I'm letting you know right now, I did not plan once for this story. I just wrote whatever came to mind. So yea, this might sound like crap to you. I tried to make the ending a twist.

I hope I don't confuse you all; when I say Isaka I mean his personality. When I say Aikawa I mean his other girly personality. Get it? You'll understand what I mean soon. I'd usually have most grammar and spelling mistakes under wraps but I fear my beta has vanished on me. :(

Enjoy:) REVIEW.

Hiroki heard noises coming from downstairs. It sounded like screaming so Hiroki went downstairs to check it out. What he saw infuriated him.

"STOP! LEAVE HIM ALONE! IT WAS MY FAULT PLEASE!" Misaki wailed trying to struggle out of his bindings that were holding him against a wall beam. Takahiro fought against his parents' hold for the first time. Misaki had finally told his older brother what his parents put him through.

Endless amounts of torture: guitar, cello, viola, jazz, blues and harp lessons; Track, martial arts, and of course special training from the Chinese government; and the actual torture which Misaki said 'helped him prepare for being apprehended and taken as hostage with enemies.'

Misaki broke out of the bindings because frankly his parents underestimated his strength. The young boy ran to his brother and hugged him. He kissed him on the lips hard. This time, Takahiro gave in and kissed back.

"DISGRACEFUL!" Their mother shrieked as she pushed Misaki away and slapped Takahiro.

"Get off of me! Let me go! Please mom! Dad!" Takahiro screamed when his father began pulling him away from his little brother. Sliding across the floor, because his father grabbed onto his legs and heaved him away, Takahiro's nails connected with the wood and started bleeding.

"A-Aikawa? I-Isaka?" Hiroki stuttered.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the middle-aged child in horror. They all thought Hiroki was out of the house.

"H-Hiroki! Go back to your room dear-" Aikawa, their mothers name, said frantically.

"Oki-nisan! Help Taka-san!" A 8-year-old Misaki demanded. He shined his famous puppy dog eyes at his brother but that didn't work.

"W-why? You were kissing him! He's your brother…and plus…I l-love you too," Hiroki whispered the last part but Misaki, due to his training, had heard it crystal clear.

"OKI-NISAN PLEASE!" Letting go of Takahiro they grabbed little Misaki from the back and covered his mouth with their hand. His muffed cries upset Takahiro.

"What did I tell you, you little shit?" Isaka, Misaki's adoptive father, slapped him in the face. Misaki didn't cry out.

"Honey, I think Misaki needs a little lesson. Go get the crank please." Isaka said, to which Aikawa replied: "Sure honey."

"NO! PLEASE DON'T!" Misaki was in hysterics. The crank was his most hated torture tool.

"Hiroki, for god sakes! We're you're brothers, he's your brother," Takahiro pointed at the terrified child, "Help him!"

"YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHERS ANYMORE! You're disgusting! And after you said you loved me too!"

Isaka let go of Misaki and uttered harshly to Takahiro. "What did you say?"

Takahiro paled and stuttered out, "N-Nothing, I-I…w-w-we were just experimenting."

Misaki had gotten silent, even as Aikawa came back with the crank. His heart just went 'break' because of his older brother and he thought he lacked the capacity to even feel pain anymore.


"Yes dear?" Aikawa beamed back at her husband.

"I think we need to teach Takahiro a lesson also," Isaka said. Misaki's head shot up and he franticly tried to get out of his fathers hold.

"Let go of me you shit head bastard!" Misaki screamed. Hiroki chuckled because he knew that his little brother had picked up his language.

"Yea, you donkey shit licker!" Takahiro piped in. Misaki howled in laughter.

What shut Hiroki up was his father slapping Takahiro and kissing him. It even stopped Misaki from the howling laughter he was producing.

"You want to be a little whore right? I'll show you what happens to whores like you." Isaka undid his belt buckle and unzipped his pants.

Misaki's eyes shot open and he saw red dots of anger. They would not dare to do that to him! Misaki thought to himself. He had been victim to his father multiple times through the year and he would not let his dear brother go through that pain. Misaki snapped.

He kicked his mother's shin and ran to his father, kicking him in the private area. Isaka, his father, doubled over in pain and that gave Misaki time to retrieve a weapon from the kitchen. He entered the living room again with a butcher knife.

"Get the hell out of here." Misaki said harshly and coldly.

"You think you scare us? We taught you everything you know! We put you through training for the government. That was us honey, we know every one of your moves. You can't kill us." Aikawa said to her son.

"Now just for that Misaki, we're going to play blind fold okay?" Isaka smiled.

Misaki paled a deathly color and backed away from his sick demented father. Isaka kissed Takahiro again.

"Stop!" Misaki whispered weakly.

"I'm going to ram into your brother here and make you watch, and there's nothing you could do abou-"

"AHHHH!" Misaki screamed and charged. Isaka blocked the first lunge but he didn't see Misaki come from the back and thrust the knife into his leg. Twisting it, Isaka cried on in pain. Misaki took the knife out and positioned in at his fathers throat. Wasting no time he slashed and watched as his father's body fell to the right with a thud.

It was silent. That is until Aikawa screamed and grabbed the boy and slammed his head onto the ground. There was no crack or blood but Misaki felt a little dizzy afterword. Aikawa picked up the little boy and began choking him. Hiroki was crying, as was Takahiro, and both brothers were in shock and would not be helpful to Misaki.

Misaki spit on his mother causing her to loosen her hold on Misaki. The little boy punched the red headed female and writhed his way from under the woman. He grabbed her hair and pushed her down into the wooden floor.

"All those years of torturing me! Letting father do those horrible things. I'm going to have my revenge." Misaki said evilly. He stretched to grab the knife and pulled Aikawa's hair by accident. She let out a tiny scream.

Once Misaki had the knife he plunged it into Aikawa's back and rolled away from her panting. He crawled to his brother since his knees was weak from fear and undid Takahiro's bindings. However, the older boy just slumped down and wouldn't dare to move.

"O-Oki-nisan?" Misaki cried out in fear. He was terrified. He had just killed his parents and his brothers were going to shun him.

"I…I'm not your brother anymore. You're a monster! I hate you. I hate both of you. I-" Hiroki passed out from pure fear and shock while Misaki sobbed into his hand.

"Y-You don't hate me right Taka-san?"

Takahiro didn't answer. "Taka-san? Please answer mph!" Takahiro covered his mouth and cut off Misaki. The older male dragged the younger boy into the kitchen and threw him on the floor.


"No." Takahiro grinned evilly. "My name is Isaka."

"W-what? I don't understand Taka-san!"

Takahiro slapped his younger brother. "Your brother is in the back of my mind trying to get out. This is my body now."

"W-What are you?" Misaki cried out. Misaki's shirt was ripped open.

"MM, I like you lots Misaki. Cry out. Scream out for me!"

"THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! I predicted what would happen! This wasn't-"

"Shhh, if you be good I won't hurt you too much."

Misaki had never been so terrified before, "O-okay…"

"Let's play a game! I love games." Takahiro twisted his hair in his hand. He giggled like a girl.

"T-Taka-san?" Misaki called out.

"Eh? No! Of course I'm not that big oof!" Someone said excitedly with Takahiro's voice.


"Wrong again! Come on Misaki-kun; let's play a game. A game!"

"W-Who are you! I don't want to play, OKI-NISAN HELP ME!"

"That's not how the game works Misaki!" A new demeanor said while he hit his younger brother lightly.

"O-okay, I'll play!" Misaki was wise enough to know that his brother was seriously wrong in the head.

"Name our names! If you do Isaka won't hurt you!" This new Takahiro said excitably. Misaki nodded his head.

"Taka-san, I-Isaka, and," Misaki used common sense to answer this question. Since Takahiro's ulterior demeanor changed into a slightly more sadistically crazy form of their father then this one would be, "A-Aikawa." The form of his mother.

"BINGO!" Aikawa laughed, "Correct, you win! Oh Oki-kun is waking up. Now, lets play one more game."

"What do I g-get if I win?" Misaki stuttered out. He wanted his brother back.

"We'll let Takahiro have his body back, and if we win then…you have to do anything we say and if you don't we'll kill Hiroki and Takahiro!"

"N-No!" Misaki squealed out. He stopped when Aikawa gently rubbed his cheek.

"I don't want to hurt you Misaki-kun~" Aikawa sang out.

Misaki nodded and whispered, "I'll play."

"OH GOODIE! This is gonna be so fun," Aikawa clapped her hands together, "We're going to play the game later okay? It's called, will Hiroki stay or leave. For now, Isaka's going to take over and you are to pretend its Takahiro. Understand?"

"I…I understand."

"He had multiple personality disorder due to trauma." Nowaki broke the silence. Hiroki looked at his brother in a sick expression. It was no guess that Hiroki was disgusted. However Misaki didn't know that Hiroki was upset with himself for behaving the way he did back then…so Misaki thought Hiroki was infuriated with him. He began crying.

"I don't want to go on…please Isaka," Misaki cried out, "Please!"

"Misaki-kun! What did I say about being mean to my Isaka? Play the game Misaki-kun! You promised mee~" Takahiro twirled around.

"Oh thank god. Get me out of here!" Misaki yelled.

"Don't yell! I'm trying to make him weak you know? It's very hard! Especially when you don't play my-" He looked at Usagi, "AH! Akihiko!"

"God damn let me go before-"

"Before what Misaki?" Takahiro's sick demeanor was back. Misaki gulped.

"N-Nothing, I'm going to tell the rest of the story, okay?"

Takahiro nodded and waited.

He was 12 now and he had to be a rebel, if he wasn't Isaka would hit him. Aikawa would sometimes help get him cleaned up but she was too weak to stop Takahiro's other persona, and Hiroki had left already so he was no use to Misaki. Hiroki didn't leave permanently but he found started living with a friend and occasionally stopped by and visited. He didn't remember what happened on that horrible night. The doorbell had rung and that had, fortunately, snapped Takahiro out of his other persona.

"What am I doing here? Wasn't I getting groceries? I don't understand what's going on." Takahiro muttered and rubbed his head. "Misa?"

"TAKA-SAN!" Misaki cried happily and hugged his older brother firmly. He was seeing less and less of his brother now that Isaka took over. Aikawa didn't take over much because she actually wanted to help Misaki and Isaka wouldn't have any of that.

"I didn't know you wanted me so much Misaki."

Misaki let go and backed away. "S-sorry I-Isaka."

"Mmmhm, now go get the damn door."

Misaki ran to the door and hugged Hiroki for dear life, "Misa, you okay?"

"Y-yea, I just missed you."

Hiroki chuckled and stepped into the door. "How'd you're science fair thingy go?"

Misaki's face darkened. There was no science fair that was code name. The science fair was a lie Isaka had come up with if anyone every asked why Takahiro had joined the police force or had become insane. Money, was supposed to be Takahiro's downfall so Isaka could do whatever the hell he wanted and blame it on the man's greed.

A few hours past and Hiroki was sitting next to Isaka while Misaki cooked in the kitchen. They were all supposed to be watching Resident Evil but Misaki knew that today was the day Isaka came onto Hiroki, he just hoped that Hiroki would do like Misaki bet. This was life or death. So Misaki stayed in the kitchen even after the popcorn was popped and the chicken was cooked.

Isaka started slowly, he nibbled Hiroki's ear. Pushing the brown haired male down Isaka made his way to Hiroki's pants but was shoved off by the upset teen.

"What the flying fuck Takahiro? I'm not into that incest gay shit. Just watch the mo-" Hiroki was cut off when Isaka pushed his lips on Hiroki's.

"Mmm, How bout you jerk me off again. Kay?"

A pissed Hiroki punched Isaka in the face. "You fucking freak! I'm never coming back to this shit hole! I hate you, you sick son of a bitch!"

Takahiro regained his senses in time to hear what Hiroki had screamed at him. "W-What? I'm y-your brother, you-"

Another punch was directed at Takahiro, "I hope you die."

Hiroki stormed out of the house as Takahiro wept. Misaki came running out of the kitchen to comfort his older brother. "I don't l-love him like that anymore…I r-realized that y-you're both my p-precious brothers…"

"I understand Taka-san."

"W-What's happening? I'm forgetting things, sometimes I blank out and y-yesterday I wrote who are you in my book and in my handwriting someone wrote Isaka. I don't remember writing that! What's going-"

Misaki hugged his older brother, "Shhh, Taka-san. I have an idea, this will definitely let me win and then they'll give your body back. Alright?"

"I-I don't understand! Who? Who has my body?" Takahiro cried out again. Misaki rubbed his back more.

"Hiroki will be back because I stole his phone when he came in the door. When he comes back for it you're going to have to molest me in the kitchen, Hiroki will see and he'll help me. Then, I win. Just whatever you do don't let Isaka come out, he'll actually molest me. Got it?"

"No! Who the hell is Isaka?" Takahiro was getting mad now. Why would this Isaka person molest his brother?

"I can't tell you Taka-san." Misaki began tearing up.

"Well then, what's the game?"

Misaki smiled. If there's one thing he loved about his older brother it had to be the mans ability to absorb everything and not ask questions even if he was curious.

"It's called, Leave or stay. Isaka made it up, If Hiroki leaves us forever he wins but if he stays with us then we win. It's easy! Hiroki will surely help me!"

Takahiro smiled at his brother, "I hope so Shi." He ruffled the boy's hair.

For the whole day Takahiro had stayed the same. The two watched movies together and when the doorbell rung again Misaki's heart tightened.

"It's okay Shi. It'll be okay, I love you okay?" Takahiro smiled at his brother. Misaki grabbed his brother's face and pressed his lips against Takahiro's. "Shiii, what did I tell you!" Takahiro whined.

"I know! It was a brothers kiss…normally I'd use tongue." Misaki was hit playfully and Takahiro went to open the door but Misaki ran to it first.

"Go to the kitchen." Takahiro was shocked by the tone in Misaki's voice. He fast-walked to the kitchen and vaguely heard the door being opened.

"Sit on the couch and hold on a minuet. I'm going in the kitchen to get your phone." Misaki said with no emotion. Hiroki nodded and sat down on the couch. He was regretting coming back; he should've just gotten a new one. Hiroki laughed, with what money? he thought to himself.

Misaki went into the kitchen and sighed in relief when he saw Takahiro sitting there smiling stupidly to his little brother.

"Alright. Now do what I told you Taka-san," Misaki turned to the opening in the kitchen to see if Hiroki left. He didn't and Misaki was feeling more confident about this plan, "Good he's there. Now pretend to molest me."

"Pretend to molest my Misaki? I never pretend my dear."

Misaki froze and turned around slowly. "I-Isaka…oh shit."

Isaka clamped Misaki's mouth shut and threw him on the floor. "No." Misaki whimpered. "Stop. Please."

Isaka kicked Misaki then straddled him and began punching him. "It's your fault!"

Misaki cried hard into Isaka's hand. Or was it Takahiro? Misaki didn't know. They both sounded the same. Maybe this was really the way Takahiro felt. "IF YOU DIDN'T TELL THEM TO HURRY HOME THEN THEY WOULD'VE BEEN ALIVE, THEY WOULDN'T OF SEEN TAKAHIRO AND YOU KISSING! IT'S YOUR FAULT OUR PARENT'S DIED AND IT'S YOUR FAULT THAT HIROKI'S GOING TO LEAVE!"

"TAKAHIRO STOP!" Misaki screamed when his brother banged his head on the floor. "STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE. IT'S NOT MY FAULT. IT'S NOT MY FAULT."


"It's not my fault…" Isaka began choking Misaki. "Oki please…Oki help me!"


Misaki was loosing consciousness now. "HIROKI! HELP ME, PLEASE…please…"

He cocked his head to the right and saw Hiroki standing in the doorway frame. Misaki mouthed out another please but Hiroki turned away and ran out of the house for dear life. I don't even want to tell you what happened after Misaki passed out but when the green-eyed boy woke up again he was lying naked on the stone kitchen and Isaka…or Takahiro had gone to bed.

"I won the game by the way. Well, obviously since I'm in control of this body" Isaka said. Misaki cried harder now that Hiroki knew how much he had screwed his family over. He must be feeling guilty, thought Misaki.

"The game. I don't understand…what is it?" Haruhiko muttered out. He had been crying all through the story. The man he had fallen in love with instantly…had been fake. Why did he always chose the crazy ones?

"The game was, would Hiroki stay or would he leave? Would he help his baby brother or would he run away? Would he get Takahiro help or would he ignore it? See, my answer for all of those questions were, he'd run away, he'd ignore it, and he'd leave." Isaka nodded to Misaki indicating that it was his turn to tell his answer.

"My answer was, he'd help me, he'd get Takahiro help and he'd stay. Obviously I was wrong and so I did anything they wanted…because if I didn't they'd kill my brothers."

Isaka laughed. "I love you Misaki. You're so cute to play with!"

Misaki shook his head in shame.

"I told Misaki to shoot me, I had a bullet proof vest on. A shame you didn't check me. You buried me and I had Todo dig me out. Since all of you were doting on dear heart-broken-"

"I THOUGHT I KILLED MY BROTHER YOU ASS HOLE! I thought Takahiro disappeared forever!" Isaka cut Misaki's arm.

"Like I was saying, all of you were doting on dear broken hearted Misaki. His lover cheated on him, which was actually my spy, and he killed his brother. HA! What bullshit that was. Everything was carefully planned."

"Even the day I took him home?" Nowaki questioned. Misaki shut his eyes in shame. He wouldn't dare look at everyone's betrayed faces.

"Of course. There is no Masahiro or Manami. That was also a code name operation. When Misaki called Isaka, which is me, he said send the money to Masahiro and Manami which really meant, he was going to jump off the carnival Ferris wheel and to send the cops before he shut down the whole corporation."

"I…"Misaki began, "I was never in threat of dying. I had to play the part so you would pity me and trust me more…b-but I wanted to die, you made me realize Usagi that I wanted to live! W-what I said in the Ferris wheel was true Usagi! You have to believe me!"

Akihiko was silent. He was crying now, as was everyone else.

"We can't trust you anymore Misaki." Nowaki said harshly. He felt for the boy he did but this kid almost caused his Hiro-san to die. Speaking of Hiro-san, Hiroki was in a deep trance.

"U-Usagi?" Misaki said hopefully.

"I'm sorry Misaki…I can't trust you anymore."

"NO!" Misaki screamed. He kept screaming over and over again. Isaka even looked surprised. Never in his existence had he heard the young boy screamed so much.

"Shut up!" Isaka hit Misaki but was surprised when the young boy stood on his feet and nocked Isaka over.

"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" Misaki screamed while choking his brother. "I killed our parents to protect you! He was going to molest you like he'd done to me! I was protecting you!"

"Misaki!" Hiroki called out frantically. He knew that killing Takahiro would destroy the younger boy.

"I-I pretended to be your friend! You called me up, you were right next to me too! You called me up and told me to kill you! You ordered me to kill you because you told Haruhiko about yourself not being dead!"

"Misaki stop!" Hiroki tried again.

"Just leave him be Hiro-san. He betrayed us, he deser-" Nowaki was cut off by a pissed Hiroki.

"I love you Nowaki. I swear on my life I do, but if you ever tell me to leave my baby brother alone when he's hurting I'll put a bullet through your fucking brain. Get it?"

For some reason Nowaki smiled. "Good, I was wondering when you'd come back to your senses."

Hiroki looked at his lover with endearment. That was why he absolutely loves his lover.

"I'm sick of everyone using me like I'm some rug mat! I was only 9! 9 freaking years and I had to deal with a brother who had 2 weird personalities and then get blamed for it all? I was trying to protect you, protect all of us as a family! Tell Hiroki what were you going to do if I didn't go through with your, 'Ruin Hiroki's life' plan?"

"Now why should I-" Misaki punched Isaka in the face.

"TELL HIM NOW!" It was clear to the older choke victim that Misaki wasn't playing around.

"Well, since he made me go through all that work of finding him, which was a bitch might I add, I planned to kill him and everyone he talked with, looked at, and screwed but Misaki cried and cried everyday. I mean like non-stop crying. It even got in the way of our hot steamy sessions."

Misaki punched Isaka again, "Jesus kid. Your punches hurt. Anyways, yea so I brought up the operation. Misaki planned it and with the help of the government and very special people we put it in action. I might say it was a nice run. Very entertaining."

"Now, listen you shit. I don't care about your game okay? You're going to leave and you're going to give me back my Taka-san. Do you understand Isaka?"

"No…Do you understand?" Isaka pulled out a gun and placed it on the young shoulder. Misaki gasped.

"Isaka…you aren't going to-"

BAM! The gunshot sound echoed of the walls and through the gang member's ears. They couldn't believe Misaki had just murdered his brother, the one he claimed to love in cold blood.

Misaki stood up and wobbled backwards into his brother's lap.

"M-Misaki is he dead?" Hiroki asked his brother still not aware of the blood seeping through his little brother's clothes.

"M-Misa? Oh god. What did I do? Oh god, I'm so sorry Shi! I didn't mean to!" Takahiro cried out. He was back to his original personality and Misaki gave a light chuckle.

"Miyagi there's a knife in my boot, take it and cut them loose. Shinobu you give the instructions to Sumi."

Miyagi nodded and effortlessly stood up with no handcuffs. He took the knife from the young boy's boot and gasp when his hand came back soaked with red colored blood.

"M-Misaki!" Miyagi stuttered out. Misaki gave a hiss when Miyagi tried to help him.

"Takahiro, hi my name is Shinobu. Look I know this is hard for you but you're going to have to do something for your brother. Do you understand me?"

Takahiro nodded. "Someone is going to come bashing through that door. It is vital that you scream out VAGINAS ARE NASTY."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Hiroki deadpanned while Misaki laughed through coughs.

"Can you do that for me?"

Takahiro nodded.

"Nowaki, put pressure on his shoulder. He's losing a lot of blood." Miyagi instructed the doctor once he had cut off the latch in the handcuffs. He moved down the line and cut off Hiroki's, followed by Haruhiko's and last Akihiko's. Once the silver headed male was free he threw himself towards the 18-year-old boy.

"I need you to talk to me okay Misa?" Nowaki said sternly. Misaki nodded and squeezed his lover's hand when Akihiko had grabbed it.

"You can't die yet Misaki. Please don't die…you're only 18 now b-but once you turn 19 I promise that we'll get married in some church but you have to make it-" Akihiko choked on his sob when blood dripped down Misaki's mouth.

"19." Misaki coughed out, "I'm 19, my b-birthday was two weeks ago."

Akihiko laughed. "Good, good."

"Ask Sumi if he called…wait…I meant ask Miyagi if anyone called Sumi yet."

"I heard you loud and clear my darling and yes, my sexy husband just rung him up."

"You're an idiot." Shinobu deadpanned. Akihiko laughed and Misaki chuckled and spit out blood he opened his mouth.

"Oh boy, I'm dying aren't I?" Misaki asked. He was oddly calm about this all.

"Yes." Nowaki didn't sugar coat it, "It's a surprise you're not dead right now."

At this, Misaki started to cry.

"I didn't mean to betray you guys," Misaki coughed a bit, "I just…I wanted to protect my brother."

Nowaki nodded. "I understand."

"I can't see Nowaki…is that normal?" Misaki squeaked out. He was very very afraid now. Panic began to seep through his voice.

"Yes." Nowaki was still. It seemed that not everyone finally realized that the younger boy was dying.

"It wasn't his fault. It will never be his fault…do you blame him?"

"No." The gang was listening closely to Misaki's conversation. They knew it was his last.

Misaki laughed, "Hey…Is Usagi here? I can't see…"

"Y-Yea…I-I'm here…" Akihiko tried to conceal his tears but he couldn't. His Misaki was dying.

"I made you a poem a week ago…I know how you love poems. So I made you one…" Misaki's voice was fading out.

"With all my heart," Misaki began.

"What?" Akihiko asked the young boy who was whispering out words.


"I can't hear you Misaki." Akihiko said again staining his eyes to see what Misaki was mouthing.


"Misaki speak up, I can't understand-" Akihiko was shushed by Nowaki who had wicked hearing and could hear everything. He was tearing up because the poem Misaki had made for Akihiko was endearing.

"…" Misaki coughed but he was determined to finish the poem he made for his lover. "I'm sorry I made you cry…"

"Oh Misaki…" Nowaki began crying harder. Everyone was looking at Nowaki weirdly. They couldn't hear Misaki's beautiful poem. They couldn't hear Misaki's last words.

"I can't finish it…" Misaki said finally realizing that his throat felt dry, "H-Here." He handed Nowaki a rumpled up index card.

"Misaki please don't go…" Nowaki crooned. "Please…"

"I love you guys. Specially you Akihiko." Misaki's hand slipped from Akihiko's and his eyes closed back.

"Misaki?" Akihiko called out. The doors were kicked open however none were in the mood to scream out the passcode, which led to Sumi pulling out his guns and aiming it at Takahiro. However Takahiro waved his hands and screamed out, "VAGINAS ARE NASTY" and Sumi retraced his precious guns while the ambulance came from behind him.

They dragged Misaki away.

None of the gang members made a move to go with them or stop them. They were all in shock. Sumi even stayed to make sure no one hurt his close friends brother. Sumi wobbled over to where the gang was frozen in shock and sat down on the floor.

After a few moments of silence Akihiko asked in a shaky voice, "W-What did he say b-before…" Akihiko didn't want to say die but it was on the tip of his tongue.

"It was a poem." Nowaki said. He was frozen solid; Misaki was like a dear son to him. "It was his poem."

"What…what did he s-say?" Akihiko was trying not to cry. He was having a hard time doing that when Hiroki had grabbed on to Takahiro for dear life and both brothers sobbed their heart out.

In a choppy voice, Nowaki uncrumpled the card and recited:

With all my heart and all my soul

I'll hold you tight and won't let go.

With my vile mouth that spurt out lies,

Know I love you if I should die

I have a wicked soul cast into hate,

So I must protect you and accept my fate,

Save my brothers since I must go to bed

And continue with the life you've led.

I wish you nothing but the best

And in my last diminished cloggy breath,

You'll remember me by my simple tale,

Of how my heart had turned from stale.

Akihiko began crying as well as the other people in the room. Sumi was the first to talk,

"I imagine you want answers." He said, "For one thing I was never dating Misaki. We were working together to get Takahiro in his right mind. To save the whole gang. I was working behind the scenes."

Nowaki immediately turned red. "I'm s-sorry…"

"Oh it's no problem it's just MY BALLS!" Sumi said sarcastically, he rolled his eyes, "Anyway, besides that, we staged this up."

"This?" Hiroki whispered out.

"This battle field if you call it. Isaka would kidnap Misaki after he told secrets to his most beloved. Isaka would become jealous and kidnap all of you resulting in the need for cooperation on his part."

Sumi waited for questions but none came, "He told you all of his story and…well actually I don't think screaming and jumping him was the plan. We were supposed to secretly ambush him…me and-"

"Us." Miyagi and Shinobu said simultaneously

"Right, Miyagi and Shinobu have been working for Misaki. Now, oh. Okay so I snuck into the torture chamber-" Hiroki flinched, "And placed this wonderful knife in his boot."

"…Why…what happened?" Hiroki asked, "What happened to my baby brother?"

Sumi turned in disgust, "Your baby brother grew up the second you left. He had too. He had to deal with the pressure from being the military's finest soldier…a young one at that and he had to deal with Takahiro's alter persona."

"I…Does he hate me?" Hiroki asked again.

"No. Misaki doesn't have the capability to hate. Anymore questions?" Sumi looked worried. Derek, the head chief of medicine, still didn't call him back with good news.

"Why did you date me?" Haruhiko said in a booming voice.

"Because I needed you to trust Misaki. What better way then turning you to pity him." Isaka said.

"Is he…is he dead?" Akihiko asked. He was dead to the world, especially when his little Misaki was hanging onto his life by a thread.

Sumi wanted to lie and tell Usami-san that everything was fine, but it wasn't. His top doctor, who had been stationed in the ambulance due to Misaki's plan, had not called him indicating that Misaki was alive and well. This was very, very, bad.

"He'…not dead." Akihiko sighed in relief. "I think?"

Akihiko's ears shot up when he heard Sumi whisper 'I think'. "What do you mean, you think?"

"He's...It's complicated, Misaki-kun's condition. He's alive but he's dead." An unknown male said.

"W-What the fuck does that mean? He's a zombie!" Takahiro exclaimed. Hiroki sighed and Haruhiko gave Takahiro a 'wtf' look.

The unknown male resisted rolling his eyes, "Um…no?"

Sumi sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "He's comatose?"

The doctor whose profession was evident due to extensive knowledge of human anatomy shook his head sadly. "He…His condition…It's not going to get better…but he's breathing."

Barely, the doctor suppressed the urge to spit out the hard truth. It was tough saying this to the boy's family but it was tougher saying this news to Sumi. He knew that to Sumi Misaki was the world. In a totally platonic way. "…I don't think we'll make it to the hospital. The other EMT's in the ambulance…they-"

Sumi gasped and shook his head furiously, "N-No they wouldn't do that to him! They can't do that to him."

The doctor shook his head again. Suddenly, his phone began ringing as his fingers shook and his heart raced.

John Limeira. The doctor prayed to the god he didn't believe in, he prayed that John (the EMT trying to keep Misaki alive) had good news.

He gulped. "H-Hello? What's the news?"

The family of Misaki Takahashi stilled; it was silent.

And when the phone dropped onto the floor and they witnessed the doctor's horror stricken face their hopes of Misaki being okay plummeted until their stomachs rumbled.

"He…" The doctor went on, "Misaki Takahashi…"

The family waited for more.

"Misaki's dead."

And screams erupted in a way where one would think someone was being tortured.


Thank you so much for the reviews, likes, and inspiration you guys gave me as an author. If anything; please read my other stories!