Post-series fic

This fic is going to be light-hearted for the first few chapters.


"I've walked into this room for years and I still haven't been used to it."

The room had large posters of Chappy the Rabbit posted on the walls and horrible sketches were strewn across the table.

"Oi, Ken'ichi! Wake up!" A tall orange haired man with violet stood at the doorway chucking a pillow at a spiky haired teen sleeping in his bed.

"What is it, Mamoru?" The dark haired teen sat up, rubbing his amber eyes.

Kurosaki Ken'ichi, 5' 6", age 16. Weight, 128 pounds; born on March 28th. Occupation: Junior Highschool Student.

The orange haired man named Mamoru scowled before replying, "You have about ten minutes to get ready for school, Oka-san will give yell at you again for being late."

Kurosaki Mamoru, 5' 11", age 18. Weight, 153 pounds; born on December 9th. Occupation: Senior Highschool Student.

Taking a look at his watch, "In fact, if you start now, you might be able to get breakfast."

Ken'ichi looked over at his clock and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.


Oh shit!

Quickly jumping out of his bed, Ken'ichi slammed the door in Mamoru's face before changing into his school cloths in record time.

Smirking, Mamoru casually walked out of the house. "I'm going to school now!" He shouted over his shoulder.

"Alright, have a nice day!" He heard a reply, before he took off in a sprint, having no intention what so ever to deal with his brother.

"I'm going to be late!" Ken'ichi shouted as he ran down to the living room. Quickly devouring down the food, he ran out the door and yelled, "Thanks for the food, Oka-san!"

"Your welcome!"

In the kitchen, a petite woman with hair that barely reached the back of her neck was busily washing the dishes. Her violet eyes narrowed in focus as she tried to scrub away a very persistent mess of a plate.

"So the kids have left already?" She looked over to the left and saw an orange haired man, looking at her with his amber eyes.

"Yeah, I really am going to miss them when they get old enough to leave the house."

The orange haired man frowned, "Hey now, I'll miss them too. Ready for the meeting, Rukia?"

Kurosaki Rukia, 5' 2". Weight, 86 pounds; born on Janurary 14. Occupation: Fukutaicho of the 13th division

"Just give me a minute; I need to clean the dishes." Rukia said as she began scrubbing furiously.

The man smirked before putting on a coat. After a few minute, Rukia walked out with a towel drying her hands. "Took you a while." He teased her, which earned him a kick to the shins. "Ouch!" He cried out as he rubbed it, he handed Rukia a white jacket. "Here, it's going to be cold."

Taking the coat, Rukia thanked him. "Let's go, Ichigo." Rukia said as she walked out, putting on her coat as she did.

Kurosaki Ichigo, 6', age 43. Weight 151 pounds, born on July 15. Occupation: Doctor and Shinigami daiko.

Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, Ichigo and Rukia walked over to the Urahara Shoten in a peaceful silence. When they could see the shop, they could see Urahara waving his fan above his head. Hurrying over, Ichigo and Rukia walked at a slightly faster pace.

"Alright, looks like everyone is here!" Urahara said joyfully before leading them down to his basement.

"Ohayou, Rukia, Kurosaki-kun!" The couple looked over at a busty orange haired woman running over to them and latching Rukia in a tight hug.

"…Ohayou… Orihime…" Rukia's voice was muffled out by Orihime's large chest. "…Can't… breathe…!" Rukia rasped out as she attempted to get out.

"Ah! Gomen, Rukia!" Orihime backed off and greeted Ichigo. "How is your day so far, Kurosaki-kun?"

"Just fine, how is yours Orihime?"

"Great!" After that, Ichigo tuned her out as she began rambling about her morning. It had become a routine after listening to her talk about the same thing over and over and over for six months.

"Ah so there are you three at." A raven haired, bespectacled man said as he jumped down towards them.

Ichigo looked over and smirked, "Long time no see, Ishida."

The man named Ishida pressed his hand against his glasses, "The same to you, Kurosaki."

"Yo Ichigo." A tall dark skinned man with brown hair walked over to him.

"Yo, Chad." Ichigo greeted back.

"Well then, let's get over to Soul Society. They would have a fit if we are late again." Urahara said as he opened a portal.

At the same time, Mamoru was in the hallways of Karakura High, wandering around.


Mamoru turned around and saw his brother, Ken'ichi, panting heavily, dripping wet, behind him. "So how's it going?" Mamoru said slyly as his brother give a piercing glare at him.

"You asshole… Why the hell did you trip me into a puddle?" as a drop of dirty water rolled down his chin.

"Well, for one it would have been funny, which it was. Two, it would make you late."

"Of course it'd be funny for you, since I'm on the short end of the stick. Cruel bastard…"

"What? Don't call me a cruel bastard, you rabbit obsessed moron!"

"BUNNIES! I don't like rabbits, I like bunnies! Get it right, 'Mr. I got fired for eating peanut butter'!" On a side note, Mamoru was working at a weird job one day. He brought lunch in the form of a peanut butter sandwich and the boss had a phobia over it, so poor Mamoru was fired as a result.

"At least I can get a job, you lazy ass!" Ken'ichi's first attempt at getting a job ended up destroying a house. Needless to say his parents weren't happy that time.

"At least I don't run into street signs while wearing sunglasses!"

"Rabbit-obsessed freak!"

"Blind idiot!"

"Couch potato!"

The two brothers glared at one another, before Ken'ichi spoke out again.

"First one to class wins!" Ken'ichi shouted as he tripped Mamoru before he could do anything; by kicking the back of his knee.

"That's cheating you bastard!"

Ken'ichi laughed out loud as he walked into his classroom and sat down. He overheard some girls giggling and some boys chuckling, paying no mind he thought of it as some high school gossip until he got swarmed by a dozen or so girls.

"Is it true that you like cute things?"

"You like Chappy?"

"Hey, let's go out, I have a lot of Chappy dolls!"

"Are you really obsessed with Chappy?"

"I heard you have a golden edition rare Chappy poster!"

"Let's make some cute Chappies!"

Ken'ichi was baffled by the sudden feminine swarm and the assault of private questions on his obsession with Chappy. He could feel glares at the back of his head from other males in the room, and he could hear snickers from others. He groaned as he planted his head down on the desk, and thought of two things.

This is going to be a long day.

Mamoru you bastard, why did you have to shout?

Yup, Ken'ichi inherited Rukia's Chappy obsession. Kurosaki family introduction! Just so you know, there's still someone else in the family. More characters to come!

Kurosaki Mamoru

Kurosaki Ken'ichi

Kurosaki ?