Hey guys! So here is a little idea that actually and creepily enough came to me in a dream. I know the whole one-member-of-the-team-gets-taken but is pretty common, but I hadn't considered doing it until I dreamt this :P

I know it's been over a week since I've posted but I've been suuupper busy and that will hopefully get better.

There is a slight spoiler for The Big Game and Revelations but I kind of figured that it was an old enough episode that most of the people on this site had seen it.

So, it's really the first angsty thing I've written for these two and this chapter's pretty tame compared to what's to come. There will be some Non-Con and some other stuff so don't take the M rating too lightly

Other than that enjoy!

Disclaimer: Re-writing this is really annoying so FOR THE WHOLE FIUC I do not own any recognizable character from the show Criminal Minds (they belong to CBS) and I do not get money for doing this. It's for fun.

Warning: This fic is rated M for language, sexual content, angsty situations and some other junk.

Chapter One:

She came at night.

She came when it was dark; when the only light to be found was that of the moon trying to find refuge in the solitude of the rooms beyond the windows without curtains drawn. She came when it was quiet, and any scratch or creak was as unsettling as gunfire.

But she came quietly.

And she came quickly.

She couldn't see her feet or even her hands, but she knew the place better than any, and moving through the dark here seemed like second nature.

The bedroom had moonlight in it, flooding in from the window above the large bed. She knew the purpose of the open window and had to stop a snicker.

He was afraid of the dark.

She was thankful for it tonight though, because it let her gaze upon the two men for a few minutes, drinking in the curves of them, the nakedness.

They were both peaceful and relaxed looking. It would have otherwise been a happy thing, but she knew what had caused their content state and the thought angered her.

Not wanting to dwell on the disappointment she felt, she got started on what she came to do.

Walking swiftly to the younger man's side, she let her eyes graze of all of him before speaking softly so as not to wake the other.

"Hello, Spencer."

The man's eyes tightened before opening slowly. It took him a moment before the situation seemed to sink in and she enjoyed watching his eyes widen.

She was quick with puncturing his upper arm with the needle. She saw him trying to fight the drug off, trying to say something to perhaps wake the other, but the drug won over, taking him back to sleep land.

She smiled to herself. This would be worth it.


Spencer woke in complete darkness, unable to move. A thought was tugging at his subconscious brain and he seemed to remember waking to a woman in his bedroom last night. The image his eidetic mind supplied for him was brief and fleeting so he reasoned it to be another dream of his, even though it had seemed so real…

Even though he couldn't move.

Panic set in as he began struggling at the bonds attached to his hands and feet. He was spread eagle - for want of a better term – and his hands were touching wood. If he relaxed his back though, he could feel something soft underneath him. It didn't take him long to understand he was on some sort of bed.

Wait, he thought as something dawned on him. This was his bed.

He could feel the headboard pattern and smell Derek's cologne and he was positive it was his bed when he rocked slightly and it hit the wall with a very familiar thud.

The curtain above had been shut and the light was evidently off, but it was his bed in his apartment.

He almost sighed in relief. He knew what had happened had been a dream; a strange and completely random dream, but a dream none-the-less. This was one of Derek's games, probably wanting to explore the BDSM part of their sex lives. At any moment, Derek was going to burst through the door and simply lavish Spencer's body, until the younger couldn't take it any longer and then he would pound into him with amazing strength and passion.

Strange, though, Derek knew he hated the dark and normally wouldn't leave him without any light. They had bought red light bulbs just for that reason, but those lamps weren't on either.

Spencer was just about to call out Derek's name when a thought occurred to him and his body went rigid. It wasn't him who was in trouble.

It was Derek.


His eyelids were extremely heavy with something other than sleep. Derek was aware that he wasn't in his bed. He was equally aware that he wasn't even in the apartment he shared with his boyfriend. This place was much to cold to host his skinny pretty boy.

From what his half lidded eyes could gather, he was in some sort of barn or tool shed. The place was vast and had plenty of supporting beams with tools and such handing off of them.

Shifting slightly, Derek could feel that he was sitting on a basic wooden chair. His hands were tied behind his back and around the wood with what he though were leather straps, and by moving them slightly he could conclude that they were somehow attached to the chair.

Derek shook his head, trying to rid the sleepy feeling and get a better understanding, but it wouldn't pass and the movement made his very aware of the kink in his neck.

He groaned and let his eyes fall shut. After a moment he realized he wasn't wearing a shirt, which left him in nothing but boxers.

Derek scrunched his eyebrows together. He hadn't been wearing boxers or a shirt last night. He normally would've smiled at the memory of why, but the whole situation was making his head ache.

Opening his eyes a crack, Derek looked down to see if he really was wearing boxers. He was, and Derek just pulled his eyebrows tighter together.

"Finally awake?"

The voice made Derek's head snap up.

"Who's there?" He asked when no figure was apparent.

"Just me."

Derek, with his eyes wide open now, watched the form of a small woman step out from behind the many posts. When he didn't speak and just stared, she stepped closer.

"Do you recognize me?" The girl tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and wet her lips. "I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't."

If Derek hadn't been in this particular situation, he would've thought her to be beautiful. She was thin, with long, light brown curls framing her pale, freckled face. She had deep blue eyes that seemed too calm for Derek's comfort.

She spoke again. "I'm Regina. We met a few months ago, remember? In North Carolina?"

Derek nodded.

"I thought that might jog your memory. I was Ralph Betton's final victim. You saved me from him.

Derek blinked hard a few times. Thinking back, Betton's last victim had platinum blonde hair. He remembered that clearly.

"Where are we?"

Regina shrugged. "What does it matter?"

Derek took a deep breath. "What did you do with Spencer?"

Regina looked away. "I don't want to talk about him."

"Is he-"

"He's fine."

Derek blew out a breath, relieved. Whatever was in his system was fighting for dominance again, trying to make him fall asleep.

"Why did you take me?"

Regina smiled. "Think hard."

Derek shook his head. After the case, Derek had gone to the hospital in the ambulance with Regina. He had also stayed in the hospital room with her on her request. She had been upset when he had to leave, but not obsessively so.

"I don't know." He admitted.

"Come on, Derek. Think about why I would separate you and Spencer."

"I don't know." Derek said firmly.

Regina's smile faded and was replaced with annoyance.

"Don't lie, Derek. I know you weren't happy with Spencer. I could tell."


"I could see it. Around him you were tense and acted like you weren't together. You were cautious-"

"The team didn't know then." Derek interrupted. "We had to act like we weren't together."

"Make any excuse you want, Derek. You didn't love him. You don't love him. At the hospital, around me, you were relaxed and calm. You wanted to be there."

"We caught Betton. Of course I was relaxed." Derek gritted his teeth.

"You don't want to be with him."

"You're wrong, Regina. I love Spencer."

"No, you don't. You love what Spencer represents."

"What are you talking about?"

"You love that Spencer is willing to be your submissive. You love that he lets you take control. And after what happened in your teen years-"

"How do you know about that?"

"There are a lot of things I know, Derek. A lot."

"What do you want?"

"I want to show you that your not happy in your relationship. That you want to be the submissive, but you're too afraid to voice it."

Derek felt his back stiffen.

"I don't want that."

"Yes," Regina cooed. "You do."

Derek shook his head which was still heavy and slow. He looked up to see Regina playing with a lock of hair.

"Do you like it?"

Derek's eyebrows pulled together.

"I had blonde hair when we met remember?"

Derek nodded.

"I figured… Well, I mean… I saw Spencer's hair and thought you might like me better like this."

Derek's eyes widened. She dyed her hair to look like Spencer? The thought seemed sick.

"So, do you like it?"

Derek head thrashed back and forth. "I c-can't… I don't believe… I'm gonna be-"

"Shh," She whispered and stepped forward.

Derek tried pushing his chair away. Tried to distance them, but Regina got to him and placed both hands on his shoulders.

"Calm down, baby."

"Get off me!"

"Derek," Regina said sharply, placing her hands on his chin and forcing him to look at her. "You're safe okay?"

"No," Derek whined.

Regina leaned forward, and despite Derek's effort to turn away, she successfully managed to pres her lips to his.

Derek stopped struggling but kept his jaw firm and unmoving.

When Regina pulled away, she was smiling.

"See? Everything's fine."

"Let me go." Derek ground out.

Regina's smile fell. "N you're staying here until you understand that a skinny smart boy can't make you happy."

"But I am happy!"

"No, you're delusional. Men shouldn't be with other men, no matter how girlish they are." Regina snapped and then straightened up. "I'll be back later." She stated, turning.

Derek watched her leave, jaw set and angry, but when she was gone, his head fell against his chest. He tried to fight it, but a sob bubbled up.

Spencer was probably scared for him right now, worried about him.

"How could I have been so stupid?" He muttered to himself. About what, he wasn't sure – no one could've seen this coming – but he felt dumb and defeated.

He felt tears stinging his eyes and he let them fall. He was tired and unhappy. He felt angry and weak and he was certain that he was dehydrated and hungry. His misery was coming at him from all directions and he just wanted it to end.

At least she's not torturing you or threatening your life.

Derek shut his eyes tightly when a horrible thought occurred to him.

All this had happened to Spencer at the hands of Tobias Hankle. Not only had he been tied in a similar way but he also had had an even better reason to be mad at himself, for leaving JJ's side. Derek had spent a lot of his time convincing Spencer it wasn't his fault after he'd returned from the graveyard.

Spencer would've been feeling even worse than Derek, and to add to that. His life had been threatened and he had been tortured, he was even forced to decide someone else's fate.

Derek was suddenly angry for even considering feeling sorry for himself. He had no right, not when he'd witnessed first-hand how some people actually had it

St that moment, Derek would've given anything to hold Spencer in his arms, to smell the intoxicating scent in the crook of his neck, to run his hands through the impossibly soft hair and whisper sweet nothings in his ear. He just wanted to see his pretty boy beam at him and feel him shiver at Derek's touch, and if he hadn't been trapped here; tied to this chair, he would've been able to do all that now.

But Regina had taken that from him.

Hatred seethed through Derek's core and he felt his teeth clench. He had never in his life craved contact with Spencer like he did now. Even if Derek could just hold his hand, it would be enough.

When I get home, he thought, I'm going to make sure there is no doubt in Spencer's mind that he's mine and I, his.

To keep himself sane, Derek continued to think solely about of Spencer and what he would do to him when he got home, and as the day grew on, Derek could feel sleep pulling him under. Derek tried to let peace take over so he could rest without concern, but a question kept nagging him.

What if he never went home?

Who didn't think it was going to be Derek that was taken?

*raises hand*

Oh wait, no, I knew that *awkwardly puts hand down*

Hope you guys like it so far! I'm thinking this one may be a little longer than usual but I'm not sure, my muse hasn't decided, and I haven't yet given my muse a name so she's not super inclined to let me know what's going on up there :P

Let me know what you thought and I'll hopefully be updating soon!

Love always! Xoxoxo