Author's Note:
Inspiration for this one came while I was listening to "30 minutes" by T.A.T.U. I haven't written anything in a while, so I thought this would be good to do.
Please review! I really appreciate it!
Thanks for reading!
"Matt…I never thought you'd be killed…I'm sorry…"
The image from the television screen was burned into my memory, scarring it worse than my skin.
This plan was supposed to be safe for him. He was supposed to get out alive, so he could go home and play the new game I bought him, as a reward for helping me with this final mission. I left it on top of the TV when we left, so he wouldn't miss it. That gift was more than a thank you though; it was also a good bye.
I knew when I left the apartment this morning that I wouldn't be returning. Of course, I didn't tell Matt. He didn't need that on his plate. From the second I removed my helmet, revealing my face to Takada, I knew my fate was sealed. It was only a matter of time.
And here I am now, in the cab of this delivery truck. I hardly know where I'm driving to, and, really, does it even matter anymore? I've done what I set out to do. Within two days, Near is going to win the case, and I will have, in the end, assisted him. The one thing I vowed never to do, and here I am, dying to do it.
I know I'll die in the next thirty minutes. I only have to live with the knowledge (and resulting guilt) that I am responsible for Matt's death for another half hour.
Death can't come too soon for me. I am all too ready to die.
I pull into the old church, the walls crumbling with age, and I smile. What a fitting place to die, and yet, at the same time, how ironic. Fitting, because I've always been religious, and ironic, seeing as how I've broken nearly every commandment in the Bible. Does God enjoy irony? Maybe I'll still worm my way into heaven, if he does.
My thoughts are interrupted by a searing pain in my chest. A heart attack. It seems Kira couldn't be bothered to come up with something more interesting. This is his default attack. Considering what a thorn in his side I've been, I had expected better. This means he's panicking. Near has a good chance at winning. He never panics.
I can feel myself fading away, the pain gradually dulling. As my head hits the steering wheel, I see Matt, surrounded by light. He's there, waiting for me by the pearly gates.
"I've been waiting thirty minutes," he says, a trace of a grin on his face. "Hurry up, Mihael."
I realize I've already left my body. There is no pain. There is only Matt.
I drift into his arms, not sure how I can walk if I'm already dead. He embraces me, as warm and strong as ever.
"I didn't think you'd die," I say. "It was supposed to be me, not you."
"Does it really matter anymore?" he asks casually. "You're not getting away from me, even in death. Didn't I say I'd always find you?"
Yes. Yes, he did. The thought makes me smile.
Holding my hand, he leads me away from Earth, and away from all the pain it had brought us in our short lives. We are at peace now, and that's all that matters.
"I love you," I say, as we pass through the gate.
"I love you too," he replies. "Forever and always."
I know it's true. Finally, we can be together for all eternity. Finally, we get what we've always wanted.