Hic, hic


Benson stumbled across the bar room giggling stupidly and drunkenly, hiccuping spontaneously as he tried to get out the door. Instead, he ended up kissing the ground when someone used the door. A cold blast of air hit Benson's face, but he was still drunk. Benson was a little tired, so he ended up taking a little nap on the cold gravel, lucky that no one had tried to steal his gumballs.

Later on, Mordecai decided he wanted to go on a midnight stroll through town. He walked down countless streets and just as he was passing the bar, he face planted after something tripped him. He rubbed his sore nose as he grunted a little, as though to acknowladge the pain, and looked down to find Benson on the ground by his feet. Mordecai jumped to his feet, careful not to step on Benson, and kneeled down to his sleeping form, thanking God he wasn't dead. He quickly shook him awake and Benson looked drunkenly up to Mordecai, vaugely wondering who it was, until he finally recognized him.

"Oh, hey Mordecai! How urrrrrr doiieennn," Benson slurred before bursting into a giggle fest. Mordecai pulled Benson to his feet and put one of Benson's arms around his shoulders, and he finally asked, "Benson, are you drunk?" "Hell yeesss i am." Benson yelled and laughed. "How drunk? How many fingers am I holding up?" Mordecai cried in worry as he held up 3 fingers. Benson squinted and kept looking at them before saying he only saw 7.

"I gotta get you home," Mordecai sighed, but Benson blurted out "Hey Mordecai! I saw a birrrdiees man!" Mordecai began walking back from the way he came from and before long, Benson was babbling crap again. One of the last things he said, was one of the strangest moments Mordecai ever had.

"Heyy Morrdeeacai, have I told you you arrrreee the best employeeevah, hahaha, I looooove youuuu!" Mordecai thought he must be that drunk and kept walking, but Benson said he was his favorite employee. Mordecai was getting a little more creeped out, but as he kept walking, he felt something touch his back and grope his crotch. Mordecai jumped as suddenly as he felt it, but as he looked behind him, it was Benson's hand on his crotch and Benson's lips on his back. Mordecai stiffened and gulped as he tried to pry away Benson's hands, but his hands wouldn't listen. It felt good, very good.

Benson mustve been that drunk if he was being gay. Mordecai moaned lightly and turned around a little because a microscopic part him wanted Benson to stop, but Benson cut him off by pressing his lips to Mordecai's. In Mordecai's shock, he didn't even realize that Benson's tongue had slipped past his teeth and played with his tongue. Mordecai moaned into it as he started to participate in kissing. Mordecai pushed Benson up against an alley wall and lifted him up a little as Benson's legs wrapped around Morrecai as Benson ground into him.

Mordecai kissed Benson with surprisingly little thought as to the fact that he was making out with his boss, AND the fact that his boss was a man. But he HAD given just one thought about this whole situation, because it was obvious what Benson wanted...

'so, how do I fuck a gumball machine?'