SOTP: Hey guys, I know, I know! Been a year since I updated this! I hope the wait was worth it though! Cause there's the first half of a lemon in this chapter! You know the rules. All little ones, please leave the room! Thank you. Please enjoy!



(Song lyrics)

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Before Angela could realize what was going on, Yami had whisked her away to the dance floor where they took up dancing positions. Yami took one of her hands in his and placed the other on his shoulder. He then put his free hand on the small of her back. Making Angela blush as he smiled warmly while they began to dance. The others in the club stared at them in amazement as a familiar song played in the background.

( I've seen, the things he did to you,
All the pain that he put you through.
And I see what's really going on,
Staying out at night while you're by the phone...

Take it from me
It's a lesson to be learned
Even the good guys get burned

Take it from me
See I would give you love
The kind of love that you've only dreamed of

Baby you're not the only one
You don't have to be afraid to fall in love
And I know that you've hurt in the past

But if you want it, here's my heart
No strings attached)

Angela lost herself in Yami's eyes as well as the music. Never had she felt this way before with anyone. Yami was unlike any man she ever met. He was kind, caring, smart and excepting of all her faults. Yami was just like a prince out of a fairy tale that made Angela feel like a modern day princess. Yet at the same time, she thought to herself if she was worthy of such a man.

After all, Mark had told her that no one else would want to put up with her. What if he was right? What if Yami didn't really like her more than a friend? What if he was just being nice and was actually annoyed with her? Angela knew she couldn't handle it if that were true. She truly had feelings for Yami. Feelings that were easily growing into love. She didn't want her heart be broken again twice in one week.

The thought of her feelings not being returned, quickly drove Angela to tears and made her throw her head onto Yami's shoulder. As if Yami could her mind, he stopped the dance and wrapped his arms tightly around Angela. He easily guess what she was afraid of and vowed to quell those fears. Yami lead Angela away from the dance floor and sat them down in a corner booth.

Kissing her on the forehead gently and held her close as he whispered softly into her ear.

"Angela, there's no reason to be afraid. I would never throw you away as you were before."

"I know, Yami. I know you would never mean to hurt me. But...I'm scared...I don't-"

"Angela...believe it or not, your my first love. You see me for who I am. Your not like the other girls who want me for the fame or popularity. You want to understand me and know who I am. I'm scared as well to be honest. No one wants to be heart broken. But despite this, my feelings won't change. I love you, and if I'm going to be hurt, so be it. As long as it's by you first."

Angela's eyes grew wide in shock for many different reasons. Not only did Yami just confess to her, but he was also just as scared of being heart broken as well.

Angela looked up at Yami with warmth in her eyes as she placed her hands on either side of his face. Pulling him in for a soft, gentle kiss that poured all of her feelings into. Yami easily gave in, no longer afraid. When they broke away, Angela whispered her answer to Yami softly. The words struck him like lighting bolts and made him feel like his heart was about to burst.

"I love you too."

The two smiled at each other before they continued with their dance. Feeling the happiest they ever had in their lives. After leaving the club, the new couple got into Yami's car and headed back to school. Since it was late and Angela's dorm was on the other end of the school, Yami offered to let her stay the night in his room. Which made her nervous as she answered.

"Yami, COED rules say that we have to be at our respected dorms by the end of the night. Even if the hours are extended to 3:00 AM on Friday nights and the weekends."

"I know, but it's a three day weekend in case you've forgotten. COED hours become null and void since hardly any students will be at the school."

"Oh, that's right."

"Didn't you have plans to visit your Father?" Yami turned to ask when he stopped at a red light.

"He's lives to far away. It would cost too much to pick me and turn right around to take me back to school."


The two were quite the rest of the way back until Angela spoke up when they pulled into the student parking.

"Yami, if you don't think we'll get in trouble..."

"Angela, there are no camera's in the hallways of the dorms. And my father trusts me, even in certain situations, to do the right thing. If you decide not to go any farther, I'll respect that decision."

Angela knew what Yami was getting at, and was glad that Yami respected her wants.

She nodded and walked with Yami to his room. The two walked inside Yami's dorm room and Angela became a little nervous as Yami closed the door behind them. She started to fidget and run her hand through her hair as she sat on the couch. It was then she realized her hair was sweaty. Angela also thought that she must have smelled of chemicals since she was producing photos in the dark room in class all day.

Angela looked at Yami as he was poured some sodas. He looked just as handsome and charming as he did on the day the met. She then decided if she wanted to go this far with Yami, that she should clean up and pamper herself. So Yami can remember this moment by her scent the feel of her body. Not by the smell of oils, chemicals, and paint.

Angela turned to Yami and took a breath before she spoke.

"Yami, could I use your shower? I'm all sweaty and stink like paint."

"Of course. I'll lend you one of my shirts."

Angela nodded in thanks and went to the bathroom after Yami handed her his shirt and a towel. It was quite nice with a jocose tub, standing shower, tall mirrors and stone floors. Angela took her time to wash her hair, and herself. Once finished, Angela dried herself off and slipped into the silky black night shirt that came down just below her knees. As Angela walked out of the bathroom, she blushed brightly.

For she was greeted with the site of a shirtless Yami. Sitting on the bed, while flipping through the television. Angela sat down quietly next to Yami and breathed deeply. Yami glanced over at Angela before turning off the T.V. and seductively slipped an arm around her waist. Yami then kissed Angela while caressing her soft breast. He then used his other hand to run through her slightly damp hair.

Angela kissed Yami back deeply and wrapped her arms around his neck. They quickly deepened the kiss by diving their tongues into each others mouths. Wrapping them together while the warmth of their breathes mingled. Yami broke away a moment later as he gently reached for her left hand. He then placed it on the thigh his leg. Which made Angela gasp as he whispered softly.

"Angela, touch me. There's no need to be shy. All of me belongs to you."

"But...I don't..." Angela said between breathes.

Yami smiled as he leaned his forehead against hers.

"Don't worry. You don't have to be perfect. Just take your hands, and run them all over my body. Please, touch me, kiss me, let me feel you."

Angela nodded with eyes that were glazed over by lust. Feeling a bit more comfortable and aroused, she kissed Yami's neck while running her hands up and down his chest. She then rubbed the inside and outside of his thighs. Yami painted harder with each touch. He fell onto the bed and allowed Angela to continue pleasuring him. She began to lose herself in doing so as she began to kiss her way down Yami's neck and chest.

He closed his eyes in bliss and moaned as his pants grew tight.

"Ooooh...Yes Angela, more...I want to cum to the feel of your touch! Hah...ahh!"

Yami's hard and throbbing manhood was begging to be released from it's confines. Angela blew softly in Yami's ear as she undid his pants and pulled down the zipper. Which pushed him over the edge as he released his cum the moment his cock was set free. Yami panted heavily and gazed back at Angela, who was concerned if she did what she was suppose to do.

Yami smiled in satisfaction as he cocked his head to side. A seductive look in lustful eyes as he ran a hand up Angela's smooth, bare leg. Making her moan as she gazed back at Yami. She could tell by the look in his eyes, that the night was far from over. Oh yes, Angela knew the moment Yami kissed her and pinned her to the bed, that the night was just beginning.

A night that either of them would forget.

SOTP: Teaser! Yeah, sorry to cut it off when it gets hot and heavy after you waited forever for this update. But I promise to update this much faster so you're not left hanging. Please leave nice reviews and again, sorry for the wait.