Author's note: YO! ^.^

This is my first FanFic so hope it's decent. It might not be... Ohhhh welllll. Anyway, I would love Reviews! I want to learn where I can improve or make the story better! Also, I apologize for anyone who is OOC, I will try to make it realistic. :D

So! Read, R+R, and LOOOVE it! ;3

Disclaimer: I'm sorry if it's not already obvious to some of you people out there but, you are on a site called FAN FICTION! FAN being the operative word here... PLEASE Gain common sense and LOSE the urge to sue me! XP


/Link up/



Enjoy! ^.-

"Bat soars through the sky,

Stays in the night,

Bird flies behind,

And follows with delight."

"Bat Shields little bird, Protects it with black wings,

Bird watches the rear, for all the ugly things."

"Bat and Bird,

Forever to fly together,

Until Bird Falls,

And the little Robin bird shines red like amber."

Chapter 1 Just Another Day.

The wind whistled slightly as a few of the drafts buffeted against the mountain, some finding their way into the cracks or openings. All was strangely still, for a moment, nothing dared to breathe...

...Ok, moment's over.


The yell echoed painfully off every surface, penetrating every inch of the base until it was as if even it shook with fear.

With the remnants of the yell still rattling around in their skulls, the residents of Mt. Justice stumbled out of bed to find the cause of their wake up call.

Connor came into the main room first, followed by the Atlantian, Martian, and the boy wonder. What greeted their eyes was a sight to behold. Artemis was circling the couch, with eyes on her prey, he could not escape.

Wally West, (a.k.a her prey) was circling around as well, but a small smile on his face mixed with worry said that as scary as the archer was right now, he was still slightly enjoying himself.

"What is going on here?"

Kaldur stepped forward in one fluid motion and the commanding presence of their team leader emerged.

Artemis snapped her head to the Atlantian, blood-lust in her eyes, she looked ready to kill. Before she could mouth her fury Kid Flash cut her off.

"It's about time! Common guys, back me up here! It was an accident!"

Before they could even fully comprehend what he had said Artemis' booming voice filled their ears.

"YOU...!" She stopped suddenly and sucked in breath to calm herself. She then snapped her eyes to the rest of the group, a plan only she could see starting to take shape.

"Stay out of it Kaldur'ahm." She said in a calm voice still furious.

"Superboy! Robin! Get over here and hold him down!" She barked at the two, a curious expression visible on both. (Except Superboy because he was just that, Superboy.)

Next, she directed her attention to the Martian, spinning quickly on the spot.


The surprised girl snapped to attention, wondering what Artemis wanted.

"Don't worry about breakfast." She paused and turned away from the confused Miss. M to face Wally, a small grin appearing on her face.

"We're having deep fried Wally West." She said with a smirk, by the look in her eyes everyone could clearly see how much she was going to enjoy this.

The small nervous smile that Wally had been sporting slipped from his face.

"Haha, you're joking. You ARE joking, right?"

His voice sunk a little bit lower with the last part as he began to sweat. His shoulders were slightly raised and he was now slowly inching more and more behind the couch, it as if he was subconsciously trying to hide from the furry that was approaching him.

Artemis' smirk just grew larger and she took a menacing step forward towards the VERY worried boy.

But sadly, she wouldn't get the chance to exact her sweet revenge, because at that moment they heard the all too familiar sound of the transporter pad telling them someone was arriving.

"Recognized, Batman."

Her only comfort was to watch the hysterical scene unraveling before her. Kid Flash breathed a heavy sigh of relief and collapsed on the couch, muttering something along the lines of, "Saved by the Bats".

By that time, the so called "wonder boy" was gasping and almost rolling on the floor due to his bursts of hysterical laughter, but was now trying to regain some sort of composure so as to look slightly more presentable to his mentor who was walking in here in,




"I have an important mission for you."

Oh yeah, it doesn't get better than this.

Soooooooooo, what do you think? Leave me a review so I can find out!

Sorry about the short chapter, and sorry about the kind of stupid ending, I couldn't think of a better way to end it!


Anyway, please R+R, I want to improve! Also, the poem is SO mine! I had a lot of fun writing it, and later on, it will make sense, trust me on that one.

Oh and by the way, it does get better, you'll see. ^.-

Have a nice day!
