This takes place right after Wally gets caught with ice cream in episode 8 or Downtime.


Wally was just washing the ice cream off his hands. To a viewer he looked intent on his task, but on the inside Wally was fuming. He was always compared to them. Because he was the third speedster.

Either he wasn't as helpful as his uncle or as fast or couldn't vibrate his molecules through solid objects. In frustration he slammed his palms on the sink with his eyes closed.

"Hey, what'd the sink do to you?" Wally opened his eyes and met the jade green ones of his uncle.

"Nothing, nothing at all," he muttered closing his own jade eyes.

"Kid, you can always talk to me, you know that right?" Barry said with concern.

"I know, I know." There was silence.

"Uncle Barry, do you mind? I'm going to go to the bathroom."

"Uh, of course. Sorry." Barry left, leaving Wally in his own troubled thoughts.

He would always be third.

(A/N) August 29, 2011

Okay, that was short. The second chapter will be slightly longer, sorry it's so short.

Review please!
