This is more of a "I'm alive and will continue this story kind of chapter." I deeply apologize for the wait and wrote this quick (and hopefully humorous) chapter to tide everyone over until I can update more frequently (at the very least, two weeks from now).

Chapter 7: Rhythm and Rules of Breakfast Love

Bruce had been acting odd lately…

Even the thought of the word odd felt unnerving to describe Bruce with. Richard felt watched by his adopted father, and perhaps even more bizarre, ignored. It was a paradox that the young hero couldn't grasp; Bruce was both too involved with his life and not enough, both beaming with content and his typical Batman-like paranoia.

Despite all of this, Batman never confronted him about Wally. The billionaire either happily questioned Richard about spending time with Wally in a twisted, prideful-way, as if he was happy the two spent time together. By contrast, sometimes he would be suspicious of the two and rightfully so.

Robin could control his emotional afterglow, that hour-long trance of smiling after seeing Wally, but not hide physical marks of their relationship that well. Perhaps Bruce noticed the hickeys; juvenile, sappy, and somehow transcendent expressions of the two friend's love.

Maybe Bruce simply didn't care and recognized that Robin was old enough to make his own decisions.

Robin smirked, cradling a cup of orange juice to his chest. He had never been so emotionally free and somehow so accepting of it. The same could be said for his father: when was the last time Bruce no longer focused solely on crime and Wayne enterprises, but sat down to eat breakfast with him?

"You could bring other members of the team here. It doesn't just have to be Wally all of the time," Bruce spoke in a strangely playful tone, or as playful as a voice as stern and low as his could allow.

"I guess."

Robin didn't have a reply. He neither tried to evade the comment or make a sarcastic remark. Maybe he should try to befriend his other teammates; they would be both shocked and perhaps become even greater friends if they knew.

"Since when was I allowed to tell them?" Robin's voice slipped out, bringing his Wally-obsessed mind back into reality. Bruce didn't act like this; there must be some reason or test involved. Any answer other than 'no' marked a failure.

Much to Robin's surprise, Bruce wasn't angry, nor did he berate him with a speech on secrecy.

The Batman smiled.

The emotionless billionaire wasn't grinning, but honestly smiling. It was an expression that wasn't fake or plastered on like the garish red lipstick-splattered grin of the Joker. His mentor was smiling.

And Robin returned it back with a roguish grin.

"I'm not against it. They could easily be dealt with if they told."

Richard didn't want to know what that meant, but it briefly comforted him. The distrust and paranoia that defined the Batman, both in his personal and crime-fighting life, hadn't gone away.

"So, what if I brought Artemis over?"

Robin didn't know the complete backstory behind the archer, but it was obvious to the majority of the team that she wasn't the Green Arrow's niece. Even her voice, that sassy and somewhat rebellious tone, didn't hint at a peaceful past.

She was nothing like Wally, who was raised not just by his parents, but had the support of his aunt and uncle. Robin, although he was now mentally stable or as best as anyone who got shot at on a regular basis, was somewhat jealous of Wally. Robin and Artemis were the most alike on the team, both in the lack of meta-human abilities and a happy past. The two humans were less like the flowers he could call his teammates and more like virulent weeds. They had survived.

"Fine. But why bring her over? Would Wally be fine with that?" Bruce cut Robin's thoughts, bringing back the brooding boy hero into reality.

Robin needed to stop thinking so much lately; at the very least, his brooding had made his toast go cold.

"Why wouldn't he?"

"No reason."

Richard's eyes quickly darted to Bruce's, before looking back to his breakfast. Something was different and possibly very, very wrong with his mentor.

"The three of us could hang out together."

"So…it's not gay if it's a three-way?" Bruce's voice came out confidently and just oh so awkwardly.

With that, Richard lost it. He didn't scream, lunge, or start doing acrobatic flips and knock the smile off of his mentor's face.

The boy wonder just stuttered, looking blankly at the table as Bruce laughed heartily. Bruce had never been such a…tease.

Richard wasn't up for any Lonely Island references today. Scratch that, he was never up for any jokes with Bruce. He silently wished Wally could run over and rescue him like a damsel-in-distress.

Robin would have been all too willing to jump into Wally's arms and escape.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe I should ask Connor to come over."

Richard hoped his mentor would take the bait and be distracted, but no such luck came.

"I didn't know that was your type of…friend. Tall, dark, handsome…"

"And very good friends with M'gann," Robin finished for him, trying to find some escape.

"I wonder, Richard, who spends more time together – the alien and the clone or you and Wally? It's so great to have friends."

There was no denying it now; Bruce knew. It wasn't just suspicions, his mentor knew without a doubt.

Wally had probably been asked about their relationship and cracked under pressure…or more likely, Robin had gotten worse at detecting Batman's spying abilities.

Even now, it wouldn't surprise him if their breakfast was filmed, forever captured as testimony against him and Wally. They were guilty of love and could only hope for a reason of insanity.

"At least I have close friends…" Robin sneered back.

"I have many good friendships."

Robin had never heard someone sound so factually eloquent, yet rife with subtle implications. It was too mischievous for his mentor. Batman had probably found a 'close friend' or several if he had started acting like this.

"Those women the playboy spends time with can't be dignified and called friends. They're all victims of your status."

Richard didn't know why he had said that, or why it had been so calculated in the way it was said. Everything was strange lately, from Bruce's behavior to his emotional addiction to Wally. He might as well embrace that weirdness and act in turn.

"All of them, Richard? I also have other friends…"

Something gleamed in Bruce's eyes that was unfamiliar to Richard. Never once in all his years as the billionaire's sons did he ever see that glint. It was easily missed: a quick glance of the eyes that hinted at something beyond just the women Bruce the playboy dated.

Richard felt rightfully awkward, but more so, he just didn't want to know who his mentor was dating. Whoever that person was had changed Bruce, had molded him into something more joyful and somehow more sinister if his mentor's questions were anything to go by.

Robin needed to see Wally as soon as possible, both to rejoice and be comforted by the speedster and to strategize. Bruce's love life must be learned and dealt with. The boy wonder didn't just need warm toast now, he needed some Scooby snacks if he was ever going to get to the bottom of this new mystery. He could ponder the details of Bruce's behavior all day, but some things still escaped him.

Jinkies, between Wally and Bruce, Robin's life had become an emotional train wreck.

The new Robin could admit that he loved everything about how emotionally brash he was. It felt almost euphoric to simply act like a teenager for once, boy problems and father issues in all.

He still needed to escape this breakfast from hell first before he could make any plans.

AN: Bruce will still confront Robin, but I wanted to establish a weird bipolar quality (and confirm that yes, Batman and the Flash have became very close friends since I last updated). I also wanted some humor (I hope you notice how at odds Robin's and Bruce's new 'positive' mindsets are with reality: Wally has definite issues with his uncle. These aren't your afterschool special issues, but the Jerry Springer type. Lol).

Anyways, thank you to everyone who has reviewed. I have decided to ignore updating any of my other fics to center on this. Feedback (whether it be positive or reading-me-for-filth will definitely be appreciated. As Rupaul says, "the library is open.")