"I.." Dell said as a fragment of memory returned to him. "I…Can't remember a thing.."

"It's alright, take your time" Teto smiled as she place the empty bowl. "By the way, this was all with you. When you were brought to the ship. You could find her at the Bridge." Teto said as she passed him a necklace with a sapphire color like feather dangling on the chain. Dell put in on immediately after receiving it.

"There is an extra outfit in the closet beside you. The captain would want to meet you after you recover" Teto said as she smiled and left. Dell closed his eyes again and soon fell asleep. His necklace glowed faintly as the light of the descending sun shone on it.

In his dream, Dell revisited the battlefield that he awoken. Everything was the same but there was something different. There was a person in front of him wearing in samurai amour, a blue surcoat , three katana on each hand. What unique was his Crescent on his helmet. The Samurai looked at Dell for a moment and walked towards him before charging at him in high speed.

Dell froze on his position, as if fear was installed into him. wielding all six of his Katana at once and wields them, three on each hand, charging towards Dell. Dell simply stood there slightly shocked. The warrior lifted up his head as he charged forwards Dell and pass through him. In that instance, Dell felt a surge of energy entered into him as the warrior pass through him.

The next second, Dell instantly woke up with sweat tickling down his face. "What ..just happened .."he said as he got up. He touched his chest and let out a sigh of relief. "Just a dream.." he said as he walked towards the Closet and got dressed.

Back on Earth, rescue effort after the battle had already begun. "What a mess.. not much remains" one of the rescuer said as he moved the rubbles in front of him with the rest of the squad. "What are we searching for anyway?"

"A pilot and his Mech" another rescuer replied as she pushed the rubbles. "He came crashing from the atmosphere with his Mech after a nuclear missile explodes."

"Damn. How far did he fall?"

"Five kilometer"

"I found something!" One of them shouted out waving his hand to the rest. "Over here."

As they walked forward, they found a badly damage Mech 'sitting' in its personal crater. The cockpit was opened and there were blood on the controls handles.

"The Blade.." The rescuer said as he walked forward to the Mech.

"Oh my god"

"Mr. Kaito, we have found the Blade but you are not going to like this." One of the Rescuers reported through from a holographic visual radio. "The pilot is nowhere to be found"

"Doesn't matter. Recover the Mech and returned back to base ." Kaito replied back.

"Yes sir." The rescuer replied as heavy machinery began to lift the Blade off from its person crater.

Kaito pressed the button and the holographic panel closed. He let out a sigh and looked out to the window.

"The time like this and the Ace card went missing" A voice said behind Kaito.

"This is a war, casualties happened no matter what." Kaito said.

"V.I.R.U.S had been staging attacks at random continents but they choose here to plant their Stronghold in Japan, Why?"

"That why we are here to find out, Miki-chan" Kaito said as he turned around to see the pilot with long red hair and a star crest on her suit.

"Yes, sir." Miki said as she saluted. "What about the Pilot?"

"List him as M.I.A, for now" Kaito said. "The morale of the troops must not be affected, no matter what happened."