A/N: Hey guys! Well, I really do not know where to go with this story. Honestly. So, if you want me to continue, please put in your review or PM me. Also, if you have a suggestion for a new story, or want me to continue another one, please feel free to do the same. I originally was not going to write this right now, but now, I'm at my grandparent's house, watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians on E!, so… I needed another option for stimulation.

I truly do not know how to thank you all for reading this story. Being the amateur writer that I am, I get very insecure about my writing. There are a lot of people in the Degrassi fandom, and they do not review very frequently, or, honestly, some are very biased on who they review for (popular writers and such) so the fact that at least some people are reading and enjoying brings the utmost joy to my day. Maybe I'll do an epilogue soon. I don't know.

So without further ado, a trying-not-to-be-sappy author brings you chapter 12.


"-and, when you take x and divide that said value by y, you will find the average of this certain method of-"

Mr. Armstrong's voice continued to drone as he explained the wonders of finding averages, something everyone in the class had learned in grade 5.

Meanwhile, Clare's mind was drifting off; she remembered how Eli had come over to her house after they had finished studying.

"Come on, slow poke. We wouldn't want to waste time," winked Eli, and Clare couldn't have been more overwhelmed, in a good way, of course.

"Hm; if it means teasing you, maybe I'll just take my time…"

"Clare…" groaned Eli and she giggled, before running up to the stairs to meet up with him.


"You know, I can't do anything to you if you won't let me touch you," Clare laughed.

"Well, Mrs. Edwards, I am a bit lazy, as you know," teased Eli, and Clare had crawled over to him.

She had cuddled up to him, and kissed him full on the lips, and the night had wondered briefly from there.

The rest of the night had consisted of stealing kisses, watching old movies and laughing, followed by kicking Eli out before her mother had come home.

The events made her blush uncontrollably, and she knew why. She had never been this close to someone in her entire life, and it scared her, though she didn't object. She had strong feelings for him, and she didn't even know how to explain the intensity of it all.

But she didn't care. Because Eli was her rock, her safe place, and nothing else mattered.

She remembered how Darcy had used to come home from school every day and it seemed as if her entire life was based on the male sex. Whether she was on the computer, on the phone, in pictures, or in conversations… it was always about guys. Spinner, Peter… Clare had never understood why Darcy's life was revolved around them.

And she still doesn't.

She really likes Eli, and she knows that. But, Darcy was always so self-assured of her feelings and how she handled things (or at least, she came off that way), but now, Clare wasn't so sure what was going on. She and Eli were definitely moving forward, and Eli knows she is really dedicated to him, but it seems as if there has been an elephant in the room for a while.

Problem is… she wasn't really sure what it was.


Clare entered the cafeteria from a plethora of classes that seemed never-ending, looking across the room keenly. Once she spotted Adam and Eli, she sped over quickly, taking a seat.

"-so you're trying to tell me that if I were to ask her out, you'd pay me money?" sneered Adam, an amused look on his face as he chomped on his sandwich.

"Hypothetically speaking…yes," grinned Eli as he smiled at Clare, holding her hand under the table.

"Dude, you make no sense," droned Adam, rolling his eyes dramatically, and Clare laughed.

"Hold on. Why are you questioning? He's offering you money—don't be stupid, Adam."

"See, the woman sides with me," said Eli, full of mock pride as he held his head up high.

"Um, excuse me! She has a biased opinion. You're dating, it doesn't count," frowned Adam. Eli was laughing obnoxiously at this point, and Clare pinched his arm.

She didn't want them to fight, especially over something like this. They were guys, and Eli of all people could be extremely hardheaded.

"Whatever, man…"

"Listen, I'm not one of those super shy guys who try to hide their feelings. If I want to ask her, I'll go for it, and I don't need you pressuring me to do otherwise," snapped Adam, furious at Eli.

"Okay, okay, enough with the silliness and the ultimatums, someone care to fill me in on this?" she questioned, and Adam sighed.

"I like Katie," he started, and Clare nodded in understanding, "I don't know if she likes me, and macho man just wants me to dive in and ask her out… hence the petty bribe."

"Petty?" gasped Eli, "I think you're forgetting the fact that moi has a girl…"

Adam glared at him, and Clare quickly intervened, "Hey, you didn't do anything. I believe I was the one who initiated the first kiss!"

Eli glanced over at her, a flirty smile on his face. "Well, than I guess I'll have to initiate this one…" he trailed off, but Adam groaned loudly.

"Ag, you two make me sick," he whined, and exited from the table.

"You're just jealous," sing-songed Eli, who had turned to face Clare, and she slapped his chest.

"Don't do that," she chastised, and Eli snorted, wrapping his arms around her.

"What is he going to do? Tell my mommy on me?" smiled Eli, feigning terror.

"I'm not trying to get into this, but I think you should stop bugging him," frowned Clare.

"I appreciate the input; I'll think about it."

Clare rolled her eyes, changing the subject.

"Anyway," she dragged out, "what do you say we study up for that English final, eh? Lord knows we need some practice."

"Sounds good," Eli concluded. "We could hang with Adam after."

"Yeah, that is, if he doesn't murder you first."

"Eh, he'll get over it. If he wants to watch his lover get stolen away from right under his nose, then yes, he shouldn't take my advice."

"Eli…" started Clare.

"I'm just trying to be a good friend." He summarized.

"Well, you're not doing a very good job," she huffed, pulling away from him.

Eli noticed her distress, and apologized quickly. "I'm sorry… I act on impulse; I'll smooth things over with him later." He stroked her thumb and she laughed as she looked at him.

"What's so funny, Edwards?"

"It's just… you're telling him to go after her, even though you weren't exactly speedy when it came to making a move on me."

Eli couldn't find words. "Well… I just- that's different. I was afraid of rejection—we were friends; I figured you didn't like me like that…" he rambled on before Clare stopped him.

"Hm," thought Clare, giving him a knowing look.

"Okay, okay. You're right. As always. Are girls as complicated in the mind as we are?" questioned Eli miserably.

Clare giggled, "Oh, we're way worse."

Eli moved the hair out of her face. "Well, you don't seem to be too bad, so I think I can deal."

"Oh, shut up," she snapped, and kissed him.


"So for this next issue, because it's Valentine's Day week; I think the Horoscope/Love column should be lengthier— you know, to give the people what they want," Katie ordered bashfully, and Clare was surprised to see the red tint on her face.

"We can tone it down on Sports; we could only guess most of the male species will have other priorities rather than reading statistics… but, you never know." Many hands raised, but Katie fanned them away.

"Journalists! I need you to interview at least three couples—two of which are okay with their names in the paper, one is anonymous- but with their consent. We cannot block out their names if we don't have the 'okay'."

Clare wrote on her notepad vigorously as Katie shot out orders. She was already brainstorming couples she could interview—Drew and Bianca, Holly J. and Declan, Owen and Anya…

"Music people—you will put, "Most Classic and Successful Love Songs Throughout History", you know—Barry White, Frank Sinatra, put your own little twist on it—but if I see one Lil Wayne song, you're losing your spot on this paper…" she trailed off. "So! We all know what we're doing; let's make this edition the best one yet!" sighed Katie happily, and everyone sat in their place.

"Chop chop!" she yelled, and the team scurried off, busily at work.

A flustered Katie sauntered over to the cork board, pinning pages of old editions to the side as she collected new ones.

Clare stood behind her, and cleared her throat. "Pardon?" she said.

Katie turned around impatiently. "Yes?" she asked, walking toward the other side of the room to observe the staff.

"Well, I was just wondering… is it required that the journalists get an anonymous couple?" asked Clare hesitantly.

"Isn't that what I said?" she huffed as she corrected small things as others typed.

"Um- sorry. I was just clarifying," said Clare submissively.

Katie sighed, her face softening as she turned to look at Clare. "Sorry, I'm always a bit tense at this time of the year."

"Hm," Clare pondered, "Why?"

"Nosy, aren't we?" Katie frowned. "I've never really had a boyfriend—so I never got into the spirit of the holiday. What's the point?"

Clare was surprised as she saw Katie's face visibly drop.

"Oh, I've never really made a big deal out of it, either," said Clare. "Not to be nosy-"

"Too late for that," she smiled, "Go on."

"Well," started Clare. "Are you interested in anyone? I mean… I'd be happy to help you."

"I don't know, Clare… I'm not very trustworthy," stated Katie simply.

Clare nodded, but said, "I just like seeing other people happy, that's all."

"Alright, fine. I actually-"said Katie, but was interrupted by a slamming door.

"Hey!" she yelled, turning around. "Oh… sorry, it's just you, Adam" She laughed.

"Yeah, sorry. I was just… in the hallway; thought I'd stop by," winked Adam, and looked curiously at Clare.

Adam walked towards them, and Katie put a hand on his shoulder, tugging at it lightly, "I know I'm going to regret this, but I have to get the newspaper ready before Monday…" she smiled at him once more before walking towards her desk. "Bye, Clare," she grinned, and Clare was confused.

Adam walked closer to Clare, smiling knowingly. "So, what were you to talking about before I showed up?" he asked hopefully.

"Well, actually, I was just about to get her to tell me who she was interested in… right before you came in. So, thanks," said Clare sardonically.

"Damn it!" groaned Adam, slamming his head into the wall, which caused a shocked look from Katie.

"He forgot to study for an exam…" covered Clare quickly, and dragged Adam out of the room.

"Now I'm pissed off," squealed Adam, putting his head in his hands as he slouched into the lockers, and onto the floor.

"Adam, it's okay. I'll talk to her at the next meeting, maybe even before that!" she said, trying to think positively.

"Ugh, but Valentine's Day is closer than you think, Clare. I appreciate it, though," he pouted.

"I'll still try."

"Try what?" asked Eli, who wrapped his arms around Clare from behind, kissing her cheek.

"Not now with the lovey-dovey's, Eli. We're in crisis mode!" yelled Adam, and Ms. Oh shot him a dirty glare as she walked by them in the hallway.

"Whoa, dude. What happened?"

"What happened is Katie almost told Clare who she was interested in… but I interrupted," sighed Adam, looking positively miserable.

"No worries, man. Clare is the master at this type of stuff," Eli concluded, grabbing her hand.

Clare laughed. "Adam, I promise, I'll talk to her again. You can count on me."

Adam nodded, and walked away glumly, while Eli and Clare shared a worried glance.

"See you later?" Clare yelled, and Adam turned around. "When?"

"Do you want to get dinner with Eli and I?" asked Clare, suddenly having an idea.


"You know what I love?" questioned Eli, and Clare shook her head. Clare and Eli were standing in Eli's room against his door, their heads turned to look at each other.

"1984. Orwell's like… a physic. Or something."

"Very well worded," chuckled Clare.

"I try. But, really! Have you read it? I just think it's fascinating…" Eli continued.

Clare looked at Eli and smiled, her face lighting up. It was adorable to see Eli in this light, so to speak. No drama, no worry, just being passionate about the things that he loved.

She thought back briefly to her thoughts in math class and frowned. She really liked him, so what was the problem? He made her laugh, he made her smile, and he made her feel like her entire world was falling apart when they kissed (in a good way).

She had never felt this way. Of course, Eli was her first boyfriend. The first person she had strong feelings for. So… did she? No, no, she couldn't! That was a silly thought. She was way too young to love anyone besides her parents and her sister. But she remembered what Darcy had told her about love.

"You feel miserable when they aren't around. Whenever you aren't with them, all you can think about is all the good times you've had when they were there. You… you get this feeling in your stomach. Stronger than those butterflies; it's a great feeling. You can't stop smiling…" Darcy had trailed off, a far look in her eyes, and Clare thought she was absolutely crazy.


"Oops. Sorry. I have a lot on mind."

"Do you want to talk?" Eli looked hesitant.

"It's nothing big. Just thinking about us. So… good things," she sighed, and Eli grinned.

"So I'm on your mind a lot, huh?" asked Eli smugly, turning to stand in front of her.

"Don't flatter yourself," said Clare, flustered.

"It's okay, I think about you a lot, too," said Eli, smiling at her with a look in his eyes.

"Well, than I guess we're on the same page?"

"Great minds think alike," said Eli, moving closer to her.

"So, if I'm one great mind, then who's the other one?" teased Clare, stepping forward.

"Ouch! That would be me, pretty lady," snorted Eli, pressing his forehead to hers.

"I don't think I've kissed you all day," stated Eli knowingly.

"Yes you have."

"Well, I think you may have to refresh my memory…"

Clare kissed him, and Eli half grinned, pressing her into the door. They had never kissed like this before; not because Clare didn't want to—because she certainly did. Just because… they never had any time to themselves. Clare was always at an extracurricular or studying, and when they did hang out, it was usually in public.

Eli wrapped his arms around her, and Clare cupped his neck. They were kissing sweetly now, but Clare was pressed deeply into the door, and Eli was holding her.

"Hm, I think I love you."


"Eli!" said Cece, opening the door hastily, causing Eli and Clare to fall onto the floor.

"Oops. What were you two doing on the floor?" she winked knowingly, and the couple looked at each other, flustered.

"We were… talking."

"That's what they all say," Cece laughed, and exited the room.

Eli gulped as he looked at Clare, and she glanced at him wide-eyed.

So, who said I love you? Leave it in your review! Should I end it with the epilogue as the next chapter? Thanks again for your fabulous reviews. I love you all.