So I was just casually reading some fanfics on here when I realised there is nothing really about Rose and Jack having fights. So you know me been different I decided to write a one shot about a particularly nasty fight Rose and Jack have. I found it quite fun to write so I hope you like it and remember to review!
Thanks =)
Jack paused at the door. He reached out to knock before his hand fell back down by his side. It seemed ridiculous really, a twenty year old man wondering if he should enter his own home. It wasn't that he was fearful of entering his house. It was what was inside he was fearful of. He didn't know what kind of mood Rose would be in tonight, they had shared a cold breakfast this morning after another one of their rages, the rages that were beginning to appear more often.
Jack shook his head Get a grip! He told himself. Quicker than a flash he reached for the door handle and turned it before stepping inside. The house was in darkness and there was no sound or movement. Jack thought that Rose was probably in bed, he hadn't actually realised how late it had gotten. Not wanting to cause a stir he laid his keys down on the table gently and removed his coat and hat placing them on the stand.
He began to move cautiously across the room when the light snapped on. Jack looked towards the glowing light bulb from the living room lamp. Rose sat on the couch with her back to him, she wore a nightdress with an old cardigan, her fiery curls were pinned back in a low pony tail and her hands were gripped to the couch.
Jack stopped moving and stood still feeling like a naughty child who had stayed out past his curfew.
"You're home a bit late aren't you?" Rose asked coldly still with her back to him she made no attempt to move from her position.
Jack rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, yeah sorry about that it's been a long day at the office,"
Rose scoffed she turned round and gave him a sharp look. "You mean to tell me you have been at work all this time?"
Jack went on to explain but Rose held her hand up before he even had chance to speak. "You might want to think about what you're going to say before you tell me another lie. I can smell the alcohol on your breath what do you think I am stupid?" Rose said in frustration before standing up.
"Ok so I went for a few drinks with some fella's from work you happy?" Jack said in annoyance putting his hands in his trouser pockets.
"No Jack! No I'm not happy!"
Jack put his hand up to his forehead; this was going to be another long night. "Can we please not do this now?"
Rose folded her arms. "We may as well get it over with!"
"We don't have to argue every night!"
"But we do anyway!"
"God damn it Rose!" Jack shouted pacing up and down his face in his hands. Rose watched whilst her arms remained stiffly folded and her eyes glared at him once filled with love now with fury and hate. She didn't want to argue with him, but she found the slightest things he did would tick her off. His lateness, his laziness, his in ability to show he even cared for her anymore.
"You know what, I'm sick and tired of picking up after you and your shit while you go out and do what you want!" Rose spoke in anger whilst picking up sweaters, books and Jack's sketchpad before throwing them at him.
Jack caught the sweater and dodged as the hardbacks flew in his direction. The sketch pad landed on the floor a few loose pages scattering around it. Jack immediately dropped the sweater and struggled to control his anger.
"Do what I want? I work for you don't I! I support you don't I!"
"And you don't think I don't support you?"
"I never said that!"
"You don't think I don't want to go out sometimes with my friends, shop or go drinking? I stay here all day been the perfect model of a wife, waiting for you to come home something I never wanted to be!" Rose shouted.
"Don't turn this shit on me Rose! You have never been asked if you wanted to go out with your friends, you know why, you know why!" Jack shouted in frustration pointing his finger accusingly at Rose moving even closer towards her.
Rose didn't move her eyes egged him on.
"Because your friends see you for the nasty, stuck up piece of crap you really are!"
Rose howled in laughter. "Do you see yourself? Is that how you get your kicks pointing out the insecurities in my life because you're not man enough to look at the ones in yours!"
"Every time, every single time you make me out to be the bad guy and you to be the victim!"
Rose removed herself from the room.
"Don't you walk away from me! Rose!" Jack shouted, he was too wound up to walk away now. His blood boiled, his skin itched, his head threatened to explode. He charged after Rose.
Rose was pouring a glass of whiskey she downed it in one and slammed the glass on the side.
Jack reached out and turned her round viciously so she was facing him. "I'm not done here," He hissed coldly. Rose put up her hands and pushed him with all her might.
"Well I am," and she walked away.
Jack rested his hand on the refrigerator and shook his head. "Why do you do this Rose? Why do you never want to finish what has been started?"
Rose paused in the doorway before turning round to face him. "I think if you push me anymore tonight, I am going to snap and end up killing you!" Rose said finishing the last sentence in a scream, before turning back into the living room.
Jack's eyes widened in shock, ignoring what she had just said he stormed after her.
"What do you mean you want to kill me? You don't just go around making threats like that what are you mad?" He shouted.
Rose picked up the vase of flowers Jack had bought her just the other day. To say sorry for the fight they had had before. With an angry cry she hurled them at him.
Not giving him much time to react, Jack leapt to the floor and protected his head as the vase hit the wall and glass fell around him. Rose breathed deeply like an angry bull releasing its steam. Jack slowly got up and looked at the mess around him.
"You crazy bitch!" He screamed.
"And this is exactly why I don't want a child!"
"Oh so we're back on that subject now are we?" Jack asked.
"Yes because I can't seem to get it through to you that this is no way a stable environment to raise a child in, just look at us!"
"Stable environment? What are you some kind of therapist? What would you know what a stable environment is?" Jack asked angrily.
"Well this certainly isn't one!"
Jack flew his hands up. "You know what, you're right we shouldn't have a kid, because that would mean I have to touch you, and right now I can't even stand the sight of you!" Jack hissed.
Rose bit back the tears. "Ditto," She finally managed to say.
Jack knew he was pushing it too far. But he couldn't stop Rose just got him so wound up. When they first set up home together and got married it was great. They never argued, they showed love to one another, they were happy. And now they could hardly have a conversation without it turning into an argument. They barely showed love to one another anymore, the only emotion they seemed to express was hate.
Jack had lost count of the number of times he had been sent to the sofa, listening to the sound of Rose's tears. How he couldn't kiss them away because he was the one who had caused them. He couldn't even look at Rose now without further anger beginning to erupt inside him.
"Sometimes I wonder, if it was ever worth saving your arse on that ship," Rose added.
"Yeah well sometimes I wonder why I didn't just walk away from you when I had the chance. I sure wish I had now, I wish when Hockley shot at you, that bullet had never missed,"
Rose gasped her hand flying up to her mouth. Jack had hit an all time low he knew that. He reached out his hand and went to touch her, to apologise for what he had just said. "Rose I'm-,"
Rose snapped her arm away. "Get out!" She screeched.
"Rose please,"
"Get out, get out, get out!" She cried pushing him angrily towards the door. He resisted at first but the thumps got harder.
"You know what fine, I'm gone!" He shouted pulling his coat off the rack and slamming the door. Rose fell against it and slipped down to the floor crying her heart out. She pulled an arm round her legs while she tried to use the other hand to suffocate the sobs. Though it didn't work, she rested her head against the door looking up to the ceiling while the tears fell from her eyes. How she wished times could go back to the way they were. How she wished she didn't have to be alone tonight.
Jack listened to the sobs at the other side of the door, his head resting against it. He swallowed the lump in his throat wishing he could take back every hateful word he had said, wishing he could hold her in his arms, wishing that for once it wasn't him who had caused her the pain. He lifted his head and placed his hand on the door. He managed to push himself away. He wrapped his coat around him tighter before escaping into the cold dark night once again.
I hope you liked it. It is only meant to be a one shot but I can see it becoming a story, but I'm only going to continue writing it if people want me to so if you want me to make it into a story be sure to tell me so I can start planning. So review and tell me what you think and I may be back with another chapter.
Ciao for now!
Leah xx