Author's note: sorry for the late update, but it's worth it!

Thanks to everyone who has reviewed – I really appreciate it as this was my first FanFic.

Chapter Six – Soulmates reunited

Jack froze in absolute shock. Ianto came up to him and wrapped his arms around him gingerly for a moment, before pulling away slightly. Jack spun around, and came face-to-face with the one person he would give his life to see again. He took a tentative step towards Ianto, then reached out and took his hand. Ianto's hand felt warm under his. Solid. He's alive. I'm not dreaming, He really is alive. It is him, he's back! Jack thought. "I'm here, Jack. I'm back." Jack couldn't help it couldn't control himself any longer. He wanted, needed, Ianto's reassurance that he really was there.

Jack wrapped his arms around Ianto's waist and pulled him into a kiss. In return, Ianto wrapped his arms around Jack and allowed himself to be kissed. A tender, loving kiss, with someone that he had dreamed of holding again. Their tongues caressed, hands straying, exploring each other again.

The other three were extremely happy; it was clear that these two men were in love – even if they hadn't admitted it to each other yet. Each person hoped they would – and soon. Their wishes were answered a moment later when they finally pulled out of the kiss, but remaining in an embrace. "Ianto…I…I love you" Jack whispered, hesitantly. "I love you too, cariad" Ianto whispered back with complete adoration and his pure love for Jack showing clearly in his eyes.

The other three were gazing fondly at their best friends, glad that they had found each other (Toshiko and Owen were silently thanking Myfanwy for bringing the two together), but they all felt like they were intruding in a beautifully intimate moment. They tried to creep out of the room, but at that moment Jack and Ianto came back to the real world and called them back.

Jack suddenly noticed Toshiko's presence, as well as Myfanwy who was now sweeping above them. He turned to the Doctor "I appreciate this more than you could ever know…but how?" "Ah" the Doctor replied "It's all thanks to those clever little nanogenes." "Oh, of course, Nanogenes! Well, at least they weren't wearing gas masks!" Jack laughed. The Doctor started to laugh, too. The other three looked at them in confusion.

Jack started to explain, "When I first met the Doctor and his then-companion, Rose Tyler, it was in the middle of a war, and some nanogenes had escaped from their pod. Nanogenes were modified to heal everything they came across. What they came across was a dead little boy with his gas mask still on. They thought that all human beings should have a gas mask on. It would have been hilarious if it hadn't been so dangerous. Rose was nearly converted. The Doctor managed to fix it in the end, though, like he always does."

His explanation finished, he turned to the Doctor "Doctor, is my old room still in the same place?" He enquired "Yup still in the same place and still with your belongings in. Why?" The Doctor asked, surprised at the random change in conversation. "Well, I do believe that Ianto and I have some…catching up to do." He smirked. With that, he picked Ianto up in his muscular arms, encouraging his Welshman to wrap his legs around his waist. As he did so, Jack couldn't help the moans that escaped from his mouth. As they stumbled out of sight, Jack thrust Ianto against the nearest wall, and whispered seductively in his ear "I have wanted to grab you and make love to you since I was reunited with you again." "You don't have to seduce me, sir, I'm already yours" Ianto murmured. "and I'm yours" was all Jack could manage as they reached the bedroom.

The Doctor, Owen and Toshiko looked on, floored by the pure love that was flowing between the two men. In that moment, all three decided that, whatever happened, Captain Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones belonged together for the rest of time

Hmmm the Doctor thought I shall have to do something about that

Author's note: Yup, that's it, guys! I am going to do a sequel, if anyone has any ideas then please tell me!

ForeverJanto x