Authors Notes: Well everyone looks like we have another story here and looks like I'm on a roll lately with lots of plot bunnies running around. This story is primarily going to be fluff and I'm hope it's going to be cavity inducing sweet fluff. At least that's my main goal, I have done sort of fluff with drama but not fluff with a little bit of drama, and that's what I hope to achieve with this story.

Warning: Please brush your teeth after reading these chapters. Just kidding.

This story is Yuri/girl loving girl note you have been forewarned.

Disclaimer: I do not own or make money from MGLN.

Well now on to the main event guys please don't forget to put in a review at the end of the story. Now without any further ado enjoy the read.

ZR };-

Falling Head over Heels for an Angel


Zona Rose

Chapter 1-Angel from Heaven

"…I'm telling you it's a really great store. You've got to check it out with me sometime; I mean it's nothing but Angel stuff… oh and if you're not careful that dog is gonna start humping your leg… okay I just established you're not listening to me… AGAIN~ ~."

Fate's POV

"Hmm. Oh I'm sorry Hayate, did you say something?"

"Fate, you need to stop spacing out so much. You need to live in the here and now, not the past. Leave the past behind you; you have a great and bright future ahead."

"I'm sorry it's just the past it means so much to me that I can't let it go, I mean they were my family they were everything and I was left all alone in one horrible night."

"Okay that's it. You and I are gonna go on a little vacation. My cousins have a ranch and invited me out there to do a little rest and relaxation. I'm going to call them tonight and tell them to expect the three of us out there. Maybe a little time out in the country will help clear those cobwebs in your head and to stop you doing those stupid and crazy things you do."

I sigh; 'I know Hayate means well but this is my life and this is how I want to live it.' So I downed the rest of my coffee and stood up. "Do whatever you want to do Hayate, you usually do anyways. Just tell me when and where and I'll be there. I'll see you later I got a go, bye."

"Is that a promise that you'll be there."

I stopped dead in my tracks a few feet away from the table. "You know me better than that Hayate, I don't make promises, because nobody knows what's going to happen to them from moment to moment and I don't want to break a promise. So I'll see you when I see you."

Leaving my favorite Café the Midoriya I head down the street lost in my thoughts again. I walked about five blocks to get to my bus stop still in my own thoughts; I started hearing some screaming which woke me up and I start looking around to see who was screaming.

When I realized the screaming was actually coming from above my head, I looked up to see a woman in a white and blue dress flailing her arms and legs like she was trying to fly but instead she was falling and heading straight for me.

I did the only thing I could think of to do and that was to catch her. In the process she knocked me over; I'm a bit stunned as I bumped my head a bit but then I noticed that the woman wasn't getting up off from me so I looked over to see if she was all right.

I noticed the gash on her forehead, it was bleeding pretty badly. Carefully I rolled her over onto her back checking to make sure she was still alive. I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt the faint pulse at her neck.

I looked around to see if anybody was going to help me; the people were just staring as they were walking by like they didn't even want to bother. Knowing there was a walk-in clinic just a block away, I carefully picked her up bridal style as her head lulled onto my shoulder I thought to myself. 'She's really pretty. Crazy, but pretty.'

Walking into the clinic the receptionist saw the gash on her forehead and took us in the back right away. I was asked a bunch of questions but as I didn't know the woman's name how old she was or any of that kind of information I wasn't very helpful.

I was told by the doctor she had a mild concussion but otherwise she seemed to be all right. If she didn't wake up soon they were going to have to have her go to the hospital, not knowing her situation I told the doctor that I would take her home with me until she woke up. He seemed a bit leery of this but finally agreed.

After giving the clinic my personal information address and phone number it was time to get her back to my house. Carrying her bridal style again I got on the bus, people were giving me strange looks but I ignored them, seeing my stop come up I start to stand up and leaned against the pole waiting for the bus to stop. Getting off and make my short way to my house.

I unlocked my front door and carried her to the only bed in the house that I could put her in. After tucking her into bed and changing my bloody clothes, I made my way to the kitchen to start supper. Not knowing if she was going to be awake I made sure to make enough for two. The food was almost done when a voice startled me.

"Mmm, that smells so heavenly."

There standing at the doorway to my kitchen was my guest with a bright cheerful expression on her face.

"Hi there, I didn't mean to scare you but that just smelled so good from the other room I had to come and find out what was."

"Hi, it's nothing special; really it's just Fettuccine Alfredo with garlic bread."

"Still it smells divine, so when will it be ready I can't wait to get my mouth around each delicious morsel."

"Soon I'm just waiting for the garlic bread; by the way my name is Fate, Fate T. Harlaown. What's your name and why were you falling from the sky?"

"My name is Nanoha and I'm an Angel."

"An Angel… but don't they have wings?" Skepticism crept into my voice.

"Yes…well you see I haven't earned my wings and I was in the process of discussing that with one of the elders, and next thing I know he's pushing me off my cloud and well… I ended up landing on you. Sorry about that by the way; did I hurt you?"

I'm starting to doubt whether I should have brought this woman home with me or not, she's sounding like a crazy person talking about being an Angel and wings and all of that. 'I don't know if I should believe any of this, after all if there really were Angels out there then why was I left alone? Why was I saved and not them?'

"I don't believe in Angels or even a merciful God or whatever. If they did exist then why… never mind it's a moot point. Supper is done so why don't you go sit at the dining room table and I'll bring it out."

She looked extremely sad as she left the room for some reason her sadness bothered me. I've just met this person and for some reason I wanted to take that sadness away and make her smile once more.

Filling two plates I brought them out to the dining room then I went back into the kitchen and grabbed some drinks. Sitting down I was about to start to eat when I noticed Nanoha was waiting for me as she had her hands in front of her like she wanted to pray before she started to eat. Blowing out a sigh I set my fork down put my hands in prayer form and waited for her to start.

"Dear Divine Spirits, I thank you for this bounty before me, and the good Samaritan that saved me, please help me find a way to get back home to where you are, or at least help me to earned my wings so that I can fly home to you. Oh and I would like to do something really nice and helpful for my good Samaritan Fate. In Love & Light."

For someone who didn't believe in anything holy like that it was a bit uncomfortable, so I just picked up my fork and stare eating trying to concentrate on the plate in front of me instead of the young woman at the other end of the table.

"Mmm! This is sooo… I can't describe how good this really is. I've never tasted anything like this before, is all Earth food so delicious?"

"Ah yeah… well you see yes and no some of it can taste pretty bad but overall I guess it all tastes pretty good."

"Do you not like this cuisine is that why you are shoveling into your mouth so fast so that you do not have to taste it and enjoy its delectable ability?"

'Okay what planet is she exactly from? What is this delectable ability? I've never heard anybody talk the way she does. Maybe she hit her head a little bit harder than any of us thought, although the doctor did say she had a mild concussion. This could be part of that. Maybe I should just play along with her and humor her for a while.'

"Or maybe it is you do not like my company; if that is the case then I will leave and you will never have to worry about me again. I'll find some way to get home."

I was so stunned that I couldn't get the words to form. Not getting an answer Nanoha stood up and started making her way to my front door. Halfway there she had to clutch on to the couch for support placing her left hand to her forehead.

I was out of my chair and behind her just before her legs gave out with my arms wrapped around her waist so she didn't fall very far. She was breathing quickly and I could see sweat starting to pop out on her brow just under her bandage.

"Why does my head feels so funny? I have never felt like this before."

"Nanoha you hit your head in your fall. You have a mild concussion, you need to take it easy, that's why you're here at my house otherwise you'd be in a hospital right now, and not knowing your situation I took you in. Here let me get you back to the table where you can rest."

Carefully I helped Nanoha walk back to the table and sit in the chair she had just vacated. Checking Nanoha's forehead I could see that blood was starting to seep through the bandage.

"Stay right here I need to go get some new bandages you're bleeding again." I moved quickly to my bathroom; opening up the cabinet I searched for bandages. Finding what little I had I went back to the dining room.

"This can't be right Fate; Angels don't get hurt, least of all bleed. How is this possible that I've been injured?"

"Well this could mean a couple of things. This could mean that your human like I am, or because you haven't earned your wings you're more vulnerable than if you had them. But seeing as I'm not an expert at this I'm gonna go with the first one and say that you're as human as I am."

'After all that's the only logical and sane explanation especially seeing how there's no such thing as Angels or anything like that. Although she's sure is pretty enough to be an Angel if they actually existed. With those sky-blue eyes, porcelain skin and gorgeous chestnut brown hair. What am I thinking?'

Unwrapping the bloody bandage from around her forehead I inspected the injury. The bruising around the gash was purple and red the stitches were small and tight so she shouldn't scar from it; it actually looked like it had already started to heal.

Not wanting to take any chances for infection I poured some peroxide on a cotton ball and dabbed it on, she winced at the pain. I murmured my apologies but continued. The wound started to bubble which means it was working to get rid of any infection that might have set in since the doctor's office.

Next I took some triple antibiotic and put it on the end of the Q-tip and carefully and gently spread it over the stitches and the gash. Once I was done I put a piece of gauze on it and then taped it into place.

"They're all done. Does it feel better Nanoha?"

"Yes, you have a very gentle touch. Thank you, Fate."

"You're welcome."

Cleaning up my mess I take the trash into the kitchen and toss it in the garbage can, the medical supplies I put back into my bathroom, leaving it out knowing I was going to need it again in the morning.

Walking back out to the dining room. "Do you feel well enough to finish your supper or do you want to go back to bed."

"My stomach is doing strange things so I think going back to bed would probably be a good idea. I'm sorry your food truly was delicious and I have never tasted the like before. Would you make it for me again sometime when I'm feeling better?"

"Yeah that's not a problem I can make it for you anytime."

Helping her up I wrapped my arm around her back to help steady her in walking back to the bedroom. After getting her back into bed she suddenly looked extremely exhausted like it had taken all of her energy just to go from the dining room back to bed.

"Good night Nanoha I'll see you in the morning have a good night's rest."

"Good night Fate and thank you for everything."

After making sure that Nanoha was asleep, I put my pajamas on and grabbed my pillow and a light blanket I put them on the couch. I grabbed the dishes and glasses from the dining room table taking them into the kitchen and I cleaned everything up.

Starting to feel the fatigue from everything that I've had to do this afternoon, I long to climb into my Queen sized bed but that probably wasn't a very good idea with Nanoha sleeping in. So I reluctantly moved back out to the couch arranging my blanket and my pillow I laid down to try and fall asleep.

It has been a few days since Nanoha has fallen into my life. We're on the way back to the clinic to get her stitches out as her forehead is all healed up.

"This is healed up wonderfully. You're not suffering from any headaches or any memory losses are you?"

"No doctor I feel absolutely fine."

"Ms. Harlaown have you noticed anything that I should know about?"

'Should I tell him the fact that she thinks she's an Angel or do I keep that between us?' I finally decide to keep it a secret. "Other than a bit of queasiness that first night she seems to have been fine."

"Well then you should be good to go then but no more falling out of the sky their young lady."

"Nyahaha, I can't promise that but I'll try."

We all got a good laugh out of that. On the way out I paid Nanoha's bill as she had no money. Out on the sidewalk we both stood there kind of awkwardly.

"Do you have a place to stay in town Nanoha?"

"No the only place I know is your house and the only people I know are you and the people here at the clinic, so at the moment I have nowhere to go until I can find my way home."

'I know I'm going to regret this so, why am I going to say it? Because she needs help and you're not the type of person to just abandon someone when they need you the most.' With my internal discussion over, "Well I guess until you can find a way to get back to your home you could stay with me. If that's all right with you that is?"

Overjoyed Nanoha jumps on me, wrapping her arms around me in a big hug and kisses me on the cheek. I can feel my cheeks getting warm.

Authors Notes: Well everybody I hope that I achieved my goal of total fluff on this one. Lol. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter in one of my newest stories. This I believe is going to be another short story I do not foresee it being any longer then maybe 5, 6 chapters at the most.

Please leave a review as I love to hear back from my reader's positive criticism is always welcomed.

Until my next update enjoy the read.

In Love & Light,

ZR };-

BR 8/31/2011