It had been two days since Shizuo got back from Okinawa. He was now strolling around Ikebukuro before work started in 20 minutes. Today was the first day he would resume work after his vacation time. He thought over all the things he did during his vacation for now.

There was one problem though. Izaya wasn't back yet from Okinawa and Shizuo was impatiently waiting for him to come back to this part of Japan. That Izaya, what is he doing? Didn't he say that he'd be waiting for me? Shizuo anxiously wondered. He just ignored it and continued walking. He decided to go meet up with Tom since there was nothing else to do. He soon met up with him.

"Hey Shizuo! How was your vacation? Did you enjoy it?" Tom asked.

"Yeah I had a really good time." Shizuo started. "I walked around and did some shopping. I visited an aquarium as well as some beaches. Oh and I visited Shurijo Castle and the Zakimijo Castle ruins. And I ate at a buffet or two..."

"Aw that sounds nice! So you really enjoyed your time there, huh? Oh, oh, did you meet any ladies?" Tom wink as he nudged Shizuo.

Shizuo immediately blushed somewhat. "Um well I did meet someone on the way there... they happen to live around here too."

Tom gasped. "Shizuo! She even lives here too! How exciting, I'm so happy for you!"

"Heh... thanks."

"Anyway, we better get started with work today."

"Yeah." Shizuo said.

4 hours later

Shizuo and Tom were in the middle of their lunch break eating at McDonald's when Tom spoke up.

"Hey Shizuo, we worked pretty hard today and you're probably still getting used to being back here. How about you take the rest of the day off. Well, after we eat at least, eh?"

Shizuo was surprised. "Really?" he said, with a mouth full of fries.

"Haha sure, why not? I say we worked hard enough for today. Go and enjoy the rest of your day."

"Okay, thank you."

After they were finished eating, Shizuo left and thought about seeing if Kasuka was in town. He had leftover money and wanted to tell him the things he did during his vacation. Shizuo pulled out his cellphone and got a hold of him. Today was the last day he was going to stay at that hotel so Shizuo was relieved and told him that he'd meet up with him right away.

When Shizuo reached the outside of the room, he knocked on the same door he was just at about a week ago. Kasuka answered it momentarily.

"Hello again, brother."

"Hey Kasuka." Shizuo walked in and made his way to that same, expensive looking couch. "My boss let me off early today so that's why I wanted to come visit you. Here." Shizuo said, as he handed him a stuffed envelope.

"What is this?" Kasuka plainly asked.

"It's the money, of course. I spent only some of it. I got a nice hotel, bought some nice clothes, and ate out. That's all I used the money on. Oh and transportation also. I worked hard at work today, so I'm working on paying you back." Shizuo smiled.

"Oh. Okay then." He grabbed the envelope. "So what did you do at Okinawa?"

Shizuo took the next ten minutes explaining everything he did during his vacation to Kasuka. He simply nodded a few times and added comments in between. Kasuka then asked Shizuo a question.

"Did you find a girlfriend like I said you should?"

Shizuo hesitated for a moment. "Heh heh, I found someone like that, you could say."

"Oh, congratulations. I'm happy for you."

"Thank you." Shizuo could of sworn he almost saw Kasuka smiling through that emotionless face.

They talked for a bit longer when Shizuo decided that he should go. They said their farewells and Shizuo was back on the street again.

He sighed. It was only 3 and there was nothing to do. He just continued his stroll around the city like he was doing earlier. He simply stared down at the sidewalk thinking, where the hell is Izaya? And when I actually have time to see him too...

He looked up from the sidewalk and unexpectedly saw a man with a fuzzy jacket smiling and waving to him from across the street. Shizuo blinked a few times simply thinking he was hallucinating but that figure was still there. That Izaya was in fact standing across the street waving to him. Shizuo unintentionally ripped the stop sign next to him off the ground as he began to yell.


"Shizu-chan!" Izaya quickly ran and Shizuo chased right after him. He led Shizuo into an alley and simply turned around and stopped, pointing him switchblade at him. Shizuo stopped just inches away from the switchblade that was pointing at him and simply stared at it.

"Why the hell are you pointing that at me?"

"Well why did you pull that sign out of the ground?"

Shizuo looked and saw that he in fact was holding a bent sign in his hand. "Ah, force of habit, sorry." He simply let go of it.

"Now that's the Shizu-chan I remember!" Izaya stuffed his switchblade back into his pocket. "Come here, you."

Izaya went in and hugged Shizuo tightly while Shizuo wrapped his arms around him.

"Where the hell were you, I was waiting you know." Shizuo said while he pulled back from the hug.

"Oh I'm sorry, I was busy getting held up and I lost track of time. You know what they say, 'too many cellphones, not enough time to stomp'!"

"What the hell, I never heard that before. Isn't it like 'so much work, so little time' or something?" Shizuo thought.

"Ahaha whatever! Same thing."

Shizuo bent down and kissed Izaya, simply because he didn't want to do any unnecessary chatter at the moment. He longed to see him again and was glad that he had returned. Izaya kissed him right back and then pulled away.

"Oh Shizu-chan, that was nice and all but your timings horrible! You don't just kiss me after I say something like that."

"I don't care, I missed you."

"I missed you too." And while he said this, he leaned in to kiss Shizuo. After he was done, he pulled away and smirked. "Now that's what you call perfect timing."

"Tch, whatever." Shizuo paused for a second while he remembered what he was going to tell Izaya after he returned. "Oh you remember the Da Vinci Code book you gave me to read? I found a copy at a bookstore in Okinawa and spent my free time reading it and I finished it. I liked the ending. And those two did get together." Shizuo smiled.

"Ah so they did. I'm happy you liked it. You know Anthem? I finished the ending and yes, Equality 7-2521 decided to leave the society and create a new one along with that girl he liked, Liberty 5-3000. And of course, they start a new family. It was nice I guess, but I still like stories with miserable endings." Izaya grinned.

"Oh, that's really sweet. And um... you're horrible, Izaya." Shizuo laughed. "It's funny that both of those stories ended with a happy ending, huh?"

"It sure is. I guess it's now time for our happy ending too, ne?" he smiled.

"Yeah." Shizuo smiled too, reaching over to stroke Izaya's cheek.

"Hey, I don't really like the environment we're in... it's a little dirty since we're in some random alleyway. Would you like to come over to my place?" Izaya asked.

"Sure, I'd love to. Let's go." Shizuo started making his way out of the alley when Izaya grabbed the bottom of his shirt, stopping him.

"Um... there's something I've been wanting to tell you. And I've been nervous to say it, a part of the reason why it took a while for me to come back from Okinawa, because I knew that I would have to face you again. And knowing that it's someone like me, it's hard for me to say something like this so I just want to tell you now so I can get it off my mind."

Shizuo looked at him and asked, "What is it?"

"I-I-I love you." Izaya confessed. He closed his eyes as he said this but opened them when he noticed that Shizuo pulled in him for another kiss and hugged him closely.

"I love you too." Shizuo bent down to whisper into his ear.

Izaya was relieved after Shizuo had said this. After Shizuo let him go, Izaya quickly changed the atmosphere back to normal, because of how embarrassed he felt a moment ago.

"See! Now your timings great, good job! Now let's head on over to my fabulous home~!" Izaya went ahead, skipping merrily along.

"Okay." Shizuo chuckled, following behind.


"Hey Yumi! Yumi! Karisawa Yumiko!"

The brunette haired young lady turned at the sound of this. She saw both Karisawa Erika and Yumasaki Walker running up to her.

"Are you deaf or something? We've been calling you for like the past minute!" Erika cried.

"Yeah, seriously!" added Walker.

"Ah, sorry guys. I just happened to notice some people I recognized. Would you happen to know who those two are?" She pointed at a guy joyfully skipping down the street while a man in a bartender suit followed him.

"Yeah yeah! It's Izaya-san and Shizu-chan! They are so in love but they won't admit it!" Erika screamed.

"Izaya-san, Shizu-chan?" Yumi questioned.

"Actually, Orihara Izaya and Heiwajima Shizuo. They're always seen running around throwing things at each other and fighting while Erika here has her 'boys' love' fantasies about them two. Oh great, Erika please snap out of it!" Walker begged.

Erika came back into reality for a second. "Why do you ask, Yumi?" she wondered.

Yumi turned right around with gleaming eyes as she replied, "While working, I saw Orihara-san and Heiwajima-san sitting together and totally making out! I'm not lying! I couldn't help but stand there and stare for a bit!"

"Omg, seriously? On a plane? I knew there was something going on between those two! Kyaaaa! I wonder where they're going right now! We should totally go stalk them!" Erika shrieked.

"Yes, let's so do it!" Yumi screamed.

Walker sighed. "Aw man, I can't believe you two! Yumi, you really are related to Erika!"

"Of course she is!" Erika went on, "As my cousin, it is only natural to think the same things I do, since we have similar blood and all! Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She ran off as she pulled Yumi along with her.

Walker groaned. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt tagging along. And it could be fun." He shrugged as he followed the two crazy fujoshi's ahead of him.

Later that day

Shizuo was now just resting at his apartment while he thought about his whole day with Izaya and how funny it was that Izaya showed up out of nowhere in front of him earlier. He was sitting on his couch watching television while he couldn't those thoughts out of his mind. He knew that he and Izaya had planned a date for tomorrow and Shizuo was eager for it. He sat and reflected about the times in the plane and he was very happy that he confessed his feelings for Izaya at that time. He smiled. I'm so glad I did that. I love you, Izaya. A lot.

In the meantime...

Izaya was going away at his computer like normal when someone knocked on the door. Izaya went to answer the doorbell when he noticed who it was.

"Hello Yagiri-san! Glad that you could join me today! I was quite surprised, I didn't think you'd actually come."

"I was surprised too. Until I realized I needed the money. Move out of my way. I'm only staying for a couple hours since it's already late, by the way." Namie pushed through as she made her way into Izaya's office.

"Ahaha of course, of course." Izaya sat down on his couch. "So how was your break?"

"It was good. Until I had to see your face again." Namie responded.

"Ah, so mean I see. Well whatever, can't really help that. As for me, my vacation was wonderful~ who ever knew that humans would be so different in Okinawa, huh? Things there are certainly more traditional and it amuses me. I had a great time. And the food there was so yummy! I literally ate pounds upon pounds of ōtoro and it was sooo good! I was in fish heaven!"

"You just got laid, didn't you? You're in a brighter mood than usual."

"Wh-wh-what?" Izaya stuttered. "How absurd! I absolutely did not! Where did you even come up with that? No, no, no, no, no. No."

"You did. That just answered my question." Namie smiled slyly as she proceeded to the other room.

Izaya narrowed his eyes as he watched her leave the room. I know that she's sharp and all but how did she even assume that? Am I that easy to read? That's not good. Not good at all. I can't have my humans predict me so easily.

Izaya let that thought slide as he thought about the outcome of his day. He smiled as he thought about Shizuo. Not only that but how they came to be on that plane ride. If I hadn't accepted that email, then this would have never happened; everything between me and Shizu-chan up to now, that is. I'm so glad I accepted it. Oh Shizu-chan. Perhaps you're not as protozoic as I thought you were. You knew how I felt on that plane and you indeed felt the same way too. I'm happy. Oh so happy. I guess I really do love you don't I, Shizu-chan. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. And the day after that. And who knows how long after that. Perhaps forever. Izaya sighed happily. I love you so much, Shizuo.

The End