A/N: This is a human!AU high school story. I'm not sure how many chapters it will have, but I'm working on it. I already have a few ideas for the next chapter, too. Also, this was inspired by a rp I was in last night and another fanfic titled "Crashing" by StarBabii. Her story is really great, it's also Prumano so you may like it. Anywho, please enjoy this story!
High school. It is the best years of your teenage life. It is a time for growing up, becoming responsible, making lots of friendships that may last a life time. It is a time for making mistakes and learning from them. Knowledge is unlimited, take what you can from the things you will learn. Don't waste time, enjoy every minute of your youth and suck in all the energy!
If Lovino ever heard someone tell that to him, he would punch their lights out. Better yet, he'd send them to a torture chamber and initiate the wrong-doings himself. He hated high school, and he hated everyone in it. Maybe it was just school he hated, but high school seemed to have been the worst so far. His teachers seemed to do the opposite of what he wanted, just to piss him off. That had to have been the reason, they were all out to get him.
That's why I'm stuck with this fucker.
Lovino cursed to himself, thinking of his horrible luck. He was sitting at his desk, trying to ignore the fact that a certain someone was trying to get a reaction out of him. And yes, that certain someone just so happened to be the annoying German albino, Gilbert. The jerk was repeatedly poking Lovino in his back with a pencil, trying to get his attention. But as Lovino saw it, he was only trying to piss him off. And it was working.
"Heeeeeey. Loviiii. Stop daydreaming about my awesomeness and answer me," Gilbert teased, as he continued to poke the irritated Italian who was trying so hard not to turn around and strangle him to death.
Lovino glared at the teacher who was reading a newpaper, instead of doing their job and making Gilbert shut up. He couldn't stand sitting in front of the bastard, he'd even gone so far as to request a seat change. The ignorant teacher only told him that no one will change seats, and that they will learn to get along better if they have to see each other's face all day. And so everyday he had to deal with being annoyed to the point where he would have to go to the bathroom once in awhile just to scream his lungs out.
I'll end him. I'll end him once and for all.
All he had to do was find a way to contact the Italian Mafia and put a hit on Gilbert. No one will ever know, they'll say it was an accident. Yeah, that's it. A big accident, with lots of gore and misfortune. Who would attend the funeral? Practically no one, considering the albino irritated just about everyone at school. Even so, Lovino felt as if he was the main target. Now he was going to get even, Gilbert was going to be the target this time. He'd make sure of it. All he needed was some connections to make it all happen.
All of a sudden, he felt a prick against the back of his head. It wasn't all that painful, but it stung. Turning around, he glared at the smirking German that caused this nuisance.
"What.. the fuck.. do you want?" Lovino sputtered out as he turned around in his seat, trying his best not to yell at the top of his lungs. He knew that if he yelled out like he did last time, he'd get detention again. He sure as hell didn't want to spend thirty minutes in a room filled with humiliation.
"Finally you pay attention and stop fantasizing. Tell me, what's the answer to this question?" Gilbert asked, pointing to his paper.
Lovino sighed and looked down, finding that Gilbert had not answered a single question even though they'd been working on it for at least fifteen minutes now.
"..The answer is obvious. Did you even do the homework?" he asked, looking back up at the confused idiot.
"Nope. Just tell me. It's not a test anyway, and you're almost done with yours."
"Well it's B. Now leave me the hell alone," Lovino turned back around, but was soon getting poked in his back again as Gilbert called out his name.
"Let me copy yours, smart guy," Gilbert said, moving the pencil up and down Lovino's back, causing the poor kid to fidget a little in his seat from the tickling sensation.
"No," Lovino responded, moving his chair up a bit so that he wasn't being prodded.
"C'mon, don't be such a bitch," he continued to tease, even going so far as to lean forward so he could poke Lovino again.
"No, now fuck off."
"Aw, it must be that time of the month again?" Gilbert chuckled.
As much as Lovino tried to keep his composure, he couldn't. There were many times that Gilbert had pushed his buttons so much, he'd wanted to bring a gun to school. Of course, it's not like he owned one anyway. This was one of those times, considering that earlier that day, Gilbert purposely tripped him on the stairs. He still had a small throbbing pain in his knee.
That's it!
Lovino stood up and turned around, ready to put the bastard on full blast. He didn't care if he would get suspended for fighting, cursing, and whatnot. As long as he could get these millions of thoughts out of his mind, he'd pay any price. Unfortunately, just as he was about to say something, the teacher spoke up.
"Hearing all this chit-chattering must mean you're all done. Pass the papers forward, and Lovino Vargas, please sit back in your seat."
Now you decide to say something, bastard..
Sighing, Lovino sat back down and hurriedly filled in the rest of the answers before passing his paper forward. He snatched Gilbert's paper, as the jerk had set it on top of his head as if it was some sort of hat. At least it was lunch time now, he'd be able to sit in peace as he devoured his delicious homemade Italian sandwich that his younger brother, Feliciano, made for him that morning. He loved his brother's cooking, and he gladly took the offer whenever his brother asked to make lunch for him. The only thing he enjoyed about school was this time of the day. His teacher even let those who didn't want to go to the cafeteria, eat in the classroom. Surely, nothing would interrupt this wonderful moment. Right?
"Hey princess. What're ya eating?" Gilbert asked, as he grabbed a chair and pulled it up to Lovino's desk before sitting in it, backwards.
"..Do you seriously have to do this? All the damn time?" Lovino shook his head, trying his best to enjoy his delicious sandwich and ignore the monstrosity that stared at him.
"Yup. It's my thing. That's a pretty big sandwich, you seriously gonna eat all that? You'll get fat," Gilbert smirked.
"S-Shut the hell up! No I won't. I normally eat this portion.." Lovino blushed as he looked down at his stomach. He was a fairly thin kid of average height, but not nearly as tall or wide as other students his age. Still, there was no way he was getting fat, the bastard had to have been teasing him again.
"Wow, you normally eat that much? No wonder your head is so big!" Gilbert laughed as he patted Lovino on the head, just slightly above his sensitive curl.
"My head is not big, damn it! And don't touch me," Lovino hissed and smacked Gilbert's hand away before adding, "Why don't you go mess with your idiot boyfriends? I don't have time for you."
"Bros. Not boyfriends. And Francis isn't here today, Antonio is helping out in the kitchen," Gilbert sighed of boredom, rocking back and forth in the seat.
"Or maybe they just don't want to hang around you anymore. I wouldn't blame them, you're one annoying bastard," Lovino snorted, it felt good to throw out random insults even when he had no idea what was true or what wasn't. He didn't care though, as long as he could damage the useless pride that Gilbert held onto. Even if it was just a little.
"Haha, that's funny. Even so, I'm way too awesome for any not to want to hang with me. Oh, and at least I have friends." Gilbert smirked again, a smirk that Lovino hated with so much passion. Especially since what he was saying was true. While Gilbert had friends, enemies, rivals, and knew just about everyone in the entire school, Lovino had nothing.
Other than the 'Bad Touch Trio', or so they called themselves, no one else really talked to Lovino. Once in a while he tried to flirt with girls, but this proved to be useless. He wasn't any good at it, and they only ended up ignoring him. Other people wouldn't bother with him, mainly because of his mood swings and his constant reference to people as 'bastards' and 'jerks'. His days mainly consisted of following his younger brother around, making sure the 'potato bastard', Ludwig, didn't put the 'moves' on him. When he wasn't able to do that, he'd sit in his room and read romance novels that he'd never tell anyone about.
"I do have friends, bastard!" he yelled, his face flushed with a bright red coloring.
"Oh? Like who?" Gilbert asked, as he raised his eyebrows in interest.
"Your mom."
"Oh wow. You actually know how to make a joke!" Gilbert laughed, patting Lovino on the back, "But I'd only be offended if I actually knew my mom."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. By the way, you've got a bit of mustard on the corner of your mouth," Gilbert said, he then proceeded to pick up Lovino's carton of chocolate milk and drink it.
"That's mine!" Lovino shouted as he wiped off his mouth and watched in horror as Gilbert nonchalantly drank his milk.
"Well it was yours. Want the rest?" smirking again, Gilbert held out the practically empty carton.
"There's nothing in it now, damn it! And it's tainted with your stupid German germs!" Lovino smacked the carton of milk on the ground, causing the small bit of milk to leak out onto the tile. Which was bad timing, too, because just then the teacher walked back into the room and frowned at the small mess on the floor.
"Clean this up, right now. And tomorrow, you'll be eating in the cafeteria," the teacher said, shaking his head.
"Yeah, Lovi. You need to learn some table manners," Gilbert said, smiling as he watched Lovino get on his hands and knees like a maid to wipe up the milk.
"It wasn't even my fault.." Lovino mumbled, seriously wishing now that Gilbert would just disintegrate.
At P.E, Lovino tried his best to avoid the two jerks, but his plan failed once they immediately took notice of this and began to mess with him. He hated how the stupid coaches suddenly disappeared whenever it was free time. It made him wish there was no free time, and that they'd do the boring and repetitive activities the entire period.
"Cut it out, fuckers!" Lovino growled, quite annoyed from the fact that they kept throwing those rubber handballs at him. It didn't hurt or anything, but who wants to get balls thrown at them for no apparent reason? Definitely not him.
"Then play with us. It'll be fun!" Antonio suggested, bouncing one of the balls towards Lovino.
"NO! You guys piss me off, I'm not playing anything with you. Ever."
"He's on his period today, Toni. So don't mind him," Gilbert said, as he continued to throw the ball at the irritated Italian.
This time, Lovino caught the ball and threw it way across the concrete. It sort of hit a girl in the head, but she didn't know where it came from so it was okay.
"Wow, nice going, Hulk." Gilbert said, walking over to grab another ball.
"Nice throw, Lovi! You do need to work on your aim, though.." Antonio said, giving him a thumbs up.
"I wasn't aiming!"
"This time, don't throw it across the whole damn area. Try to hit me with it, if ya can, princess!" Gilbert teased, throwing the ball to Lovino.
"Is this some sort of trick?" Lovino asked, frowning.
"Nope. Just try to hit me, I bet you can't," he continued to taunt.
Well then, if he was asking for it, then Lovino was definitely going to give it to him. He glanced up and down the albino's body, wondering where he should aim at. Maybe that smug face of his? Or perhaps in those vital regions that he claimed to be 'five meters' or some crap like that. Yeah, that's the target. He'll be crying on his knees, cupping the area in which he'd just been served.
That's a sight I'd like to see.
Using all the force he could sum up, Lovino gave the ball a nice throw, full of strength. He thought he'd actually hit his target, but unfortunately Gilbert caught it at the last second.
"Woah, where ya aiming at, perv?" Gilbert said, raising one eyebrow, he began to laugh.
"Well! You didn't say where to hit you!" Lovino puffed his cheeks, turning away. Suddenly, he felt the ball hit him in the head, "What the fuck was that, bastard!"
"I also didn't say I wouldn't throw it back."
They spent the rest of free time throwing the ball back and forth at each other, Antonio eventually joined in and they surprisingly had a lot of fun. That is, until Lovino got hit straight in the face with a powerful throw and almost got his nose broken. He decided to stick to his word and never play with them again, they were far too rough. After getting a small bag of ice to put on his swollen nose, he quickly changed back into his school clothes in the bathroom. He never changed in the locker rooms anymore because of previously being groped by both Francis and Antonio. Even Gilbert had once commented on his partially naked body, and he never wanted that to happen again. Even if the bastard was complimenting him, it was sick.
The last class of the school day was Lovino's favorite. The subject was history, and he was quite good at it. He found learning about the past conflicts, discoveries, cultures, and whatnot to be very interesting. Especially when they talked about Italy, he paid extra attention to that. He was intrigued to learn about his heritage and homeland. The only thing that wasn't in his favor was the fact that his teacher was a bit of a bastard, and Gilbert sat next to him in this class. It was bad enough that they had ALL classes together, but he also had to deal with him for two of them. He couldn't decide what was worse: sitting next to the annoying prick or sitting in front of him. Either way, he was being touched and irritated. Only in this one, Gilbert usually fell asleep.
Stupid bastard.. He doesn't know what he's missing out on.
Lovino shook his head as he glanced at the sleeping delinquent next to him. He didn't seem all that bad when he was asleep. But that was only because he wasn't talking. Whenever Gilbert opened his mouth, the devil came out of it. He couldn't understand how anyone would want to be friends with a jerk like him. Lovino wasn't an angel himself, but he saw himself to be way more tolerable than the albino bastard. Maybe, just maybe there was a side to him that no one else knew but his friends?
Hell no.
He instantly shook off that idea, there's no way any type of 'good' would be in that body. Lovino came to the conclusion that Gilbert was 100% evil in every type of way, and that he lived to see others suffer from his existence. And by others, he meant himself.
Before the end of the period, the teacher made an announcement that would leave Lovino horrified for the rest of his high school days.
"Alright class, before you leave today, I wanted to introduce you all to an exciting new project," the teacher began, "You'll be able to pick any country, just one, though. Then you'll choose a historical event from any time that happened in that country. It only needs to be a few pages long, since the deadline is in one week. This will keep it fun!"
So far so good..
Lovino didn't find this a challenge at all. He didn't care much for projects and reports, but this was history class! And you could choose what you wanted to do it on! He'd obviously choose Italy, he just needed to decide what historical event to choose. There were so many he was interested in, this was probably the only hard part. Oh well, he'd get Feliciano to help him decide with that. Maybe his Grandfather would want to do the project with him! Then they'd spend time together, like Lovino had always wanted.
"And," the teacher continued as he handed out the layouts of the project, "The person sitting next to you is your partner."
Had Lovino heard right? Surely he didn't. He didn't hear right at all. There's no way the teacher would force him to work with a lazy bastard like Gilbert, who was still sleeping by the way. Lovino shrugged and was about to raise his hand and ask the teacher to repeat himself, but another student had already thought of that same idea. And so the teacher gave the same, horrifying reply.
"It has to be the person next to you. You can choose what country to study, but you can't choose partners."
Lovino's eyes widened as he hesitantly turned his head towards Gilbert. The clueless German was starting to wake up from all of the commotion. As he opened his eyes, he looked up at Lovino who was now staring at him in disgust.
Gilbert smiled and said, "If you're trying to check me out, you could at least be more discreet."
Lovino immediately got up from his seat and swiftly walked over to the teacher's desk to plead for mercy.
"But sir! I can't work with.." turning around, Lovino pointed to Gilbert, who was now taking out a piece of gum to chew despite it being against the rules to have any at school, "THAT!"
"I noticed. This would be a great chance for you guys to work together, then. You'll learn something new about each other and eventually have to get along." the teacher smiled, mischievously.
"Nononono. You don't understand. Putting us together is like.. putting together fire and ice! Oil and water! Sharks and deer!" Lovino shouted hysterically, there was no way this would work. But the damn teacher didn't seem to give a shit.
"No one's changing partners. Go back to your seat and wait for the bell to ring to go home."
If only Lovino was a true member of the Italian Mafia. His 'bitch ass' teacher wouldn't have a head right now. No, it would be plastered against the white board behind him. Brains and blood everywhere. He'd have to run from the cops for awhile but it would all be worth it. No more school if you're a wanted criminal. But how would he escape out of the country? That was it, there was no escaping.
Sending a very evil glare to his teacher who wasn't even paying attention anymore, Lovino slowly walked back to his unwanted desk, defeated. He plopped back into his chair and wore a murderous expression on his face as he crossed his arms and sulked.
"Hey, hey! Looks like it's your very awesome lucky day, princess of dread," Gilbert said, smirking as he turned towards Lovino, who didn't even so much as move. "We're partners!"
Lovino felt like crying, as Gilbert laughed obnoxiously and patted him on the back, then continued to talk about how much 'awesome' fun they were going to have together from now on.
Fuck my life..
A/N: As you can see, I reallyyy have a thing for human!AU stories. So, all of my stories will probably be that.. I don't know yet. Well, hope you enjoyed this, and the next chapter will be up next year. Just kiddin', I'll get it up as soon as I finish it, whenever that will be...