Tiny epistolary fic! Who doesn't love epistolary fic? (If your answer is 'me', please stop reading now.)

Timeline: Pre-relationship (...ish? Maybe? I'm not really sure with this one.)

Note left on the pilot's seat in the bridge, in calligraphy:

River Tam requests the pleasure of your company in her bunk after dinner. No dress code.

Note dropped down the hatch of River's bunk, written on the reverse of previous note:

Your bunk is a dangerous place, darlin. Think we ought to keep our meetings out in the open, dong ma?

Note left in Mal's coffee mug, the following morning:

Was the lack of dress code the issue? I can institute one if it would be helpful.

On the bridge, taped to River's console:

Wasn't what I'd be wearing that was like to make the situation uncomfortable, no.

Taped to Mal's console:

Unlikely. You'd have been naked.

On River's console:

...scuse me? (Also, you and me gonna be having a mighty uncomfortable chat if anybody else reads this.)

Tossed into Mal's bunk:

Is that an indication of curiosity or disapproval? Please learn to be more direct in your correspondence, Malcolm.

Left tucked into River's left boot, found lying abandoned in the cargo bay:

Ain't nothing wrong with my correspondence, missy.

Tucked into River's right boot, same:

Also, might have been curiosity.

Note left on pilot's seat on the bridge:

River Tam requests the pleasure of your company in her bunk after dinner. No dress code. Nudity will be provided and facilitated.

Sign taped to River's door, that night:

Do Not Disturb (This Means You, Simon).