***Hello random people that are reading this! I'm Roxy. So, today is my birthday! Yay! Well, actually not today, because I like writing my stuff out ahead of time, but the day I put this up is my birthday! So, I do a resolution to myself every birthday. This year? One fanfic per day. That's 366 days, unless the world ends in December. I have no idea how I'll accomplish this, but I will! Somehow. As a heads up, there will be gay. And there may be crossover. But there will always be KH. Okay, enough introduction! Let the games begin!***

***Oh, and also... it's not going to be one long story. It'll be a different story each day, unless I want to continue one or the other, just little one-shots.***

***Okay, this one's going to be an AkuRoku. I love the pairing. I can't believe I used to hate it.***

Even though he saw them every year, the piles of presents that were stacked on the table on his birthday never ceased to amaze him.

Even though he only got three at most.

Namine was sitting in a fluffy white dress, surrounded by relatives and friends. All bringing her gifts and such.

Roxas opened his presents. There were two this year.

One was from his brother, Sora, and his friends in Twilight Town.

They had sent him the struggle trophy with only the blue marble attached.

There was also a letter.

Hey Rox.

Happy birthday! How does it feel to be sixteen? We won the struggle, but Hayner almost lost a bunch of times. If you were here we would've won for sure! But don't tell Hayner I said that. He'd kill me. Is Namine still getting more presents than you? Well, Kairi and Riku are okay here, in fact Riku's going out with that black-haired friend of yours… Xion I think her name was? Anyways, I'm going to ask Kairi to the Midsummer's Ball. You should come too! I don't know why you even go back home each summer, Mom and Dad hate you. I think they hate me too, come to think of it. But what would they say if they found out that their precious little girl liked OTHER precious little girls? *cough* Selphie *cough*. Speaking of the devil, how is the brown-haired-wonder? Write back soon!

There was a picture in the envelope. Hayner, Pence, and Olette were sitting in the Usual Spot, waving and holding the other marbles from the struggle trophy.

Roxas smiled a bit sadly at the picture.

The truth was that he missed Twilight Town, but his parents made him come home every year. He never knew why though, not until today.

"And that's our son! The faggot one!" His mother hiccupped, very drunk. He could hear her across the room as he still held his second present.

"He's gay?" His aunt gasped, "I knew he was trouble, that's why I never get him anything. When did you find this out?" She asked his mother.

"Quite a while ago. When he was eight I think, on his birthday. I bring him here to break his heart, just like he broke mine." She giggled.

Roxas stood up, not quite sure where he was headed, only knowing that he had to get out. He yanked his blue marble off his statue and put the unadorned trophy on the mantle. He was still holding his other present, the letter, and the picture in his other hand as he ran out of the house, tears spilling from his eyes.

Was that why? They hated him because eight years ago he kissed his best friend on the cheek because he got an awesome present?

He had thought it was normal, after all he kissed Sora on the cheek, didn't he?

Roxas sobbed and ran to the abandoned church. He climbed the steps and got to the bell tower. There was no bell anymore, just the rope.

Roxas climbed up the rope and got to the flat roof of the tower.

It was so high up. He measured it, it was five feet taller than the Twilight Tower.

And there was only enough room for two people to sit.

Roxas shoved the letter and the picture into his pocket, he stood there on the small roof, staring down at the ground.

Only one quick movement and his parents would never have to deal with him again.

His mother wouldn't have to be worried about her 'faggot' son. She wouldn't have to pretend to care. She'd only need to fake tears at a funeral and cover up any suicide note he may have left.

A blue sparkle caught Roxas's eye.

It was the ribbon of his unopened gift.

He sighed. He wasn't in the birthday mood, but he sat and tore off the paper.

And there, in the thin, flat box, was the thing that saved his life that day.

There was a picture of his best friend, Axel. And on top of it was a pink, heart-shaped silly band.

And Axel, unlike Sora, hadn't written a long letter or a song or a poem or anything silly that Sora would've thought up.

He had written on his picture a simple sentence.

Even if your parents don't, I love you Rox, got it memorized?

Roxas laughed through his tears at Axel's stupid catch phrase.

Maybe this wasn't that bad of a birthday after all.

Maybe his two little gifts were a world more than Namine would ever have.