(First fanfiction!)

Rated T/Warnings: Boyxboy (M/M relationships), some sexual innuendos, strong language.

Disclaimer: I do not own the anime/manga/light novel Durarara or any of its characters.

It had been like any other normal day. Heiwajima Shizuo was taking a lunch break off work with his employer and a close friend, Tanaka Tom. They decided to go have lunch at KFC since Tom suggested it and they haven't eaten there for a while. It was a long day and there were especially a lot of people who haven't paid their debts yet. Shizuo was in a grumpy mood and he just wanted to go home, but he knew that he would just have to wake up to another day of this. He let out a huge sigh as Tom walked to the table with the tray full of food.

"Hey, I didn't know whether to get the grilled or fried chicken legs, so I just got both. Is that okay with you?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, that's fine. I like both."

Shizuo reached for the nearest chicken leg and began munching on it when Tom noticed Shizuo's exhausted looking face. Sure, Shizuo looked tired everyday but today he seemed more worn out than usual.

"You seem like you've been a little overexerted lately. You know, you've been working for me for quite a while and you've never asked me for time off or anything. I think that maybe you should take a break from all this work for a little while. Hey, how about taking a trip somewhere? Maybe even out of the country! Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Mm, I don't know. All I know is a little Russian and some English. I don't know if I'm really up for going someplace out of Japan." Shizuo replied solemnly, taking a sip from his soda.

"Well then maybe you can take a trip somewhere in Japan? What places haven't you been to before?"

"I don't travel much. I've stayed in Ikebukuro most of my life. It's nice here. I've only been to other cities, but only within the Kantō region."

Tom gasped and replied, "Seriously? Shizuo, there's a world out there! You must explore and visit all the wonderful things this world has to offer. You really should take a vacation. Even if you don't want to visit the world and want to stay in Japan, I highly suggest you should. You need some time off." he insisted.

"Well... maybe. But where would I go? I don't have any place particular in mind."

"Hmm let's see." Tom thought. "How about Okinawa? I heard there are many fun things to do there. And it's quite different from here. Plus, it's really peaceful down there. I think you'd enjoy it."

Shizuo looked up. "Peaceful, you said? I like peaceful things..."

Tom chuckled, "Haha yeah, it's a really nice place, I've heard. And there are many things you can do! They have many ancient Castles and Palaces built in the 14th century you can visit as well as zoos and other Okinawan islands. You can also go snorkeling and scuba diving in the beautiful ocean, and not to mention, think of all the delicious food you can try! It sounds like a place you would really like. Maybe you can finally meet the girl of your dreams, Shizuo! What a great opportunity this would be!"

"Mm... that does sound neat. But one thing... aren't airplane tickets expensive? Maybe I could take a boat there but I don't really like boats much. I get dizzy after a while."

"Yeah, plane tickets are about 450 dollars I believe-"

"Oh that's not bad."


"Oh. I see." Shizuo groaned. "I don't have much money so I don't know if I'll be able to afford an airplane ticket."

"Hm. Well how about your brother? He makes plenty of money like it's nothing. I'm sure that if you explain how you haven't been around the country much, he'll loan you some money. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"I'll think about it. Thanks Tom-san, I'll put your idea into consideration."

And with that, Shizuo finished the last of the chicken along with his soda and continued the rest of his busy day with Tom.

Later that evening, an information broker was typing away on his computer when someone suddenly interrupted him.

"I'm leaving for the day. I expect my payment by the end of this week."

"Ahh, leaving early I see, Yagiri-san. Very well then. And yes, I'll have it for you by this coming Friday."

"Fine." Yagiri Namie left slamming the door.

"So cold-hearted I see. Not even a 'goodbye' or 'see you tomorrow'. Not that I care or anything. Well, back to what I was doing~"

Orihara Izaya went back on the Dollars chat, having fun while messing around with the other users on the site. This is what he loved doing, tricking the minds of others while having fun and seeing how they respond. After a while, everyone else had to go, leaving him alone in the chat room.

"Ah, well this sucks. Nothing to entertain me anymore with everyone gone. Well what else can I do...? I'll check my email again, in case I missed anything."

As Izaya said this aloud, he checked his email confirming that he had one new message in his inbox. Hm, what could this be? He opened it and read that it had been from an old client he met up with a while back. He wanted some information on someone and believed that Izaya was a very reliable person he can get that information from. Izaya smirked. Me, reliable huh? He continued reading and said aloud, "...currently not living in this city?" The email said they can only discuss matters where he is currently living. "Okinawa? He wants me to fly all the way there just to discuss matters? Well the payment price is good, so I can't exactly refuse... and maybe going out of Shinjuku for a while might be nice. Hm..." Izaya checked the date when he wanted to meet up with him and he suggested next Thursday at around 5 pm. He didn't have anything planned for that date so he replied to the email saying that he'd take his offer and smiled.

"Well this sounds like fun, doesn't it? I better check the departure and arrival times from here to Okinawa next Thursday."

Izaya then found the website that displayed the times the airplane would departure from this city and arrive in the capital of Okinawa. "Well, there are two flights in the morning, one of them leaving at 7 am and then another one afterwards at 12 pm. Not that I really want to get up early for this guy... I'll just take the 12:40 flight then. It says I should get there around 3:30, and the appointment is at 5, so I should be able to make it with out any problems. Sounds good to me~"

The information broker sneered and closed the website. He turned frontwards in his swivel chair and crossed his fingers together, looking rather satisfied.

"Well this will be fun, time for Orihara Izaya to leave the city for a while, to Okinawa of all places! What an adventure this will be. A place packed with many more interesting humans, I can't wait!" Izaya grinned. "Thursday, Thursday, Thursday~"

And with that, Izaya spun his chair right back to his desk and continued to entertain himself on the computer for the rest of the night.

The next day, Shizuo was lucky enough that Kasuka had been in town around the time and met up with him at his luxurious hotel before work. He called him beforehand and told him that he wanted to talk and ask him something in person. Shizuo thought about what Tom had said and finally came to a conclusion that taking a vacation off would be the best for him. And very nice and relaxing too. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. He took out a cigarette and lit it. He mumbled to himself, "I hate getting up so early." when it actually had been 9:30 but Shizuo still wished he could have slept in since work started at 10:30. Shizuo put his smoked cigarette into the ashtray before heading into the grand 5-star hotel that awaited him. He finally reached the room Kasuka claimed to be staying at and knocked on the door. Kasuka opened the door seconds later.

"Morning Kasuka. How've you been?" Shizuo smiled.

"I've been good. Please come in..." Kasuka replied, emotionless.


Shizuo stepped into this magnificently large room that looked the size of a house. Just the size and look of this hotel room was probably worth far more than Shizuo could ever make in his life. He was completely astonished.

"Wow... really nice place you're staying at. How long do you plan on staying in the city?"

"About a week or so. Would you like something to drink?"

"No thank you, I'm fine."

"Please sit." Kasuka said flatly, motioning him to sit on a very extravagant couch that looked like it was made from real leather. "So you wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Ah, yes." Shizuo sat, noticing how cozy and relaxing this couch was.

"Let me guess, you want to borrow some money?"

Shizuo was shocked. "Uh, how did you know?"

"I can tell. You look needy of something, and you came to see me. So I'm figuring you want me to loan you some money."

"Aha yeah, that's true. You're pretty sharp, Kasuka."

"What do you need money for?" Kasuka asked blankly.

"Well you see... my boss said that I should take a vacation, because I seem like I really need it. And I think it would be nice to visit someplace new for a change. It could take my mind off of some things for a while."

"A vacation, I see. Where were you planning on visiting? Hong Kong, Seoul, Paris, maybe even New York City? I've been to all those places." Kasuka said with a deadpan tone.

"Heh, even though those are nice places, no. I was thinking about um... Okinawa."

"Okinawa? Well I won't argue with you, the landmark is beautiful there. I know this, because I went there about two years ago shooting a scene from one of my movies. It seems like your type of vacation but you should see other parts of the world too, brother."

"Yeah, but I sort of feel like staying within Japan. I'm not really good with learning other languages... and I'm not really up for travelling internationally either..." Shizuo replied somewhat nervously.

"Alright, if that's what you want. I'll be right back."

Kasuka left to go into what looked like his bedroom and came back out moments later with a stuffed manila envelope. Kasuka reached in and pulled out several stacked hundred dollar bills and began counting them. Shizuo looked in awe at all the money his brother was just holding, not even a fraction of what he probably has in safe. Minutes later, Kasuka handed a hand full of cash to Shizuo.

"Here. Roughly $10,000."

"Wh-whoa! That is way too much money, Kasuka! I can't possibly accept all that! I was just hoping that you would be generous enough to pay for my flight ticket which is about 900 dollars or so. Sorry, but I can't just take so much money all at once from you."

"Hm. I'll just give you half that amount then. It's your vacation and you never take vacations anyway. Get a nice hotel and buy some new things for yourself. Find a girl and buy her dinner along with other stuff she might like. You need a girlfriend, brother."

"Heh... I'm not really interested now. Maybe I'll find someone. Anyway, thanks Kasuka, you are truly kindhearted. I promise when I get back from this vacation, I'll work extra hard just for you so that I can pay you back as much of this money possible. I've got to head for work now so I guess I'll talk to you later."

"Mhm. Do you need a ride? I can take you in one of my Lamborghini's if you'd like."

"Ah no, it's really fine. Thank you again for the money. Bye, Kasuka." Shizuo smiled as he took the money and walked out."

"Bye. Thanks for coming." Kasuka added with his poker face.

Shizuo walked out of the hotel joyfully. He finally had enough money to pay for his entire trip, if not more, and couldn't wait to start his vacation.

A/N: I know that the correct currency would be Japanese yen of course, but I didn't want to go through the trouble of converting JPY to USD so I just left it as USD.