Hey guys! I know we said Chapter 4 would be the last chapter, but we had a contest for this story and decided to post the epilogue here. The winner of the contest was no-percabeth-is-no-life. This chapter will also be posted on her account shortly, and I would suggest reading and reviewing it there instead.

We hope you enjoy her epilogue, as it is sweet and we had a fun time reading it. Thanks to everyone who entered!


*Special Disclaimer*: ThreeOlympianGoddesses does not have anything to do with this chapter. We did not write or make up the plot: only fixed some spelling and punctuation mistakes and added a few sentences. All rights go to no-percabeth-is-no-life.

"Wake up, Annabeth!" a girly voice yelled.

"Ugh, my mum mimips…" I mumbled on my pillow. I tried to say 'Five more minutes!'but I don't think my friends heard me.

"Here, let me help, Allie." Oh, no. Bonk! Alex thumped the top of my head. I looked up groggily.

"OW!" I yelled at Alex, who just smiled in satisfaction and told me to hurry.

We have been in Chad for five days now. Five unforgettable days of my life.

Many of the people here are fascinated by my blonde curly hair. Everyone wanted to touch it, which at first I was kinda unsure of, but I'm okay with it now. Actually, not really.

We started building the schools by day three. All the men in town pitched in. During our free time we played soccer with the kids. A little four year old, Berko, has gotten really close with me.

Today started normally: eating some bread for breakfast, and then helping with building.

"Hi Berko!" I greeted my little pal.

"How-wow, Nanny-Beth." He said while giving me a flower.

"Thank you!" I placed the flower in my hair and picked him up. We headed to where Kyeesha, a ten year old with amazing musical skills, was teaching Allie how to play the Kodjo drums. Some men were clapping and dancing to the sounds. I laughed and started to copy them. As we got closer, a crowd formed by the edge of the main road.

"Hey Allie, do you know what's going on over there?" I set Berko down and turned to her. She just shrugged.

"I don't know."

"A-Beth!" Alex yelled, coming towards me. "You'll never guess who's here!"


"Come and find out." She winked mysteriously and pulled me to the mystery person.

"Look at this. I can take pictures of you! See?" A familiar voice said. I heard the significant click of a camera and the "Oooohs" as he showed them the photograph. Wait-there was something about this man that I knew.

"Percy?" I asked/hoped. The black haired man turned and gave me a lopsided smile.

"Hey Wisegirl."

"Seaweed Brain!" I hugged him tightly, tiptoeing on my sandals.

"Mitten misses you," he told me.

"I miss him too, and you." I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you too, Wisegirl." He paused. " A lot," he admitted sheepishly. "I like your flower by the way."

"Thanks, Berko gave it to me."

"Should I be concerned?" he asked, pulling away and raising his eyebrows.

"He's four, Percy," I stated.

"Good, because what I'm about to say would have been a lot harder." I looked at him confused. He grabbed both my hands and knelt to the dusty ground… no. He- he can't be…

"Annabeth. Wisegirl. We've known each other since we were twelve and been together since we were sixteen. After what happened with the Chad thing, and how I almost lost you over some stupid Seaweed Brain mistake, I never want to go through that again. I wanted to make it official.

Annabeth Chase, will you marry me?" Percy's voice went kind of high-pitched at the end, and I held back my laughter. But he was so sweet, and I couldn't work my voice. I wanted to so badly yell "Yes!" at the top of my lungs but my voice didn't agree. Instead, I nodded my head and started to tear up. He slipped the silver band ring on my third finger on my left hand. It was simple yet beautiful; the main diamond was surrounded by little blue and green jewels.

I looked up at Percy, who was smiling ear-to-ear and I knew at that moment, we would be together forever. No matter what life throws at us, we'll be ready.