Hey everyone. I'm back and writing again. So sorry for taking so long. But it seems like my computer has a broken hard drive. It works, but it deletes all the documents. I was so mad when I lost all my data and videos on it. But it's not going to get me down. I'm going to move forward with it. So wish me luck so I can get a new one or a laptop of my own.

Chapter 10: Existence

Tsuna sat up from where he was on the bed. Clothes that he once wore was removed and scattered around the wooden floor. And next to him was a sleeping Yamamoto whom was exposing as he is. Tsuna thought over what had happened yesterday for all this. That was when he remembered. The two slept with each other. It was a bit of a shock on Tsuna's part. But right now, he was concerned with the fact that the boy was now fading away faster than he usually does. Inside, Tsuna was panicking violently. What am I suppose to do now? Tsuna thought loudly to himself. The innocent brunet looks over at the baseball player. He smiles lightly.

"Yamamoto..." He whispered.

His hand caresses Yamamoto's cheek softly. Life was cruel. Not many would notice, but its truly is cruel. A single teardrop left Tsuna's eyelid. The life Tsuna wanted to share with Yamamoto was gone. His lower half was now gone. "I'm sorry," Tsuna pulled away his hand from Yamamoto's cheek. A heavy pressure lingers around the brunet's chest. Most of his top half is disappearing along the side. Tsuna looks up at the ceiling sadly. "I have to go now." The warmth of his body turns cold and his body quicken its pace.

"Goodbye... forever..."

With that, Tsuna vanished. All traces of Tsuna's existence was gone.

Yamamoto woke up to find an cold, empty spot on the bed. He sat up rubbing his eyes to adjust to the lighting. His other hand continues to wonder to find if another person was with him. But there wasn't. Yamamoto's eyes widen to see his precious Tsuna gone. "Tsuna?" He called out once more. No response. Yamamoto removes himself from the bed and wore his clothes. He can't be gone. Not now.. He reassured himself. The swordsman left the cabin in a hasty run. The further away he was from the Tsuna's small home made him doubts more. But everything came to a silent stop. Yamamoto's eyes widen from the scene before him, shocked. "Natsu?"

The mature lion roared softly. Sadness were held in the light orange orbs. Another roar was heard by anything nearby. Natsu lowers his body on the muddy ground. "Natsu, what's wrong?" Yamamoto asked, slightly knowing what cause the creature to behave like this. He wags his tail with the Sky flame burning strong. But it soon lessens when he lowers the tail besides his body. "It's because of Tsuna, right?" He nods slowly. The flame flickers in rapid speed. The only thing he could do was stare. After a few minutes, Yamamoto got the hint. Tsuna was gone again and he left his box animal behind and his lover. The baseball player ran a hand through his spiky hair. Why?

Tsuna walked through the endless darkness. It was like how his dream was. The same as to when he was sinking to nothingness. The innocent brunet continues to walk, not knowing the consequences. The uneasy feelings fluttered around his abdomens. It was getting a bit eerie and familiar. Tsuna felt himself getting a bit short. The brunet panics. It was happening again. Watery dark ooze rose up onto Tsuna's body. "S-someone! Help!" The younger male screamed in fear.

No one will come.

Tsuna inhales air harshly and eyes widens.

It's useless. No one cares. You abandoned 'them'.

"I-Impossible." Tsuna stuttered.

There's nothing but darkness around here. Not a single soul can enter.

Give up.. No one will rescue you from us.

Give yourself to us.

Even though he didn't want to, the mysterious voice was right. Not a single person in sight. The lively chocolate brown orbs became blank and dark. The watery ooze spread further around the small body. Yamamoto. The last thought that slipped into the brunet's mind. A teardrop fell. Small thin strings of ooze approaches Tsuna's face when he gave in. Almost swallowing the brunet's body up whole. But strangely it backs away. A familiar warmth wraps around Tsuna's wrist and spread. A heart beat was skipped. Tsuna turns around to see a smiling Yamamoto. Eyes widen, the innocent male embraced the other tightly. With closed, teary eyes, Tsuna brought himself closer. "Yamamoto... Yamamoto." Tsuna whispered in joy. The taller male smiles. Brushing away strands of light brown hair, the baseball player whispers silent words. When he pulled away, the darkness altered into a gleaming world of light. And so that changed into meadow. It was breath-taking. When Tsuna's attention returned to the Rain guardian, he was gone. "Yamamoto?" He called out, confused.


"The one you are calling is no longer here, young one." A feminine voice spoke.

A tall, magnificent woman stood before him in a pure white gown dress. Long golden yellow hair slightly curled and sapphire iris. She could even be mistaken as a goddess. "You are the boy with the 'vanishing' curse, Tsunayoshi Sawada?" The spoken boy gulped at how serious the tension was. "Y-yes madam." She smiles softly at the brunet's fear. "Do not fear me young one. My name is Gaia. I am here to assist you." The brunet repeats the last two words the maiden said. She nods. With the wave of her arm, a small portal was revealed to exhibit the time he traveled back to the future. It was the time when he was saying goodbye to his future friends before leaving to his own time. It was a great adventure. Dangerous, but memorable. Tsuna avert his attention back to the nameless woman. "What does this all mean?" Sapphire eyes focused on the portal as the female explains.

"It was a mistake." She spoke.

"A mistake?"

"Correct. Originally, this shouldn't have happened. But because of our mistake, we could not reverse it."

So it wasn't from the future. It was because of something else. "How come I'm here?" Tsuna asked. She closed her eyes and inhales air into her lungs. "To decide on your fate." Her gentle, calm voice turns into serious and collective. Both hands on each shoulders, she lower herself to directly face Tsuna. "My fate?" The brunet repeated nervously. She nods.

"You are given two choices. One is to become one of us, a god. Or to return back to the living world."

Of course, the brunet was obviously going to decide on going back to where everyone is. And the thought of becoming god was not something he would pick as an occupation. But the graceful woman exactly knew what the young male was thinking. It was till she continued explaining the broke Tsuna's happiness. "If you do return to the living, beings with memories of you will be completely erased." Bright sapphire eyes held seriousness, not a single sight of humor.


"Your existence will be forgotten."

Tsuna's eyes widen from the new information. "Forgotten? Everything?" She nods with a sad smile. Tsuna bit his lower lip. It was a minute long when an idea came into Tsuna's head. It was insane, but it was better than nothing. "I pick neither." Tsuna spoke with confidence. The woman pulled away, shocked from the outrageous decision. The goddess gave a doubtful look towards the male till her face softens. "I understand. You will reside here for the time being until we think of what to do." She informs. Tsuna just nods in acceptance. But there was one thing bothering him from the beginning. "There is something I want to know."

"And what is that?"

"Why did I see Yamamoto before I was here? Why isn't he here now?"

"The person you speak of was a fragment of your consciousness. Even though it embodied itself as him, thoughts are exact match as the original."

"I see.. Can you do one thing for me?"

"What is that, young one."

Tsuna smiles lightly. The spoken word that he received before getting here was repeating throughout his mind.

I'll always wait for you, Tsuna.

Yamamoto opens the entrance door connected to the rooftop. It was the same rooftop that he, Gokudera, and Tsuna at lunch during middle school. The baseball player was now twenty-four. His dreams of becoming a professional MLB player was completed. Now, he was in the Vongola Mafia family. It was had to accept the facts of it not being a childish game like he thought before. But he got over it. Because of one reason: Tsuna. After a few day when he couldn't find Tsuna, a letter addressed to him was given. The person he was looking for was the sender. It was somewhat similar to the letter he saw when he went to the future. The time he was searching for the brunet. The swordsman lean against the metal rail and overlooks the letter once more.

Dear Yamamoto,

I'm sorry for leaving again like I did before. But I can assure you that this time is different. I can't guarantee my return or anyone knowing my location. Even so, I want to thank you. For helping me and not leaving me to fight alone after you found out about my 'problem'. I don't know what I would do without you truthfully. I will return home one day I promise. Until then, please wait for me. It might even last for eternity. But I will return. Continue to smile like you did before, grow stronger, and protect everyone. I never really got a chance to actually say it, but I love you. Still have and always. Goodbye for now.

Yours truly, Tsuna.

He pulls the paper down and sighs with content. Many years have pass and he is continuously waiting. Waiting for someone special to return back into his life. The letters may not provide assurance, but thoughts of Tsuna trying hard to get back motivates him to move onward. All the guardians he knew and fought with are finally together. It was one of those reunion occasions. And others that was with them alongside was here too. If Tsuna was here to see them now. "Tsuna..." Almost on cue, a baseball rolled over next to his feet. The Rain guardian bends down to pick it up. What's this doing here? He thought, confused. It was the ball he specificity remembers. The same ball he used to keep Hibari from getting overly 'friendly' with Tsuna. He chuckles at the memory.

"I'm home, Yamamoto." A voice called.

The spoken person looks upward to the voice. His eyes widen from shock. He couldn't believe his eyes. A familiar brunet he knew and loves is standing before him. "Tsuna?" He questions, fearing if it was just his imaginations running wild. The brunet walks closer and pressed his hand against Yamamoto's cheek. "Sorry for making you wait this long." He apologized.

In an instant, the taller male embrace the small one tightly.

"It's okay. I believed in you when you said you would come back."

A simple kiss was shared between the two.

Sorry if it was short. Was rushed. Anyways, this is the last chapter to Fading Love. So sad. Sorry for updating it late. Please review. And I'm not sure if I should take a break from writing. Who knows. Need to think. I'm not doubting my abilities, just need a long break. Or not. Anyways, thanks again. Byebye.