I absolutely love to see interactions between all of the people on the Task Force. So, I found a bunch of prompts to use to write a bunch of oneshots/drabbles illustrating the different relations among those characters. Genres will vary. Either way, be afraid. Be very afraid. This is only the first fic of many to come. Let the insanity begin! 8D

Prompt I'm Using: [Pick someone up and spin them until you're both too dizzy to stand, and laughing from it]


Dizzy Insanity


Matsuda gazed longingly at Light Yagami, Misa Amane, and L. The odd trio's hands were mutually clasped as they danced around in a circle together, Misa appearing to be the main source of the enthusiasm.

"Light's friends are my friends!" the young model chirped vivaciously. She was always so full of life.

L, awkwardly going with the flow (literally), deadpanned a drawn-out, "Hah…"

Matsuda really wanted in on some of that sharing-caring action. More than anything, he wanted to be part of their friend circle, spinning around with that lovable potential mass murderer, that apathetic super-detective, and that overdramatic young model. In fact, the mere thought of possibly being associated with them made Matsuda giddy with excitement.

Unable to contain himself, Matsuda dashed over to the trio, wrapped his arms around the first one he came in contact with (which just so happened to be Light), and, with almost superhuman strength, picked the teen up and began spinning him around and around.

The chain connected to Light's wrist began winding its way around him and Matsuda, much like the leash of a psychotic dog. Matsuda began laughing hysterically, though it seemed that no one else in the room was finding this funny. L and Misa were just staring at him and Light as if they didn't quite know how they were supposed to react.

With a swift tug on the handcuff by L, both Matsuda and Light fell to the ground, completely tied up.

L brought his thumb to his lip. "Just…stop. Please. And thank you."

Wow, that failed. They will be better…

Review! Please! :D They make me happy.

Thank you for reading!

~Ratt Kazamata
