That morning, I woke up quickly. Something told me this morning would be different.. new... and exciting. I eagerly awaited the day. I did my morning ritual. Showering, getting all the sweat and anything else off of my body after yesterdays day of decorating my room. I blow dried my hair and styled it in loose curls.

I grabbed a pair of lacy white panties and a matching bra out of my drawers and slipped into them. I proceeded them white a pair of snug white skinny jeans and a white tank top. I slipped an off the shoulder loose black and white thick striped shirt. I did my make simple. My eyes outlined in smokey eyeliner, my lips coated in pale pink gloss. I slipped some black and white feathered earrings and added as simple necklace before I slipped on my strappy black heels.

I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. My mom greeted me with her usual smile as I checked my phone. I had a text from stiles.

Video Games tonight?
- Stiles.

I smiled and sat on the couch setting my back pack down next to me. My mom frowned from the kitchen. "You're not eating?" She questioned. I shook my head no.

"I'm not that hungry this morning." She pursed her lips but nodded her head in acceptance. My father was already off to work, so I didn't have to worry about him complaining about my eating habits that morning.

"That boy picking you up again?" She questioned as my siblings ate their breakfast.

"Yeah." Right on cue I heard Stiles's car horn outside. "And that's him, gotta' go!" I called as I picked up my backpack and ran out the door.

"Don't run in those shoes! You're going to fall!" My mom screeched after me. I just grinned and slammed the door behind me as I raced down the porch steps. Careful of my quick steps, though I was sure I wasn't going to fall, it wasn't like I ran with reckless abandon while in heels.

"Someone's in a good mood." Stiles commented as I slid into the passenger seat and shut the door. He pulled smoothly away from the curb and I slumped in my seat.

"I feel like today's going to be a good day." I said beaming at him.

"Really, I have the exact opposite feeling. Weird." He mumbled as he drove to school with his normal attention to the road. And by attention I mean bouncing lightly in his seat, his fingers drumming on the wheel. I just smiled. He was acting, a little distracted this morning. And I don't mean Stiles normal kind of distracted that I had got used to the last few days, I mean Stiles keeping something from me distracted.

"So video games today after school?" I questioned in response to his text. He brightened up and sent a smile my way.

"I was beginning to think you were ignoring that text. I sent it last night." He said with a mock hurt face. I laughed.

"I passed out you weirdo. Chinese food makes me sleepy." I patted my tummy and he shook his head in amusement.

"Fair enough!" He said with a laugh. I kept the smile on my face all the way until we parted ways and I was walking down the halls alone.

"Juniper!" I turned to see Allison approaching me. I furrowed my eyebrows, curious about what she wanted.

"Oh, hey Allison." She smiled once she got to me.

"I'm glad I found you!" I was even more confused about that, what did she need me for? "I'm sorry I wasn't more friendly yesterday. I just have a lot on my mind an-" I cut her off.

"It's okay. No worries!" I reassured her with a wave of my hand.

"Oh, good." She seemed relieved. "We should hang out sometime though. Get to know each other, you seem to be really good friends with Scott and Stiles already." She smiled at me, assuring me she wasn't jealous which was my immediate worried thought.

"Yeah, definitely." The bell rang and we quickly both parted ways. The rest of the day went by easy. Lunch was the highlight of course. I sat with Stiles and Scott, which meant Allison which wasn't bad. But it also meant Lydia and Jackson and a few other teammates.

"So how was unpacking?" Lydia asked in a bored tone and she poked her salad with a fork. I slowly swirled the green apple in my hands.

"Fun actually." Jackson scoffed.

"Unpacking with Scott and Stiles, fun?" He obviously didn't believe me. Lydia lightly elbowed him and gave him a look. He glared at the table in front of him and held his tongue. I narrowed my eyes at him. I really did not like this guy.

"Yeah, actually, they're really helpful. Afterwards we got Chinese." Lydia did a small forced smile.

"All the same, you should hang out with Allison and I this weekend." I bit my tongue and forced a smile right back at her.

"Yeah, actually, that sounds like a lot of fun."

"Great, it's settled. We'll meet at Allison's house." She beamed at us as the bell rang and I let out a breath.

"Hanging out with Lydia, are you serious?" Stiles asked as we walked out of the lunchroom together. I nodded my head and let out a long breath.

"Yep, have to spend time with her if I plan to force her to see how awesome you are." Stiles's cheeks flared pink a little. He cleared his throat and the color drained back out of his face.

"Scott's studying with Allison today. So it will just be you and I." He confirmed to me. I nodded.

"Alright sounds good." I didn't comment on his obvious topic change. He grinned.

"Prepare to lose!" He told me. I scoffed.

"Yeah, right." I shook my head at his obvious misconception of how the afternoon was going to go. "But hey, I'll call you when I get home, I have to stay after all my classes today and talk about extra credit since I started late. So I don't need a ride this afternoon, but don't get used to it!" I said pointing a finger at him.

"I would never milady!" he called as he walked away from me towards his class, I laughed and shook my head. My other classes zoomed by real fast, and pretty soon, it was the end of the day.

And now here I was, leisurely walking to class, thanks to having to stay overly long to talk about extra credit in my last period, I was now late to the next one with no excuse pass from the teacher that had made me late. I was not looking forward to getting detention on my last class of the day. So I was in no way trying to hurry there. I heard a scuffle up ahead in the almost completely deserted hallway.

One voice was Jackson's, the other was a deeper voice, an angry voice. He wanted to know where Scott was. I stopped next to the lockers, listening carefully. I know it wasn't nice to listen in on other people's conversations, but I was curious.

Jackson wouldn't tell the guy though, he just wanted to know what he was selling Scott. Scott was taking drugs? I furrowed my eyebrows, that couldn't be right. Jackson was just a jerk. The other guy seemed to not appreciate it either. I heard a bang as one of them got shoved into the locker. I flinched and quickly came around the corner to find Jackson holding the back of his neck. But he was all alone, the guy just vanished. Jackson looked startled to see me.

"Juniper." He said quickly, then grimaced, he was obviously in pain thanks to the other guy.

"Was someone looking for Scott?" I asked, he frowned and nodded.

"Yeah, Derek Hale." He confirmed. I frowned, I did not know who that was.

"Where did he go?" I asked. Jackson looked pale now and irritable.

"Why do you care?" He ground out as he stormed passed me, I frowned and quickly hurried down the hall. That's when I almost bumped into an extremely hot guy in a leather jacket. He wore all black, with black hair and the most beautiful set of light green eyes I had ever seen. They were splattered with light bits of brown as well. I gulped as he looked down at me angrily. Despite that he was raging hot, this guy didn't look so good at all.

"Are you okay?" I asked in concern.

"I'm fine." He ground out. Yep, definitely the same voice as before. He started to walk away from me. But I quickly spit out the reason I had looked for him.

"You're looking for Scott right?" I asked before he could get very far. He slowly turned towards me.

"You know where he is?" It was like he was finally seeing me the first time. His eyes trailed over my small form with a little more effort then it would normally take a person. He was not doing good. "Take me to him." He demanded before I could get my answer out. I frowned but nodded. His hand reached out and latched onto my arm, though he seemed careful about it, despite the fact that he was handling me roughly. I walked quickly towards the school exit since the bell had rung. I'd worry about the fact I had skipped a class later. I saw Stiles get into his car and start to pull out.

"There's Stiles." I confirmed. Derek yanked the both of us forward and marched into the road. It seemed that action alone caused him to get a bit woozy, cause as Stiles slammed on the breaks and I flinched, Derek started to tumble.

"Hey! Don't fall!" I cried out as I caught him quickly from behind. My arms latching around him, to rest on his toned chest. But it was no use, his force sent me flying back into the pavement as well, his much larger form dwarfing mine. I heard feet running and suddenly Scott and Stiles were in front of me and an out of it Derek, who now laid against me. I groaned as I moved us into sitting position, Derek seemed aware of what I was doing and did his best to help, but it was taking a lot of effort. This guy was all muscle, and god was he heavy!

"What are you doing here?!" Scott said in a hushed whisper.

"And what are you doing with him?" Stiles demanded from me.

"He was looking for you Scott, and-" Derek cut me off.

"I was shot." He said simply, cutting me off. My eyes widened. What?!

"What, you're shot?!" I asked in a panicked voice. Stiles turned his attention away from me, and joined in with Scott who was paying acute attention to Derek.

"He's not looking so good dude." Stiles confirmed. I groaned as he slumped against me a little more. I hooked my arms tighter around his chest and shuffled his weight a bit with a groan of my own. He didn't seem to care, or maybe he didn't even notice. They were completely not paying attention to me now.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked. What? How was someone supposed to automatically heal from a gunshot wound? Was he insane?! Was he seriously on drugs?

"What do you mean heal?" I questioned. Stiles glanced at me nervously.

"Hold on, June. You're doing great." He told me in a comforting manner. Like it was the answer to my question or something. I glanced down at Derek's arm, blood was dripping from his hand and onto my white pants. Wonderful, just wonderful.

"I can't.." Derek panted for breath. "It was a different kind of bullet."

"A silver bullet?!" Stiles asked quickly. A silver bullet?! What like.. oh man, these guys were nuts. Naturally I pick the crazy people as friends.

"A silver bullet, like as in werewol-" I started to question, but Derek cut me off. His large, extremely warm hand found my thigh, and clenched it tightly. It sent a pang all the way up through me into my abdomen. I tensed automatically, but I also shut up immediately as heat filled my body. It was like he wanted that to happen or something by the way he eyed me with a slightly turned head before turning back to the boys. Stiles and Scott glanced at me, but went back to Derek.

"No, you idiot." He ground out at Stiles now that I was silent. The way he answered Stiles made it seem like he was very used to Stiles's stupid questions.

"Wait, wait." Scott started, realization dawning on his face. "That's what she meant when she said you had forty-eight hours." My eyes widened. Like as in forty-eight hours to live?! I opened my mouth, but glanced down at the hand that was still clenched around my thigh and instantly shut it again. For some reason, it made me feel safe. Which is weird considering I had just met the guy and he was shot. And they were talking about werewolves.. yep, I'm crazy too. It must be contagious.

"What?" Derek breathed, just as confused, panic in his voice now though. Cleverly hidden panic. "Wh-who said forty-eight hours?" He said in pained urgency.

"Who shot you." Scott said easily. Scott was there?! What's going on. Derek's hand clenched my thigh again as he gasped out loud. But this time it seemed to be to ground himself. Scott looked startled at something on Derek's face.

"What are you doing!? Stop that!" He scolded after looking around for anyone close by, but there was only the honking cars.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you, I can't!" He said angrily. His hand clenching tighter around my thigh. I groaned in pain. He loosened his hand a bit, but it looked like it took a lot of effort for him to do so.

"Derek." Scott told him, leaning in closer. "Get up!" He demanded.

"Juniper. Help him." Scott and Stiles said at the same time. I nodded and braced my legs. Slowly heaving him up with help from Scott. Scott tried to shuffle Derek away from my form, but Derek growled at him.

"No, she comes too. She knows too much." He told him. Something in Derek's eyes must have convinced Scott cause he nodded in agreement.

"Juniper. Get in the back." I quickly got in without question, I was far too curious about what was going on to walk away now anyway. Scott settled Derek in the passenger seat.

"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used." Derek's voice was calmer now, just pained.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Scott asked.

"She's an Argent, she's with them." Derek told him.

"Why should I help you?!" Scott asked angrily. Stiles was looking around for people, making sure no one was over hearing the conversation I couldn't even believe we were having. Argent, as in Allison Argent?! The Argent's went around shooting people? And yet Scott was dating one? Derek gazed at him for a second.

"Because you need me." He concluded. A car door shut behind us, Scott turned to look at the source of the noise before turning back.

"Fine, I'll try." He said in defeat. He turned to Stiles. "Get them out of here." He gestured to Derek and I. Stiles glanced at Derek.

"I hate you for this, so much." He told him before starting up the car. I had the feeling Stiles did not like Derek. And I knew then, I had just gotten myself into a really big mess... My gut was right, something exciting was going to happen today, and I had unknowingly thrown myself right into the middle of it.

Alright, here it is, the next chapter, and it even has some Derek in it! As always, I apologize for any grammar mistakes n' all that. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I've had it sitting in computer for a while. I wasn't sure if I should upload it because I wasn't sure if I even liked it enough to present it to all of you wonderful readers. However, I finally decided to give it a try, so I really do hope you enjoy it! As always, Read and Review!