It had been a year to the day since I came home, and it had been an emotional year let me tell you. The worst part of the year would be my mother and her involvement in Jason's accident, she had planned the whole thing but tried to back out of it at the last minute but Ric had decided to go threw with it. Even Elizabeth tried to play innocent when it came to protecting Ric her sick little fantasy of him and her actually being together. It never came true, she gave birth to a little girl named Maria but Ric wanted nothing to do with either one.

It doesn't matter where me and Jason go from here because we will tackle anything that comes are way, once we find Ric that is. It took everything I had not to let Jason take care of my mother but I think she got a horrible punishment. She was arrested for attempted murder since Ric had kept all evidence against her, Ric had a warrant out for his arrest but he is scum he could hide for years.

Molly now lives with me and Jason in our new house, we decided that the penthouse was just to small for Blake and the baby I'm carrying now. Good thing to because less than a week after we bought the house we had Molly moving in. But yes I'm pregnant again total surprise on that discovery, but Jason couldn't of been any happier about it. I saw a flash of guilt in his eyes when I told him we were expecting again, but I quickly waved it off after I told him that he would remember this pregnancy. Molly was jumping for joy for at least a week after we told her, making me a little crazy about vitamins, exercise and working, but she stopped once Jason gave her a little talk.

Its strange, having my sister in our house knowing that before this baby is born she will be off to college, she says she would turn in to Kristina which I know she wont. Krissy turned in to this party girl, I told mom once to loosen the grip she had on that girl but she never listened. The weird part of Molly leaving is kinda like I helped raise her, and I am actually a little afraid of letting her go, I don't know maybe it's the hormones talking turning me a little emotional.

All I know is that right now I would love nothing more than to throw this alarm clock across the room, but before I can get it I feel my husband move behind me and see his hand come down hard on the little clock.

"Jase any harder and your going to break it."

"You say that every morning." Jason mumbles wrapping his arm over my growing belly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't get the baby all stirred up I would like to sleep a little longer."

"Not possible because in less than sixty seconds a blonde hair blue eyed little boy is going to come running in threw that door over there and proceed to jump into our bed demanding breakfast and a ride to school."

"But knowing how great of a husband you are, your going to get up now and go down the hall and stop him from waking up mommy and his new sibling."

"You know me to well." I hear Jason whisper before he kisses my bare shoulder and hops out of bed.

"Love you baby."

"You want breakfast to?"

"Of course." As soon as he closes our bedroom door I hear Blake running down the hall and then laughing as Jason throws him over his shoulder. Laughing quietly I decide to get up and head towards the bathroom.

Once I'm dressed and ready to walk down stairs I notice my bump getting bigger than yesterday. Its amazing how fast it catches up, first three four months I wasn't showing now in the middle of the fifth month you could defiantly tell. Running my hand over it I head into our kitchen that I am not allowed to cook in unless I'm microwaving something.

"Mommy your up daddy said that we were bringing you breakfast."

"Well buddy I decided to come see you before you went to school." I Kiss my son on his head before sitting down.

"Here you go baby eggs, bacon, toast and coffee."

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Once or twice, eat I'm going to go get dressed. Blake finish so I can take you to school."

"Ok dad. Mom have you felt the baby today?"

"Not yet its still sleeping."

"Oh, is it a boy or girl?"

"Well I should find out tomorrow, but I want a girl because she'll have the best big brother ever."

"Yep." Blake said followed by a huge smile.

"Ready to go buddy?" Jason asks walking back in holding his now empty coffee cup. Blake nods and heads for the door. "I also woke Molly she asked to be up by 7, I'll be back in 10."

Smiling to myself I love how my two men interact with each other, before Blake new Jason he had so many of his traits now that they've been together for the year its hard to see any of me in him. He is such a determined little boy for his fifth birthday he wanted his room to be nothing but motorcycles and Jason with his love of bikes made it happen. He even surprised me with a mini motorcycle for our son, I about had a heart attack but let it go knowing that he would of eventually hopped on one of ours.

Heading upstairs to make sure Molly was awake I stopped half way up and fished out my cell phone answering it without checking.


"Hello, Samantha."

"Who is this?"

"You'll find out soon enough, enjoy your happy life because its almost over."

Sorry about the wait dont know when ill get the next chapter up R&R