KWMS (c) Hiro Fujiwara




not real or true

If it's too much to handle, it's better to not have enough
I tease you with a devoted love

He sits on the stool as ordered, glowering. Inwardly, he fumed. He was Net Idol Aoi, for goodness's sake! Dressed in the standard issue Maid Latte uniform (his alterations included), he plans to flaunt, to tease, to mock his own species for ridiculing him. Instead, he was ordered to sit prettily on the stool. To sit, and do nothing. In short, the staff thought of him as a burden.

A burden! Aoi scoffed in disgust.

The sheer audacity of those inadequate women that run the shop!

(Although, Aoi thinks wickedly, the fact that they want him out of sight shows that they are incompetent in running the shop and increasing customer count.)


The satisfied gleam he wore on his eyes, and the slight smug smile creeping up his face – those were indications of his line of thought. Suzuna noted (with the corner of her eye, of course).

Finding faults in others to stoke your own (oversized) ego? She considers, perhaps with a touch of antipathy, at the sulking boy seated on the dismal stool.

At the same time, her heart beats for him – it is these imperfections and defects that make her adore him.

(How twisted.)

(But he is cute when jealous…)


Cerulean eyes caught hers intentionally; lips stretched into a haughty smirk at detecting the pretty brunette's lapse of concentration.


The apathetic mask returned once more. Tea-coloured eyes dimmed into fawn-pelt brown, and the smile she presented was unfeeling and icy-cold.

Don't force yourself, the girl seems to tell him through that disdainful expression.


Conflicting emotions hit him hard.

She wore a smile – a rare occurrence. [+] Yet, her smile was all glacial and sharp-edges; genteel. [-]

Suzuna has never shown obvious disdain to anyone (besides him, now, given her condescending message). [+/+]

Pluses and minuses aside –

(Suzuna is hard to decipher, he decides.)


Before she leaves, a genuine, transient smile was thrown in his direction. Just as quickly, the coverlet hides her view of his beautiful cerulean eyes.


(i) No doubt this is confusing so I will be proceeding with explanations! Aoi & Suzuna - mutual love. Suzuna likes Aoi, thus she reveals her negativity (contempt, dislike, etc) to him at times. Aoi is Aoi, so he tries to decipher her swinging affections. Eh...I suck at explaining. _

(ii) Reviews warm my heart, and make my day. ^_^