Chapter 27: Closing Statements

Minerva left the Great Hall by herself, savouring the opportunity to finally be alone. It wasn't that she didn't like talking to others, being praised and comforting those who were still crying. No, she just wanted to enjoy her first solo walk, when she didn't have to worry about anything. That wasn't strictly true. The school was in ruins. It would need to be rebuilt. There were the students to think of as well. Some of them would insist on taking their OWLS and NEWTS. And there was the dead. The bodies of some would be taken by their families but others probably had no one. What about Lord Voldemort? His body had to be disposed of. Minerva shivered at the thought of burying the Dark Lord. Burning him seemed like a good option. However, as she had said before, they'd cross that bridge when they came to it. She'd probably have to build the bridge first. Not that she would be alone. Pomona, Rolanda and Poppy would definitely help. The other staff would as well.

Minerva had seen the broken hallways before. Last time though she had been too busy focusing on Death Eaters to really take it in. Even when she and Aberforth had carried Colin, she hadn't really looked too hard. Now she couldn't stop looking. Memories seemed to seep from the walls. Minerva sat on a step and started to take them in.

She remembered her first day as a student; Walking through those great doors for the first time; Having the Sorting Hat whisper that she should be in Ravenclaw then crying out that she was in Gryffindor; Sitting next to a small blonde girl called Poppy. She remembered her first day as a teacher; Rolanda pumping her hand up and down; Decorating her office with familiar tartan; Tying her hair back in a bun because she found people took her more seriously. There had been bad times; Detentions; The Chamber of Secrets; Dolores Umbridge. There had been good times; Staff Christmas parties; Students exceeding expectations; Gryffindor finally winning the Quidditch cup.

Oh yes, Minerva thought, there had definitely been good times.

No doubt there would be many more good times. And there was one person who had been a part of most of the good times. A person who would no longer be part of the good times. Before she knew it, Minerva was crying softly. There was only one person she wanted to see now.

Getting to her feet, she started up the stairs. It took her longer to reach her destination than usual, simply because the hallways resembled war zones. A few hours ago they had been war zones, Minerva reminded herself, so it was hardly surprising.

The stone gargoyle that usually guarded the headmaster's office was lying on the ground, looking dilapidated and sick. Minerva bent down beside it and gently placed her hand on it's head.

"Could I go up there?" she asked, in a kindly voice.

"Well I'm not going to stop you!" the gargoyle said drily.

Minerva laughed and started up the twisting stone steps. Half way up, she nearly walked head on into someone.

"Weasley!" Minerva cried in surprise. "Mr Potter, Miss Granger."

The three students had come down from the headmaster's office in a hurry. Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Always together.

"I hope I am not disturbing you." Minerva said, looking down at floor. "I can go if you are busy!"

"No, no, Professor." Hermione said. "We were just leaving."

"Professor," Ron asked, suspiciously, "have you been crying?"

"Ron!" Hermione yelled desperately.

Minerva smiled sadly.

"Even the best us cry sometimes."

"I guess, Professor, I just didn't think that teachers-"

"- had emotions? Don't worry, Weasley, it's a common misconception."

She patted him on the shoulder and continued on her way up the stairs. As she turned, she heard Hermione cry:

"RONALD WEASLEY, that was so tactless!"

It made her smile. It was nice to see that some things never change.

She came to the top of the stairs and met with a large wooden door. She gently pushed on it and it swung open. The room she now entered was one she had not entered in quite sometime. It was large and rounded with portraits hanging on the walls. A desk was next to the wall. There were a few tables, on which were lots of silver objects. As Minerva stepped inside, the people in the portraits (previous heads of Hogwarts) greeted her like an old friend.

"Minerva." Phineas Nigellus Black said lazily. "I was wondering when you'd stop by."

"Wonderful to see you, old girl!" Dilys Derwent chortled.

Minerva greeted them all in turn, but there was only one person she really came to see. He was in the biggest portrait, his bright blue eyes twinkling. Beneath his long white beard he was smiling.

"Minerva." Albus Dumbledore said.

"Albus." she replied, a small break in her voice.

"It is so wonderful to see you again, my dear, dear friend."

"And you." Minerva smiled.

"I hear so many reports of your bravery, today and in the previous terms." Albus said.

"Please, can we talk of something else?" Minerva sighed. "I want to move on from this year as soon as possible."

"I can see your reasoning." Albus nodded. "I also hear you've met my brother. Did you like him?"

"Perhaps." Minerva shrugged. "I don't really know him. We spoke only in passing and a few minutes is barely enough time to grasp someone's character."

"Really? I often think that those first few moments can determine the rest of a relationship."

"Well, you would think that because you're partially insane."

Albus chuckled.

"That might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

"I do have rather a knack for saying nice things, don't I?" Minerva said sarcastically.

"You speak your mind." Albus said. "And that is usually a commendable thing."

"Usually." Minerva whispered.

"You seem somewhat out of spirits." Albus remarked. "This could, of course, be due to the fact that you've just been through a war, but I suspect something else is troubling you."

"It's just-" she looked up at him. "Well, it's just being here and seeing you like this."

"Like what?"

"A painting." Minerva sighed. "It's like you're almost here again. But you're not. You're dead."

"Yes, yes." Albus said wisely. "The real Albus Dumbledore is most certainly dead. Though I have his mind, his looks and his characteristics I will never really be him. But, as he can't be here, I hope my cheap imitation will suffice?"

"I'm sure you'll do very nicely." Minerva smiled. "Thank you."

"Well, sit down!" Albus said. "I should hardly have to ask you, as it is your office now!"


"My dear girl, with this war over and Severus gone, you finally get the position that has been so cruelly kept from you."

"It doesn't feel like my office." Minerva said, sitting down in the big chair behind the desk. "Maybe when I decorate it a little more. Definitely could do with some tartan."

"Speaking of decorating," said Albus, "there is another portrait that needs to be put on this wall."

"Whose?" Minerva asked in surprise.

"Severus Snape's."

"Snape's?" Minerva cried. "That treacherous-dastardly-evil-manipulative-little-bastard?"

"You obviously don't know the truth," Albus said, "because if you did you wouldn't be saying these things."

"The truth!" Minerva said bitterly. "I haven't known the full truth in more than seventeen years. You weren't exactly helpful on that score either."

"Some things had to be kept from you for your own protection!" said Albus, sternly. "Besides, I thought Harry had explained the situation to everyone as he fought Lord Voldemort?"

"I was, unfortunately, out for that particular session."

"Out? You mean you weren't there?"

"Out cold,you blithering idiot!"

"Well that is unfortunate, Minerva." Albus said. "I must warn you, the truth is a complex and tedious business."

"I've got time." Minerva said, leaning back in her chair. "Enlighten me."

"The whole truth," Albus began, "goes back a good fifty years at least. But for the purposes of our story we shall begin seventeen years ago on a Muggle street in Surrey. I believe you know this street, Minerva. Number 4 Privet Drive..."

The End

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well, it's the end. I can't believe I finished my first chapter story! Thank you so much to everyone who followed Minerva the whole way through. I hope you enjoyed it! If you have a particular part that you liked then put it in a review! I love to hear from people. Hopefully my Hogwarts Girls (Minerva, Rolanda, Pomona, Poppy) will return to you in another fiction soon! Thanks again :)