Authors Notes: Well everyone here is the sixth and final chapter to Falling Head over Heels for an Angel. This is been a long road in the making I hope that everybody has enjoyed this story as much as I have enjoyed bringing it to you.

This chapter is unbeta read as soon as I get back the chapters I will repost.

Disclaimer:I do not own Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Funimtion does. I do not make any money off from my stories they are for entertainment purposes only in accordance with fair use.

Well without making this anymore later than I are ready have forgetting that it was Sunday (Gomen). On with the last chapter I hope you enjoy the read.

ZR };-

Falling Head over Heels for an Angel


Zona Rose

Chapter 6-Earthly Angel

Fate's POV

Last week was full of surprises. The first surprise was finding out that I wasn't alone in the world. My older sister had survived the fire. The second surprise was finding out that my Angel was real and here on earth not just in my dreams.

I had told Hayate everything at the Café I explained in detail every part of that dream, and when I was done, she took my hand and said that if it was meant to be, it will be. I'm not as optimistic as Hayate as my whole life has pretty much been one tragedy after another. The only constant has been Hayate. She's been my friend since grade school.

The third surprise ended up being the Takamachi's that owns the Café were indeed Nanoha's parents. I've seen them together quite often in the past week, catching up on each other and getting to know each other as a family once more.

I know Alicia and I have been catching up on each other. I've learned a lot about Nanoha just talking with Alicia, but I'm afraid that the Nanoha in my dream and the one that's in the store across the street are two totally separate people and that I'm still in love with someone that does not exist.

That's right, you heard me right. I'm across the street from that Angel store. You see, there's a park on the other side of the street and I'm sitting on a bench just watching the store and watching her. I almost feel like a stalker. Well, almost. I don't follow her home or anywhere else. I just sit here, trying to drum up the courage to go over and talk to her, maybe even ask her out on a date, but I'm just too terrified that I can't do it.

I watched as Suzuka and Arisa, leave the shop and head down to the Café, leaving Nanoha alone in the store. This would be the perfect time to go over and just talk to her, but again, my courage, fails me so I looked down at my hazelnut latte and berate myself for not even being able to go and talk to the woman.

I'm so absorbed in staring at my drink. I didn't notice there was someone standing in front of me until there shadow was over me. I looked up and saw Nanoha and the Sun was behind her and gave her a beautiful glow. Just like my Angel.

"I've been noticing that you like this bench and you've been sitting at it, just about every day. I'd like to apologize if I've done something to offend you and you're more than welcome to come into the store any time. Alicia had told me that you ended up in a coma for four months after trying to stop the robber. I wanted to thank you for trying to help when no one else would."

My tongue felt like lead and my mouth tastes like paste, but somehow I was able to get my mouth, working, again. "That's okay, you haven't done anything. It's just that, well, I don't know how to say this without sounding stupid or maybe even crazy, but well… oh, never mind it's nothing. You're welcome; by the way, I'm just sorry I couldn't stop the robber from getting way."

"I'm just happy that you weren't seriously hurt, even if you did end up in that coma for so long. Do you mind if I ask if you remember what it was like?"

"I was living in a dream. I didn't even know that it wasn't real until I woke up and my friend, Hayate told me that four months had gone by. When I realized that, someone that I cared about didn't even exist except in my mind. It took its toll on me."

"Is that why you said to me 'you are real, not just a dream'. Was I in your dream?"

"Yes, you were in my dream, you became very special to me in that dream."

"I see I'm sorry that I can't compete with someone who was in your dream but if you don't mind I would love to spend some time with you."

"You, you would want to spend time with me?"

"Yes, I would. I don't know what it is about you, but I seem to be strongly drawn to you. I do not understand it myself."

"I would love to spend some time with you, would tomorrow be too soon. I'm sorry I didn't mean to get over excited. It's just I've been struggling here trying to get my courage up to approach you and ask you to spend some time with me and here you are doing it for me."

"Nyahaha. It's okay. I mean after all we've only just met, and yes, tomorrow would be fine. Shall we meet here at this bench, and then we could go maybe over to the mall it's not that far away."

"Okay would nine o'clock be okay. I'd like to be able to spend the entire day with you. If that's not pushing it, that is?"

"Nine o'clock tomorrow morning, right here. I'll see you then Fate."

"Bye-bye Nanoha I'll see you tomorrow bright and early."

I watched her carefully go across the street back to the store. I also noticed that Suzuka and Arisa were on their way back from the Café carrying what looked like there lunch. Arisa saw me and looked like she had an angry look on her face, but Suzuka stopped her from coming over and whispered something in her ear. Arisa shrugged her shoulders and they both went into the store.

I didn't want to leave, but I knew it would look strange if I stayed there after, Nanoha and I had made plans for tomorrow, so reluctantly I left the park bench and made my way down to the Café as my stomach actually wanted something to eat for once.

The Café was a little busy as it was lunchtime, so I got a simple sandwich and another coffee found a table in the corner and set down to eat my lunch. I was starting to think about the different things that Nanoha and I could do tomorrow at the mall. Then I started to get worried that tomorrow I would screw things up and she'd never want to see me again. Thankfully, I had already finished my lunch before my stomach start tying up in knots.

On the bus ride home, I realized I had no idea what I wanted to wear tomorrow for our date. Once I got in the door I went straight to my closet and torn it apart, throwing clothing everywhere, until I finally settled on a certain outfit that seem to fit just right. Then it dawned on me. I had worn the same outfit in my dream, when Nanoha and I had gone to the mall.

I arrived at the bench 30 min. early. I start pacing back and forth wondering if she really was going to show up. About 8:55, I ended up stopping short as she was standing in front of me, smiling a beautiful smile. I would love to wake up next, a smile like that every day.

"Hi, Fate are you ready to get going?"

"Yes, we've got plenty of time. The stores don't open until 10 o'clock, so that'll give us plenty of time to walk there unless you want to ride the bus, that is?"

"No a walk would be lovely. Thank you."

After a 45 min. stroll, we finally arrived at the mall, as we didn't want to seem too eager. We sat down at the food court, just relaxing and taking in the scenery around us.

"So what is it that you do for work, Fate?"

"I'm a designer."

"I don't remember any designers by the name Harlaown."

"That's because I use my birth name not my adopted name, you probably would recognize Testarossa."

"Wait, as in the elusive lingerie designer F. Testarossa. That's you. Wow, I would never have guessed that you were a lingerie designer."

"Yes, well, I wanted women to feel pretty no matter what they wore, whether it be a business suit or out on a range on a ranch you could still feel pretty no matter what you are wearing."

"I like that philosophy. Well, looks like the stores are starting to open up. Shall we start window shopping?"

We both stood up and started walking. Of course, the first shop, we ended up walking into was a lingerie shop, I looked over at the clerk and felt the feeling of déjà vu as it was the same clerk in my dream. Nanoha made it a point to look for my designs. Then she just had to try some of them on. So we went to the back of the store I felt in my pockets to see if I had any tissues just in case I needed to stuff them up my nose. Thankfully, I had a Kleenex just to be on the safe side.

I expected Nanoha to try on the lingerie, and then come out after she was done, but no. She tried them on and stepped out to show me how they looked. I thank the maker that I had that Kleenex because as soon as she went back in, I start stuffing it up my nose. I knew by the end of this I was going to have a bloody nose if I didn't. I didn't want to faint from blood loss on our first date after all.

After she was done, trying on the lingerie, she picked out a few different colored sets and bought them just the thought of her wearing some of my designs next her skin made me blush and I knew if I didn't have that stuff up my nose. I would've lost the rest of the blood count in my body.

We went through a few more stores until both of our stomach start growling, letting us know it was lunchtime, so we went back to The Food Court, Nanoha mentioned that she wanted to eat Italian today, and I was fine with that. A feeling of déjà vu hit me again as Nanoha ordered chicken Alfredo and I ordered spaghetti. Could this day get any weirder? It's almost exact repeat of my dream date with dream Nanoha.

I know I had told Hayate about my dream and what had gone on, but I never told her the details especially the date in the mall, I didn't want her thinking that I was a pervert, when I started stuffing tissue up my nose.

"That chicken Alfredo was good but, Alicia can do much better. Are you a good cook, Fate?"

"Yes, I've been told that my chicken Alfredo is delectable ability. At least that's what I've been told."

"Well, don't ever ask me to cook for you, I'd probably kill you. There was one time I tried cooking for Alicia and she turned purple, just by the smell, never mind the taste. No matter how hard our mama tried to get me to learn how to cook it never clicked. Now I find out my real parents own and bake in that café. I feel really embarrassed that I can't even boil water without burning it."

"That's okay, I love to cook, so it wouldn't matter to me, if you couldn't cook or not."

She smiled at me as we got up to continue looking around the mall. She had mentioned that she needed to find a new bathing suit, so that's where we headed next. Again, it was a state of déjà vu. It was the same salesclerk and Nanoha even picked out the same exact bathing suit, so why tempt fate I grabbed the one that I had bought in the dream, as well.

As the day went on I was in a strange state of mind was the dream actually a dream or was it a premonition of this very date. I had no idea what to think. The feeling of déjà vu stopped when we left the mall and headed for a local restaurant for dinner. I pulled the chair out for Nanoha and sat across from her. We learned a little bit more about each other, as we talked over dinner.

As the day was almost over, I was saddened to think that I was going to have to leave her no matter what. The woman that was standing beside me and the one that was in my dream, they're almost identical even to their personalities accept this Nanoha doesn't think she's an Angel, but maybe she secretly is at least in my way of thinking anyways.

The one thing that dream Nanoha and I never did, and that was a kiss and the real Nanoha that is next to me already stole my very first one, but I would love to know how she kisses today. As we slowly made our way back to that park bench, I was trying to figure out a way of asking her for a kiss good night, but maybe I don't ask. Maybe I should just go on instinct, pulled her into my arms, and kiss her. On the other hand, would that be too forward for a first date, maybe this date was so horrible that she wouldn't want another one.

Those were the thoughts running through my head until she grabbed my hand and pulled me to a stop. We had reached the park bench already our day and date were over. Would she want to go out on another date with me or have I bored her to tears, so she would never want to see me again?

"Fate you look a little nervous. You're not planning to kiss me on a first date, now are you?"

"I actually thought about that but then I thought it would be too forward for a first date and for you, seeing how… well… never mind."

"Did you ever kiss the dream Nanoha?"

"No we never kissed. In fact, you're the only one I have ever kissed."

"What you mean, I'm the only one you've ever kissed? Fate, we've never kissed before."

"Actually, the day you pulled me out of the house you stole my first kiss, and then ran back into the house to save Alicia."

"I'm sorry. It seems that I have lost that memory. Would you like to refresh my memory, Fate?"

"I would love to refresh that memory if you'll let me."

"Then by all means."

I stepped up to Nanoha cupped her cheeks in my hands, and gently brought her face towards mine. As our faces got closer together, I could see her eyelids fluttered close as our lips gently touched it was like a small electrical sparks tingling across my lips. I pulled away, a few inches and her eyes slowly opened back up.

"I think I could get used to that for the rest of my life."

"So, could I Nanoha, my Angel, my love, my future."

I pulled her back in for another kiss only this time, I wrapped my arms around her, as I never wanted to let this dream slip away.

The End

Authors Notes: Well everyone here's the end of another story, I've been thinking about doing a little side chapter to this as Hayate has found her soul-mate, but maybe doesn't know it yet. What do you think about a little side story to this, I don't think it would be like a sequel.

Please leave a review let me know what you think, positive criticism is always welcomed flamers will of course be ignored.

Well until the next story I hope you enjoy the read.

As soon as I get the beta read chapters back I will repost.

In Love & Light,

Zona Rose };-