Terrible Life, Terrible People
Ino's POV:
It didn't take long for Hinata to wake up. Kiba and Shino helped her up and explained what was going on to her. When she heard she was suppose to watch Naruto her face turned red. Neji argued with Kakashi about Hinata staying with Naruto and we all were getting our things together.
Kakashi glared down at Neji "These are not my orders they are the orders from the Hokage herself if you want to argue with someone go to her office."
Neji glared at him and was about to say something when Hinata's father, Hiashi Hyuuga, came in. He turned to Neji "Neji it is alright I have agreed with this arrangement. I have come to pick up my daughter and Naruto."
Neji gaped as well as everyone else in the room. No one has ever seen him be nice to Hinata or Naruto even though he was cold and emotionless when talking he referred to Hinata as his daughter not 'the disgrace' and he said Naruto's name and did not call him 'the demon'. This surprised everyone, it seemed Hiashi had a change of heart over night. He turned to Hinata "We will stop to his apartment on the way home and I have people readying a room for him at home. It's time to go Hinata."
Hinata nods her head still in shock. She hurriedly stands up and looks to Naruto. Naruto looks to me and I smile and nod at him encouragingly. He smiles hugs me and gets up to follow Hinata and her father.
Once they are out of sight everyone looks at each other and then we all just sigh the tension out all at once. We got our supplies for the trip and head out. We met up with one of the leaders of the ANBU and found out just about every ANBU member was all around the base of the kidnappers. The plan was that us and some other jounin and chunin we going to into the base and take out as many as we can and the ANBU were going to be our secrete weapon if it gets to bad or if we just don't think we can take them all.
Kakashi and I being the only ones to go in we only seen a few guards but we did not go very far into the base. No one has any idea how many there are. Walkie-talkies will connect the ANBU and some of the jounin and chunin and the ANBU will arrest the ones we take down and get them out of the base.
Once the plan was fully established we separated into groups and we all separated once we were inside the base. I was with my team Shikamaru, Choji and Asuma. Naruto's team, save Naruto of course, were behind us when the leader we first met when Kakashi and I came here popped up in front of us. We all took our fighting positions, as did he.
He laughed in our faces, "I'm guessing you did not like what we had to offer you. Looks like I'll have to help get rid of your complaints but first I'm not sure if I introduce myself to you all. I am Daiku my family owns this business and I have recently inherited it all post to my father's death."
We all look to each other warily all thinking 'this is gonna take awhile isn't it?'
Hinata's POV:
When we got back to the compound despite my shock about how my father has been acting I was able to lead Naruto to his room, which was down the hall from mine. I was able to show him his own bathroom and his clothes, which my father apparently paid for. Then once he was comfortable with his room I lead him to the dining room for supper.
Since most of the Hyuugas were either helping out the others with taking down the slave trade or helping out around the village since many of the shinobi were away, the dining room was pretty empty and despite it being empty Naruto was still a little nervous about coming in and sitting down. He seemed to feel unworthy or sitting at the table so he at first tried to sit on the floor.
"Naruto…" I looked up to my father a little surprised by his sudden interest in anything that was happening in my life. "Sit on the chair next to Hinata" As he said this he took a sip of his tea. Naruto quickly look at him then back to me and I gave him a kind smile. He gave a small smile also and got up to sit beside me.
The food arrived not long after and we all got served our food before once again being left in the nearly empty room. Since it was supper the whole Hyuuga compound would usually eat all in the same room, of course it was separated so that the branch members were in another part of the room but we all ate the same in the same room for supper. Today we were only in the company of my father, my sister and then all of the children and mothers who live in the compound since all of the men and some women were helping the others or around the village helping out.
I look over to Naruto "A-Are you e-enjoying the m-meal Naruto?"
He nods shyly "Yes thank you very much." He looks back down at his food and I can tell he still wasn't sure about his new position. He was there in that dungeon for two months and tortured non-stop. He was starved and abused physically, mentally and sexually and now he is able to sit at a table and eat. Now he has his own room and new clothes and I'm sure he is very confused right now because his is in his mind in a new place. He has forgotten his home and all of the people who care about him and to him he must feel very alone. Right now it's my job to help him through this and I'm not sure how I will do it. I have the people around me to help but at this exact moment I am the only one he trusts and even though I have had a major crush on him for and while and would die to be in this position I have no idea on how to act and help him in his time of need.
Ino's POV:
(Not very good with fighting scenes so I'm just gonna skip it…. If in the future I ever need a fighting scene maybe you guys can help me out Sorry )
A few hours and a lot of fighting later we had him and a full group of guards down on the ground and the ANBU were taking them away. The other groups were supposedly doing the same; they were taking down the guards on the other side of the base along with workers and co-owners of the…people… The other groups were mainly taking down the people who are associated with capturing and hurting and selling these people they are headed to the file room to get all of the files out and our group is supposed to get to the people who are being imprisoned here and to help them out and get them to a safe place.
Once we had the boss and his guards out of the picture we moved on down the hall towards a big door that we were lead to when we got Naruto. Everyone besides Kakashi and I block their nose to the smell, which was strong but having to take it once without flinching made it easier to do it now. And as for Kakashi I'm not sure if he is doing the same or if he just can't smell anything from under his mask.
Once we entered the room everyone who had blocked their nose all widened their eyes to hole room was full of cells placed much like a jail with thousands of people in this one cell hold itself in each cell was two people no matter the age or gender they were put together. Young and old male and female it didn't really seemed to matter. The cells had to running water, bathroom or beds in it, it was solely an empty cell with two living being locked inside.
I look to the others and give a serious look, "Alright now we split up. Once every door is opened and everyone is down here we will meet back here and lead everyone else out alright?"
They all nod as Asuma smirks at me "Already taking over Ino?"
I blush and glare at my sensei, "Not funny Sensei somebody has to do it you all were to overwhelmed so what was I supposed to do."
We all smile and start splitting off Sakura and Sasuke were off to get all of the elderly except for the few who were mix in with others. Shikamaru and I were off to get the children and the elders and adults who were mixed in with some of them. Choji went off to get all of the adults. Asuma and Kakashi stayed at our meet up area to keep guard from other people who could possibly attack and to be the point where the people who are being released can go.
Shikamaru and I headed to the first cell that had two children in it. They were new it seemed, their clothes weren't as dirty or ripped as the others and they did not have a scratch on them. I take the key to the cell that was hanging on the outside of it and unlock the door. Surprisingly all of the cells had keys outside the cells, out of reach of course, but still surprising. Once I had the door open the two children who looked about seven or eight came running out and quickly embraced Shikamaru and I.
They smile up at us and the girl started to cry. I smile down at her, "It's alright sweetie you're safe now we'll help you!" I look at both of them "Go to the two men over there and wait for us alright don't worry they are our senseis they wont hurt you."
They both nod and run towards Asuma and Kakashi and sit against a wall close to them.
A/N: All right! Well that's it for now hope you all enjoyed it I wasn't sure about this chapter so tell me how you feel. I may change this chapter in the future depending how I feel later about it. I will definitely change how they got the keys but let me know how you feel about this chapter maybe I'll leave it the way it is.