Disclaimer – Nothing but this rather twisted plot is mine; and even it's been done before.
Chapter 15 – A Bright Future
Harry sat nervously at breakfast the next morning trying to ignore the stares and whispers from the people around him. Ron, Seamus and Dean were reliving every moment of the duel the evening before as Harry tried sinking further into his seat.
'How do you feel, Harry?' Neville asked softly from across the table.
Harry just shrugged and gave him a wan smile.
'Hey, Harry.' Ron burst out loudly. 'I've got a great idea. You should carry a small box of strawberries around with you and then when you meet You-Know-Who you can eat them really quick.'
Harry raised an eyebrow as Hermione rolled her eyes. 'Don't be ridiculous, Ronald. It takes almost an hour for them to take effect. Harry would be dead by then.'
'Thanks, Hermione.' Harry muttered dryly.
Hermione patted his hand. 'It's alright, Harry.' She said sweetly. 'I'm sure with more training you could beat You-Know-Who even without the hallucinogenic effect of the strawberries.'
'Yeah, great.' Harry drawled quietly.
Hermione ignored the sarcasm. 'Do you know that there are all sorts of muggle studies about hallucogens and other drugs and their effects. They say a man under some drugs effects could be shot as many as a dozen times and still feel no pain allowing them to keep fighting.' She went on. This time it was Ron who rolled his eyes.
Harry tuned her out and chanced a glance at the head table. Most of the professors were chatting with each other but black eyes rose to meet his and Harry's heart lifted. To anyone else they looked impassive but to Harry they spoke volumes and he quickly looked away; his eyes then meeting Neville's who just raised an eyebrow in question.
'What the hell?' Ron's voice startled him and his head snapped up, following the redhead's line of vision to see Peter Pettigrew cowering in the doorway.
'STUPEFY.' The red stunning spell flew from Dumbledore's wand striking the Animagus in the chest. Whispers broke out in the hall but Harry barely heard them. His eyes never left the betrayer of his parents.
In the whole time he had spent at Malfoy Manor over the summer and at Christmas he had yet to lay eyes on Wormtail even though he had asked Tom several times. Tom would only tell him the rat Animagus was out scouting.
'Bastard.' Harry breathed, rising from the table and stalking up the aisle with the headmaster the other professors in pursuit.
'Harry.' Dumbledore tried to halt his progress but Harry was unstoppable.
'Enervate.' Harry hissed. Pettigrew blinked a few times before spotting Harry several feet away and letting out a squeak as he scurried backwards until he hit the now closed doors.
Harry stopped a foot away, looming over the cowering figure. 'You bastard, you betrayed them.' He snarled. 'They thought you were their friend. THEY TRUSTED YOU.' Harry screamed raising his wand.
'Wait, wait.' Pettigrew squeaked just as Dumbledore and the others joined them; the headmaster laying a calming hand on Harry's arm that was shaking with rage. 'I come with a message. I came with a message.' The man squeaked again as students began to stand and some even moved towards the door so that they could hear better.
'You shouldn't be allowed to live let alone speak.' Harry snapped.
'Mr Potter, do please try to show at least a modicum of self control.' Snape growled as the hundreds of students broke out in whispers once again at Harry's vehement outburst.
Pettigrew now had more than ten wands pointed in his direction and was trembling dramatically. 'I have a message from the Dark Lord for Harry Potter.' Pettigrew said shrilly as Harry took another step forward.
'Well, say what you have to say then, traitor.' Harry growled.
'Harry, I'm not sure.' Dumbledore began but Harry's voice stopped him.
'I want to know now.' He hissed; the words barely in English.
'Please, Harry...' Pettigrew got to his knees and pleaded with the angry Boy-Who-Lived.
'Just say it.' Dumbledore and those around him thought they might have heard Harry's teeth crack they were clenched so tightly.
'T...the D...dark Lord.' Pettigrew stammered. 'H...he offers you a hand in alliance. H...he would like for you to join him. He can give you many things. P...power, k...knowledge, wealth.' Pettigrew gazed up at Harry with hope but Harry just stared at him for several minutes before snorting loudly and shaking his head.
'You've got to be joking.' He cackled. The students shifted nervously as Harry's maniacal laughter rang through the hall. Flitwick and Shacklebolt exchanged concerned glances and Lupin stood almost at attention as he tried to control the wolf within at the sight of the Animagus.
'Harry.' Dumbledore tried to calm the still laughing teenager.
'Power, knowledge, wealth.' Harry chortled. 'Who on earth does he think he is?'
'He's the Dark Lord, Potter.' Pettigrew snapped in a fit of bravado. 'And you would be wise to think over his offer. He said he could give you everything you want.'
Harry's chuckles died and his voice became decidedly cold; he quickly realised why Wormtail was there. 'I wouldn't join the Death Eaters for all the gold in Gringotts.' He hissed violently. 'And I would die before I allowed Tom Riddle to place his mark upon my arm.'
Dumbledore's eyes sparkled in triumph as Harry put his wand away and folded his arms over his chest, glaring at Wormtail before turning away.
Wormtail stared back at Harry fearfully for a moment before gasping and clutching his chest. Dumbledore's smile faded and he looked between Harry and Pettigrew several times.
'Harry, stop.' He said as Pettigrew's lips began to go blue.
'Stop what, Professor?' Harry said innocently, his green eyes not even glancing at the animagus curled up on the floor. The students began whispering once again.
'Harry, we need him for information.' Dumbledore insisted. No, you don't, Harry thought. The traitor was a gift from Tom. Just for him. To do with as he saw fit. He knew that. 'Harry, stop it this instant.' Dumbledore snapped, grasping Harry's shoulders and shaking them forcefully.
'I have no idea of what you're talking about.' Harry said coolly as Pettigrew gave a final gasp and his body spasmed before going still.
Poppy pushed through the now silent crowd and began trying to revive the Animagus but it was fruitless and after several minutes she looked up at Dumbledore and shook her head.
Dumbledore stared at Harry. 'What have you done?' he whispered incredulously.
Harry glanced down at Wormtail before looking back up. 'I haven't done anything, Professor.' He said quietly, shrugging the wizard's hands off his shoulders. 'It looks like a heart attack if you ask me.' he added stepping back through the crowd and returning to his seat where he picked up a piece of toast and began buttering it; all the while ignoring the stares of disbelief from his teachers and the curious looks from the rest of the hall.
Harry knew he would pay dearly for that little display in the hall that morning even if Dumbledore couldn't prove he had killed Wormtail. He knew the Headmaster would have taken his blank and indifferent expression as a sign of guilt and that that night's training would be brutal if nothing else.
He was right; although Dumbledore refused to wait until night fell, instead summoning Harry's broom out from under him during Quidditch practice and sending him crashing fifteen feet to the ground.
Harry grunted in pain as his leg twisted under him throwing him onto his wrist and immediately snapping the bone. Harry let out a yelp and drew the broken limb close to his body.
'Oh, I do apologise, Harry, my boy. I had been trying to get your attention for some time.' The Headmaster said kindly for the benefit of the Gryffindors that had gathered around Harry's prone form. 'Here, this will help.' He said holding out a violently coloured pink vial. Harry looked at the expression on the elderly wizard's face and quickly realised that his supposed punishment would be far worse if he didn't do as he was told. He reached out a shaking hand and took the vial, swallowing it quickly.
'Hey mate, do you want some help getting to the hospital wing?' Ron asked in concern.
'It's alright, Mr Weasley. I'll take him. I need to talk to him about his classes anyway.' Dumbledore said firmly, grasping Harry's elbow and all but dragging him to his feet. 'You continue with your practice. I know your Head of House is expecting big things of you all this year.' He added with a twinkle before propelling Harry towards the castle as the Boy-Who-Lived struggled to hide the pain shooting up his leg from the twisted knee.
Harry was shoved roughly into the training room and hit almost instantly with Tormentia; a stifled cry escaping him as he staggered across the room. He struggled for several minutes to overcome the spell until he finally managed to straighten up and look around him.
The room was empty. Not one of his other teachers were here, and Harry knew that didn't bode well for him.
The shock must have shown clearly on his face as Dumbledore's eyes narrowed. 'I am severely disappointed in you, Harry.' He said slowly, eyeing the young man before him. Harry felt himself break into a sweat. 'What you did this morning was reprehensible.' Dumbledore continued.
Harry opened his mouth the protest but was cut off at a glare from the Headmaster. 'Do not deny it.' He growled. 'I didn't teach you wandless magic to have you use it in such a manner.'
The sweat began almost running in rivulets down Harry's body and he raised his uninjured wrist to swipe at his forehead. 'Professor Dumbledore.' Harry began.
'SILENCE.' The headmaster roared and Harry shrank back at the look of absolute venom on the man's face. 'What you did was unforgivable. You may have cost hundreds, maybe thousands of lives and if I could prove it you would be in Azkaban where you belong.'
Harry let out a snort, in spite of the palpably angry wizard only feet away from him. 'You won't put me in Azkaban until I've done my duty.' Harry muttered sarcastically.
It was quite the wrong thing to say. 'Avada Kedavra.' Dumbledore hissed. He knew it wouldn't kill the Boy-Who-Lived but at the strength he sent it, it would have hurt like nothing else.
Harry was far too close to duck the spell and it caught him full on the chest, sending him flying back the few feet into the stone wall before he crumpled to the ground. He couldn't even speak. The pain of the curse was far greater than the half strength ones he had felt back in October. That combined with whatever had been in the potion Dumbledore had made him swallow made it feel as if his whole body was being pulverized.
His breath came in huge ragged gasps and it was several minutes before he could raise even his head to find Dumbledore now only feet from him.
The Headmaster looked down at him in disgust. 'You had better tread carefully, young man. I shall be watching.' He murmured before turning on his heel and walking to the door. 'Oh Harry, by the way.' He added casually as he stopped with a hand on the doorknob. 'That potion I gave you; just in case you're wondering. It's a variation on the Termino Draught. I made it myself. I do suggest you look it up before you decide on a repeat of this morning's little display.' His piece said the headmaster walked through the door without a backward glance, slamming it behind him.
Harry lowered his head once again and curled into a ball as tremors wracked his frame. He idly wondered how long the symptoms of the potion would last and just how long of that time he could actually remain conscious for. His blood felt as if it was boiling in his very veins and unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, moments later a sharp pain lanced through his head and darkness took him.
When he finally woke up the sun was not visible through the window although it was light meaning that morning had arrived and he had been unconscious throughout the night. He let out a grunt of pain as he lifted himself up off the ground. 'He's going to pay.' Harry vowed as his still twisted knee protested loudly as he stood.
'Shit.' The gasp was loud also as he staggered towards the door. Harry made slow progress towards the Great Hall. He had considered going back to the common room but he just wanted to grab something to eat before closeting himself in the library and finding out exactly what the meddling, vindictive old man had done to him.
Of course, if he had been able to see himself he may have changed that line of thought. His robes were wrinkled and dirty, his face smeared with dirt from where he'd hit the ground. His wrist, even having repaired itself overnight, was still incredibly swollen with hideous bruising surrounding it. His eyes were dull and bloodshot and there was still a noticeable tremble in his hands. All in all it looked as if he had gone ten rounds with Buckbeak and lost. He pulled himself together however and pushed open the door to the great hall.
When he walked into the great hall, there was almost an immediate silence and, as one, the student body watched as Harry positively stalked across to the Gryffindor table and grabbed a napkin before wrapping several pieces of toast in it and quickly swallowing a glass of pumpkin juice.
'Harry, where on earth have you been?' Hermione burst out, her voice unnaturally loud in the cavernous hall. 'You didn't come back to the common room last night and Madame Pomfrey says she never saw you.'
Harry placed the goblet back on the table and looked up at the bushy haired girl; his face completely blank as he stared at her for several moments before glancing past her to see the headmaster watching him intently. He looked back to Hermione and shrugged. 'I had something I had to do.' He said quietly. Hermione looked slightly stunned at his reply and Harry took the advantage while he had it; turning on his heel and stalking back towards the door.
'Bloody hell.' Harry breathed as he read the paragraph in front of him for the third time. He had closeted himself in a corner of the library since leaving the hall that morning. Obscuring charms kept him undisturbed, even when Shacklebolt came looking for him after he failed to arrive for DADA.
It was now well after lunch and he knew Snape would come looking for him shortly. He also knew his lover would be concerned after the events at breakfast that morning but Harry found himself unable to look away from the book in his hands.
'Moste Potente Potions.' Harry snorted softly, shaking his head in disbelief. Either Fate had a very twisted sense of humour or she really did hate him. This would ruin everything. 'Bastard.' Harry whispered tearfully as he placed the book down on the floor beside him and pulled his knees tight to his chest. 'Bastard.' He whispered again as he dropped his head onto his knees.
'Potter.' A growling voice startled him several minutes later and Harry lifted his head. Severus would have recognised the magic in Harry's obscuring charm and found him without difficulty. 'You are missing class. Get up off this floor immediately and follow me.' Snape said curtly, unable to hide the concern shining clearly in his eyes.
Harry grabbed the book he had been reading and shrunk it wandlessly as he scrambled to his feet. Moments later he followed Snape out of the library and down to the dungeons unable to lose the feeling of Madame Pince's eyes boring into the back of his head as if she knew he had taken the book without asking.
Snape stormed into the classroom, startling the other seventh years as he swept across the room and threw open the door to his office. 'You will wait in there, Potter.' He snapped. 'Do not touch anything.' Snape closed the door after Harry had slipped through and the Boy-Who-Lived sunk to the floor with a sob. Tears tracked silently down his cheeks and his shoulders heaved with the effort not to scream. He had to get rid of the potion coursing through his bloodstream. He hadn't even thought of it before he'd passed out last night and this morning he was too concerned with finding out what the headmaster had done. He just had to concentrate and he could expel it. If he didn't he would be useless in the coming war. His hands made their way to the pendant that hung around his neck and he clasped the green stone tightly, his eyes closed as he tried to encapsulate the potion and expel it.
He was so deep in meditation he didn't hear the door open and then close almost twenty minutes later. 'Leo?' Severus' voice was soft and Harry opened his eyes to see his lover crouched in front of him.
'I can't get rid of it.' Harry whispered tearfully. 'It's too late. It's dispersed already.'
'Leo, what is it? What's dispersed?' Snape gently grasped his elbow and lifted him to his feet before guiding him to the sofa near the fireplace.
Harry returned the potions book to its original size and opened it to the correct page before handing it to the other man. Snape glanced down at the page for several moments before his head whipped up.
'He didn't?' He gasped, horror clearly visible on his face. 'Mother of Merlin, please tell me he didn't.'
'Sev...' Harry couldn't complete the sentence, instead falling forward into his lover's arms and holding on as if for dear life.
'Shh, Leo.' Snape murmured soothingly into his hair as he held the young man tight to his chest. 'It will be okay. I'll find something, I promise.'
'He...he said it...it was a variation.' Harry stammered tearfully. 'You won't know what he did.'
Snape's eyes narrowed as he kissed Harry's temple. 'I have a fair idea.'
Harry pulled away and stared up at the older man. 'Why would he do this to me?' He asked softly. 'Doesn't he know this will kill me? How am I supposed to do what he asks if I can't use magic to hurt anyone? Does he think I could kill Tom with tickling charms?'
Severus cupped Harry's chin. 'That's his variation, Leo. He'd have added something of the Dark Lord's so that he is the only person you can harm.' He said softly.
Harry's eyes grew wide. 'But...if things were the way he wants...the way he thinks it should be I mean...then that meant when I finally faced Tom I could kill him but I would have no defense against the Death Eaters.'
Snape's eyes darkened. 'No, you wouldn't.' He said simply.
Harry looked away, his emotions rolling through him and out into the air around him causing Severus to pull him close once again.
'You will have to be very careful, Leo. During your training. The spells you use...'
'I know.' Harry whispered into Snape's chest. 'Sev, what am I going to do? I can't defend myself properly.'
Snape grasped Harry's shoulders and pushed him away until he could look into his eyes. 'I will find something, Leo. I promise. I won't stop until I find something to counteract the Draught.'
Harry nodded and leant forward, his hand coming up and caressing the older man's cheek. 'I love you.' He whispered leaning forward and kissing the potions master with an almost desperate need.
'Sev, please.' He begged as his mouth trailed down the pale neck.
Severus pulled away, his expression soulful. 'Leo, we can't.' he said sadly, even as his eyes told a different story. 'Too many people know you are here. Dumbledore will put two and two together and I imagine we have a very short time before he is knocking on the door.'
Harry sighed knowing the older man was right and stood carefully. 'You're right.' He murmured and Snape couldn't help but take him in his arms and kiss him softly once more.
'It'll be okay, Leo. Just have faith. I'll find something.' Severus promised as he walked Harry to the door.
Suddenly his face morphed into a scowl. 'Mr Potter,' he sneered, opening the door. 'I will not tell you again. If you think I'm wasting my stellar brewing skills on an obnoxious miscreant like you then you are far more stupid then even I gave you credit for. You got yourself into this mess, you can bloody well get yourself out of it. Now, get the hell out of my office.'
Harry was stunned at the outburst until he noticed familiar purple robes almost out of eyesight beside the doorway and he too scowled. 'Fine, Professor.' He snapped. 'I'll do it myself. Thank you for your concern.' He added sarcastically as he sauntered through the doorway.
'Well don't do, whatever it is you're going to do, in my dungeons. They are far too valuable to be blown up by the likes of you.' Snape snarled, slamming the door in Harry's face.
Harry sighed heavily and turned away from the door, pretending to be startled when he saw the headmaster.
'I see you have recovered.' Dumbledore said evenly looking Harry up and down. He seemed to expect and answer so Harry just nodded eventually.
'Yes Sir.' He murmured.
'I must say, I'm surprised at you, Harry.' The headmaster went on. 'Trying to enlist Severus' help with your little problem. Quite apart from the fact that he wouldn't help you without my permission; he hates you.'
Harry flinched at the blunt statement however untrue he knew it was. 'I know.' He whispered his eyes downcast so his expression could not betray him.
Dumbledore placed a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder and it was all the Boy-Who-Lived could do not to flinch again. 'Don't worry, Harry. It doesn't change anything. You really only want to hurt the man who killed your parents anyway.' The headmaster said knowingly.
'Yes.' Harry lied.
Dumbledore beamed. 'Good, good. Then you have nothing to be concerned about. I suggest you get an early night tonight, Harry. I have big plans for tomorrow.'
'Yes Sir.' Harry responded shrugging the hand off his shoulder and heading for the door.
'Oh, and Harry.' Dumbledore sang out just as Harry was about to slip through the door. 'I suggest you keep what has happened to yourself. I can't imagine it would help your fight for anyone but us to know exactly what you are capable of.'
Harry swallowed heavily and nodded, slipping out the door before he said something he would regret.
Severus had been correct regarding the dueling in training and even a simple cutting curse sent towards Moody had Harry prone on the floor and screaming much to the confusion of all but Snape and Dumbledore. The pain was worse than Tormentia, worse than the Cruciatus, and Harry struggled to banish the cutting curse he had sent so that the potions reaction would be lifted.
'Ahhh.' Harry gasped as struggled back to his feet even as they trembled under him. He looked up to see Dumbledore staring back at him, brow raised in question.
'Forgot.' Harry said hoarsely.
'A costly mistake, Harry.' The headmaster said quietly. 'Try not to let it happen again. You won't like the consequences, I assure you.'
'Yes, Sir.' Harry murmured, raising his wand with a shaking hand and the duel began again. The other Professors continued to exchange confused glances but were slightly less brutal than usual when they realised what Harry was sending back in return. Dumbledore however, had no such qualms, and sent the most lethal things he could think of.
Eventually Harry was able to fight fire with fire after he worked out that if he just rebounded the curses someone else cast the Draught didn't come into play. He caught the look of pride on his lover's face after the third rebounding shield went up and it gave him renewed vigour to continue.
It took much longer this time though, almost four hours before he held all six wands in his hand. Dumbledore's eye was calculating but Harry didn't care, a smile on his face as he handed the wands back to their owners. He stiffened however when Dumbledore pulled a green filled vial from his pocket and held it in his hand.
'It will react, Headmaster.' Snape quickly murmured too softly for any but Harry and the Headmaster to hear. Dumbledore glanced at Harry before slipping the vial back into his pocket.
'You may go, Harry.'
'Thank you, Sir. Professors.' Harry nodded politely before quickly ducking from the room. He was absolutely exhausted and barely had his eyes open by the time he managed to crawl into bed. He could hear the soft snores of his roommates even as he lay with his eyes shut and he idly wondered what it would be like to be one of them. To be Ron or Seamus or even Neville. He was sure life would be easier but, in the long run, would it be better, more fulfilling. He didn't really know and he couldn't really say. With those thoughts running through his head he finally dropped off to sleep.
In the aftermath of his graduation Harry would wonder how he ever managed to survive those last months of his seventh year. Dumbledore took great pleasure in attacking Harry at every opportunity under the guise of preparing him for the final battle. He had sworn that he and the other Professors would protect Harry when the time came but both Harry and Severus knew it was a hollow promise. Harry knew the headmaster hoped he would fall when Tom Riddle did and Severus agreed.
His detentions with the potions master became fewer and further between as Dumbledore soon began to appear shortly after the beginning of each one. Harry didn't know if it was the portraits that alerted the headmaster but was inclined to think it was one of his classmates that told as neither Snape's classroom or his office contained any portraits that could have told. Whether Dumbledore suspected anything Harry wasn't sure. It seemed as if the old man just like to have him in an enclosed space so that he could preach to him about the wicked deeds of the Dark Lord and how Harry was doing the right thing in training to defeat him.
The headmaster grew more irritated as the weeks passed without any word on an attack on the school by the Dark Lord until eventually, three days before the graduation ceremony Severus brought word that Tom Riddle was planning an attack on Kings Cross when Harry got off the train. With this in mind Dumbledore began laying plans for an ambush.
Harry's talks with Tom became almost nightly in the lead up to the graduation and he grew more excited by the day. He passed all of his NEWTs with flying colours, as he knew he would, and the night before the ceremony he crawled into bed, far too excited to sleep only to find two vials under his pillow with a small piece of parchment.
My Leo,
It's done. I've managed to counter the potion the old man gave you. It will take all night for you to sweat out the old one and it will be painful. Make sure your silencing charms are strong and you spell the covers to stay on as that should speed up the process.
Take the counter potion first and then the Dreamless Sleep; it should help you through it.
I wish I was there holding you but it won't be for much longer.
I love you very much.
Till tomorrow.
Tears sprang to Harry's eyes and he smiled. 'I love you too.' He whispered into the darkened room. He quickly burnt the parchment, banishing the ashes before spelling his curtains closed and casting several sorcerer level silencing charms. Another spell took care of the bedclothes and he quickly downed both potions one after the other and banished the vials back to Snape's stores.
He lay back and waited to see what would happen but the next moment he was fast asleep.
He woke the next morning with no memory of anything that had happened through the night. He knew he had been screaming because his throat fell like he had tried to swallow sandpaper and he knew he had been struggling to fight the bedclothes as his chest and arms ached like he had just finished a five hour duel. He stank of stale sweat, his hair was almost on end; and he was currently freezing.
He quickly dropped all the spells with a wave of his hand and shoved the covers back before leaping from the bed. He couldn't believe how cold he was and he ran nimbly through to the bathroom and straight into the shower without even undressing. It was only as the hot water cascaded over him and he slowly began to warm up that he stripped off his sopping wet pyjamas and leant back against the wall.
Bit by bit his body temperature rose again and Harry couldn't believe how well he felt. It was almost as if the potion had been suppressing his magic and Harry's eyes narrowed. He wouldn't have put it past the old man; Dumbledore knew he was well and truly strong enough to defeat Tom Riddle so a portion of his power missing off the top would hardly be missed and that in turn would make it easier for Harry to be "dealt with" after he had fulfilled his supposed duty to the wizarding world. Harry had no qualms about the headmaster's intentions towards him after Tom Riddle was out of the equation.
Sighing heavily he slid down the wall and allowed the hot water to continue pouring down over him. He felt at peace, at last. By the end of the day it would be over and Harry would be where he belonged.
'Hey Harry, you're up!.' Came Ron's surprised voice from just outside the door. 'You missed breakfast and lunch; no one could wake you. We all thought the rate you were going you'd sleep straight through the ceremony.'
Harry snorted, thankful Ron couldn't see him through the stall door. 'Not likely.' Harry chuckled. 'I just didn't sleep real well last night, so I cast a silencing charm around me so I could sleep in.' He told the red head.
Ron was silent for a minute. 'It's going to be okay, Harry. The Order won't let anything happen to you before Friday.'
'I bet they won't.' Harry muttered softly. 'It's okay, Ron.' He called out. 'I'll be out in a bit.'
'Well hurry up. You missed breakfast and the ceremony starts in less than an hour. Mione and I are going down to meet our parents. We'll see you down there.'
'Fine.' Harry replied, rolling his eyes. He heard Ron walk back across the bathroom and out the door, his heels clicking loudly on the floor.
He sat there in silent contemplation for another half hour before finally rising slowly. He washed his hair and cleaned his teeth before shutting the water off and stepping outside the stall. A quick drying spell took care of the water and another pulled his hair back and tied it with a black ribbon at the nape of his neck.
He stopped at the mirror and stared at the green eyes that were reflected back at him. They almost glowed with both understanding and power and moments later Harry smiled.
He couldn't wait for today.
Many heads turned as Harry stepped into the great hall. Most shocked to see him dressed so expensively. The Weasleys gaped openly as Harry swept into the hall, an unassuming confidence that had not been seen before was clearly visible in the way he carried himself. The fitted black trousers and shirt were understated but the stunning spider silk cloak that swept down from his shoulders to swirl gracefully around his knees spoke of two things.
Money, and power.
Both of which Harry was extruding in spades.
Tom and Severus had picked this outfit for him especially, knowing most of the students would be in Hogwarts robes or simple dress robes, and knowing the effect it would have. Harry loved the feeling the clothes gave him. For once he felt worthy of all he had been given.
The ceremony was almost ready to start and Harry swept up the hall towards the stage in a manner eerily reminiscent of a certain potions master.
'Good morning, Professor.' Harry said politely, inwardly smirking at the flabbergasted look on the elderly wizards face. With a nod to the other teachers, all of whom looked just as stunned as the headmaster before taking his place beside Hermione.
'What an earth are you wearing, Harry?' Hermione hissed.
Harry glanced at her, his expression blank. 'They're called clothes, Hermione.' He said bluntly before looking away. He could feel the bushy haired Head Girl gearing up to retort when Dumbledore finally stepped forwards and began to speak.
Harry looked out over the crowd, seeming to focus on nothing but seeing everything. He could feel the weight of the curious stares and smiled slightly. He knew they were wondering. He knew Dumbledore was concerned and he knew that most of them would probably be cursing his name in less than an hour. That thought made him sigh, which in turn made Hermione glance at him angrily for what she took to be his blatant disrespect of the headmaster who was still blathering on.
He looked back to the assembled parents and siblings and wondered just how they were going to take his little speech. He started slightly as he heard Dumbledore introduce the Head Boy and Girl and Hermione brushed past him to be first on stage.
As she too rambled on he idly wondered why on earth the Headmaster had chosen him as Head Boy. Between his training and the resulting injuries he'd been all but inaccessible to pretty much any student in the school. It only took a few moments before he realised it was just another thing for the headmaster to use to keep Harry under his thumb.
His vibrant green eyes sought out glittering black and he watched as they rolled in response to Hermione's words. Harry's heart lifted and he felt a warm glow in his chest as the eyes said far more than the thin lipped mouth ever could. Harry allowed his mouth to twitch and quickly suppressed what would have been a beaming smile.
He then looked away before he couldn't help himself and caught Draco's eyes. The grey orbs were positively sparkling and Harry raised and eyebrow, almost snorting as Draco practically bounced in the seat. He looked like a five year old that had just been told Christmas was coming early.
Loud applause broke out and Harry snapped back to attention, waiting for Hermione to step back before he walked forwards. The hall was deathly silent as Harry subtly cast a wandless Sonorous charm and began to speak.
'Good evening. Hermione has pretty much covered everything in regards to our schooling, our futures and our thanks to the teachers. I too wish to add my thanks. They have certainly trained me well.' He said softly, the sarcasm clearly heard. Harry's eyes brightened and his cloak shifted in the nonexistent breeze causing eyes around the hall to widen. Harry glanced at Dumbledore; inwardly laughing at the blue eyes that were twinkling blindingly as they tried to discern exactly what was wrong.
'No. Today I wish to talk to you about saviours, or heroes, or whatever you like to call them. I know the basic way a hero or saviour grows up. Naturally he, or she's, an abused, skinny orphan, who through misadventures, whether accidental or orchestrated.' Another glance at Dumbledore once more as he said this, his green eyes darkening in anger. The old man had much to answer for. 'learns and becomes stronger. The mighty unbeatable person, who supposedly knows everything. Now here's the cracker people, heroes do not know everything. Saviours do make mistakes. And either can hurt other people.'
Harry looked out over the crowd and saw that most of the awe filled looks he had been getting were beginning to change and both confusion and even fear were present.
'You invented the saviour, the Boy-Who-Lived, when you became scared. You wanted to know that somebody out there was still innocent and un-touched with the evilness that lurks among the humankind. You wanted somebody to take the responsibility, somebody to be the savior, and you wanted somebody to blame. You all suddenly became innocent, as all the bad things that occurred were saviour's fault; apparently he had failed to prevent them happening.' Harry could feel his magic swirling around him, building inside him as it fed off his anger. He quickly smothered it as best he could. It wouldn't do to bring the great hall down around them before the finale now, would it.
Harry took a deep breath and continued. 'Heroes are the models of our race. Saviours are the people you put all your trust in. That's why it's so hard to understand, and even harder to forgive, when one of them does something wrong or unthinkable. The first reaction is denial. Then comes the ultimate feeling, betrayal.' Harry lifted his chin and looked down at the witches and wizards who had expected so much from him.
'It's even worse than when a family member betrays, because the members of a family are only humans. Heroes and saviours are one step higher. They are half-gods, they are powerful, and when they betray, they become dangerous. Very dangerous.' Harry swept the room with his eyes before landing on the Headmaster. Dumbledore's eyes widened but Harry just stared unblinking as he watched comprehension dawn on the elderly wizard's face.
'No.' He heard Dumbledore whisper.
Harry lifted the cap off his magic, allowing a wave of power to flare out of him and causing his cloak to lift before the shockwave continued out across the room and through the walls, smirking inwardly as every witch or wizard shuddered as Harry's magic moved through them. He smiled chillingly. 'And once they become dangerous, then it begins...the fear.'
Suddenly the doors to the great hall were thrown open and hundreds of dark cloaked figures swarmed in. Harry waited, an impassive expression on his face as his teachers were quickly disarmed and silenced and the others in the hall were held at wand point or their wands taken. Harry was pleased to see the number of Death Eaters far exceeded the number of guests. That had been the plan. To display such a show of strength that the light would be instantly cowed.
Harry watched as Ron, Seamus and several others tried to fight their way out but were quickly subdued. The Gryffindors were just lucky that he had insisted that no one be harmed, at least not today.
Harry then noticed that Tom was striding towards him. The Dark Lord was heavily cloaked but Harry could practically feel the amusement rolling off him. He waited until Tom reached him and lowered his hood, surveying the room and smirking at the screams of horror he induced before turning back to Harry, the red eyes sparkling with affection.
'Harry Potter.'
Harry glanced at Dumbledore and struggled not to laugh. The elderly wizard looked as if someone had just stolen his sock collection. Harry watched as Dumbledore's eyes brightened in hope and snorted softly; turning back he saw in Tom's eyes that the Dark Lord could guess what he was thinking.
'Hi Tom.' Harry said simply, waiting as Tom grinned and stepped forward, hugging him tightly. Harry didn't notice the screams and cries of outrage, or the looks of stunned disbelief of his classmates, or even the look of absolute horror on Dumbledore's face. All he saw as he closed his eyes and accepted the hug from one of the first people who had showed him what he was truly worth, was the future.
And it was very, very bright.
Thanks again for reading. I do hope you enjoyed it.