OH MY GOSH it has been a long time hasn't it? Sorry I thought I would have time to write, but school caught up with me! Also I have had a teensy bit of writers block. Here are my reviewers for chapter 5!

TICKLES3000: Haha yeah.

xcookeeysteetchFABiNA21x: I will try! My grammar isn't the best

HoaLotsAtla: Glad you like it! Jenna, I think, is going to be a Joy drone, because Joy is blackmailing her to do stuff. You will see. Haha I put in some suspense and writers block last chapter!

PurpleGurl102: thankz!

Madame Moon: I will!

harrypotter-hoa-pjo FREAK: No gaurentees! I love to write stories that make you think that maybe they might not get together in the end.

HOAluver4ev: Heh heh, yeah true. I lost all inspiration for my other stories, but I want to continue this one for awhile.

THAT'S IT! Only 7 reviews after 3 months of not updating… I am ashamed. THANKS TO ALL WHO REVIEWED! To those of you who didn't, there is a little button I would like you to click when you finish this chapter.


Its called the review button.


Nina's POV


After unpacking my stuff into the little space I had until Anubis was fixed, I laid back on my little cot and looked at the letter. I used my fingernail to scrape off some of the mud.

I heard footsteps on the stairs coming up. Voices became louder and louder before they paused by the door. I quickly shoved the letter back under my pillow just as Joy and Jenna walked in. I sat up and flashed a weak smile.

Joy stopped in her tracks when she saw me sitting on a cot on the floor. "What are you doing here?" she asked. We sat for a moment or two staring each other down with daggers in our eyes. Jenna stood behind Joy with fire in her eyes.

"I am rooming here until Anubis house is fixed." I mumbled defiantly.

"Oh yeah! There was a fire there a couple days ago right?" Jenna piped up. Me and Joy glared at her in unison before resuming our own battle of the wills.

"Yes. Trudy assigned me here. I want to be here as much as you want me here. Trust me." I groaned. I stood up off my cot and stood up next to Joy. I towered a good 3 inches over her. "Just leave me alone." I smiled forcefully. I walked out of the room, bumping Joy to the side as I passed.

"Nina Martin, I will make your life a living hell!" she screeched. I shook my head and tromped downstairs.


Joy's POV

Who does she think she is? She comes and decides to plop down in MY room, then she acts like such a bitch about it! Ugh.

I sat down on my bed and crossed my arms. Jenna sat opposite of me on her bed. I tried to close my eyes and make Nina Martin disappear. I opened my eyes, but to my dismay Jenna was still opposite of me staring at me eagerly.

"You could always torture her into moving houses?" Jenna suggested. I looked at her wide eyed. A smile slowly spread across my face.

"I already have a plan set up and it's in action." Grace called for supper at that moment. I looked up at Jenna.

"Tell Grace to bring me up something. I'm going to stay here." I suggested. Jenna nodded and left.

I watched as the door to our room closed, and I waited until the footsteps going down the stairs became softer, until they were inaudible altogether. Then I quickly turned around and flipped back my pillow to reveal my diary, the place I have kept all my plans to get revenge on Nina Martin. Just for you, I am going to explain my plan to make things clearer for you.

The plan name is DNM, Destroy Nina Martin. I, and one other double agent, are executing this plan. For your enjoyment, I will not tell you who this double agent is. You will find out later. SO. I want to make the American leave this boarding school and never come back. She is interfering with my popularity, she was best friends with my current boyfriend, the most sought after guy at this school, Fabian Rutter. She stole my spot as head cheerleader, and most of my friends, like Amber, Patricia, Mara, etc, have left me for her. SHE GETS WHAT SHE WANTS ALL THE TIME AND IT ISN'T FAIR! She replaced me when I left, so if I get rid of her everyone will like me again.

She already walked right into my trap. The day Nina was here, I knew she was here for a reason. Later, when Fabes was complaining to me about losing his Diar*ahem* JOURNAL, I knew she was snooping in his room. So, I hired a double agent. This double agent in particular demanded a lot of money in return for their services, but my daddy is rich enough I can afford it. From now on I will refer to this double agent as DA, so we aren't confused. DA's last mission was to steal the Journal back, because I am going to use it against Nina. We are supposed to meet tonight by the fire pit to exchange money and book. DA was also told to short out something in Nina's room and cause a fire. Now unfortunately for me, Nina got moved houses, to mine and she might find out about my plan, but at least I can snoop through her stuff. Now that's an idea.

I set my Diary back down under my pillow how I left it. I froze for a moment and listened. I could hear the slight murmuring of a conversation from the table, along with the occasional clink of silverware. Safe. I rushed to Nina's bag that rested beside her cot and started to dig through it.

Clothes, clothes, picture of her gran, other random pictures, nothing. I gently pushed the stuff back in the bag and started searching elsewhere. Under her bed I found a few dust bunnies, but nothing useful. I was standing up when I noticed something white under Nina's pillow. The corner was sticking out slightly. I pulled back the pillow, and saw a muddy envelope. I was able to see a return address in the corner…

Fabian rutter, Odin house, elite british boarding school.

A smirk slowly made its way across my face.


That's it for this chapter! I hope you liked it! Now PLEASE… click here.
