Rock My Socks

Dear People Who Care About My Life,

So, I've never been so ecstatic to see English on my schedule before. I mean…sure, I have to take like, Remedial Japanese, but whatever, English is there and I WILL EXCEED EXPECTATIONS.

Mark my words, put my palm on the bibble, and take me to court, ho. I wanna see JERRY SPRINGER and prove his ass wrong for once. The results are so in, Maury, and guess what; I am your father, bitch.

I'm that sure that it'll happen. Yeah, I pulled out the Sharpie for that one.

(And not because I have an unfair advantage or anything of the like, cuz, cha, that's not fair or anything, like, cha, I've been taking and speaking English since practical birth.)

McStudMuffin is in my English class, too. He's totes been checking me out hardcore and I've been doing that cute thing when you pretend not to notice but ever so casually sitting up straighter and stick out your boobs and butt more. I mean, gawd, I know I'm meg attractive and all, but, eh-scuse-muh, have some decency with your ogling, plxxzzz.


(By the way, I'm starting warm up to this school. They have a Panda Express and Dairy Queen inside the cafeteria. I mean, psh, that is amazing and I don't even have any words. NO. WORDS.)


Chapter Two

Responding is Just Too Much Work

(I mean, I have to think up some sort of response that is socially appropriate, open my mouth, move my tongue, try not to breathe during the whole response time—since we all know breathing while talking will only result in choking—and that is far too hard. I'm not ignoring you. I'm just being lazy.)


My English teacher's name is Kakashi and his name means scarecrow.

Just kidding. I totally told a lie. JAY-freaking-KAY.

(Besides, I would never start two chapters in my life the same exact way because, hello, my life is amazing and so worth things original and I swear to Bejeezus you will never find two identical sentences unless you look REALLY hard. Which you will never do, because if you do and happen to prove me wrong, your goldfish will spontaneously combust. And by spontaneously, I mean in your face. Bitch.)

But, no, seriously, his name is really Kakashi, and, if my Japanese class with all the rest of the mentally challenged retards back-slash fifth year seniors back-slash Juvenile Delinquents is paying off any—you know, beside teaching me how to pierce yourself with kitchen scissors—it should mean scarecrow. Or something like that.


Not that it really matters right now, because, hallelujah, I'm in English. YEAH.

Okay, so, this class doesn't seem so bad. First, I think I like the teacher. I showed up fifteen plus minutes late to class—and not because I couldn't read the signs that pointed me to all the classes and room numbers or anything silly like that, psh, I'm intelligent—and the instructor wasn't even there yet. Like, fifteen minutes tardy and the teach isn't even there to mark me late?

I was about ready to piss unicorns and rainbows. From my pants.

There was only one seat left, too, and he-he-he, giggle, guess who it was in front of?

I've been doing some serious research all day on this guy, and really surprised myself with how quickly I learned how to ask: Who's the hot Emo-looking guy? So honest, it only took me like three people to memorize the sequence and, psh, by now, I totally sound legit whenever I ask who SASUKE UCHIHA is.

Yeah. I found out his name and so much more information.

(This redhead girl, you know, she's in the back totally being a slut with this blue dude who is seriously lacking Vitamin D, gave me all this info. After hearing my crap accent, she was all, oh; you're from America, except she said it in American so I totally understood her and all, so I was like, "OH EM GEE, and yes." And then she spilled all these details for me and wrote them down on this pretty pink paper and, if I weren't a total wuss, I would stop writing in my journal, for lack of cell phone service, and talk to her. I mean, friend making has got to happen some time, right? But I'm a loser by nature, I can't help it; I'm a junior in high school and have a diary for Jake's Sake.)

I got his address, his cell phone number, good calling hours, when he's most likely to be seen where, and his class schedule. I mean, I even got the code to enter to join this online 'Sasuke-kun Club' on KPA's little social networking website. Like, this dude is the real shit.


But, back to the present and things in life that actually matter beside Mr. McHottie behind me.

Kakashi—he prefers to be called Kakashi because, like, he's cool like that—is drawling about the benefits of knowing a second language these days, especially English. Then, he goes on to point out that, even though America is falling in power (EX-CUZE-MEE!), their influence will forever impact the world (That's more like it, educator), and many cultures have melted into the nation, and you never know when you can bridge a language barrier with English.

I'm bored by this whole speech mostly because he's saying it in Japanese and I only catch about three words, those being Hello and I am. I had to lean into home-girl-beside-me's desk to catch a synopsis of the speech, which, the little nerd she is, she wrote in English.

I glance around the class and see that I, unlike home-girl-beside-me-who-is-doing-the-absolute-most, have the right emotion going for me. Everyone else is either trying to stay awake, or has given up on that already, judging by Pineapple Head.

BT-Dubs, I really need to work on retaining names. I've heard so many today, and have put so much more effort into making a nickname than actually memorizing the real thing. I can just see myself in a really deep conversation with Minnie Mouse, over there, and then, right when she gets to the part where her cat dies, I call her Minnie Mouse. Not only does it completely ruin the somber veil that had fallen over us, but it makes her burst into even more tears because, "Gerald used to love mice!"


At least I moved here in the beginning of the year, so as to not get butchered with all this crap when everyone has already established themselves for the school year. Everyone is still kind of adjusting from the switch from summer to prison, so, I can just adjust with them. I'm sure that, at least in this class, the whole language issue won't be a problem, and maybe I can trade Japanese lessons for English lessons, thus speeding up the buddy budding process.


"Class, can anyone tell me what today is?"

Kakashi's voice suddenly gets louder, shaking most of the students out of their dazed state. My gel pen skitters on the page, making a really long cross on my 'T', and wasting so much ink. Before I get angry—because those bitches are expensive!—I notice that there is a pretty envelope on my desk. It has a bow, and curly letters are written in blue glitter pen. I look around me and notice Helpful Slut smiling in my direction, gesturing for me to get on with it.

Deep down inside, I'm as happy as that kid who pees on Santa's lap at the mall every year. But, on the outside, I act like I'm totally used to getting notes wrapped in bows that suspiciously look like invitations to things that people need to be invited to like, I don't know, it's right on the tip of my tongue: PARTIES.

(Okay, so, maybe I'm not containing my excitement very well, and, yes, maybe, a little dribble of pee just exited me. I've been laying hints all page. I have to piss, forserious.)

But, before I can raise my hand and ask for a pass, I must read my invitation.

Dear Pinky,

You've been invited to, what I like to call, The List.

You don't want to be there. Because bitches on The List die.

With much Love,


I read the paper over three times, but, really, the only thing I have left to question is where I can find this list at. I don't know what I did to get on it. I don't want to be on it. No…I didn't do anything weird today, did I? I'm just being myself on this wonderful first day of school. Not really making a scene or anything. What could I have possibly done? Is it because I'm so amazing? Is it because I'm gorgeous? Is it—snickers from the back room make the hairs on the back of my neck stand tall.

As I turn around, ruby red eyes clash with my own, frantic emerald gems. The shivers her determined stare and cocky smirk send up my spine are no joke. I yelp and I flip around so fast that I hardly noticed that I successfully caught the attention of the whole classroom, thus ripping it away from Kakashi, and snapping it onto myself. In case, you didn't catch that: I now I have everyone staring at me, that pink headed girl, yeah, the one that's hyperventilating because she is apparently on a list.


I have to erase my name off this list.

"It's not really a list."

"Totally figurative."

"She's just trying to scare you."

Well, it's working, thanks!

I'm huddled in the Girls' bathroom Handicap stall with three of my classmates.

One I recognize immediately as Minnie—I mean, TenTen; her name is TenTen. She is tall and obviously athletic, sporting soccer shorts that show toned, tanned legs that I am totally envious of underneath all of this fear that I am currently harboring. She's about four inches taller than me, towering at an all might five foot eight inches, and seems like the trustworthy type. Loyal, I mean. Chocolate brown hair is twisted into traditional twin buns, and her eyes are almost, if not, the same color as her hair.

Next is the blonde, or the one that dragged me into here as soon as the bell rang. It wasn't very much against my will, since I had to go anyway and I probably wouldn't have found the bathroom without her 'help'. I rub my arm subconsciously, pouting a little. Ino, like I said, is blonde, cheery, and very, very, very pretty. She should and probably could model if she so desired. Next to her, I look like an overgrown toddler. But that's okay.

I'm used to the baby face.

But, I'm sure the last girl isn't. Her name is Hyuuga Hinata, and, if my memory serves me correct, my Dad helped her father's corporation out of some serious settlement shit—ALLITERATION—a few years back. She's rich. I mean, you can look at her and tell. She has this total 'paper doll' thing going on about her. She looks so fragile, delicate, and breakable. Like, huggable. I want to smack myself in the face and get over it so I can comfort her. The power of money, I tell you.

I stare at all three girls with a deadpanned look. "I'm scared, obviously," I murmur, scooting my knees closer to my chest. Just to clear the record, no, I am not sitting on the dirty bathroom floor. That's gross, and just another use for backpacks. "I don't even know what I did to her!"

"Well," Ino starts, taking off her Northface and tossing it on the ground as if it doesn't cost hundreds of dollars. Rich bitches. (Totally disregard that me and my family do, in fact, have money as well. I just don't get it because I'm 'irresponsible.' Tsk. Whatever.) She sits proudly on the jacket and sighs, preparing for something long. "You don't have to do much to tick Karin off. It's obvious she's intimidated by you; otherwise, you wouldn't have gotten that note. I mean, you're cute."

Correction: Sexy. And I know it.

TenTen crouches down, sitting on the back of her calves, back against the wall of the stall. "Maybe you caught some guys' attention and she sees you as a threat," she offers, shrugging. "Both ways, you're buried in shit and unless you have a shovel, you're not getting out of it."

Well, great suggestion, TenTen, I'll just pull this shovel out of my handy-dandy shovel pocket and spray the area with Lysol.


I shoot her a look and she does the meh face, shrugging again.

"Okay, let me put it this way: You're on Karin's radar. You're not getting off of it until we knock her off her podium," she clarifies.

My mouth drops into a perfect 'O' as the pieces slowly fall into place for me. So, obviously, Karin was being nice to me to make it feel worse when she threw the bitch bomb on me earlier. Okay. I can understand that. Some people are just losers like that. The address and phone number she gave me are probably for this super creep with crazy unibrow. I can't even begin to imagine what the code is really for. That kind of goes with the whole 'bitch bomb' explosion.

BUT TAKING HER DOWN? I don't even know her.

I shoot up from my fetal position, stomping my foot. "Guys, I mean, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm new here, and, honestly, I'll probably be moving to Zimbabwe or some other country in a couple months!"

Hinata finally speaks up, touching my shoulder with a soft hand. "W-Well, th-the choice is y-yours," she says.

Ino grumbles. "No, it's kind of not! Look; Karin is an evil bitch. You obviously get her panties in a bunch. She's dismissed all of us already. You. Are. Our. Secret. Weapon. Being new only makes it better. Do you know how easy it will be to establish yourself? You don't even need a whole school year to de-throne her," she argues.

The pressure of all three of their eyes on my makes me feel like I'm being boxed in. But maybe it's because I'm in a bathroom stall with three other people. I take a big breath, already feeling a headache coming on. I can't avoid this, not with Ino's persistence.

I bite the inside of my mouth. I can't just join this war for the sake of these three girls. So what they're the first people to actually talk to me in a language I understand? So what? I have a hard time believing that taking down Karin is the right choice.

She seems powerful.


Just like that ruling bitch in every Not Another High School Movie.

And I hate cliches.

I refuse to let myself be turned into a cliche.

Without knowing it, I allowed my face to turn into a totally determined, hot, bad-ass chick expression. I don't see Ino, TenTen, or Hinata. I see myself, and the end result.

I turn toward them, totally ready to give them my answer, when three sharp knocks rap at the bathroom stall door. I scream, jump up onto the toilet, get my moccasin stuck in the water-which is COLD-and release my apple juice all in one go.

(Oh yeah. I'm smooth.)

a/n: soooo sorry for the late update. i hope the longer chapter makes up for it. if you want the long version, but the short version is this: No plot; no story. I made one, and hopefully i can stick to it. Until then, expect updates maybe every week to at latest two. I can't make promises for days of the week or whatever, but, i'll try not to go this long again.

