Hi and welcome to my awesome story! My name is denise134. The summary really didn't explain this right so imma try to explain it. Due to some circumstances Al and Iggs hate each other. And they start a prank war.

There are some extra characters in this little war and they have teams. Some are neutral and some just watch for the hell of it. This is just the introduction chapter to lead in and give the story some oomph. The next chapters will be longer. It get's better as it goes. Trust me. Each character on the teams have their own reasons and motivations for joining said teams.

Now this entire story is dedicated to my Prussia-sensei, crocious. Without him this story wouldn't even exist. Not only is he my beta..but he also helped me with a lot of my ideas and the majority of the pranks for this story. Thank you so much crocious. You rock my awesome-sauce. I would also like to thank my friend SweetObscenity for forcing me to post this since she wanted to read it.

Warnings-Extreme stereotyping, swearing, and smut for the later chapters.

Disclaimer..if i owned this do you really think i'd be on here? I would be making our boys do some very interesting things during World Conferences if I owned it.

...Hetalia High-a sprawling campus with lush green scenery; rich in history and cultural diversity, Where students can sit and philosophize under beautiful almond trees during lunch, while soft piano music swells from the music hall in a soothing melody broadcast to the students from the minute the birds start singing their sweet melody until the moon is high in the sky; where the cafeteria food is practically gourmet and the art halls rival the Louvre. It's an entire world where students from every culture, language, and walk of life can come together and relax in harmony, without prejudice or discrimination. That is, if you can ignore the animosity between the schools two resident idiots...


"Watch where you're going, you fucking limey." Alfred Jones snapped at a blonde British boy as their shoulders accidentally brushed. He wiped imaginary 'limeygerms' off his worn leather bomber jacket. "Now imma have to burn this. Thanks." He shrugged it off with a look that made one think it was tainted with the plague. He pouted at his favorite jacket

"Toss off Yankee," Arthur Kirkland replied coolly, placing his hands in his blue plaid school pants "It was destroyed the instant you put it on. Here's a suggestion; why don't you burn it before you take it off ? You could get rid of two God-awful things at once and make this school perfect."

"I'm sorry Iggy, what did you say, I don't speak dick." Al sneered as he draped the jacket over his right shoulder. He wasn't putting it on without it being thoroughly sanitized. Who knew what germs Iggy had.

"Sod, off wanker." Arthur growled and clenched his fists in his pockets.. There was no way in hell he would let this stupid American idiot make him lose his temper. Not again.

"I'm sorry, what? " Al said cupping his ear. ""You're so far down there I can't hear you. Oh! Or maybe those caterpillars on your face are blocking the sound waves. You should pluck them."

"And you should shut up," Arthur said sweetly, "But that's not happening any time soon. Better yet you should die. Isn't that what heroes do? Make the world a better place" he asked tilting his head in childlike innocence.

"Hey Iggs," Alfred smirked, sky blue eyes glittering maliciously, "Aren't Brit's supposed to be polite with bad teeth? Well..at least you've got the bad teeth part down anyway."

"I do not have bad teeth thank you very much. Tell me are you considering my suicide idea..I'd be happy to assist in making the world a better place." Arthur suggested his voice practically dripping poisoned honey. His patience had run thin long ago. Now it was just operating on fumes and pride.

"Nope, because that'd make you happy dude," Al shrugged "And if you experience any emotion other than anger, you run the risk of spontaneously combusting. I'm to nice to let that happen."

"That's a roundabout way of telling someone you like them Jones." Arthur quirked a large brow at the stereotypical American.

"No, I'm saying Hell didn't do anything to deserve you," he replied. He casually checked his nails for dirt.

"Go die in a bloody ditch!" Arthur snapped his hands clenched at his side while his forest green eyes boiled over with acid rage "At lease I don't have fat rolls hanging off my hips. Oh my! Just how much weight have you put on over the summer?"

"TAKE THAT BACK!" The American demanded childishly. "I haven't gained any weight! This is just muscle!" But Alfred checked his body for the dreaded rolls.

"Yes there is," Arthur snapped "It's called your inflated ego." This bloody Yank was starting to make him lose his cool. Damn it all.

At that moment, the air around the two filled with the scent of roses and pretension. From seemingly nowhere, Francis Bonnefoy appeared with a flourish at his best friend's side. "Mon ami," Francis said, flipping his golden hair. "I believe the bell is about to ring. Venez avec moi."

"Don't talk to me in your demon language you bloody frog!" Arthur snapped. But he let himself be steered away from the bigger of the two idiots.

Alfred jumped at the quiet sigh as his practically invisible twin appeared at his shoulder.

"C'mon Al, let's go to class before you get yourself suspended for fighting..again."

"Ninja!" Al shouted pumping a fist.

"Why are you so hard on little Alfred?" Francis asked draping an arm around the shorter blonde's shoulders. He had heard the explanation hundreds of times before, but in his mind it was best to let the Brit vent. It probably wasn't healthy..but Francis had never been one to care.

"You know bloody well why." Arthur said struggling,and failing, to get free of the Frenchman's death grip, He crossed his arms.

"But Arthur..all he did was leave you at the mall. Once. When you were in eighth grade"

"IT WAS MY THIRTEENTH BIRTHDAY!" Arthur shouted "Francis Bonnefoy..please get your hand off my bum before I cut it off with a plastic knife." Francis pulled his hand away.

"And did you bother to ask him why?" Francis asked quirking a ridiculously delicate brow and clutching his hand to his chest protectively.

"Yeah, but he wouldn't tell me." he sighed, shoulders slumping in defeat. "Did you give him a chance to explain? Or did you just yell at him. Arthur ignored the question and walked into class.

"Al...please tell me why you think it's a good idea to piss off the Student Council president?" Matt asked shaking his head at his brother as they headed towards Geometry.

"Because he has a stick up his ass, and I like shoving up there higher..I wanna see how far it can go before it cracks him." Al shrugged lightly.

"Are you sure it doesn't have to do with what happened back then?" Matthew asked asked they walked in the door.

"No...I just enjoy pissing him off." Al said as he sat down in the back row and took out his books.

Matt sighed and sat down. He brightened suddenly as a silver haired albino struttted into class. "Hey Gil." Matt smiled at his friend.

"Matti don't get to close"Al hissed. "You'll catch his stupidity." Al hissed.

"If he hasn't caught it from you..he's immune." Gilbert smirked as he sat next to Matt. "Besides the awesome me is too awesome to be stupid." Gilbert puffed out his chest and winked at a blushing Matthew.

Al was about to reply before the bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. He set himself to stare moodily out the window as the teachers droned on about pageants or tangents or whatever Geometry teachers blabbed on about for an hour.

Alfred's anger slowly ebbed away as he watched the early autumn breeze catch itself on the oak trees making them sway gracefully.. He smiled lightly at the deep, beautiful green of the leaves, just beginning to fleck with gold. He wondered absently where he had seen that gorgeous shade of green before and why he smelled burnt cookies when he thought about it.

Congratulations! You've made it past the first chapter!

Translation-(provided by crocious)-Come with me.

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