Hey guys! This is a story we thought of a few days ago. It's not going to be very long, only four chapters.

Also, please check out our other stories if you haven't already. We just updated Taylor Swift Songfics and the final chapter of Girls Night Out should be coming soon.



Percy and Annabeth were sitting at the dining room table. They were both gobbling up this super-delicious lasagna that Sally had dropped off the day before. Apparently, Paul's latest hobby was cooking. Not that anyone minded. It was better than golf, which Annabeth had forced Percy to learn for "bonding time." Let's just say that Percy was quite dangerous when it came to swinging a golf club. (He had hit Paul more than the golf balls.) Anyway, Paul always had leftovers, which always tasted really great.

"This tastes awesome," Annabeth said, between mouthfuls.

"Yeah, I know," Percy agreed. His eyes were glued to the TV screen, where a Glee rerun was on. Though he would never admit it, Glee was his guilty pleasure.

At first, Percy was forced by Annabeth to watch with him. Though neither singing or dancing was one of his (small amount of) talents, Percy was hooked at "Don't Stop Believing." He sometimes wished he did have talent in the arts, especially when Annabeth was obsessing over how "dreamy" Blaine Anderson was. Hmph! he thought. Just because a guy can sing and has super-slick hair doesn't mean...

"Shh! Shh! You're being so loud! It's Blaine!" Annabeth scolded. Percy hadn't realized that he had been muttering out loud. She stared at the TV, where Blaine and the Warblers were singing "Hey Soul Sister" by Train.

"I wasn't loud," Percy grumbled. Stupid Warblers with their stupid talent and stupid 8 part harmonies...

"Percy! SHHHHHHH!" Annabeth shouted in his face, putting a finger to her lips for effect. She focused her eyes on the screen once more. Percy huffed but kept quiet. He knew better than to interrupt Annabeth's "Blaine time."

Just then, they were interrupted by Annabeth's ringing iPhone. She looked reluctant to turn away from her beloved Blaine for just a moment, but finally turned away from the TV. Annabeth checked who was calling, smiled, and picked up. "Hello? Alex? Hey!"

Alex Cline was Annabeth's good friend at Harvard graduate school. Both girls were studying architecture. They hadn't talked or seen each other since they graduated last year, so Annabeth wondered why she had called.
Percy had his full attention on Glee. Now, the New Directions, a.k.a. the kids from McKinley High were performing. They were actually really good! He found himself singing along.

Annabeth left Percy and his off-tune singing to go to the kitchen since she couldn't hear Alex over his screeching.

"Sorry, Alex. It's noisy here," she apologized. "So what did you want to tell me?"

"It's great talking to you, Annabeth. We haven't seen each other since last year at Harvard," Alex laughed. "How've you been?"

"Great. I got my own place recently. I've got my new roommate, Percy, here too," Annabeth said.

"Oh, so I'm just a roommate?" called Percy from the dining room, sounding slightly insulted.

Annabeth ignored him, but wondered how he had heard that through the door.

"Nice. So, you'll never guess what happened to me at work!" Alex exclaimed.

"What happened?" Annabeth asked, leaning on the counter.

"Well, my boss assigned me to design this building for a school in Africa!"

Annabeth smiled. "That's amazing, Alex! What part of Africa?"

"Chad!" Alex said. "And there's more! Just for interest, I wanted to take a quick trip there. I heard it's amazing, and you know how we've all wanted to go around the world!"

Annabeth sighed. "You're so lucky..."
"No, Annabeth! We're lucky!" she gushed. "We're all going to Chad! You, me, and Allie! I've just got to plan things out with you guys, and we're set for two weeks next month!"

"W-wow, Alex! How'd you do that?" Annabeth asked, amused.

Annabeth felt bewildered by Alex's crazy impulsive plans, but that was true Alex. She was the most daring of their group in grad-school, playing some good old funny pranks on the mean girls at Harvard. Their other good friend, Allie, was the opposite, a shy artsy bookworm. Together, the girls were called the "Triple A's" or just "The A's", obviously because their first names all started with "A." Annabeth loved them both to death.

"So, I just planned it out. Don't worry. I got your plane ticket already on sale," Alex told her. "It's all good."

Annabeth thought practically. "As much as I would love to, I can't just leave."

"Come on, A-beth. This is something we've wanted to do since Harvard! And you're not busy,are you?" Alex pressed.

Annabeth thought for a moment. She could ask for a vacation from her boss at the architecture company... "Well, what day is the flight? And what time?"

"It's May 2nd at 8 A.M.," Alex specified. "Come on! Even Allie said yes!"

"Okay!" Annabeth replied, giving in. She smiled. "There's just going to be a LOT of planning to do!"

Suddenly, Percy appeared at the doorway. Annabeth clutched at her chest. "Gods, Percy, you scared me," she said.

"Well, my song ended," he admitted sheepishly.

Annabeth rolled her eyes playfully and put the phone back up on her ear.

"Awesome! Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye!" Alex said, hanging up.

"Bye," Annabeth told her, just a second too late. She snapped her phone shut and turned to Percy, her eyes sparkling.

"Oh no," Percy said. "I know that look." He began to get scared and backed out the door slowly.

"No, no, It's not anything bad. I'm going to Chad for a month!" Annabeth exclaimed happily.
Percy scrunched his eyebrows together. No, he couldn't think of anybody named Chad.

"And, where is this Chad?" he spat out the name in distaste.

"Africa! It's going to be so amazing!" Annabeth jumped up and down.

Percy raised his eyebrows.

"For how long?"

"Two weeks," Annabeth answered. So, Annabeth is spending two weeks with somebody named Chad in Africa? Percy thought. I have to find out more about this guy.

"What does Chad look like?" Percy asked.

Annabeth looked puzzled, but she continued. "I don't know. Hot, I guess. But really pretty."

Percy went bug-eyed. She thought a dude was pretty and hot? "Uh, I don't know what to say..."

"Yeah, and Alex invited me. And Allie's going, too! You know how the "Triple A's' are," Annabeth said, with a dreamy look on her face. " We all wanted to visit Chad for the longest time!

"Hmm, really?" Percy frowned. "You never mentioned Chad."

"Well, I mean, it's Africa. It's so far away!" Annabeth laughed. She shook her head. "Alex got a job designing a school over there. Isn't that amazing? And she loves Chad just as much as Allie and I do."
Percy was exasperated. He thought about what happened on Glee when Rachel and Quinn both loved Finn. That didn't go well...So what was up with the "Triple A's" all having crushes on Chad? I mean, did they share EVERYTHING?

"Aren't you guys jealous of each other then?" he asked, gritting his teeth.

"Why would we be jealous?" Annabeth giggled at his lack of understanding about girls. She figured that maybe with guys, they had more competition. "Allie and I aren't jealous of Alex, just because she got an architecture job. After all, I'm working on my own projects," Annabeth pointed out.

"Uh, okay?" Percy commented. "So, Chad likes successful girls?"

Annabeth was cracking up now. "What are you even talking about? You're so funny sometimes, Seaweed Brain." She walked out of the room and back to Glee.

"I will get to the bottom of this," Percy said, gritting his teeth. "I will NOT be confused by that woman!" He thought for a moment and looked around if anyone was watching. He flexed his muscles and tried to imitate the Old Spice Guy. "At least, not again! I am MAN!"

"PERCY!" Annabeth shouted.

"Coming, Annabeth!" Percy said, quickly, rushing over.

"Chad will be so amazing!" Annabeth exclaimed, as she patted the couch for Percy to sit down.

Before Percy could respond, Glee was back on and Chad was forgotten.

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