filled with money hit the stage soundly. It was followed shortly afterwards with more, but he was not quite sure if the amount of bags being thrown onto the platform meant his performance was satisfactory. He would have to ask the other Sins, which he knew were watching in the background, to judge his dance routine. As he bent down to pick up his discarded pair of jeans, he briefly glanced up at his professor, still panting from his exertion. His racing heart quickened even more when he saw Professor Snape whisper something to Lucius while sipping his drink before he saw Harry staring at him and caught his eyes. He flushed at the smirk the dark man gave him before he escaped through the curtains.

The instant he was backstage and away from lustful eyes, he leaned against the wall next to a rack full of props. He was shaking with adrenaline and excitement. He could not wrap his head around the fact that he just danced for two Death Eaters, one of which being his professor, who he did not even know would find enjoyment in this type of establishment, much less attend the one he happened to worked at.

"Lusty, baby! That was absolutely wonderful! You were great out there! Absolutely wonderful!" Hades exclaimed, clapping her hands in excitement. Once she got a good look at him, though, she stopped clapping and her face dropped into concern as she asked, "You all right there, hon? Here, have a drink of water."

She grabbed a scarf off the rack and took her wand out to transfigure it into a mug. She tapped her wand against the cup twice with an Aguamenti spell and forcibly handed the glittery pink mug over to him while she took his pants from his hands.

"I'm fine, Mistress Hades. Thank you," Harry said as he took the cup and sipped at it, "I just –"

Hades stopped him with her hand. "I know, hon. How about you rest for the remainder of the night? You need it since it's your first time dancing, and you're not used to it."

She took his free hand, which was still trembling, and led him deeper backstage without waiting for an answer. She stopped before a door where he had dressed in earlier, not noticing the label the first time he did as he read the nameplate. At Harry's curious look, she said, "All Sins are meant to dance, hon. This dressing room is yours, along with all the clothes in it. I'm not sure if you noticed earlier in your rush to get dressed, but there's a bed that you can lie down on. I want you on it and resting, pronto." She opened the door and gently nudged him in.

"Yes, Mistress Hades," Harry said as he placed his still full mug on the surface of the vanity before he flopped onto the bed under Hades' watchful eye.

She nodded in approval before she hung up his trousers in the closet full of clothes. "I will knock just in case you're still sleeping when the club closes, so if you take off your mask, I won't know your identity," Hades stated before she left him alone and closed the door.

Figuring he should not try the club owner's wrath if he did not do as she said, he laid on the bed on top of the sheets, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of the blanket's fabric against his skin. He took off his mask and placed it a little under the bed, out of the way of his feet for whenever he got up. He would strip out of his thong to sleep naked, but he was trembling too much to care.

As Harry lay in bed, he could not stop the kiss with his professor from replaying in his mind.